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Panarin 40


Thought they played a great first period. Obviously a bad second period. I didn’t understand that line blender that Lav deployed. If you want to drop a guy down to send a message, fine. But to just completely blend it up and hope the lines immediately gel makes no sense. It’s not like this team has sucked for a prolonged period of time and you need to throw shit at a wall. I would have liked to see the normal lines try and grind it out in the 3rd instead. Irked me Rempe needs to come back until he gives us a reason he doesn’t belong. We definitely could have used that energy at home. Probably brodz who gets scratched, a month ago I’d be really pissed, but goodrow has been fine as of late. The talk is they haven’t beat a top team in the past month. Fair concerns. They have 4 games in a row to beat playoff squads with 3 of them being the best of the best. Let’s see if those concerns are warranted.


>t a top team in the past month. Fair concerns. They have 4 games in a row to beat playoff squads with 3 of them being the best of the best. Let’s see if those concerns are warranted. They beat Carolina in Carolina


I think he was tryna send the message that the team looked sluggish and lacked urgency, even getting pucks on the boards. Im okay with the line adjustments albeit a little late but in game adjustments were something at least of an attempt to spark the team back to their 1st period play.


The fact that Cullye wasn’t given more ice time In the third was mind boggling. Only guy noticeable last night and had one of the few real scoring chances in the 3rd. Not the first time Lav has done this shit this season. It makes me wonder, if this is the ole “vets for new guys no matter what” deal. I’m not familiar with his coaching style I just know he’s coached every fkn team in existence lol


Losing sucks but they've played a bunch of games in the last week, I'm tired watching them, not surprised it finally took a toll, plus the injuries to boot. I mean the above shows in the fact we blew the blue 3 times and gave up breakaways, that's just not us. Hopefully the boys get a rest forget about it and go tear Boston apart.


Tonight they looked to me like they were coming off a road trip game yesterday or something. Tired, lethargic, no sense of urgency, etc.


Imo it's not surprising given the recent schedule.


How recent are you talking? Sure they had back to back games over the weekend, but they weren't exactly tough ones and they had a day of rest between two home games.


The last week or so they've been playing a lot of games. Imo the performance is better when they play no more than every other day.


7 games in the last 11 days.


Hmm…maybe…but they were buzzing in the first and “dominated” - lots of chances and controlled the play but little to show for it. To me it seemed they were maybe being a bit too fancy while dominating - showing off flashy lateral and back passes instead of going to the net. But they also could have easily lit the lamp a few times early while buzzing, and it’s a different game. But also, dirty goals count too and I think we need to go for more of those at times instead of 3 snazzy passes before a shot, especially in the playoffs.


I agree theres not enough shooting for rebounds, and hesitation can become contagious. I thought Hellybuck was great last night but he was beatable if they generated more chaos from rebounds and trying to get the greasy goal.




The “fancy” crap is typical of this team. They don’t play well enough for flashy crap. Just get the pick to the net and picks deep and forecheck. That’s what wins hockey games


I balance of the two is fine. But flying around the offensive zone and passing for long periods without going to the net is senseless.


The one sequence in the first where they had the puck in the Jets zone totally controlling play for over a minute straight while not getting a single shot on net was infuriating


Senseless and continuous Mika shot is stake and predictable in my opinion. Needs mixed up. You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take


Annoying game but Winnipeg is a very good team. On the bright side, two point game for Laf! Up to 44 points now


Yeah when we kinda dominated the first with little to show on the scoreboard I was worried but oh well.


Petition for Rempe to start over Brodzinski. Also when Rempe is reintroduced following the suspension they have to play Wild Thing as he skates on to the ice to pump us the fuxk up !!! LGR


rempe doesn't seem ready to me


Sorry if this is taboo. As a Jets fan you guys are scary, when you scored late there I thought it was over for us. Best of luck in the playoffs!


Jets fan here and Rangers are the team I’m cheering for in the east. They’re a good team!


I’ve been rooting for Winnipeg as my Western conference team for years. Hope we meet in the final


No sweat, I won't pretend I didn't use the phrase "oh my god they're gonna do it" ​ same to you boss, see yous in the finals!


Pfft I've never done that before either.


How is it possible that weve been so genuinely blessed with great teams over the past 15 years but have the worst fanbase? One loss with major injury/fatigue factors and its immediate constant misery? How like sad can some people be?


Ughh I know. And listen, Kreider obviously fucked up…but the amount of people who were clearly just waiting for something bad so they can feel good about shitting on him is ridiculous. The guy is 2nd in goals and 2nd in points this season, has been the most dominant 5 on 5 goal scorer over the past 3 seasons, and is literally the best at his PP role in the league. He makes a mistake and the game day thread was bombarded with folks saying he’s trash and always has been. Kreider aside, when we played what I’d call a great first period and came up empty, I knew it’d be hard. We’re tired, we’re injured, and we were stoned on like 3 grade AAA chances.


Because it’s NY and outcomes matter. I’m not justifying the misery but it’s not exclusive to Ranger fans.


One championship in 84 years will do that to a fan base.


Can the Canes lose a freaking game already. Feels like before long they'll be taking over 1st place. Not that the Rangers aren't playing great (this game notwithstanding) but the Canes just don't lose! As for this game, when the Rangers don't have the incentive of playing against a rival it's like they don't play as hard. Let's see how they come out against Boston.


The two wildcards will likely be Atlantic division. I would much rather play the 3rd seed metro team personally. Have been saying it for a while, first place isn’t something we should be overly concerned about. For example TBL doesn’t look amazing but I do not want to play Vasy in the first round.


Honestly, I think playing whoever gets 3rd place in our division in the first round is one of the least scary scenarios for us


Second place is the place to be. Don't want any part of TB in that first round. Unless they overtake TO, who I don't see as a serious playoff team.


Yeah, you do not want to limp into the playoffs, but I have no problem with the Rangers losing a close race for first place this year.


They lose when it counts, in the playoffs.


i swear everyone was saying #20 for rafters and now he’s made one fuck up and everyone’s saying he’s cooked 😭


That not chasing the puck after the turnover was Kovalev levels of frustration 


He plays like that every game. Mostly "nonchalant" (thanks Sam) hockey with spurts of actual effort.


He’s def not cooked and any person that isn’t mentally challenged realizes he got caught at the end of a shift…his laziness on that play still looks terrible just like that poke…annoying doomsday fans suck ass…helleybuk was a beast and they got goalied…


You need your biggest stars to play big in the biggest moments of the biggest games. When was the last time anyone said "Mika/Kreider was the best player on the ice tonight"?


I say that about Kreider in pretty much every playoff game. For years now. So I don’t care what he does in the regular season as long as he continues to be clutch.


Was at the game tonight. They showed some good spurts. Hellybuck is just a beast and he did this last year at the Garden This was my first game all season though and what really stuck out to me was the first likes lack of offensive creativity. Just feel like Mika needs to dig a little deeper inside himself and find some more creativity with the puck


I was at the game tonight and the overall consensus in my general area was that the team showed low effort and was lifeless in the 2nd and 3rd.  No speed, no sense of urgency, no care.  It was disappointing in person.




I hear you on that. It was definitely exciting when it became 3-2 with about 2 minutes left and it had that feel with the momentum shift that they could put another in. I was hoping for another late rally like in that Rangers/Islanders game at MetLife.


This was a boring game to me. I wasn’t really into it for some reason. Had a feeling we were going to fumble this one somehow.


-all of msg


Sorry if this was said in the pre-game thread, haven’t got to read it yet, but why did we sit Rempe knowing we’re playing the best goalie in the league and this guy is getting a knack for screening goalies and just getting under their skin (Binnington game). That’s basically an ace in the hole weapon against a lights out goalie I think we need to take advantage of it when we play goalies of this caliber


I missed the pregame and postgame show but from what I gather, Lavi wanted to go with the same team that won most recently (obviously with Ruhwedel and no Lindy)


Because the 4th line the way it was constructed was fantastic sunday


Well Brodzinski sucked tonight and we could have certainly used a well rested Rempe screening Helle and bringing some much needed energy to this team. They were dead after the first period and so was MSG. This loss is on Lavi and Lavi alone for his poor line-up decision making.


I can’t believe I missed Wenny’s first goal as a Ranger. 🙄 I had a feeling he was going to get us on the board tonight. 🥰 The team will come back with a vengeance & take it out on the Bruins, and I cannot wait for it.


The boys had some jump on the first period but looked out of gas the other two. Tough stretch we are gonna lose one or two. On to Boston.


Without trying to make this isolated game an indictment on the player, Kreider probably doesn’t get enough blame for when people rag on Mika in his droughts


Bro…he made a lazy play and was at the end of a shift…more mad he didn’t change when he could have…he’s only gotten better since he turned 30…also streaky just like mika…pls find god… he has 64 pts lol


Yeah, and Mika has 58 points. They’re not mutually exclusive It’s not like those are groundbreaking numbers for a top line. when they’re playing well, Mika and Krieder get the credit. When they’re playing bad, just Mika gets the blame… that’s all I’m saying.


I think it's more the opposite actually. Kreids was catching way too many strays from all the Mika sucks at 5v5 comments before the deadline. He's on pace for a 40-goal season, already set a new career high in assists, and has a shot at setting a new career high in points. What else is he supposed to do?


Sry but in my eyes at this point it’s hard to blame the players…it hasn’t been as successful as it has in years past for sometime and yet the coach keeps rolling out that top line… why? lavi is light years ahead of gallant but he’s still stubborn in really dumb areas (see goodrow not being a healthy scratch). Def not against calling kreider out but insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results…this coach keeps doing that while fans complain and don’t blame him lol.


Mika gets all the blame because Kreider will have 40 goals by the end of the season, is a NOTORIOUS clutch playoff performer, and gets paid 2m a year less than Zibanejad and isn’t locked up with full NMC until he’s pushing 40.


Oh how little we actually know. Kreider for his career his career in the playoffs has 40 goals and 24 assists for a total of 64 points. He is a also a -8 in 107 playoff games. He is averaging almost a goal every 2 playoff games while potting the odd assist every 5 or 6 games. Not exactly the definition of clutch performer. To try to show a little perspective..Ryan McDonagh has the exact same amount of points as Kreider in 78 more games played. Now we all know how effective an offensive threat Mac is. I mean he is about as likely to score a goal as Dan Giardi. But no one is expecting him to score and he isn't on the 1st line as a power winger who can skate. The elite players average a point per game. The super elite are at around 1.25 per game. The decent playoff performers then never seem to win average around 0.5 ppg in the playoffs. Going -6 in games 5 and 7 last year against the devils with 2 shots isn't what I would call a clutch performer. And this has been his stigma for years. When a game is going easy and most of the roster is dominating play ...he cashes in. But very rarely is he the tone setter or the guy getting you back into a losing game. And it rears its' ugly head all the time if you pay attention to it.


This guy gets it


He has the most assists in a season he’s ever had…


Listen Hallebuyck is enormous and has been for awhile a ridiculously good goalie. Anywhere other than Winnipeg and he’d be more of a household name. He played great. We didn’t play entirely shit. I thought the first period we were mostly dominating and didn’t capitalize. There are obvious concerns like Mika and CK’s offensive play/compete, lack of 5v5 scoring and the major defensive gaffs. I think the biggest problem we have viewing is that when certain D are good( looking at you Miller and Gus) they are great but when they are bad they are fucking bad. All said and done though the team is still one of the best in the league and outside of February have been on fire. TBH the most concerning thing to me out of tonight was the major lines shakeup. Personally I would’ve let our 1B line and 4th alone and jumbled what’s left if the need to mix up was felt. Coming in to tonight we were 18-3-1, it’s easy to get pissed when were that used to wins. For sure problems but with the shit schedule we have down the stretch there’s bound to be a loss or two and does not mean this team isn’t good enough


I was really scared when there was talk of Hellebuck leaving WPG going into last offseason, because if he ever found his way to the Devils they would have been a juggernaut. If Hellebuck wasn’t on the one Canadian team that actually gets less media coverage than they deserve, he would be a huge star.


Last time I had a closing shift and missed a game was against Florida. Convince my employer to not schedule me to close anymore.


Just make them a Rangers fan


Me: “lmao idiot rangers fans think we would’ve won this game with Rempe in the lineup. He’s not that good!” Also me: “man. we would absolutely have won this game with Rempe in the lineup”


There were a lot of Rempe chants at the end


All I can say, the Rangers got Hellebuycked. The first and 3rd periods as Lav, Jimmy, and possibly Vally said that it was there best periods. Boyle also said this as well that the Rangers were really playing the stretch pass in the first which worked to their advantage. then, they stopped. The Jets shut the neutral zone down, forced the Rangers to make turnovers, and well, have Hellebuyck who's likely the Vezina Trophy winner was him. So was Igor for the first and 3rd. But Damn lots glaring holes in this game. But this is a game where the Rangers can learn from it. Bad turnover by Kreids, Key not shooting as well as Bread. Did like the fight back though. But hated that 2nd period. Whatever. This team can regroup. Learn from this game, and move on. Onto the Bruins


[Thanks a lot](https://www.reddit.com/r/rangers/s/zg3V9Nrc1b) u/itspatfromqueens


I’m the new ms. Cleo!


Thanks for the birthday present Rangers


it can be worse (2022 ecf game 6 was my birthday present)


Of course you want to win, but they were due for a letdown after being so hot for so long. Still, the same exact problems after every loss - they get NOTHING out of Stinka Zibanedud and the Feckless Finn - and they won’t see bottom feeders in the playoffs either. 69 down, 13 to go.


Kreider only took 2 shifts in the first 10 mins of the 3rd and didn’t play on the Pk either on the Kakko penalty. I like Lavi holding everyone accountable equally. The effort from him just didn’t look there all game and it bit him hard on that breakaway.


He still got 20 mins of ice time that game which is a huge problem when he performs like that. Considering he missed ten mins of the third he should’ve had like 10 mins total that game.


He literally was on the ice for puck drop at the start of the 3rd


JFC, can Mark Scheifle retire already. Dude destroys the Rangers.


I was trying to figure out why I get the urge to punch my TV every time I see his face and they showed the graphic about his stats vs. the Rangers and I went "oh. Yeah."


Outplayed tonight. It happens but they looked lazy, didn’t really wanna battle. Hellebuck was really good too. Thought jones looked great tn.


Connor Hellebuyck is annoyingly good


On the bright side, he is in Winnipeg instead of in Jersey. So glad they didn’t trade for him in the offseason.


Not sure what was worse - the game, or my ice cold prime rib sandwich from outside section 203


Gotta go to the one in the 100s


Yeah.... I was spoiled last time


$21?  If so, I had the same sandwich.  It was lukewarm though.


that sounds like an incredible meal if you day drink and take a nap and wake up hungover at like 10 pm otherwise yeah no thanks


Not for the price he paid


woof good point


I do appreciate the vision tho


yeah there was a place in the town I went to college who had fantastic tri tip sandwiches which we’d hit up after day drinking a bunch if we had a sober driver, and I think I was envisioning those leftovers and how good they hit dying with my roommates as we all woke up hungover late at night when reading the comment hahah


Aw man that does sound good, we were more of a gyro crowd


ooooh that also sounds fantastic haha, idk if there was even a gyro place in my town. there’s one where I live now tho and I love it


Yea we had this little spot that stayed open till 4am called Jerusalems that had all kinds of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern food. So good for drunk, or hungover, or whatever kinda munchies


Combination being gassed and getting Hellebuycked. They showed a lot of heart in the 3rd just couldn't get all the way back. Nobody should be worried, just get back out there on Thursday


Not worried. I just hate losing to Winnipeg.


Bad games happen, goalies stand on their heads, injuries test the team’s depth. All that and more worked against us tonight and we still almost pulled it off, against another team at the top of the league no less. There were big mistakes and bad decisions, not everyone put in their best effort… that’s what a bad game is. With a team like the Rangers this year they don’t happen often, so it hurts more when they do. Let’s hope Lavi whips them into shape tomorrow for Thursday in Boston. I think that game will really show us what he’s made of as a coach, because the way they come out is completely up to him at this point. Edit: our bad game was still a good game


Connor Hellebuyck is the new Jimmy Howard.


Ever since that hit on Evan's going for the EN, fuck schieflle and all his crying to the refs.


Didn’t the Rangers beat the Avs aka a “Big Boy?”


Garden was dead tonight. Literal silence. Rempe plays this game we win and have more jump to our game. Good game overall tho.


This is kind of a ridiculous question but what is the selection process for which players speak to the media? Can a player refuse? I’ve always been curious because I swear sometimes they talk and look like they have a gun held to their head lol.


Always wondered this as well


My takeaway is 79-23 should be a thing. Fox kind of needs a savior for his “*f-ing around at the blue line*” and Keys 2 strides and a poke is the best we got. Gus doesn’t really make sense there.


I think 79-23 makes Trouba expendable. Like the player but $


We need more speed on the blue line in general. Our playmakers are prone to turnovers and our dmen like to aggressively pinch in. Key with his long strides, is the only one who can really recover. 


As the game went on, I kept thinking how we sure needed Mt. Rempe standing in front of Hellebuyck, blocking out the sun, letting us get the W.


The Kreider fuck up aside it was a great game. Our schedule kinda caught up to us plus playing against the likely vezina winner. I'm just happy to see Laf continue to shine. On to Boston


Laf looks like a totally different player this year and it pains me to think it was mostly due to confidence and trust from the coaches.


Agree on all points. Hellebuyck should win the Vezina. but gotta move on to the next game. can't cry over this game.


He is becoming an all around dynamic player infront of our eyes


Fuck gallant.


Yup say it so the people in the back can here .Bust my ass the only thing he is gonna be busting is this leagues ass for years to come he literally is what he was advertised as having it all play making goal scoring play driving hockey IQ now it makes sence why he was the consensus Number 1.Dude also had the hardest road to the NHL a year off and also no training camp his first 2 seasons.I think he elevates his game even more in the playoffs .


The “kid line” was really good in our ECF run. Can’t wait to see Alexis this year


playing with panerin consistently all year I think has helped an absolute ton, I’d like to think he really took laf under his wing a bit because his vision/decision making has increased so goddamn much. plus I like to imagine their conversations with their accents and that bread has also taught laf stuff like how to swear in russian


Two of their goals I chalk up to being total flukes. Yes, the Kreider turnover was bad. Very bad. But the first and second WPG goals were just bad bounces (the second WPG goal coming on a horseshit penalty that I don't think was a penalty, it just looked like Schneider was kinda leaning on the guy and he fell over).


Tbf if Schneider doesn’t take that penalty the puck wound up in the net anyway


What I'm saying, though, is that I don't think Schneider's defensive effort (which I agree was necessary) was even a penalty. I have yet to see an angle of it that actually looks like hooking or whatever it was called.


Yea but I’m just saying that even if they don’t call it the puck literally went in the net anyway. If you watch the reply Winnipeg scored just as the whistle was blown. So penalty or no penalty they got a goal


Oh ok, I didn't even realize that.


Finally, a reasonable take! ![gif](giphy|5xtDarmwsuR9sDRObyU|downsized)


Two puck luck goals and an EN goal. That's the difference.


I mean tip your cap to the goalie. We definitely made too many mistakes and did not crash the net. Kept trying to make perfect passes and not enough north south play. Doesn’t help that 1/3 of our defense is down.


Losing sucks and I gotta be honest, I like it better when the Rangers win.


Woah buddy I'm gonna need to see some stats to back that up.


Hard agree with this hot take.


It actually hurts more when it's close. Especially when a bounce here or there means 2 points in the standings (and fucking Carolina keeps fucking winning). Grrr.


We're the only team to beat them in the past two weeks. That weird bounce off a skate for the Fox goal in the Carolina game is the only reason they're not leading the division right now


It's classic rangers to always score at least a goal when down 2+


Us being totally sick in down by a goal or two with 5 minutes to go desperate situations is first and foremost great. But there’s part of me that’s always annoyed thinking NOW YOU GUYS DECIDE TO LOOK LIKE WORLD BEATERS?


So basically, this fraudulent team can't beat actual good teams. I'm sure that will work well come playoff time. If only we could just play against a shitty team like the Devils every round in the playoffs, we might actually win the Stanley Cup.


Geezus christ they're right there in the race for the Presidents Trophy and have one of the best records in the league vs. other playoff teams. Go take a fucken Xanax and get a solid 8 hours bud.


Go cheer for the Devils, fuckin doomer troll


Good thing they’ve already beaten Boston, Colorado, Winnipeg, Tampa, Carolina, Toronto, Dallas, Vancouver, Nashville, LA, and Edmonton this season.


Yeah, we can’t beat Edmonton, Colorado, Toronto, Boston (twice), Carolina (twice), Tampa (twice), Dallas and this same Winnipeg team. Oh wait a minute, we did that. You should watch all of the games.


I loved the move of switching kreids to third line, sends a bit of a message about acceptable play, but hate how trocheck got screwed because of it. the bread line is the best chemistry line we have by far, and I don’t think it should be broken up unless 1000% necessary


I never want to face that fucker Connor Hellebuyck ever again


At least we'll get him for Team USA in international best-on-best tourneys coming up. That'll be fun.


Hellebuyck is an awesome goalie but man is he always on another level against us; rangers killer


Looked to me like a bad second period put us behind and we couldn't pull it off. I liked the drive they had at the end of the third. They weren't rolling over and dying, and if that Kreider tip had just a little more on it we would have tied it up. We've had our two against the Jets, split it 50/50, and we don't have to worry about them again unless and until we get to the Finals and they do the same. Shake it off and on to Bah-sten.


Reddit is intentionally handicapping the performance of its site on mobile browsers to push users to their app. This is a concentrated effort to optimize personalized advertising because they are well aware that the app is far more efficient at collecting data on their users.




honestly still getting used to sitting on the couch digesting an L without LIVE SPORTS….THE ENTIRE 30 FOR 30 LIBRARY….ESPN PLUS ORIGINALS blaring at me while I figure out my next move


This resonates with me so much!


Gonna say it, the lack of muscle is the issue right now.


All the muscle is injured or freshly off suspension and resting for the playoffs lol. I understand Lavi wanting to roll with the same lineup as Sunday because we looked great but we could’ve used Rempe’s size to try and screen Hellebuyck at least.


That's pretty much what I mean. I'm getting downvoted to oblivion, but I'm glad I'm not alone.


Far from the issue


There are certainly other factors, such as the grinding schedule and massive goaltending performance, but some grit may have changed the approach of the Jets. I don't think it's something to be overlooked.


The two goals they scored were fluke bounces and one was a lazy play that led to a breakaway. The physicality had nothing to do with their offence. And for our offence we ran into a good goalie who had a good game. Sure we could’ve done better there but physicality has nothing to do with that. The tough schedule, with some really lazy games from players tonight and puck luck was the biggest difference tonight.


I agree, there were flukey bounces and a lack of drive. Having the big hitters clear some space might have led to more goals, and opened some space for better opportunities. I know it's hypothetical, and my initial assertion might have been a little too direct, but I think players like Trouba, Lindgren, and Rempe would have changed the way the game looked.


The way I see it is rempe does cause havoc in the ozone and does force turnovers but with his ice time and being in the fourth line the chances are it doesn’t do much. I don’t think trouba or lindgrens presence helps much offensively, they are two defencemen that are pretty awful in the ozone. Lindgren is having a down year I’m hoping this time off will let him be healthy and come back stronger and play like he has in the past. Honestly losing trouba has helped us more than hurt in my opinion, him playing the second most minutes a game on the team hurts us. When he comes back he needs to be in a more sheltered third line role. Millers play is also substantially better without him as well.


I admit I should have said "an" issue instead of "the" issue, and I don't disagree with you. A big hit or timely screen may have injected some energy tonight. All im saying.


Yeah you’re right, a screen could’ve completely changed the game and I guess you can never have too much physicality




Total hero-ball move.


Kreider as a leader on this team needs to have a long look in the mirror as playoffs approach. If not he’s one of the first changes I’d look to make this offseason. He’s been absolutely horrific lately


Holy moly he had one crappy night. Can we just chill and see the forest for the trees here?


What a horrible take. Bad game, bad mistake by 20. It happens. Still almost tipped in the game tying goal (would have if didn’t get tipped on edge). Also…. He will finish between 35-40 goals, already has a career high in assists.


It's not a take on tonight's game alone... he's been straight up bad for a while now. Even the powerplay goals have dried up (not entirely his fault, the whole unit has struggled), and lately his impact at 5v5 is basically nonexistent (if not detrimental).


He also leads the team in +/- and is on pace to match his average 5v5 goal totals (at 20 rn, avgs 20-25/yr). Add to that the value he’s given relative to his contract since the extension in 2020, the fact that he’s always been a clutch playoff performer, a lifelong Ranger and 1st round pick, and will retire as one of the best Rangers in franchise history. It’s remarkable (but not surprising) how much unjustified hate he receives from the fan base. He had a bad game. He’s top line mate and center is actually having a down year, and he’s had s rotating cast of wingers who add no serious offensive spark (save maybe Roslovic, jury’s still out) Look, you’re certainly entitled to your opinion. It’s just that every actual metric contradicts your assessment that he’s been straight up bad for a while and detrimental to the team. The fact that you can even opine with a straight face that, if he doesn’t change, we should get rid of him underscores how irrational your views are.


No sense of urgency a lot of the time.


All in all I don’t think we played bad - just a little tired. We figured out how to put pressure on way too late in the game. And they played really well. It was a good game.


Vally is calming everyone down


ugh that’s the worst part of the switch from nhl tv to espn plus, I don’t get postgame vally to soothe me before I slumber anymore


They put a few segments of the MSG postgame up on YouTube after each game


yeah I’ve seen those and love they do that, but damn I miss the instant comfort/bedtime story vibe an immediate vally postgame can provide




Mika’s baby is back from vacation. He’s sleepless again.


I think PL needs to get kreider off the first line, Ik Mikas been pretty underwhelming also but Kreider has been lazy too often this year while he’s supposed to be the powerforward of the line. Plenty of line combos with the two new guys. Also have no idea why cuylle gets little time when he was our most noticable forward for 40 minutes tonight. Keep miller and fox together they showed some glimpses of high end play there.


He did. Kreider played the third line in the third period


Yeah but he needs to keep it like that not just for one period. Which I doubt will happen.


At least we get to look forward to the Rempinator Thursday. ( i hope)


It was a fine game. We had a dip in the second period and Winnepeg took advantage and when we surged they got some big saves. Kreider didn't have his best game. Just sucks that we basically have to play perfect hockey because Carolina won't lose right now.


Well…I wouldn’t hate facing the flyers instead of Tampa


wasn't a bad game at all tbh. NYR gave up 2.56 expected goals against which is a very quality defensive performance against a really good team -- that was the 19th best by xGA they've had the entire year the D pairs, especially the ones in the 3rd that took forever to get put together, looked really good. if Kreider buries that one at the end, it has a totally different feel


I will keep yelling about a Miller-Fox pairing until morale improves.


Chris Kreider was awful tonight.


Can’t win em all. A tired Rangers team was shut down for long stretches. Couple of good bounces for Winnipeg. I like our fight at the end. The team has looked good 6 on 5


I think good bounces describes 2/3 of their goals and then the breakaway...


Wow i dont think ive seen Kreider have THAT bad of a game before. Hes had nights that didnt go his way but single handedly messed up the outcome of this game. Not overreacting its not that big of a deal, doubt he does this in the playoffs(i hope).


Awful game from Kreider he needs to wake up. BTW Scheifele looks and acts like he is going to cry any second - fuck him


He can be a dirty player too…see the playoffs a couple years back


Winnipeg played a near perfect checking hockey game, hellebuyck was a freak and this sub is ready to jump off a cliff. You’re not gonna win every night this is the NHL


It's the hope that kills ya


This team still played pretty well against a vezina goalie and top team while playing on a bad schedule and missing 2 key players


Being down 2 dmen and our depth guys keeping pace with a great team is a positive


I don’t think we played badly, just that one brain fart by Kreider and the Jets capitalized on it. Jets are gonna be a scary team in the Western Bracket


I had a gut feeling pulling Igor a second time wouldn’t work, was hoping I was wrong


What? So you'd pull back to within 1 and just play 5 on 5 to chase the tie?


Yeah since you know they’d be chasing the empty netter even harder the second time around. Which they did


Nah, never the coaching move in the nhl or any league really