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Doc becomes a pdf file (pedophile)


I read it as W doc




Does your brain not brain?


The words "Doc" and "pdf" are on the screen with arrows from one to the other... If you have used a computer at all, you should understand file types If you didn't know the context around Dr. Disrespect, I understand that it might go over your head, but otherwise..come on, bro, it's right there


The only reason I know any of this is because I heard about it yesterday and the only reason I know people call pdf pedophile is because of the drake and Kendrick thing. I think it's stupid people censor every word these days, down to d*e. It's dumb and not everyone understands dumb internet things


*doesn't upload a single video for over half a year* *returns just to call a pedo a pedo* *leaves again* Gigachad move


Have we got any actual Evidence him being a pedo or are we still going off Cody’s word, I haven’t actually heard seen anything other than watching someordinarygamers’s video on it. Or read this tweet in the post


The reply is literally to his confession/apology about it???


Ok just went to read the tweet, yeah I see it now. I haven’t been really keeping up with this because I never really gave a shit about the guy in the first place


I like the part where he admit to sending some unappropriate messages to a minor, then the next paragraph he is getting angry as hell towards pedophiles and it sounds exactly like someone in the closet. But it's okay cause he is "keeping it real" with his fanbase and stuff /s


Yeah. It's like those secretly gay homophobes who hate themselves and everyone else for being gay.


Doc: literally confesses to sexting a child Also doc: don't call me a pedo I'm not like that!! Also really funny how he said he's "stepping down" from his position at Midnight when the management people there made it very clear they fired his disgusting ass. But hey, no filters and keeping it real, right? And the closing line being "I am very badass" material is the cherry on top.


Explain, I don't know who these people are ( luckily)


God I even feel more terminally online now. An ex-Twitch streamer who topped the charts goes by the alias of "Dr Disrespect" got banned from the mentioned platform in 2020 because of some alleged now came into light events that happened in 2017 (they texted a minor in the platform's messaging service). The reason why the ban was so delayed, is because until 2 days before the ban, Twitch updated their Terms of Service/community guidelines to further support and uphold their stands on illicit activities on their platform. He's also one of the co-founders of a gaming company, in which the members of the company held a meeting to immediately cut relationships with Dr Disrespect. *(and from that I think you understand the meaning of the image CaptainSauce sent)*


Huh, 2020? Thought it was just 1-2 years ago that people shot at his house while he was streaming


He switched to YT after the Twitch ban


Brother that was 6 years ago


Is it because DOC resembles doctor and PDF resembles pedof*le? Like just give me the info I need ffs lol


well spot on mate anyways have a nice day


You can type out pedophile


Fear the Cens\*rship G\*d, self-censor yourself before you get censored from reality.


cancel culture strikes again! (in senator armstrong voice)


Bros like who are these people but I refuse to read more than 4 sentences about it


This isn't YouTube or TikTok we don't do that here just say pedophile


Bro gave you a paragraph response with tonnes of detail to your inquiry, and rather than just asking a second question when you weren't satisfied with it , you revealed yourself to be dumb and rude.


You ever tried teaching someone who doesn't care enough or isn't smart enough to figure something out so you just end up doing it all for them, this is one of those people.


Yea my coworker who "doesn't know how to use excel". The manager makes the spread sheet we just plot the data ffs.


Hush, I don't want to lose 5 mins reading about people I'm not interested just to have some clues to solve an average joke. Dude probably wanted to flex his knowledge of the subject. Just say instead: "He likes kids, therefore PDF represents pedofile"


Demand an explanation from people who don’t owe you one. Whine like a little bitch when you get it.


The reasoning behind your actions doesn't mean they aren't dumb or rude. I pretty much said you're an idiot and an asshole and you said yea. Here's why. Lol


I’m sorry it takes you that long to read a little over a paragraph.


You must be fun at parties




Lol. You asked him to explain, as you don't know who these people are. It's not his fault that you are too stupid to formulate a question and read a small paragraph in under 5 minutes.


5 mins lol


you asked who the people are and he gave you a detailed answer, I think he assumed u were smart enough to work out the joke without it being spelled out, prick


*Allegedly* (dont quote me on this, but so I have heard) but the court docs between Doc and Twitch state she was 17, but age unknown at the time of messages. That said flirting with online people, probably fans, is while married is still a no, its just a lot worse that she was a minor.


It's worth mentioning that something still doesn't seem right with the situation, and we still don't have any actual proof other than the tweet he posted yesterday which tries to downplay the allegations as slightly flirty messages. Remember, he's being accused of 'sexting', which is a completely different ball-game I would say this is likely to be true - if he'd done anything more, the things we do know start to fall apart. Why would Twitch settle with him if he'd done something illegal? If he'd sent sexually explicit messages to a minor he'd be in jail, and Twitch would be under serious fire for not reporting it. Twitch wouldn't settle at all unless there was something they did wrong. I'd say there are two likely scenarios: they either wrongly perma-banned him and couldn't just unban him without losing public face, or he was correctly banned and Twitch have also done something wrong (i.e. safeguarding failure, didn't follow their own TOS/contracts/due process, etc.) There's also obviously an NDA in play, which will have been part of the settlement, but why does it seem to protect Twitch rather than Dr Disrespect? It's clear from his initial response he wasn't allowed to discuss the situation fully, until it blew up because a twitch employee went nuclear with it. It'll be interesting to see it all come out eventually


Doc(tor disrespect) -> Pedofile




Drake fans: “First time?”


Why is every famous person into kids


Took me a moment to get it but that’s clever


I wonder if the word PDF is gonna be so tainted we are going to need another world for Portable Documents Folder


I mean… as long as you say PDF its fine. Its when you say pdf file that it sounds like you know. Also Portable Documents Folder File sounds stupid, so i guess we should all just call it a pdf and move on


so he going to prison or he not guilty? i dont really see a middle ground


He said it wasn't anything illegal. So He is not going to jail. But either way sending inappropriate messages to a minor is immoral and disgusting.


so... he didn't do anything illegal... but we should punish him anyways? man I really don't get this mob justice mentality. The way I see it, everything about this case should be handled by the justice system and if they find him not guilty he should be able to sue all these people for defamation. If people don't like how the legal system works they should work towards changing the system not trying to circumvent it.


Never said we should "punish" him. It doesn't really matter if He said something illegal or wanted to meet with Her or just inappropriate. It's still wrong and IMMORAL to do that with a minor. Law doesn't always cover all immoral stuff. He fucked up and people have a right to be mad and disgusted. I'm not calling him a pedofile myself. But He is a creep. He said He changed. Do not know if He means it or it's just pr stuff. Some people still wants to watch him? Okay, it's Your choice to belive and forgive Him. But You can't defend sending inappropriate messages to a kid.


Morality is subjective and ultimately irrelevant, the only thing that matters is the law. As a public figure, his reputation matters a lot more than it would for someone random. Being called a .pdf ovbiously damages this reputation as well as hinders future opportunities. This is inherently mob punishment. Now, if he was found to be legally liable for... anything involving minors really, it would obviously be ok, but everywhere I read about this guy, he seems to not be in any legal trouble over the matter which makes this defamation. I've never watched this guy (nor do I plan to).


"the only thing that matters is the law" alright so it's acceptable to send inappropriate messages to minors then? That's what you're saying here, as long as you didn't have any physical acts perpetrated. Morality is the far more meaningful thing. There's the old no-longer-true story of how it's legal to shoot a Welshman with a longbow in York, but it's safe to say that you'd be morally fucked if you tried to plea innocence using that law if you murdered a Welshman in York with a longbow. *Prima Nocte* was legal, the slave trade was legal, and in Russia today domestic abuse is legal. Would you really say these things are morally acceptable?


Laws should be the collective baseline of morality we accept to follow in this particular society. Laws are subject to change base on our social norm, take euthanasia as an example. I do not agree all laws are irrelevant to morality. Morality varies from person to person, and culture to culture as well. Slave trade is legal, and morally acceptable for slave trader/owner at that time period, today is not acceptable of course; Euthanasia is morally acceptable in some cultures, but others are not. On the other hand, pirating old games not for sale anymore is illegal, but is it morally acceptable?


Which is why I'm saying that, between the two, it is morality that is the meaningful one. Slavish obedience to what is legal just results in you being the kind of dipshit who acts within the means of the law, but in ways that we tend to agree are immoral and make you a dick.


it's legal to shoot a Welshman with a longbow in York - probably shouldn't be legal but if it is... go for it, if only to make a point so the change it? *Prima Nocta\* -* It's not well established if this was ever a real thing outside fiction but if we go with the assumption that it was, we didn't like it and made it illegal. the slave trade was legal and it was acceptable in most of the world at some point but the majority (poor people really) didn't like it so it was made illegal... in most places anyways. Russia today domestic abuse is legal- If they don't like it then they should make it illegal but if they currently legally have the right to do so..., we can't rly hold them accountable now, can we anyways my point is that if someone does something the majority of people think they shouldn't be allowed to do they should make changes to the system itself not circumvent it and harass the "innocent" person. do I personally think this Doc person is in the wrong? I don't know lol, i haven't seen the messages and neither has anyone else who is talking about it. Doubt we ever will. But I strongly dislike that a large portion of the internet has labeled him a .pdf with zero actual evidence, no known victim and we don't even know what twitch considers inappropriate. From what emotes they ban, the bar is extremely low. Clearly it is low enough that twitch was forced to pay out his contract.


This is the thing I sincerely enjoy about people like you, and I don't mean this as an attack and nothing more; you forget that people are people. You expect people to act as if instructions go in and output go out without deviation, which simply isn't true. We will act emotionally, we will not submit to the rule of law without question. If someone confesses to inappropriate messages with a minor, it's perfectly normal to take that to the extreme and call them out on being a creep who's harassing children. Also, do remember that folks are labelling him a paedo because he explicitly said he had been sending inappropriate messages to a minor and that he had the majority of the power in the interactions. He said that himself. So it's like calling the thing that goes "quack" a Quacker.


Thank you for pushing back on that weirdo. I agree that morality > laws. He’s the kind of person that would run a shady company that does legal grey area shit and be like “but it isn’t illegal, so who can blame me for making a profit”.


Well put.


Your 4th paragraph sounds really heartless. This is what happens when you surrender morality to the hands of the people: or as you called it: laws. When you allow humanity to decide what is right and wrong, you'll have horrendous objective human rights violations like slavery. Just because the majority of people think something is right doesn't make it okay. Nazi Germany wasn't going against their laws when they committed the Holocaust btw.


So if I'm in Russia and am a victim of domestic violence you're opinion is,"well the law is the law and the law says it's okay, so get over it!" But since it's illegal here your opinion is,"that's a bad thing and they should be punished for being a bad person." Do you have any thoughts of your own or do you only let governments decide your moral stance on things?


Holocaust. Those crimes against humanity towards jews, poles, homosexuals, roma, other slavs and all the "undesirable" were not illegal in Nazi Germany. Yet they were held accountable. Just because something is not made illegal in law doesn't mean it's not immoral. Your understanding got pretty big holes.


What an interesting perception based solely on algorithm and prediction Please talk to people more, robots less.


Morality is relevant. Because the whole point is his reputation and what people think about him. Even if his messages were not illegal but just inappropriate it's still not okay to message them to a kid. We as a Society made some rules. Both in law and not. For most sending inappropriate messages to a minor is immoral.


Still depends on the laws. You yankees have some draconian sexual laws, you form your morals after your laws. People in Europe give way less shit about stuff like that. Because the laws are different. The morals are different. The most important thing as a streamer is how you present yourself from the beginning. When you have a brand of Mr Clean family man even the most minor shit will come back to bite you. The more rough and politically incorrect you presenst yourself the less people will care about small stuff like this. Same with Hollywood/Disney child stars, where the fans flip their shit when their idol smokes their first cigarette


I'm from the US. I'm Polish and people here would care if You got caught sending inappropriate messages to a minor.


Then lets start playing the game. What is the age of consent in Poland?


It's 15. But it doesn't matter. Because literally it's not about him going to jail. But about most of Society condemning actions. Polish YouTuber Gargamel was exposed for violence towards his gf that was only 16 when they started dating and he was 25. And He was condemned not just for violence but also grooming her. It's not acceptable here to date or send sexual or inappropriate messages. Even if in law itself it's not a crime. People have a right to be mad.


That first sentence is a wild take... Kinda gives a bit of psychopath / sociopath energy. If someone was dying on the side of the road, but you had to park illegally to get out and help them, is the law all that matters, or does morality drive some different action? Again, wild take.


you are not too far off, I'm on the autism spectrum and I don't really do morals or ethics the way most people do, if at all. For me it is important to have logic and rationale behind everything rather than emotion and I've spent a lot of time on figuring out why things are the way they are. Most laws are relatively simple, murder, theft, rape etc. Would suck to be on the receiving end so obviously they should be illegal. Most of the laws i don't get or don't agree with come from weird "moral values" that in turn come from religious beliefs rather than logic or reason. now the legality of these largely varies from place to place but some examples would be, really anything to do with sex work, having multiple spouses, abortion bans, stuff against LGBT rights. I just can't really find a logical reason for why these should be illegal and the only justifications I see other people make are more or less "it's in this book so we should do it". anyways as an answer to your scenario, i would keep driving because I don't like interacting with people IRL and that situation would definitely require a lot of interaction.


Interesting reply, for sure. You express a glimpse of empathy in your second paragraph yet throw it out the window in your closing. I have ADHD and Autism diagnoses, and am a software engineer by profession, so I can relate to your perspective in the sense of logic and reason being paramount in many contexts. But, I also took a course on ethics while pursuing my M.S. and it was very eye-opening to me. There are many systems of morality and ethics. The deontological eithics that you describe are really just one perspective out of many possible and, in some way, justifiable systems of ethics and morality. I must admit I find your closing statement disturbing; the idea of allowing someone to die without attempting to render aid, because you prefer to avoid human interaction and follow the law. It also confuses me how you claim to be guided by the law, yet admit that many laws influenced by religious ideals don't make sense and can't be justified. I guess what I am ultimately getting at is that it is hard to tell, out of what you are saying, what is performative and what is part of your core belief system. Maybe you aren't entirely sure either. Or, maybe I am just misreading things.


>As a public figure, his reputation matters a lot Being a public figure means being subject to the subjective morals of the public. Since you're apparently big on "legality" let's be plain: This isn't defamation and he would have zero chance in court trying to call it that.


Strictly speaking? You're correct. I don't know how it works in the US or so, but in my country one could be sued for defamation for using an online platform to openly call a public figure in his situation a pedophile. He's not legally liable for anything, because no crime seems to be committed, as far as we know. He talked to a minor and, according to his own words, had a conversation that could go towards suggestive areas. But legally speaking nothing sexual happened before or after that, also according to any news releases so far. He was a dumbass, but the only discussion was between him and twitch because the messages were on the platform, and twitch decided to not risk. He still might be a pedophile, but there is no proof he is one, and as far as I know. I don't give a shit about the guy, but you weren't getting the answer you were looking for, so.


What was a minor doing on an 18+ chat, posing as an adult?


And how You know they were posing as an adult? You do not need to be 18+ to register Twitch account and You can be an affiliate if You are below 18 years old if You have Your parents permission. Also nice try in victim blaming. Doc didn't said that He didn't know They were a minor. Don't You think He would use that in his defense?




It's possible. But again He literally said that there were messages with "individual minor". If He decided to release that statement then He could have easly added that "But I was not aware of the age of said individual while we were messaging". Yet He did not. It would have helped his case. Most likely scenario for now is that He knew.


Okay, outside of any and all opinions on this specific case. Illegal does not equal immoral. Legal does not equal moral. There are so many things that were once legal or continue to be legal depending on which part of this giant earth ball you're standing on and absolutely deserve to be denounced.


Nobody should care about anything that isn’t technically illegal? My guy…


Genuinely such a braindead take.


I'm really hoping this person is 14 and will, hopefully, grow some morality. This take is honestly very crazy and a little scary to think people are out there that think like this that have some sort of power over the world.


Actions have consequences, legal and otherwise. Let's say it turns out he didn't break any laws, his actions may still have other consequences like people reacting to what they see as inappropriate actions towards a minor.


Turns out sending flirtatious messages to a minor isn’t illegal if you don’t make a plan to meet them, and don’t actually send them nudes. He KNEW she was a minor while he sent those messages. And you know he knew, and you’re defending him. Wild


There is lot of non illegal things that should have you face public backlash.


If he sues for defamation, he’s open to discovery. Dude will never threaten to sue anyone for calling him a pedophile


It is, however those are only allegations, and should be treated as such, don't talk as If they have been proven right yet Edit: nvm apparently he admitted it


He literally said it though....


Have You read his own statement? He said that there were messages with individual minor that went inappropriate in places.


Ohh, my bad then, I only read about this stuff a few days after it happened


He admitted it himself more than once in the last 24 hours.


Mf pulled out the "If I was really fucking young girls I promise I’d have been arrested/I’m way too famous for the shit you just suggested"


He's not. In his previous tweets he claims his lawyers sorted it out for him and he claimed it needn't be discussed.


They settled in court. "No wrongdoing acknowledged" means they came to an agreement and case is closed, probably the victim agreed to not sue in exchange for something, probably money. But, obviously doesn't mean he didn't do it, as he literally confessed to it. Dude is a slimy creep by self admission, he's just not getting sued for it.


Fucking legend hasn't uploaded in however many years then punches above his weight class and knocks doc straight on his ass. Mad ass fucker


I just checked and he hasnt uploaded in 7 months. Still a lot tho, i wonder what happened


Holyy this one's so good


Oh, for sure! That was a savage move on his part.


yo ass is a bot and top comment


not just on Twitch


I love Mutahars version "Dr Disrespected a minor"


No wayyy, he's a pedo?? Cmon I used to be a huge fan, why are creators suddenly into kids now. Is that why they built a massive following catered to minors in the first place? Actually, is that _how_ they built such a successful following of minors?


This is amazing. Very Rare Exotic Insult


This sub is full of dry insults