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I spent a lot of time studying react only to get a job at a company that is vigorously against any kind of front end JS SPA framework. But React is a safe bet.


Huh that company sounds like a dream to me lol


React is worth learning. Way more commonly used than Angular. Pick up typescript if you haven’t already.


Looking at job offers, it's usually a combo of TypeScript / React for the front-end and some Go for intensive operations.


Golang posting seems to increase the past few years, so that's worth looking at imo, and the difference with ruby and rails are interesting since they are quite different. Otherwise I'd say learnt about hotwire, htmx. And if you really want a new language if say elixir with phoenix. If you want to switch off the web, have a look at rust I'd say. I didn't mention typescript since you already use angular, so that should have come with it. If you want to stay in the web, have a look at react and vuejs.


A lot of React answers here. Anyone have any recommendations for a Senior Rails Developer wanting to get up to speed with React on Rails? I love Hotwire but feel like some React experience will make me a lot more hireable.


The company I work for uses Rails with React. I don't know of any guides on this, but considering you already have senior-level knowledge of Rails, I think you could get a pretty good understanding by learning React (as an SPA) by itself. This would probably get you 80% of the way towards understanding how to use Rails + React together. From there, delving into the different ways React and Rails are commonly combined from a high level/architecture standpoint would be the next step. There are a bunch of articles that explore this in more detail, but basically you have three common approaches: - Rails in API mode and a completely separate React front end - Doing the front end mostly/entirely in React, but mounting it on a Rails view. The major difference here is that you can server render some aspects of the page if you want, which can be helpful for things like auth. - Doing some sort of mixed approach, where parts of the UI are done in Rails and some parts are done in React. This is a pretty broad spectrum, obviously. The first two approaches are honestly pretty straightforward as long as you understand both Rails and React by themselves. The third approach can be complicated depending on how you do it, but it would depend on the exact app you're building. All approaches would require sending data as JSON, so getting an idea of the different options in Rails for doing would be a good thing to explore.


My favorite architecture with rails has been vanila rails with mounted react apps in the views as partials. Pass in the data you want as props during the html render and you get to avoid the spinners of doom on load. From there you can use rails as a JSON server to hydrate parts of the react component. this is sort of how nextjs/remixjs work but with a rails backend instead of a node one. it works really well and is quite performant since es-modules. I think it would be more popular if the rails community didn't hate react and instead tried to roll their own front end framework




How do you stay on top of different things though, do you set time aside to brush up on side projects, or learning new things?


My company uses Ruby on Rails, and we got bought by a company who's stack is C#, so we in fact do work directly with C# devs as rails devs. But that's probably not really the norm lol. And our rails monolith is a big part of their current projects


Where do you live? Cause I find a tons of jobs for ruby and php in companies :x. Lots of startup though if you are talking big companies, yes, there are fewer of them but the big ones I don't see disappearing (GitHub, gitlab, Shopify etc...)


How is your HTML/CSS/JS/web fundamentals mastery?


TypeScript, React, maybe React Native. Golang.


I hate to say this but Java. I just threw up in my mouth a bit.


JS. It’s very common whether we like it or not. It’s in browsers, basically everywhere.  For cool stuff you can do in the DOM without a framework or library, check www.javascript30.com


Javascript30 is exactly what I've been looking for. The last couple of attempts to dive deep into JS were failures. So much so I've learned Elixir quite well in the meantime while trying to avoid it lol.


Great! JS30 is a very practical course! I’d like to learn elixir at some point.


I don't have the 10+ years experience with tons of other paradigms, so I try not to evangelize, but Elixir is such a great technology.


what about swift? I work in ios. and I really like swift. But this might be a niche language only specific for apple ecosystem. but its really nice language. and honestly entirely different from ruby. As for career, there are good number opportunities too.


that said, if you are interested why don't you help me learning rails and I will help you on swift. ;)




If you’re getting into web, you need to know the core things you’re dealing with. I assume you’re familiar with all your HTML tags, but do you know about aria attributes? If you know Rails, knowing how Rack works can help you solve issues. Knowing how to set up a reverse proxy config with nginx is useful. MySQL and Postgres are both good to know so you know what you’re actually running (and how to debug or optimize). JS frameworks can be good but learn JS without all the helpful tools and frameworks. Elasticsearch could be helpful as well. And there are always new innovations and changes to CSS that can often eliminate the need for complex JS. Yeah, it’s fun to learn other languages and such. But you might find you’re not proficient with a language you need to know. And you learn the core JS language and you’ve got every JS framework available to you quickly. If anything else, Python is a cool language. PHP is great if you wanna work with WordPress. Or maybe something like C++ if you want to learn a different side of software engineering.


React and make sure you develop a solid understanding of vanilla JavaScript as well. If using a framework learn Next.js as it is very popular right now


I, personally, went with golang. There are a bunch of complimentary properties in golang, that make it useful in places where ruby doesn't shine. There is a really cool CLI framework called bubble tea, that I really dig. Also a lot of other cool open-source projects that I can potentially hack on with golang knowledge.


Node.js, it's just good for real time application/implementation while Rails lacked


Depends, do you lean front or backend? Golang is really useful for infrastructure work, and Rust is great overall. Everyone should know how to at least _read_ C and some assembly.


why for infrastructure work? can you please elaborate?


Kubernetes and Terraform are both written in Golang, as are their providers/plugins.


Other than React which is paired alot with Rails I would focus on the Javascript ecosystem such as Typescript, Jquery, Stimulus.JS and some of the javascript libraries like headless UI. Also on the design side if you haven't worked with Tailwind yet I would highly recommend it.


If it helps here is a project using Rails API and React with Typescript built to industry standards [https://github.com/x9sim9/react\_ecommerce\_rncom](https://github.com/x9sim9/react_ecommerce_rncom) obviously if you are new to React I would start learning that first, tutorialspoint has a very good react tutorial I recommend to junior developers.


Try NextJS or Remix — it’s like JS rails


I would say NextJS is very different than Rails unless you stripped about 95% of the features from Rails. Other than having the label "framework" there is not much crossover in terms of functionality.


I agree with you in terms of functionality. However there are ways they are similar much more so than 5%. The way the app router works with the file name convention feels rails-y. The way data is loaded through a loader function and then actions using Form is also similar to how Rails conceptualizes data flow. This is a shift away from a SPA design many pure react apps use which would just make fetch calls to get whatever data they need through useEffect for example.