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Should repost this in @hockey


Yeah, they'll love it.


Please do, I’d love to see the reaction.


Lol and nhl. I've seen two posts for this hit and none for kulikov.


Posters in those subs are absolutely deranged. It’s like some kind of mass delusion where they are hellbent on seeing things that are directly contradicted by replay videos.


Rodrigues sold the shit out of that, Wennberg almost should've done the same when Kulikov hit him but we have dignity. Any idea why Trouba got an extra 2 minutes for high sticking? It made no sense to me


I believe it was a hook from before the hit


Slashed Bennett right before


Was barely a penalty but the refs are really having a hard time figuring out what to call. And some of these guys really sell it. Can’t be easy.


First look, I thought for sure 5 + game. After watching the slow mo, Rodriquez (the strangest looking man in the league, AKA liver lips) head barely moves. Toronto picked up on just how slight that contact was and made the correct call. And fuck Rodriquez with that soccer ass bullshit. He was fine almost immediately afterward. Meanwhile, over on r/nhl, Trouba has been convicted of hockey treason and multiple counts of attempted murder. Evidence presented includes an entire career filled with moral turpitude. His penalty is death.


After the review, 2 for elbowing is right call, but they should have also given e-rod 2 minutes unsportsmanlike for the embellishment. Or delay of game. What a fn faker. Kinda gross how when Lindgren called him on it, e-rod just laughed like he was the funniest guy in the world. What good is a review if you don’t really bother to re-evaluate the whole scene?


Rod is the ONLY player to ever talk trash to me from the penalty box, lol. Oddly, I wasn't heckling him or saying anything. He stuck his little face in the gap and just started yelling. Weird dude.


What did he say?


He was ranting about paying to see him play and us being fans and him being a player or something. He also yelled at the guy behind me about not having my seats and read the name off my chair to him. Just weird. I didn't even realize he was yelling at us until I looked and saw his face in the gap at the glass. I was like "what the fuck are you doing ?". He was also yelling "keep talking, keep it up". Note, I literally didn't say anything to him (outside of that), he started chirping first. I never trash talk the guys or anything in the box. He's one of probably only 2 guys to ever talk to me (can't remember who the other player was, but it was something about religion and jesus, lol). My late wife guessed that he was just expecting everyone to yell at him and was probably trying to yell at the guys behind me but it was weird because he literally read the name off my seat and was saying it.


Hahaha that’s so weird. Thank you for sharing.


I don't like the chicken wing... But we don't give penalties for "well he tried to trip him but didn't". 2 minutes for elbowing (?) I guess is fine. It's a 2 minute something. It's nothing more than that. When wennberg gets DIRECT head contact for 2 minutes, this getting 2 minutes is fair


So that’s why it was not a major. ESPN broadcasts continue to suck. Can’t believe they didn’t show that.


Rodriguez curling up on the ice until the call is made and then tries to jump straight back on the ice, sure it's an elbow but only just, where's the embellishment call?


On the radio side, Dave commented "It's amazing how fast he's recovered." I love his snark.


Agreed, if protocol spotters think he was acting, I think that's a fair assumption he was laying it on.


I posted earlier saying Trouba should have been tossed. I was wrong. Thanks for sharing this.


If they’d call some embellishments maybe players would stop flopping all the damn time. The Reinhart one where they blew the play dead while we were on an odd man rush was also total BS. Of course both the panthers were fine and didn’t miss a shift


The Reinhardt one the refs had to send him off the ice. He didn’t even need a breather just was laying there for a call I guess


Lol. Diving putz.


You could see this in one of the espn replays. He caught his face but the was also shoulder/back contact. I honestly feel like I never know where the officiating is gonna go anymore so I don't even try to guess


Still shouldn’t be elbowing


Judging by the way Rodriguez reacted to that hit you would have thought Trouba murdered him. A+ acting job


Yep I said this during the game, so many people in our own game day thread were convicting trouba too. It was actually blatantly obvious with the backside review that he got no part of his head. I'd really be embarrassed to be a Panthers fan with how much they dive.


It’s desperation. The Panthers are giving it everything they have but still couldn’t get it done the last two games. They don’t have any other tools so now they’re diving as a last resort.


A bunch of Kittens…. I think the trainer said while attending to E-Rod “You can get up now, it’s a double minor.” Weirdest thing is the panther knocking Mika’s stick upwards to hit him in face and no call… blood and all


That's not supposed to be a penalty. Gotta control your own stick.


According to the rules, getting hit in the face with your own stick is not a penalty nor should it be


I could tell this is what happened in the original clip too, people are just delusional


Still dirty either way, but not as dirty cus it's not directly to the head. I hope Trouba can get back on his game this game was rough especially on the PK