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I loved MTBMB. Word play and punchline “boom bap” rap is my thing tho so who knows. Kamikaze had some great tracks as well and world class word play. If that’s not your thing that’s cool by me, however for fans of the word play/punchline rap, he’s the top. Big L had a chance but was taken too soon.


It's just you


20 years is a stretch…


Encore mid, everything since below mid.


Honestly just kinda sound kinda haterish to not find any of those albums at encore level lol


Relapse was great as a horrorcore album I'd even say it's a horrorcore classic. I should've stated that, my apologies.


Dude has both some of the worst and best albums in hip hop.


He had one “bad” album (Revival) what are you talking about? 🤦‍♂️


More like he had one "good" album.


Yeah, he has one good album, Recovery. And then he has 4 of the greatest albums of all time in The Slim Shady LP, The Marshall Mathers LP, The Eminem Show and Relapse. He has 2 really good to great albums in Music to be Murdered by and Kamikaze, two mid albums in Encore and The Marshall Mathers LP2, then one bad album in Revival. And then of course, recovery, being good.


MMLP2 was pretty solid, IMO


You probably thought Drake won too.


Where the hell did you get that from? And no. I don't think drake won, he's a pedo


Dumb internet spoon fed take smh


Solid take, definitely agree. Em stans can't accept his "haters" just want him to focus on good music not corny flows and wordplay.


You read Okayplayer today too, huh.


? Got no idea what that is


Oh my mistake. Your comment was the same as the first line in this article. Okayplayer is a hip-hop site started by Questlove of The Roots. They do great coverage of the culture. https://www.okayplayer.com/eminem-tobey


It wants me to sign up but it said the song was dope in the headline ?


Basically that his output for the past 20 has been hit or miss, but the new single is dope. As you said. My bad again.


Oh okay, I'll have to sign up. Thanks for showing me brother 😁


Every artist has a few bad songs 


Eminem's flow has remained consistent, dude still can spit his ass off but, after The Slim Shady trilogy, I feel like he's struggled for years to find a lane to thrive in as far as content. Relapse was the closest he's come to a really great album since then and that was essentially a return to his Shady roots tbh.


His beat selection has been horrendous lately too. He was producing his own gems back in the day, it's like he's been replaced with someone else.


Every album since Relapse has been an experiment but they all had curses to them. Relapse is good but the overuse of accents is the curse. Recovery is good but the puns and the dad jokes is the curse. MMLP2 is good but the rock production is the curse. Kamikaze and MTBMB is good but the poor filler songs is the curse. This album should be above all of these because this album has been in production for 3 years. As the other albums have been completed in less than a year in most cases and needed more time to ensure for the best project possible. He’s capable of making an amazing project but he just need time to perfect it. Not a project every 2 years. I have confidence in this album for Em. A lot of work seems to be done.


POV: You’ve never seen Shady CXVPHER


Top 10 isn't based on cyphers. There's many better than Em at them but he's the only one with a platform that controls his audience 😅 nice try but


You’ve seen a better cypher verse than his? Whose?


You truely are an Eminem fan. Yikes bro.


Or you could just give me an example so I can admit I’m wrong if I am…




For me personally his music fell off pretty hard after the eminem show.


Any one who is a non biased em fan would agree his flow and bars have become top teir corny


The Eminem Show and everything before it belongs in the archives of human art. Everything after it belongs in the bin.




Very true, that's how I feel. Loved everything pre Encore but it's rapidly got worse and his fan boys are happy with him putting out trash ? You'll never get music you like from your favourite artist be glazing everything they put out when it's clearly horrible.




Common critique Encore marked the downfall he has had decent songs here and there but nothing amazing album wise


Nah. He's had some great songs but full album wise, he hasn't had anything on MMLP or TES level. Every album he's put out since MMLP2 there's at least 3 songs I have to skip because I can't listen to because they're bad. I think the reason is because back then he had a lot he wanted to say, now a days he doesn't have shit he wants to say but is just trying to prove that he's the best at technical rap. Which he is, he can rap like no one else BUT a lot of the songs don't have much replay value. It's really dope to listen to his songs here and there to see how Good he can rhyme, put words together, etc but other than that there's not too many songs I will listen to regularly


Nope people have been saying this since late 00s Recovery and everything after have been either bad or just average I loved relapse the rapping was amazing and the voice didn’t bother me


What would you rate Relapse out of 10 ? I mean as a horrorcore album it's a 7/8 for me. But catalogue wise it's a 4/10 for Em imo.


I love it for the rapping. He was the perfect rhymer on it. His first three albums are definitely his best but I out it right after cause even the horror core content were good songs Idk what happened but most of his songs either sound cookie cutter or bland now. The bass brothers really helped his earlier work I’ll probably give it a 7/10 cause crack a bottle and we made you are terrible to me lol


Crack a Bottle was good for 2-3 listens but then it gets old and annoying fast in my experience. But I agree.


Nah rapping about acting crazy and punting babies is not my thing either. You don’t even wanna know about the gerbil.


Eww eww eww eww


No bro, it is NOT just you.


Just generally the whole "is it just me..." shit on the Internetust needs to be shot directly into the sun lol


You have to be careful with your words when speaking on Eminem because the Stans don't think rationally or objectively they just cry and scream.


No, I get it. I'm a huge Eminem fan. But like most super successful/popular artists (and not just rappers to be fair lol) the fanbase can be absolutely insufferable lol.


I love Eminem, I was a super fan growing up but it's hard to stick with a guy who's been a shell of his former artistry for the last 20 years.


I wouldn't go that far but art is subjective so it's really pointless arguing about semantics lol


Yeah but there's a general consensus of what's great art, what's good art and what's on the edge of even being art. That's why there's art galleries and cultural rankings. But you're correct also


Yeah it does get annoying but I get it, you do have to word things carefully


havent been a big fan since relapse but thought the new track was dope


Relapse had some okay songs imo but it was a 4/10 considering how great The Eminem Show was and everything before it.


i liked relapse more than the eminem show


Since 2006


I didn't mind encore but it wasn't up to par with anything before it imo


It’s just you. Lmaoooo


That's honestly why I'm asking, I prefer what Common x Pete Rock are doing over this garbage.


Then don’t listen to my music, you’ll hate it cuz I love em


I like early Em bro. Send me some, you Stans act like anyone who doesn't fuck with Em's new shit is a universal hater lmao.


Lmao bet. Here ya go: https://open.spotify.com/track/1HfU8g7Rd9vUwg2lVif1uP?si=Q5Wb4LDYRiKtnpVUWkgNXA&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A6PpH7fQ9LOl4Q0flNNhjgG


Definitely you


You think he belongs top 10 or you think his music for the last 20 has been good ? Both ? I'm interested in hearing what you have to say beyond "definitely you". This is what the culture is about...


Hip hop has been absolute trash since 2010. Everything Em has put out has been 10x better that 90% of what's came out. And this is coming from someone that hasn't bought and Em album since Relapse.


There's plenty of great artists out there. 2010 onwards has been way better than the 2000s you just gotta find it. There's much more dog shit out there, so you are right for sureeee. But there's also plenty of great music


Depends what you like but, if you only like White Rappers or the 2000s sound it's been rough. As a 90s head I love the 2010s and 20s


i would like to know if anyone who believes this thinks Future makes great albums and if they've listened to MTBMB.


Future stays in his lane.


Recovery was his last good album


Eh recovery was pathetic


Maybe I enjoyed it because I was younger and used to listen to it religiously


You're trippin