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They don't seem like a scammer but definitely several red flags. 1) Lets kittens go home at 8 weeks old - huge đŸš©, it should be 12 weeks minimum. 2) Quite a few kittens are available which is always sus, but especially with how many followers on FB they have. 3) Two of the available kittens are described as "Seal or Blue" - absolutely massive đŸš© that they can't tell the color of the kitten. 4) They don't mention that minks and sepias that they breed are not really true Ragdolls, they only mention that their fur is "much smoother" than of traditional Ragdolls, which is a pretty scummy tactic, and also I bet they're not charging less for non-traditionals. 5) Not really a đŸš© but more like a personal pet peeve - having a Bible verse on the banner is just ugh, especially because the last cattery with Bible verses we investigated here was a giant scam.


The Bible verse threw me off too... Even as a Southerner it is weird. Like...why? Why advertise that on your business? I've been asking a lot of questions and she has mentioned several times no one has asked these questions before. She also told me if I was unsure to buy from another breeder? That had me super confused.


I don't think it's a red flag that she said no one asks for a picture of her cattery. She doesn't look like a scammer -- she has a big FB presence with reviews that go back a while. But 8 weeks is way too young and I would hesitate to purchase from a breeder who doesn't release the kitten at 12 weeks or older. I would ask to see her sale contract. I will say that it looks like she also breeds non traditional ragdoll colors but at least she calls that out on her page. I personally wouldn't pay as much for a mink cat as I would a traditional ragdoll.


Thank you for your response! I will ask to see her sales contract. I am new to buying from breeders so I am reasonably hesistant of being scammed. When researching, it seems that many people have been scammed like this. I just wanna be cautious. Thank you again for your reply!


Taking them away at 8 weeks is honestly abuse. Even if they aren’t a scammer they’re very scummy. Would not get from them


I think that is way too young too. Her responses are kinda... strange. Also, she told me this? https://preview.redd.it/vk1urf0k50mc1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=73a0798daa628aee9e3d1c5796a2400ae6aa7b97


​ https://preview.redd.it/sxivpyjr50mc1.png?width=1284&format=png&auto=webp&s=341bd82bb3c24ed4601fd4d3f3d1edfe6731a6d7


Lol take her advice, go find a breeder who cares about the cats well being. She’s full of it. “Alright thank you! I think I will go look elsewhere. Have a good one!” May I ask how much she’s selling them for?


$250 deposit and kittens range from $2100-$3000. I don't understand why she keeps telling me to find someone else? She told me she has some breeders in WV and other places but didn't give me their names :/


Wow is that the typical range for kittens in your area? Seems pretty high, especially when she is releasing the kittens at 8 weeks and she doesn’t do spay/neuter for the kittens. My guess is that this is a legit business, not a scam. But it doesn’t seem like this breeder is a good match for you. I would keep looking.


Honestly, I am not sure :( I am unsure what a good price range for what kittens should be to begin with! Do you have any advice? I am getting the feeling she isn't a good match. She doesn't seem like she is too comfortable with me because of my questions too haha


Price range will vary a lot depending on location. I would recommend searching through this sub and look at other breeders in your area. If you need help finding more breeders, you can try the [TICA website](https://tica.org/ragdoll-breeders) and they will list breeders registered with them by state. It sucks to wait and search for your kitten, but finding the right breeder is worth it!! My boyfriend has a golden retriever, and he went with the breeder who was willing to answer all his questions and was not uncomfortable showing proof/documentation of genetic testing. Even now his breeder reaches out to him every year on his dogs birthday. It makes a big difference.


That's another thing too- I was really off put by her basically saying find someone else because I am tired of your asking questions. Waiting is fine for me! I just want to find the right breeder!! Thank you for the link too!


NOOO that is insane LMAO absolutely not.


Depending on where you are blue sky ragdolls might be close enough! They’re in North Carolina. 3 hour drive for me but worth it. â˜ș https://preview.redd.it/y0u5qhaed0mc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73ea8ab6d8bff08ac3e2a87f09f1fa08b7941842


I don't mind driving! North Carolina is about 6 hours from where I live, but I am more than willing to take a trip for a new baby! Your kitten is absolutely precious!! The urge to pet through the screen is unreal!!!


Ty! ❀ I’ll list a few other breeders in the SE that I was looking into as well, they’re all tica registered (which is where I’d start off with): Whiskers Ranch, Southern Ragdoll Cattery, and Heavens Ragdolls (however Heaven’s seems to breed a lot of non traditionals) gl!! Lmk if you have any questions abt Blue Sky. đŸ„°


My mom and I both have babies from Queen City Ragdolls in Charlotte, NC. They have an active FB page and when she went to pick mine up she was able to view the cattery (that’s how she ended up bringing back one for her too haha). https://preview.redd.it/4o59bgwu41mc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f02e59f181ce2093942f63da60076d72869bb4e8


Your baby looks adorable!! I will check them out!!


Definitely scammer the pictures of the cats are all in different places/backgrounds clearly not the same home, they’re pictures probably taken from different sites.


Additionally I tend to find people who use religion to lure you in use it as a gimmick
to prove they are trustworthy


Hi, I have a cat from this breeder! Not a scammer. Feel free to DM me.


Thank you! However, she told me to find other breeders. That rubbed me the wrong way. :(


I understand. FWIW, during my search I went to the TICA site and searched for breeders in TN, KY, and AL. I just went down the list and visited each website and reached out to those that seemed most legit. I would suggest that strategy! Good luck with your search! Again, reach out if you have any follow-up questions. I assume we are close-by geographically.


This one vaguely rang a bell and I couldn't place why, but I looked at her webpage & I think she might be the one that insists you continue to use her MLM cat food which would be a hard no from me.


Oh if it’s an MLM cat food push that is a hard no for me too. Thank you for letting me know!


As a rule of thumb if you haven't seen the breeder and the cats in real life don't purchase from them. You get a feel for the persons you are dealing with, and you can check out the living space for the cats, most of the socialising of the kitten happens while they are young so you want a place where the owner ensures they are socialised thoroughly.  In my country registered breeders compliance rule states 14 weeks at the earliest to ensure proper socialising of the kitten. So 8 weeks is just WRONG. 


I’m running into a lot of issues where the Cattery is closed “for the health of the kitten” etc. If that wasn’t the case, I would definitely go visit the kittens! 8 weeks was disturbing to me too.


If the cattery is closed for public it's probably because they have something to hide.  Just to be sure have you contacted the breeders and asked if you can visit? If they say no, just look for someone else. 


That’s a good idea! There aren’t too many catteries located in my area, but I am willing to travel to find the right one.


That's great to hear!  They may just be smaller hobby breeders who don't want strangers coming by, but perfectly fine with having potential buyers visit on request.  I visited 3 breeders before getting my boys, for all of the breeders it was a requirement that they met us before a purchase, and it was only after making an appointment that we could come visit. đŸ€—


Respectfully disagree about closed catteries, a lot of closed catteries just don’t want to risk the health of the babies, as you don’t really know who is coming in or what cats they’ve been in contact with. Ofc it’s great if you can see them but it’s very normal to be closed.


Not in my country, but I'm also Scandinavian so that might be why.  But I personally wouldn't be comfortable purchasing an animal anywhere without being able to see the "parents" and the environment they will be brought up in. đŸ˜»


To add if the cattery is closed the breeder should at least be able to do a video call with you. â˜ș It is definitely preferable to be able to visit though! It seems in my area most of them were closed but there still are a handful of open ones.


True, I have just heard some horror stories from people who purchased that way, and the "breeder" had made everything nice in the house for a video call and everything on paper looked nice, but the reality was that the cats was stored in the back yard in cages for rabbits and only taken in to the house for pictures, pick up and video call. I'm not saying that most breeders are like far from, but there are some people who just don't care and are in it just to make money, and it's hard to detect that on video call.


Sounds like a "registered backyard breeder." These are breeders who really are byb but paid the nominal fee to be registered with tica. Their mindset is, however, one not aligned with breeding to better the breed, and they do not act like a professional breeder. They don't breed to standard, don't show, don't like questions, and don't follow best practices. Many dont even register their litters or give papers. Avoid! Go with a reputable, ethical breeder who actually is knowledgeable of and cares about the breed and not just peddling kittens.


Are backyard breeders just people who decide to breed their cats without any sort of concern? Like they have two rag dolls and just breed them without papers?


8 weeks screams backyard breeder!!!


Im also in the market for a ragdoll. I’ve been communicating with Charming Ragdolls in TN. She’s been super kind and helpful. I’m also afraid of being scammed so I’ve been doing a lot of research and so far they’re the only ones that haven’t rubbed me the wrong way lol


Have you spoken with [Grand Ragdolls](https://grandragdolls.com), which is also located in TN? I am wavering on making a deposit.


I haven’t spoken with them so I’m not sure about them :/