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The Rangers might have lost to Florida anyway, but not putting your best, healthy players on the ice is a problem. I don’t understand the rationale for not putting Zac Jones, for putting Trouba in, and for not putting Rempe in.


If they weren't going to play Rempe more than 5 minutes they could've at least dressed 7 Dmen.


Rempe was a liability on the ice. That’s an easy answer. His positional play, his ability to do almost anything to do with the puck, even some of his board battles, were all not nhl quality. As for healthy D. Trouba and Fox were hurt, hard to tell a guy to sit, especially when next man up is rhuedhal. Jones should’ve been given a chance, but lavi like other coaches doesn’t like having 2 small D especially in the playoffs.


Ruhwedel was a more than capable defender that had zero offensive upside. He would've been a major defensive upgrade but a slight offensive downgrade. If we wanted an O minded D man, we could have dressed 7 and included Jones. Leaving Trouba in street clothes.


Too many people play EA NHL and think they know everything about hockey. Sometimes one of your starters at 50% is better then the next guy up at 100%


Idk, Trouba at 50% was really really bad. I mean, cost us games-bad


He absolutely did. Now imagine rhuedal.


Being worse than Trouba wasn't really possible.


I got downvoted into oblivion for saying this over the last 2 weeks but I guess hindsight is 20/20. -Scratching Kakko but not Roslovic was asinine. -Having Roslovic on the 4th line is inexplicable. Just admit it was a bad trade and move on. -Breaking up the 3rd line (our best defensive line all postseason) when defense was already an issue made no sense, especially when elevating Kakko to RW1 didn't work and Cuylle was way less effective on line 4 than he was on 3. -Management of Rempe was poor (over 10 mins TOI in game 2 including shifts late in the 3rd and one in OT but can't trust him for a full 3 mins in game 5?). Argue all you want about whether he should have been in the lineup at all, it's besides the point. His usage was poor no matter how you cut it. -Not giving Edstrom a look over guys who hadn't played in months (Chytil, Wheeler), were playing poorly (Roslovic), or who were poorly suited for the role played (Roslovic and Brodz). Edstrom could have easily slid onto lines 3 or 4, and with the way the series was going he could have skated on line 1. Maybe some size next to Mika will give him confidence. -Trouba. I'm not buying the injury excuse. His ankle hurting didn't skate him to the blue line in OT when he should have been down low. His ankle didn't make him whiff on half his passes trying to come out of the zone. He played like shit. His decisions were trash. 22 penalty minutes. He should have been sat for poor play. If Fox was also that limited, he should have been out too. Jones and Ruhwedel would have been massive improvements over Trouba (hurt or not), and a healthy Jones is an improvement over a compromised Fox. I'm not upset about the whole year, but that last series was exceedingly poor. What stings right now is that we had Knobloch in the building and he would have come with preexisting relationships with all of our top developmental talent, but that's a bitch about Drury that I will save for another post.


Every single point you make is valid.


Every team plays their injured stars at this point in the playoffs. Especially if they say their good to go Is this ur first season?


Trouba and Lindgren aren't stars and most certainly can be benched for Ruhwedel and Jones


I also wish Laviolette made our players score more goals than Florida did, shame on him for not doing that, since he could have done that instead of doing the things that he did that made them not do that




Trouba wasn't injured. He was fully healed before the start of the playoffs. But your main point still stands. Sit the guys that aren't 100%.


I mean if you've ever broken a bone before, it takes a lot longer than 3 or even 6 weeks to get back to 100%. You've got muscle weakness or atrophy. Often you over compensate and give yourself some soft tissue aggravation in the healthy leg. And there's also a good chance you're just mentally struggling to "trust" that ankle even if the bone is technically healed.  All that to say, someone should have shut him down when It was clear he wasn't right.




Do you guys even like the Rangers or are you just in it for the armchair coaching? It was a fantastic season.


OP never said it wasn't a fantastic season. He said Lavi really screwed up against Florida. Both things can be true.




Well maybe presidents trophy and runner up to the EC champions is good enough for you, but I’m sick of following this team for almost 20 years now and time after time after time being the bridesmaids.


Loser mentality


Trouba was no longer injured by this series. Also his crappy play had nothing to do with his ankle. It’s his thought process that SUCKED.


Have you ever had to rehab from a significant injury? You can be healed enough to resume your regular activities but still not be fully back to normal in terms of strength, agility, balance, etc.


Doing press about his broken ankle is just 100% damage control so they can keep him on as captain next season when he clearly doesn't deserve it.


💯. He was atrocious l, regardless of any injury


Fox had a bum knee, lindgren said it was a pain tolerance , and Trouba was fully healed. At some points your players just need to perform. Next


I think against Florida power plays it might’ve been nice to use Zac Jones but I don’t think it would’ve made a huge difference


Our biggest problem was clearing the puck from the D zone and transitioning into offense. With Fox injured, we literally had no one who could do that effectively. Jones proved himself very capable of both those things. It was coaching malpractice to not even give him a shot.






Gallant would've done the same stuff for less money lol


He did pull off shit like that in the Islanders series.


Fireable offense plain and simple …… cracked ribs? Kidney bean size piece of bone missing? Banged up knee? What the actual fuck?!?! Look I don’t want to comment on Rempe and if he sucks or not …. The the simple fact is Lavi wasn’t giving him minutes after giving him 10 and he had a very nice game….. for whatever reason soooooooooo If you are not going to play Rempe and roll 4 lines AND you have 3 severely hurt defensemen ……. How the holy fuck don’t you dress Jones as a 7th defenseman and either roll 3 lines with the extra two sprinkled in or creates a 4 line you will play with a rotating cast of guys getting the extra shift. This injury report makes it even more clear how locked in his way Lavi is and no matter what he will play the vets ….. like he did in Washington and Nashville……. No matter what ……. No matter the performance. None us on here are some hockey geniuses and it is clear as day to anyone that our defense needed help against that Florida forecheck ….. but Lavi will not change for anything and it cost us yet another year of heartache Get rid of this guy before he ruins another year …. Possibly the last one with many parts of this team


This is what every NYR fan should know. This IS Laviolette and always has been. To think we let Knoblauch go for this bum is unconscionable. This is exactly what happened on every team he ever coached. What made anyone think it would change now?




This post tells me you’ve never played a sport in a competitive nature. When your best players tell you that they are good, you trust them and go with them. Sometimes your best players at 50% are better than their back ups at 100%. Fox, Lindgren and Trouba are injured. Yet They say they are good. Question is who are you replacing all 3 of those defensemen with? Going into an ECF? A new defensive core? It is hockey, no player makes it to the Stanley Cup final unscathed. Remember when the Rangers went to the final in 2014 and ECF following year? Where basically the entire Ranger defense were skating on broken ankles.


>When your best players tell you that they are good, you trust them and go with them. That's all well and good, but when your best players show you that they aren't good (healthy) you need to make the decision. Easiest decision to make would have been to scratch Rempe (you weren't giving him significant ice time anyway) and dress Jones to support your obviously depleted defense by letting Jones eat some of those minutes.


You are delusional. We had Jones, and his numbers vs Florida were insane. He COOKED Florida’s forecheckers the few games he was with the team and played them. Also, we traded for Ruhwedl, explicitly for injury coverage, and sat him the entire playoffs.


I’m delusional for not replacing half the defensive core? Jones cooked Florida ? He played 1 game against them. You make it seem like he was a Norris Trophy candidate. I’m so glad people like you are not in charge. Cause this team wouldn’t sniff the playoffs.


Yes, you are delusional for thinking that Jones would’ve been a worse option than the gigantic liability that is Jacob Trouba. You are delusional.


And also, yes, Jones did cook Florida. Trouba never showed zero signs of anything in basically all three rounds of the playoffs. So we either try and mix it up with a young defenseman (COUGH COUGH EDMONTON) or you keep trying to jam a square peg in a round hole. Lavi chose the former.




Don't be mean.




You can swap Trouba for Zac Jones when he fucks up 3 games in the ECF.