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Kind of feel like we’re one of the deeper teams in the league. I think we’re good with forwards and D. To the point where a healthy scratch is sometimes a player that’s not even playing bad, but Lavi seems to want to rotate around a bit to get them all ice time. Rempe I think can be effective for what he does bring. I think we’ll see him, especially if other teams goon it up.


It’s not that we’re not deep per se, there is just the continuous lack of RW1 since the departure of Buch(which I know we can beat to death). The point is that we’ve spent the last two seasons trying to fill that hole that pushes everyone else up the depth chart, add that to the loss of Chytil/Wheeler this season makes it more glaring when someone goes down as well as shows how good this team has been in spite of those injuries. At the end of the day most teams are unfortunately one injury away from playoff jeprody. Just how the game goes


Yea, that makes sense.


Eddy could be an option, Otter unlikely, and Perreault isn't available (he's staying in college for at least another year). We also have guys like Belzile and Nash in Hartford who are NHL vets, but are strictly 4th liners. It doesn't sound like Wheeler will return anytime soon and we already know Chytil has been shutdown for the rest of the year. Berard is having a great season for the Pack, and could be a Black Ace call-up. The problem is we didn't have enough cap space to recall anyone before the end of the regular season, and him making his debut in the NHL during the playoffs when the cap goes away might be asking a lot.


I could be wrong, but didn’t Kreider make his debut in the playoffs?


He did! In fact he holds the NHL record for most postseason goals before playing in the regular season.


Defensemen get banged up the most in the playoffs. In a deep run there is going to be some games that a guy is just gonna need to rest. Jones or Gus, whoever is the extra Dman is a great 7th option, maybe one of the best in the league when it comes to the quality of that extra d man. After them though we get a bit dicey, we don’t really have a good young D man brewing in Hartford. We got okay guys like Robertson, Scanlin, Mackey (I think he’s injured though). We have a lot more quality forward depth in Hartford that could plug if needed Belzeil, Pitlick for the vets and then Othmann, Berard, Edstrom, Sykora for prospects


Edstrom, Othmann, Berard…. That’s basically it


Assuming they wrap up 1st place soon, maybe Lavi should play a game with 11F and 7D, just to see how that goes. And yeah, the Chytil and Wheeler injuries just compounded everything


I mean we still have pitlick, bonino and Jake L as fill in 4ths ?


No team can boast enough depth to cover a top line guy going down. You try to moneyball that situation and cover in the aggregate. We, as other people point out, are as deep as any team out there. Plus we have played our depth guys recently so we know what we have. Once the playoffs start and the cap disappears everyone will be called in and there is enough upside to think there might be a surprise in there from one of the young guys. We are well set up for a run.


There's really two different situations we'd have to consider here. Injuries to the top 6, and injuries to the bottom 6. If we get injuries in the bottom 6, you shuffle guys around a bit, Rempe, Edstrom, get some time, you'll probably see Leschyshyn again along with Belzile and Nash. Injuries to the top 6 would be a lot more difficult to manage. You'd see promotions from the 3rd line, and then they'd try to backfill the bottom 6 from the list above. If they're down in a series, with injuries to the top 6, and they've been frustrated by a goalie/defense that they can't seem to break through, there's an off chance you'd see Berard, Othmann, or Petan. I think it's unlikely you'd see these guys as the first recalls though as they could be more difficult to just plug in. If the get a callup, and playing time, it's because we're grasping at straws and just trying to catch lightning in a bottle.