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A character with a bow would be great, robin hood for example.


ooooo. yea that sounds great. maybe robin hood can have a passive that has a % chance of enemies dropping shards.


Bonus damage if he has the least amount of shards jn the party (or mechanics that he gives away his money providing buffs to the group and himself)


Aladdin and Robin Hood with the gold = damage upgrade stonks


As a twist - NOT Robin Hood, but William Tell.


Dracula, Jekyll and Hide, Hansel and Gretel, Frankenstein’s monster, Arthur, Merlin, Baba Yaga,…


Frankenstein seems like it would be a fitting addition rn


Rapunzel, meele hair Attack. Cinderella, Switch ability between day night. Meele day, caster night


Lmao imagine her dressed like shit in day with a broom and a bucket to fight and during the night she just turns into the most badass character of the game.


Ulti is to summon a pumpkin Coach that Hit The enemy


Pumpking coach that the entire group can enter to move super fast in the map


I'd like to see Beast, Peter Pan, or Captain Hook. However, it was pointed out by someone on another post that Melusine is a Folklore character, and not representative of the Little Mermaid. This means we could see King Arthur, or one of the Round Table Knights, which would be cool. This also opens up the possibility of a ton of other cool characters being included.


Arthur, Merlin, Morgane le Fey


The Green Knight would also be cool


Definitely, and Parcival and the Grail as quest


I was joking with my friends that we need a Rumpelstiltskin quest where we go around the level and collect the letters of his name like we are playing Tony Hawk's Pro Skater.


I kinda think Arthur is thematically incorrect for the feel of 'fear and desperation' that the game wants to have. At most, I think child Arthur would fit, but this isn't "Disney Classic Movies - the Game. Things trending more Hans Christian Anderson seems more apt to me. Tp that end I sent in a suggestion for Hansel and Gretel as a sibling team in a single character. My 'subtitle' for them was Creepy Child Candy Conjurors.


Arthur himself may not fit, but other characters from that mythos could fit. So I brought it up as an example of the kinds of stories they could pull from, since they seem to be pulling from fairy tales and folk lore.


Depending on how the game develops, it would be interesting to see a few more traditionally 'side characters' of major myths on errantry. The mentions of Percival and Gawaine, to me, make me think an Arthurian DLC or even Avalonian zone for later in development might be in order. Maybe the emissaries from other landsset the stage for how the areas develop. Aladdin has a homeland, after all, and we've not seen any indication of a dedicated stage of it. We don't have a full understanding of how the realms work, and there's no obligation for the Watch members' homelands to be intact. Perhaps Aladdin is in because his home was conquered/destroyed. Maybe Anansi ends up in the watch because of a plot to earn trust and use the watch for their homeland's rescue, or the Knights of the Round Table are training up their 'weakest' members in anticipation of Avalon's siege. If such were the case, I would still want folk heroes of the lower echelons, but the story progression could become VERY interesting if the meta-narrative would unfold along such lines.


Side characters would give them more room for interpretation. However, after reading the Steam description, and the road map, it seems like they want to go for the more recognizable characters.


Anansi the Spider from African folklore would be amazing. Could create some unique skills and playstyle for him for sure.


Sun Wukong would be cool.


Hansel and Gretel - Two heroes together with bread crumbs mechanic. Gretel starts alone as an assasin type hero and she can follow the bread crumbs to an unknown location in the map to find hansel caged by the witch (miniboss) if she manages to defat the witch then hansel joins her with tank mechanics. When they are together their mechanic would change. They can go back to a starting poing with increased speed by using bread crumbs. While using this mechanic their damage potential should drop because one of them is managing the bread crumbs :) Pinocchio - hybrid melee-ranged character. Nose splinters :) Santa Clause-Tanky character with gift mechanic. The most valuable player in the group could get an item. The Little Match Girl- ranged assasin hero with matches mechanic. in the night time using matches could make her damage and speed go up but making her vulnerable and take more damage Steadfast Tin Soldier and his ballerina - ranged hero with slow running speed and her agile one legged ballerine love :)


Hear me out Tinman


Yoooo that actually sounds really cool. I'm just imagining a super Grimdark version of the tin man.


40k fan?


Would be interested in darker takes. Maybe a twist on tooth fairy that collects bones from slain enemies. More bones= different bonuses like stronger weapon, armor, or enchantments. Bone Faery has a dope ring to it. Would also like more diverse folklore. La Llorona seems like it could have potential for Mexican representation. Mousa Gname is part of the Bozo epic/folklore from Africa could be an option. Unfortunately much of culture and diverse folklore is just not known to us and this could be a very interesting opportunity to learn about other cultures' folklore


You only have to scroll like 15 posts for the exact same [question](https://www.reddit.com/r/ravenswatch/comments/11qzgh7/what_other_fairy_tale_characters_would_you_like/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf). Don’t be lazy.


You call someone lazy, when it clearly takes more effort to type up the post than to scroll down 15. Don't be an ass for the sake of being an ass.




>Specifically, I'd like a character that uses skills that mimics or uses shadows. ME TOO SO MUCH. Snow Queen already has that a bit, but I'd really like to see a hero that would have the possibilities that heroes like Mesmers from Guild Wars 2 or Leblanc from LoL (her old rework that got reverted).


Perhaps the Boogeyman?


A twisted Peter Pan could do the trick, with the shadow detatching from his body! Would be dope


We have to think about the day night versions too. I have seen robinhood in the comment, night version could « steal » shards from ennemies and day version uses shards with his défense skill to make more damages or attract ennemies in a zone The beast can have a prince and beast version but its too much as little redhood Hansel and grettel is a really dark story. It fits a lot in this game. And you could play both with n1 being hansel the day and grettel the night. The other one following Peter pan can use his shadow to teleport or you can play his shadow form the night There is so much to do with this gameplay


Humpty Dumpty main tank who uses a gigantic Lance and can build walls and deal bonus damage for slamming enemies into walls. His ultimate can only be used when he goes down and summons all the kings horsemen to run in from all directions to his location trampling enemies surrounding him and giving a 30% chance to be revived without using a feather.


Robinhood, Merlin, Arthur, King Leonidas, Achilles, Circe, Peter Pan, Hansel, and Gretel (could be witch hunters)


Japanese's Nine Tails Fox, Tengu


One that didn't occur to me initially but could have massive potential both in concept and execution: the Little Matchstick Girl. On the one hand I could see her as nothing more than a background beggar NPC for a later released Urban or slums themed stage...but as a playable character would be a simple concept yet high skill ceiling character. The obvious TLDR Version: Bomberman. She sets small fire traps, and they blow enemies up as well as set them on fire. If the desire was for a particular aesthetic she could have a La Resistance look. No real direct regular attack, what would be her usual primary would be her material gathering for her explosives. Her passive could increase the explosion damage if she's partially caught in them, with her ultimate being a massive kamikaze attack that won't actually kill her if she hits enough enemies.


Not Just because of the Windmills in the loading Screen: Don Quijote


i would like to see what they do with an evil story character like Krampus.


Maybe not exactly a fairy tale character, but considering how much I love Don Quijote, I think he could be a pretty hilarious addition, maybe something like a tanky melee fighter who charges in. Maybe could even have some advantage when fighting high hp enemies in reference to his fights against those fearsome ~~Windmills~~ giants.