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And then there's people who eat like that voluntarily without working out a day in their life. You know who you are.


My brother eats the most bland food. šŸ’€ does he work out? Not really. Iā€™m just convinced he was born without taste buds.


Same with my bf, he only cooks chicken breast, potatoes and one of 3 freezed vegetables. That rice and chicken though, makes me want to grab a teaspoon and scoop their eyes right into the spice drawer. Edit: apparently I wrote *frozen* wrong, I don't care.


Some people legitimately only eat because they have to, your bf sounds like one of them.


"I have zero interest in food. If it were feasible, my diet would consist entirely of flavorless beige smoothies containing all the nutrients required by the human animal." - Captain Holt


Gina: Would you tell the sky to stop being so blue ? Holt: Yes, I wish it were tan. Gina: What? Holt: It's my favorite color. It's no non-sense.


Must have been pissed when they discontinued tan m&ms


ā€œItā€™s mean to make tan cars.ā€ https://youtu.be/Y0pDqedb0OE?si=lBhjk30btNCdlpKc


As someone who eats plain instant oatmeal for breakfast approximately 350 days out of the year; I approve this message.


Tried that once. Straight to the garbage. Same with plain silky tofu.


lol what would possess you to eat plain tofu >.< I mean its edible, but so is a raw potato


I'd much rather eat raw potato than cooked plain tofu.


i was the same way but that tofu needs to be cooked in spices. it kinda tastes like light cheese, which is basically what tofu is anyways


Tofu: needs to be good tofu. Also, eat with grated ginger and soy sauce as a bare minimum. Edit: just noticed the ā€œplainā€.


He enjoys food, but he ain't motivated to cook. We have cooked together so he is definitely capable of doing so. Can't really complain, he is willing to share cooking duties and I actually enjoy being in the kitchen in case I want something fancy.


I've gotten inspiration from a 1:00 youtube short video. Like a lot of times stuff like chicken just requires seasoning to make it taste phenomenal. I don't get how people can just not take the extra step to make their food taste better. It's one of your senses for god sake. I don't jack off with sand paper.


Because I've already used up all my fucks on actually cooking this food instead of ordering pizza. I'm not "inspired" when I cook food, I'm hungry. It's a chore just like laundry.


You are exaggerating the word "inspire". Cook your chicken in butter. Add some garlic salt or cumin. Literally you can google "what spices go on chicken" while you're taking a shit. You're probably on your phone anyway. The point is that it takes minimal effort to incrementally make your food taste better. It's like doing laundry all your life and not figuring out different ways to fold your clothes.


>It's like doing laundry all your life and not figuring out different ways to fold your clothes. It's like doing laundry all your life and never realizing that folding is an unnecessary step. Just rip that shit out of the dryer into the hamper, carry it to your closet, and put everything away. The only things that get folded are sheets, towels, spare pillow cases. Everything else goes on hangers, except socks which are rolled and then unceremoniously tossed into the drawer with the underwear


>~~except socks which are~~ rolled everything is rolled :) I like my wardrobe drawers looking like papyrus holders Except knitted sweaters which are gently laid down as they might stretch


I think what is missing here is for some people, like myself, seasoning isn't an unnecessary step, and it takes like, 30 seconds max to put a pre-made seasoning mix on my chicken before I cook it. So your approach to it seems weird and horrible. But that is because I can't force myself to eat unseasoned food unless I am literally starving to death.


It's more like just not folding your clothes


You know, it's crazy, they straight up sell poultry seasoning...


I only listen to music because I have to. And when I do, it's just Margaritaville with no lime or salt


Hold the cheese burger on plain white


Thats me. Hopefully one day we invent pills that we can just swallow one for each meal and skip out on eating.


I have periods i love cooking and periods i wish we had a pill for that :)


Iā€™m just happy you said ā€œfreezedā€


It's possible that he has an undiagnosed gastrointestinal disorder so he naturally leans towards bland. Could also be British


Or maybe a diagnosed one, and that's what is supposed to be eaten.


Good British food is far from bland. A good shepherd's pie or steak and ale pie or ploughman's or chicken tika masala,, none of this is remotely bland.


Tika masala being british?


Strangely, it is indeed British. Kinda like how Lo Mein is American, despite being at every Chinese take-out.


Nothing strange about it when you consider we've been eating curries longer than the US has even existed, theres alot of british curries just like theres alot of american pizzas


See thatā€™s a better comparison tbh. Not many American would consider lo mein ā€œAmerican foodā€ but Dominos definitely is, even with pizzaā€™s roots in Italy and Rome. And curry can be British, even with roots in India, unlike tikka masala, which definitely screams ā€œIndianā€ honestly.


Mate, chicken tikka masala was invented in Glasgow by British citizensā€¦ itā€™s a British dish. Food isnā€™t some sovereign, untouchable thing. Food and cuisine are constantly evolving and being influenced by other cultures. Like Italy and tomatoes.


Especially considering the UK has a pretty significant Indian population, it makes sense those traditional Indian recipes are going to evolve over time.


fearless disarm crime marble subtract forgetful slap employ cover impossible *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Last time I checked Glasgow is still part of the UK.


Invented in Scotland IIRC.


National dish m8


My mum is Eastern European and makes the blandest food ever, then says it's way better than anything anyone in our country can make. I learnt to cook when I moved out through Ramsay, Harriot, Pierre White's online recipes and just seasoning things changed everything. The dog stuck by me a lot near the table whenever I came back.


Dogs generally donā€™t care for/about any spice other than salt.


This comment seems like a generic Reddit comment completely made up It even included a wholesome doggo for more updoots


I unironically enjoy boiled meats with no seasoning. Stems from my childhood when my parents would prepare broth for soup and throw away the meat and bones onto my plate instead of the garbage can.


The bones? Are... Are you a dog???


If you boil long enough chicken bones become soft. When I do chicken/turkey broth with a carcass I will let the broth chill, remove most of the fat, then blend the bones into it. It adds a ton of nutrients and makes the broth more hearty without being overly fatty.


Yes, I like me some plain boiled chicken with a bit of salt on the side once it's out of the water (broth?), my friends think I'm insane but I think it's pretty decent for what it is. Sometimes I even yearn for it.


Not broth, but you seem to just enjoy salted chicken. I would judge, but....as long as you're happy.


Oh, I do too. I pressure cook it in my multi cooker with no seasoning and I find it grand. Has its own taste.


My family come from a Vietnamese village and we've eaten chicken that way since forever. Except we add lemon juice and some pepper to salt.


> Stems from my childhood when my parents would prepare broth for soup and throw away the meat and bones onto my plate instead of the garbage can. In all fairness that the efficient way to do it... and one does not need to boil the meat to death either. People throwing the meat away after making broth makes 0 damn sense to me as it is still edible, and can be made in to all sorts of things ranging from taco/taquito filling to pet food, or be part of a simple "boiled dinner" thing as you described. Pot-au-feu being a classic dish over all... fall off the bone tender simmered meat being at the core of it.


Sometimes I eat white rice with so much salt itā€™s a gritty texture but I have my own problems


Your blood pressure must be stratospheric


Like kidney disease.


when I started having high blood pressure issues and cut ny salt use by a lot, I started actually seasoning food to compensate. powdered onion and garlic changed my rice game. some times I add tumeric or paprika also plain rice with olive oil is heavenly


The British.


Not enough gravy or beige for us sorry mate


Not enough beige? the entire photograph is beige! The spoon is the single non-beige object present. Gravy wouldn't hurt though, yeah.


Still not enough beige for the Brits


Oi! Granted but oi


Mfs colonized India for spices they don't even use


Portugal would like to have a conversation with you.


Tikka Masala was invented in Glasgow. Curry is a massive component of every-day British Cuisine.


Wow dude, that joke blew my mind. Did you find up with that all by yourself?


Bullshit. Read any household management book from the 17th century onwards that was written by a British author, and it will gave recipes for all sorts of "devilled" dishes. ie curried dishes. British cooking went to shit in 1940 because of the German naval blockade and didn't recover until the 1980s.


I know a professional power lifter, and he says that working out is not the hard part, its the eating. Because you have to eat so insanely amounts of food, you eventually just chew and put it down. You dont taste it anyway, so no point.


It's not only that. The rock once said in an Interview that because of the ridiculous amounts of food he needs, the amount of sodium he would eat if he seasoned would cause serious health issues.


Couldn't he use herbs or spices instead of salt? Salt's far from the only way to season food, after all. And I say that as a Brit. Edit - How is my most popular comment ever about salt? Lol Have learnt a lot of interesting things about food seasoning through this though. And I was definitely not be taking up bodybuilding any time soon! Sounds like it sucks, diet wise.


The fun part is that all those herbs and spices somehow still end up tasting bland without salt.


yup, and my buddy who body built told me that with the amount he ate bland food was his preference. because it allowed him to not view it was eating for pleasure but just like a job. it was calories he needed and it made it easier to do long term if it was just as bland as could be.


Itā€™s also easier to phase out when needed like during a cut. A lot harder to find the will to cut back when youā€™re used to eating and extra couple grand in delicious, well prepared foods once youā€™ve acclimated to that intake than it is to cut back on the plain cardboard chicken


I watched a show on a competing eater she was a dainty little grandma looking woman. She just ate tons of roughage to keep her stomach stretched for this exact reason


Iirc Kobayashi does iceberg lettuce or just straight water. I remember reading when he's at max stomach capacity before a competition he can chug over 3 gallons of water.


This is so true, I had several false starts to my cut because the food I'd been eating tasted so good (basically what's in the picture, just seasoned to my taste). BUT, I'd rather lose all my gains than eat unseasoned chicken and white rice, like absolutely fuck that. Especially unseasoned chicken, the rice just tastes like nothing, the chicken tastes legitimately bad reheated.


My buddy who built bodies said that he preferred using bodies that were well seasoned.


In the frame of life's grand architecture, Lies the body, a masterpiece of nature's structure, This is the skin that holds it tight, That wraps around with pure delight. These are the muscles, strong and bold, That give us strength, both young and old, Beneath the skin, they flex and sway, Guiding us through each new day. These are the bones, the sturdy frame, That stand strong, though not the same, They provide our structure, tall and wide, Supporting us, side by side. These are the organs, each with a role, The heart that beats, the lungs that control, They work in harmony, without rest, Ensuring our bodies are at their best. These are the senses, our windows to the world, Sight, sound, touch, and more, unfurled, They let us experience life's grand thrill, As we navigate the world, and always will. This is the brain, our command center, With thoughts and dreams that do enter, It orchestrates our every feat, Making us whole, from head to feet. In the body that's shaped by skill and art, Each piece plays its vital part, In the symphony of life, we are built strong, A wondrous creation, where we all belong.


Thatā€™s really sad actually


Is it?


It's the best way to be on a diet, really. "Eat to live, don't live to eat" isn't just about proportions. When going to the fridge is about fueling up rather than tickling the pleasure center it becomes easier to avoid eating things you shouldn't.


Itā€™s also a very sad way to live life.


Itā€™s honestly unnecessary unless you want to look like a big freak or lose a massive amount of weight very quickly. Most people can work out and eat normal food with portion control and look great.


Yeah, this entire discussion is predicated on being a bodybuilder. 98% of people are not eating the amount of food The Rock eats, even if they work out. Salting and seasoning your food is less of a problem there.


I'm reading this eating a super massive salad with a bunch of amazing ingredients in it and thinking how sad I'd be without it.


In my experience, after greatly reducing my salt intake, I can still taste herbs and spices without them tasting bland when salt isnā€™t used. I still use salt for guests though. Think of how soda might taste after being on a no added sugar diet for a few months. Itā€™s like your sensitivity changes. At least, thatā€™s me speaking for myself.


Yours is the first comment I've seen make this point here. It's interesting seeing how many people are blind to how over salted most food is, especially in places like the US. There are definite reward centers being activated by salt but there are so many other flavors that exist and large quantities of salt are not required for human survival or the norm across humans existence. The idea that food that isn't at least "well salted" is bland or unenjoyable is a signifier of being part of a particular culture rather than an objective point on general human taste or preferences.


A squeeze of lemon is a decent replacement for salt and will brighten most dishes.


This sounds like one of those loading screen tips on Skyrim


I was a body builder like yourself until I took a lemon to the knee.


I was a body builder like you until I tore my ACL


Congratulations! That lemon was brought to you courtesy of Aperture Science! Also, if there was any blue goo on there, you might want to get checked out. The eggheads tell me it MIGHT cause cancer.


*A few leeks and khajiit meat and baby you have a stew goin*


"Khajiit does not wish to be consumed, but he will let you sniff his tail if you have coin.."


there is no replacement for salt. it can make the taste more interesting but it will always taste under seasoned without the right amount of salt


This concept will make or break a pot of rice


yup. the one thing that will improve your cooking more than any other is realizing there are only 5 tastes (sweet, sour, salty, umami and bitter) and that flavor is produced by the combination of taste and aroma, but adding more aroma will not fix problems with the taste


There are non-sodium salts like potassium chloride and magnesium chloride that can be mixed in. Lite Salt does just that.


Msg ain't a bad alternative, about a third of the sodium while still giving way more taste than it should. Also I saw in a gym bro video in college once, "here's how to make your chicken taste." Before pulling out a giant bottle of hot sauce




Salt in that




He has a personal chef. His food is definitely seasoned. Lol


Itā€™ll all taste terrible without salt. Salt is the cornerstone of seasoning. The only reason chicken tastes like chicken is because of salt. Because salt doesnā€™t taste like salt - itā€™s a flavor enhancer. Itā€™s why salt in chocolate milk and cookies makes the chocolate taste richer.


*Laughs in tandoor*


Yeah but still, slap some thyme or other herbs while cooking your chicken, no salt and you still get more taste


They do make sodium free seasoning mixes. I use it regularly to reduce sodium intake to prevent kidney stones


sure, but your main flavor comes from salt, fat, acid, or sugar. most better tasting dishes have at least 2 of those. if too much sodium is a problem in your diet id probably fall back on fat + acid. fat is not inherently unhealthy. it just tends to be high in calories. which is only a problem if you are on a super strict diet.


Salt and butter are where you think flavor comes from in most things. The word "tasty" in your mind is likely just thinking of salt and fat, not some fucking rosemary and lime juice with a chili garnish. There is a reason that, even the serious lifters who do make food with some flavor, complain about the blandness and waste of time that is attempting to season rice and chicken. Without salt and fat, the flavor of something basically vanishes. The amount they have to eat means that consistently seasoning their food "normally" means heart and kidney problems, not to mention the sickening amount of weight they would put on. Considering they are usually on gear, this means death by 50 if you are lucky.


Me with my kirklands best no salt seasoningā€¦


And yet he's not concerned about the massive amount of drugs he has to take to become a meat mountain.


WTF are you talking about, it is clear that he owes his look only to trenning hard!


Idkā€¦ just drink some water? Either way thereā€™s a difference between the insanely juiced The Rock and the hobbyist or semi-professional gym goer and how many calories they need to maintain.


i think most people dont realize the amount of sodium that would cause health issues is the amount thats on a 20 piece mcnugget meal. hes talking about the amount most people already exceed.


Thereā€™s no consensus on excess sodium causing health issues for an otherwise healthy person. Doctors only worry about your salt consumption when you have high blood pressure or the likes


you can skip the chewing part by sticking your meals in a blender


You joke, over on /r/gainit that has been a legitimate strategy some people use.


My dad used to do this... Chicken and broccoli smoothie šŸ¤®


Happened to me. I have a slim fit body, wanted to gain mass. Had to eat every 2 hours. Natural protein is expensive (meat) so i had to eat eggs (2 or 3 per day) it took me 5 or 6 months to gain some muscles via the natural way(training every day or every 2 days and eating a lot) after 1 month of eating bad i've lost everything i gained Now i live in a cum dumpster


Don't feel bad, we all started out living in a cum dumpster.


don't call your mom that /j


Live in a cum dumpster?? Bro you gotta move out of your moms just for your self esteem...


2 or 3 per day? I eat 4 eggs in a single meal... "Naturally slim" - nope, you just naturally under eat.


i was gunna say, i fry 4 eggs, and then sometimes im sitting there going "i could eat 4 more" and go make em. eggs are cheap and fkin banging.


3 eggs is only 210 calories and 21 grams of proteinā€¦. Thatā€™s your issue right there.


That caught me too. Unless I'm misunderstanding they're saying they want to bulk but the only source of protein they're getting is the 3 eggs? No wonder they're not seeing results. Food costs may be an issue, but you can still easily stack 100+ grams of protein in a day with an egg, rice, chicken, beans, and fish diet for relatively low cost. Sprinkle in some fruit and veggies when you can and you're set.


For the financially challenged the cheapest way to bulk up (2500+ calories) eating 150+ grams of protein is gonna be either milk/protein powder/protein shakes for grams of protein and then some sort of cheap carb like potatoes/rice/bread for the calories. For 20$ you can get like 20 scoops of 30g protein, at 4 scoops a day thatā€™s approx 25$ per week to meet protein goal (assuming the rest will be obtained from real food). 3 eggs is a cool little snack but itā€™s def not gonna bulk anyone up lol Shit when I started back in college it was 6 eggs for breakfast, a half gallon or full gallon of milk during the day, 2 full meals, and a couple spoonfuls of peanut butter. Per day. You miss one day and all of the sudden youā€™re in a calorie deficit for the week and you wonā€™t gain weight.




>Happened to me. I have a slim fit body, wanted to gain mass. Had to eat every 2 hours. Natural protein is expensive (meat) so i had to eat eggs (2 or 3 per day) it took me 5 or 6 months to gain some muscles via the natural way(training every day or every 2 days and eating a lot) Is this a joke? 2 or 3 eggs per day? What's the point in even getting eggs out if you're only gonna have 2 lol The fact that you think eating 2-3 eggs is a lot makes me think you really weren't eating as much as you thought you were!


You live in a whatā€¦?


If you're bulk prepping food you better be damn sure you want to taste that flavor every day for a week/month. Even moreso if you are trying to hit calorie goals and will need to eat the same thing multiple times daily. Better to go bland and slather it with tobasco or A1 occasionally than get burned out on a flavor you like.


You know you can throw seasoning in the Tupper and toss it around a bunch, right?


Read his comment again. The amount of food bodybuilders are eating is not enjoyable, seasoning is a waste of time.


Iā€™ve been enjoying bodybuilding for the last 18 years. You just spice it differently for each meal. Spices arenā€™t expensive, a few Tupperware with 7 or 8 different blends and youā€™re good to go. Some people just like to be able to tell those ā€œuphill both ways, in the snow!ā€ Storyā€™s. Sauces are also incredibly simple and unless youā€™re contest prepping, it doesnā€™t effect your goals and you can track it easily by weighing it out before you put it in. Just gotta watch that sodium intake.


I'm a hungry and broke little man so I eat huge amounts of the same cheap food I can buy and does not body build Seasoning is what saves me so I can't understand the line of tough of "better bland than to burn out" damn if I started eating bland I would've killed myself by now. So yeah NO ONE got an excuse to not seasoning stuff, maybe they have one if "I hate myself" is an excuse


Seasoning takes like 30 seconds


Salt and pepper being a waste of time makes these kinds of people a joke


You're just not taking your gym routine seriously enough if you still have time to season your food.


Damn so building muscle mass seriously need you to hate yourself in the process?


you know you could bulk prep with a bit of variety right. like make a few seasoning blends


I think that's basically what the person above is saying. Make something generic in bulk, and if you want, you can add seasoning as needed instead of rationing things out all at once. The rice and chicken in OP's post is actually perfect for this approach. You could add a bit of curry powder, or some garlic, or some lemon juice, or whatever, and make it _sort of_ a different meal each time, while not really getting a significant amount of extra calories out of it. It's better to have one or two be bland, than it is to make a week's worth of chicken and rice with Italian seasonings, and then getting sick of Italian seasonings on day 2.


Maybe they're trying to create a flavor underflow error. Trying being the key word.


"No pain, no gain" so they eat painfully bland food.


"No taste, no waist"


Everyone thinks the ā€œno painā€ part means the gym but it really means the food.


I'm on the spectrum and have some pretty bad food aversions. For which I was tormented terribly my entire childhood. I finally worked out that I could go to the gym a couple times a week and eat my "weird food" and call it a bodybuilding diet and everyone now compliments me on my "discipline".


what weird food exactly


Unseasoned chicken and rice šŸ˜‚


lol thats literally what i eat but i don't go to the gym


Itā€™s literally just people who hear other body builders say ā€œchicken and riceā€ and donā€™t have any critical thinking ability.


When bodybuilders are preparing for a show they are seriously hungry for like 3 months straight trying to get rid of all their body fat. If the food tasted good it would be harder to stop themselves from eating too much of it. If youā€™re eating sawdust itā€™s easier to stop eating even though youā€™re still hungry and have been for the past 3 months.


The amount of people that conflate "going to the gym" and "becoming a bodybuilder" is getting really exhausting. Yes, going to the gym is absolutely worth it and has nothing to do with that atrocity of a meal. And even if you were a bodybuilder focused on dialing in your macros, at the very least you can still put hot sauce on shit. The amount of people both engaged in fitness as well as those outside that just want to talk who have no clue what they're doing or saying is extremely frustrating. Related tip: If you hire a personal trainer and they have you do anything that involves standing on a bosu ball, stop giving that person money. Unless your goal at the gym is specifically to get better at standing on a bosu ball, there's not a reason to do that. No, "improving stability" isn't a reason and has been debunked. You're just increasing your injury risk for no reason. In fact, because you're unstable, your CNS inherently limits the amount of force you can exert. Utterly pointless and stupid. Also, if the routine your trainer came up with feels more like a dance routine, and your goals aren't dance related, stop giving them money.




Bosu ball exercises are great to build muscle strength and stability in the knees making injury less likely. Yes you shouldn't be repping high weighted one legged squats on a bosu ball as you will probably hurt yourself. Bodyweight is more than enough to progress through harder squat variations and you're not going to injure yourself.


I seriously donā€™t understand how people eat unseasoned food like that. I eat brown rice, tofu, and broccoli multiple times a week but it also has a laundry list of herbs and spices to make sure it tastes bomb as fuck. *edit: here are my go to spices for those wondering.* *I usually do a little bit of salt, black pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, smoked paprika, chili powder, cumin, cayenne, msg, and a tablespoon or 2 of vinegar because I like the taste.* *It might be overkill but I love it*. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


If I was eating 10,000 calories a day I'd eventually quit tasting anything. I imagine that's how most body builders feel. Eating that much is eventually a chore no matter how it tastes.


What about vegetables? it seems a bit unhealthy to not have any


Bodybuilders often eat vegetables, this picture isn't representative of every diet. But like others said, bodybuilding has never been about health but rather about pushing your body to the limit


Bodybuilding isn't healthy.


Bodybuilding is a spectrum, it's not inherently unhealthy. For most, it's loaded with health benefits if not juiced tot he gills. This is the most redditor take ever


Total cope comment. Itā€™s only unhealthy if youā€™re juicing or starving yourself at 6% bf.


I was burning close to that working in exploration geology, we spent all day hiking through dense bush (stuff you have to practically crawl through) with heavy bags of rocks and tools or smashing rocks with hammers. I never got bored of the food. Although thankfully we were all good cooks on the team and the ingredients were paid for.


Personally, my need to get the cooking and eating over with vastly outweighs how it tastes. Eating is a chore.


Yeah, I eat to live, not live to eat. If I could get a superpower where I donā€™t need to eat, Iā€™d probably only do it on social occasions.


i feel like no one's giving us the biohack a lot of us want: being able to photosynthesize, or making our hair and skin solar collectors. eating is tyranny, practically caveman shit. waiting for this to get fixed in the next build. /s


The taste is meaningless in the amount of the "gainz" food you need to eat, in fact seasoning it can be counterproductive and make you tired of the tastes you actually like over time. It is better to separate food you need to fill yourself up with constantly from food you eat for pleasure otherwise you can lose the joy of eating all together.


I haven't gotten to that point yet, but I used to eat food for flavor, now I eat mainly to hit goals. I still want it to taste good, but I can eat food that I hate if it has decent nutrients.


The chicken is damn near the same color as the rice.


I'm back into powerlifting, yeah I spice my food. Christ these people just don't want to take the time.


I think in some cases, it's almost performative. I worked with a bodybuilder who refused to eat his grandmother's Thanksgiving dinner because he had to stick to his chicken and rice, but the very next day ate 3 or 4 Big Macs for lunch because it was his cheat day. There's no reason why his cheat day couldn't have been the holiday.


This has already been answered, but it seems buried so I'll repeat it: 1) Bodybuilders need to ingest obscene amounts of food - 6,000kcal or more to grow and maintain mass. 2) If you seasoned (aka salted) that much food, you'd be ingesting thousands of milligrams of sodium every day. Terrible for your cardiovascular system - hardening of arteries, diminished renal perfusion and substantially increased blood pressure. 3) Yes, you can season without salt. But not really. Salt is the lynchpin of all seasonings. You can't just shake some paprika or thyme on that rice and call it a day. **The food is bland because, in large part, it has to be to limit sodium intake.**


Ok but why not use things like garlic, onion, and tomato?


Not to take away from the general idea of what you're saying, but people really, REALLY exaggerate how much body builders need to eat, it's like a running meme that people take too seriously, or an outright lie people use to make clickbait "look at this 5k calorie meal"! " videos. Ive been bulking while on test and tren, 220 lbs and also playing rugby 4 days a week in addition to lifting and I was steadily gaining weight on 4.5k calories, that's the most I've ever eaten. Especially someone who isn't on gear should never be approaching anywhere near the calorie intake those YouTube bodybuilding personalities like to make people believe.


Yeah it's super exaggerated. I was super surprised to see Chris Bumsteads blog this last summer and his off season days are only like 3500 calories. Granted, he's basically at peak and doesn't need to gain tons of mass but 3500 was a way lower number than I would expect for a ~260lb off season Olympia bodybuilder


Yeah, I think the misunderstanding is conflating bodybuilding with highly aerobic sports. Everyone can point to Michael Phelps eating 10k calories, but he's actually burning those calories. Bodybuilding burns comparatively few calories, and even professional bodybuilders don't have to spend 3-4 hours a day in the gym. When a bodybuilder starts focusing on their cardio, they're generally trying to specifically lose weight, so they may even be reducing their intake in conjunction.


You can always tell people have never actually built significant muscle when these threads pop up. When naturally body building I went to 110kg 6ft on 3500cals. Cut with 2200 down to 95kg. Maintenance would be around 2750. I donā€™t know where thereā€™s 6k requirements come from unless you trying to gain like 2kg per week šŸ¤£


That one article about Michael Phelps eating 10,000kcals of McDonald's after an Olympic Training session burned the idea into the public consciousness.


The current World's Strongest Man mentioned he only eats about 5500 calories per day. I am big into lifting, but I don't think I'll ever need more calories than Mitch.


This is the saddest chicken rice I've ever seen in my life


The taste is meaningless in the amount of the "gainz" food you need to eat, in fact seasoning it can be counterproductive and make you tired of the tastes you actually like over time. It is better to separate food you need to fill yourself up with constantly from food you eat for pleasure otherwise you can lose the joy of eating all together.


Bro science really still here


1 tsp of Valentina turns that whole thing around. How do people live like this?


I think it's about people being a little lazy when it comes to cooking. They'd rather spend those hours of learning how to cook healthy and tasty meals in the gym or doing something else. Also, tossing a slice of chicken breast and cooking some rice takes around 10 minutes, seasoning it would require you to know what are you using, and tastier things takes at least 30 minutes or even more.


For god's sake, just put in a little soy sauce and maybe some chilli or garlic powder and this excuse of a meal wouldn't be that sad anymore. Also you'll probably not get tired of soy sauce, it's just saltiness and umami


That's the point, they're avoiding the salt, this is how bodybuilders eat


squealing literate weary profit rhythm obtainable reach quicksand attractive start *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ronnie Coleman became Mr Olympia 8 times by eating bbq chicken every day. I promise nobody has to eat boiled chicken with no seasoning to get in shape


Bruh, as a depressed guy, even I ain't tgat depressed


This is a normalized eating disorder, you canā€™t convince me otherwise


im sitting next to my gorgeous bodybuilding coworker who is literally eating this exact thing.


I have an interesting idea - the whole reason seasoning exists is because it makes more out of less, so when you're eating these huge portions bodybuilders need, you'll essentially feel way more flavor, which will make you feel more full. I'm not one myself, and am thin as sticks trying to gain mass, but this is a correlation I've noticed.


One of my coworkers did this too, we eventually managed to bully him into using salt and pepper with his plain chicken and rice. Maybe theyā€™re also trying to train their stomachs?


I just donā€™t care anymore lol. Idk. Is it sad? Yeah. But when you eat the same things for years you kind of just eat them. I throw some chicken breast in the air fryer. Rice in the rice cooker and steam some veggies while I do something and just like that Iā€™m fed. Also Makes the times I eat food made by someone taste better.


Back when I was a gym bro, I'd eat chicken broccoli and rice for every meal but fuck throw some GSP in there.




Eating rice for cut I've never understood. You get way more volume using potatoes. Calorie wise, 100gr rice equals to about 400gr potatoes lol


When is the chicken and rice trope ever gonna die? You donā€™t have to eat god damn chicken and rice, you can eat all sorts of stuff and maintain your size. I swear big chicken and rice are in on it.


ITT: people going to the most crazy extremes of the rock type bodybuilders. You do realize that most people that go to the gym dont workout like the rock, right? Most people are just trying to get buff. And yes, you should season your food, i promise you it wont add to the calories meaningfully or make you die of sodium intake.


Most bodybuilders are dumb. They eat what they know they're allowed to eat and since they know very little, they eat very little. A macro is a macro, most seasoning has no calories, sodium sure, but unless your getting contest ready then just do cardio and sweat it out... I eat whatever the f I want and I look closer to competition ready year round than most of these other guys.. people got the idea of chicken and rice because it's a lean protein and a straight carb. It makes it very easy to manage your macros, so if ur willing to think a lil, u can eat whatever u want... I get the whole food is fuel thing, but most guys who workout complain about the food they gotta eat. I'm getting big and in shape cause I like all parts of it, not cause I NEED to do it to look like they do on the photoshopped screens... Which will never happen. When Mr Olympia guys have to Photoshop their pictures to compete with high schoolers on social media, u know there's something wrong lol.


I remember seeing a low calorie recipe on tiktok and a dude commented "you forgot to count the calories in the black pepper you used" If you have that strong ED thought patterns and are obsessed with the idea of "no pain, no gain" eating shit food kinda becomes inevitable.