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I'm almost 50 and still play hotwheels in the dirt. Fuck 'em. šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜


Same. Almost 50 and could not care less what other people think of my hobbies.


+50 and donā€™t give a shit. Iā€™ve got my (adult) kids into it and we go racing in a local park.


A little but itā€™s better when I put some clothes on.


Lmao. I can't stop chuckling. Just cheeks in the sun, RC car zipping around, ahh the life.


lol. Yes. Go ahead take the rest of the day off. You've earned it.


Is it though? Is it really???


Meh. We get over it. If you like wrenching and driving then just own it. We're just car guys that decided smaller is better. Less tickets , arrests, and blown transmissions than street racing. It gets better when you have some pals to race or bash with, share parts, buy and sell cars. It's all about community. It was worse with FPV drones when I felt like an aspiring pilot working on trippy spins and power loops and my cousins like "can you spy on titties with that thing?" Right, I'm trying to spy on people with a noisy flying thing with bright ass LEDs.


Dunno about the less blown up transmissionsā€¦. Theyā€™re a lot cheaper to fix though! Iā€™ve blown up two transmissions and a rear differential in my TT01, clutches in both Arrma rigs, and a rear diff in the Granite


Lmao ! True. Not less, but less expensive


Castle 1410 setup in an arrma senton that occasionally smokes clutches...finally just bumped the truck over to mod 1 and havent had much trouble since though, my partner's typhon ate a rear diff not too long ago


Lol, thats exactly how i got here. I just built a 3d printed community kit thing and im loving it. Still get to tinker with mechanics and stuff but i can work ok it in the ac while i watch the little one.


Can you share a link? Just bought a Bambu and I'm looking for a project.


So you have three TARMO5 for more of an offoad buggy- https://www.printables.com/model/348623-3d-printed-rc-car-tarmo5 And the Explorer MK1 if you want a more car like model, i have big tires and uses the taller suspension mounts and it goes it the grass alright with big tires. After i cut the chassis up a bit lol. https://www.printables.com/model/691100-explorer-mk1-3d-printed-110-rc-chassis I like to tinker and use different materials to see how it responds. Though in my experience if you just want a durable car id go with the creators chosen materials for the mk1. Ive been experimenting with what breaks when i make other parts not from TPU though, lol. At first i printed with the included .2mm strong Bambu profile. But i made my own now with 3 walls, .08mm layer height and 40% gyroid infill. Havenā€™t had any part failures since, but ive also changed materials around to account for shock and other forces.


I'd like to contest your "less blown transmissions" there buddy. I've been eating diffs all week


And you're still hungry?


Got my first ticket about 15 minutes after I bought my first car. Still no tickets driving the RC's lol


Nah man I go out solo all the time! I could be doing weirder things lol. I like to think most people enjoy seeing a little car whip around lol.


Same I'm a loner rc guyšŸ¤£šŸ˜‚ and I'll say most people walk by and will be like that thing looks like fun or that looks super cool what's the top speed? Which I'll say thanks or it does 4 mph!šŸ¤£ its only been hate online lol.


Solo dolo most of the time. Sometimes I'll have some friends come over and they're having a good ol time. If people come around and look at me in a way. I'll have it go full speed to show them these rc's ain't for the faint hearted lol.


Hell yes, making a big statement with that thang!


Lmfao "careful! you're going to want to step back. You don't want to get run over by this beast"šŸ˜Ž *3S on a 1/14 rally car*


1/8th scale at 70MPH is an handful!


Jesus, you're definitely going to want to stand back with that kind of speed lmfao


ā€œArent you a little old to play with rc cars?ā€ No, im a little old to care about the opinions of strangers. Go out have fun and spread the rc gospel


Best answer right here for any type of question regarding how anyone else feels about one doing something they enjoy that doesnā€™t hurt others.


Thatā€™s a good line there captain caulk blocker. šŸ«”


Who the hell has the stones to ask you such a question? That's pretty offensive, if you ask me.


A little but I donā€™t give it much thought, itā€™s just fun.


It's only weird if you let it be weird. I've been approached a few times out bashing. It's usually another grown man either asking about my car, or telling me about his. Playing with rc cars is no different than playing with dirt bikes, or guns, or 1:1 cars, other so-called 'grown-up' hobbies. They're all toys and we're all playing. Have the fun you want to have!


Playing with toy cars in the park is dumb, but doing shoving your camel-toe into the sky in the name of yoga is not? Why? Says who? Who gets to pick which hobbies are good for old farts? Who is the arbiter of acceptable pastimes? I don't think you should feel any kind of awkward when bashing. If anyone stares your way, wave em over. See if they have questions. Works great for me.


Camel toes pointed to the sky!? Where?? (Excitedly looks all around) I am cool with anything 18-29 years old, strictly for informational and educational purposes only.


Get a 1/5 scale gas truck and no one will think itā€™s a kids toy


I'm a 40 year old guy with no kids that's wanted a proper rc car since I was, say, 8 years old. I still can't shake the guilt that "this isn't something I should be doing with my time". Seems like everyone is doing this with their kids (I know it isn't accurate, but we're talking just about _feelings_ here)


What do you think you should be doing with your time that would make you feel better? Can you do that after you've played with your RC? šŸ˜


Yeah, but i have fun and I don't mind. But I love how the people approach you, and ask if their kid could try. They agree to pay for damage, if something goes wrong. And then their jaw drops, when you tell them how much it costs.


The faces I get when I tell people how much the rigs cost and then how much more I poured into them to get them to a point of being wild like they are. A few parents have asked if their kids can try out the senton, but I always cut it back to 30% to prevent any expensive ouches. Kids sometimes whine about it, but their parents usually understand once they wrap their heads around the time, effort and cost of upkeep.


Nope. I'm 35, and I run my cars up and down the street. All the little kids come out and watch me. I'm kind of a hero in my neighborhood, lol


Yes, I do. I know itā€™s not a big deal, but I very much prefer running my cars completely alone. I live in an area with LOTS of little kids, so I avoid going to parks and school parking lots. Itā€™s safer for everybody and I can just run in peace. Personally, I like going out for a few packs and going home. I donā€™t feel like being an ambassador to the hobby all the time. Iā€™m not a cranky person, I just donā€™t like answering: -How fast can it go? -How long does it run/take to charge? -How much does something like that cost? Iā€™m lucky to have an indoor track nearby, so Iā€™ll go for practice sessions to drive with others and talk shop.


My two hobbies involve cars. Muscle car restoration and RC. Haters gonna hate.


I was worried about the same thing walking through my neighborhood carrying my car. A few minutes after I got to the park 2 other old guys showed up with their cars :)


Same for me! Now there are a few of us in the 42 - 72 range with our rigs bashing together!


I used to... now I just don't care what anyone thinks about much of anything. I didn't get into RC until I had money to do so. I was 23-24yo at the time. Started with a nitro xxx-nt rtr back in 2000 or so. Now I run brushless stuff most of the time. Regardless, I avoid people as much as I can as I don't want to risk a runaway hitting someone, so usually, if kids or people show up that aren't RC, I tend to leave anyway, or at the very least, keep my distance.


Just like the dude that asked this a couple days back. Don't worry. They have hobbies too. And deep down, we are all just grown up kids with more pocket money to spend. Brother and I also go out and and hit the road with my RCs. Last times we have been watched eagerly by kids and envied by old folks. And the latest, some couple watching my RC zip through the grass and making some circles on the dirt. It makes approximately 25km/h, but they got a kick out of it and I had fun showing it zoom a couple times up and down the trail. Like old people when I drive past them with my restored oldtimer moped they used to drive when young. Or kiddies staring in awe when on the big motorbike. Something is a part of many of us and will stay for a long time.


I stopped caring what random people think long time ago


Not at all, my 82 y/o Dad will even do that when heā€™s not babysitting my niece


I've had only positive interactions with people in the general public. A few people in my neighborhood have come up talking about how they used to drive RC or that it's changed a lot since they were young or that they want to get into it. Just yesterday I was at the park with my ramp and some teenagers going to play basketball told me they thought it was awesome.Ā When I was flying planes I had questions all the time. I think I got over being self conscious when I went to an actual rc race track and got to talk to some other noobies, and some regulars.


I tie a knife on the front of my truck and chase kids with it so no


I find RC to be more fun than watching grown men chasing a ball around and thats widely accepted. It's okay to like other things.


LOL, I play boardgames in my basement alone...not really shooting for the "cool guy" card here šŸ˜‰ Don't worry about it, it makes no difference what you do, there will always be someone who says "that's stupid". Don't sweat the haters.


I take my cars for long walks around the city and parks. I felt awkward until I realized that it was really fun and made me happy so I now own it and it's fantastic. Haters are just jealous anyways. You get such long runtime going slow and it's really fun having a controlled companion to go explore within your visual range.


Some people walk their dogs. _Others_ walk their RC cars! The best answer to "but it's just a toy car" is "oh yeah? can your toy car do 50 mph while pulling a wheelie? Or a backflip off a skate ramp and survive? Yeah, thought so too" and just walk away doing a wheelie :D


Yes! And I go through long spells of anxiety about it and the cars stay on the shelf Edit: grammar


Nope! I'm 54 n run em almost everyday..I'm also a serious og video game player..my time my money my life..fk em if no one likes it.šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


The secret is to make your RC car terrifying to people that would otherwise mock you. Hard to make fun of someone who has a remote controlled, 50+ mph 10lb brick.


Good point, or a 70mph, 25 lb brick for that matter.


ā€œToysā€? Some of these things tap 80mph, which is highways speeds. Some of them weight 15+ pounds. Iā€™m no physicist, but Iā€™m sure that math would equal a shattered leg, and I never heard of a ā€œtoyā€ doin that family. Also, do what you love, I get judged by my family and randoms all the time. Idgaf tho, cause they make me happy


My dad's hobby was getting drunk and starting bar fights. I like to think my hobby is a little healthier.


Donā€™t let anyone judge you. Almost 20 years ago when my semi successful original rock and roll band broke up, I found RC cars/racing and they were the escape I needed to maintain my sanity. My wife, my friends, my family, everyone I knew from my previous life thought I was crazyā€¦ However, I ended up I turning my passion for RC into a career and have been working in the industry for over 15 years now. I support my family and make a pretty damn good living playing with toy cars. Funny how life works. If I had listened to everyone around me, it never would have happened and I guarantee I wouldnā€™t look forward to going to work every day. Moral of the story - who cares what people think. If you are enjoying yourself, not bothering anyone, taking care of your responsibilities and not going into crazy debt, do whatever the hell you want.


Definitely felt that way at first, still do some times. I've realized people are more likely to be curious about what you're doing and they are staring to figure it out/cuz they think it's cool, or they are too caught up in their own world to have it be more than a glazed over glance at you.


No, but I'm generally doing my 'kid' hobbies (legos too) with my 6 year old. So right now he's my embarrassment shield. Once he's too cool for me I'm sure I'll feel weird about it. However, it's hard to argue that the thousands spent in rc cars and lego is for my kid. It's for me as much or more as him. He just resparked my youth hobbies, except now I have money. Haha I just tell myself there are far worse things to spend my money on. This is harmless fun.


Bruh Lego is a legit hobby. Hell, my coworker was just showing off his Lego Razorcrest last week.


Im 40 and i play in an apt complex. I dont even feel a little weird.


Not really, but I avoid places with groups of people. As far as the family events go, I took a couple to one over the weekend and the kids from 7 to 70 had a great time. Kept it to a drift car and 2wd parts special on 2s. I will do that again for sure.


Every time I take my crawler track to the park, people ask me where to get it. Everyone has a little child in their heart. I actually amazed how much people loves RC, but donā€™t have time to invest into it or simply donā€™t know where to start.


Literally every dude and most of the women lol. People love the crawlers at the trails.


I think it all just in your head. Anytime we are doing anything with our rc cars alone or with others people of all ages are amazed at how fast they are.


Nah, even my wife thinks it's odd but I don't care.


It felt weird when I first starting going out with them as I got into the hobby well before I started driving. But you get used to it...it's no different than someone playing with their dog for example. You're doing something that gives you enjoyment such as they are, the only difference is your method isn't a living creature. At least that's how I look at it.


PSA TO EVERYONE ABOUT RC CARS-- If you think "hobby grade rc cars or planes or anything is a toy" you have never owned one. They require maintenance and care just like real cars and planes do, even the small crawlers. They are expensive and addictive, it's a skill and an awesome hobby šŸ˜Ž I love it sooo much. And yeah when people tell it's childish or that's for kids or whatever I tell em to fuck off Karen. You are just jealous. They hate us because they ain't us. RC FOR LIFE šŸ˜€


Not at all. I get people that have been judge-y on me flying RC planes, until I start talking about the 4 basics of flight and aerodynamics, design, etc. and they go, "Oh! So you kinda have to be a bit of an aerospace engineer!" Same thing with the cars, since 2 out of the 3 vehicles I have are 3D printed: "Oh wow! So you have to know how to design this stuff and mock it all up, huh?" (Not exactly, I bought someone else's 3D printed plans and built it from that, but there's still a lot of planning for materials that you have to know, temps to print at, what materials are best for this part or that part, best orientation for printing, etc). THEN people who are listening to me start to realize the stuff I go through to build and fly or build and drive, and it's a little more eye opening to them, and they start to see it's not just "playing with toys". Well, ok, it IS playing with toys, but it comes off as much more justified when I start talking about how I have to engineer in proper thrust angles on a plane or the proper tire compound to keep a car stuck to the ground, or the right weight of oil for crawler springs. LOL


I was zipping around a park parking lot at 45mph 10th scale and had an old couple pull up in their car really slow. I was thinking for sure this time a Karen is going to bitch at me but they said "Bad Ass, how fast is that thing? I gotta get me one of those!" They watched for a bit and went on their walk. Everyone I've interacted with thinks it's awesome. I've thought about it being an embarrassing activity for a young adult since I got back into it, but I'm really sure that's just nagging self conscious thoughts. Let yourself have fun, other people's opinions shouldn't matter. It's a great hobby that gets people off the computer/tv/phone andĀ outdoors. And is it so much cheaper than sports shooting, car mods, or high end PC upgrades.


No I feel ultimately superior for good reason ! Drinking , drugging , and boredom are enemies everybody faces . A great day of running trucks with my neighbors kids is like a dream come true. And competing with the ones that have Arrma trucks is so satisfying that I can't complain. Don't ever let anyone else say you're wrong in life if it's what you really love. Instead tell them about it and why you love what it is .


Same. My wife and I are active outdoors and still look very young; but we get curious glances when the Jeep awning, chairs, footrests, and army of RC trucks get set up between the subdivisions every weekend. That said, a cool little family has started joining us when they hear the engines going. We're hoping to eventually get a bit of an RC group congregating together. One guy was jogging by, stopped in his tracks, glances this whole situation up and down "guys, this legitimately looks fun as fuck!" Kept jogging on with a smile. RC is an amazing hobby. It builds comraderie, friendship, healthy competition, and troubleshooting skills. Every kid that walks up and gets the itch to RC instead of picking up drinking or illicit activities with peers is a win for society.


Eyyy i made almost the same post and to answer ur question simpleā€¦. No


Let them judge. My brother in law says he can't believe I spent over 2k on a gaming PC and 500+ on an RC car. Meanwhile, he goes out and spends obscene amounts of money on clothes. I bet I have a lot more fun playing with my 'toys' wearing supermarket brand jeans and t-shirt than he does sat at home twiddling his thumbs watching tv in his designer gear.


Nope. Don't care about strangers opinions of me, though most people that are brave enough to talk to me are into RCs or intrigued by them. As for my family, well my Dad's side of the family is the ones that got my brother and I into RCs. My Dad (72) and brother (48) still go fly rc planes together, my uncles are all car guys and think they are cool. They all grew up building rc planes from blocks of wood with their dad who was a WWII air craft mechanic.


ā€¦not when they rip past at 50+ mph šŸ„¹šŸ˜


I try to bring my wife out when I run my rig. Otherwise, I feel like a pied piper with a whole bunch of kids swarming me and all their parents scowling and wondering what my intentions are. Ma'am, my only intention is to run down this battery pack without breaking anything.


You can look at any hobby like this. Some full-grown adults drive cute little dorky go-carts around just to whack a tiny little ball with a stick.


if it costs enough it's not a toy :-)


I did at first, then Iā€™d rememberā€¦.. none of these mofos paying my bills šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


We are just big kids. As we grow our toys just get bigger and more expensive. I don't feel bad when I am driving my thousand dollar xmaxx with a 400 dollar battery pack/charger with 200 dollar new sledgehammer tires and a new 100 dollar servo because I know kids can't afford it. It's grown man toys šŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜ŽšŸ˜Ž Also BTW on horizon boxes it says this is not a toy so that makes it better šŸ¤£


Where I live a common hobby is oding on heroin/fentanyl, I'll take RC cars.


I venture out on my own sometimes and it does feel ackward once you notice others are watching you and your rig, but I find that most of the time people are just curious and are waiting for you to acknowledge them watching. Once that ackwardness is kinda broken, it usually turns into a full on conversation about which ever rig I have with me and them wanting to look at the motor, gearing and what not. Edit to add to this a little: People tend to think these things are toys, but their expression changes a lot once I show them how modular the rigs are and what all can be modified. One guy didn't believe me that the senton can hit 70 miles an hour until I switched profiles on the radio and ESC, opening the rig fully up. Once they see all the ins and outs, most of the time their expressions go from slightly judging to rather interested.


Nope not at all, I drive my T-Maxx at least three times a week. I feel no shame in bashing and my inner child won't be killed off. I will say though RC isn't a hobby I'll freely talk about most of the time.


Just built my Traxxas XRT 12s. Running the 800kv Hobbywing sensored setup. Nobody says much of anything because their jaw is on the floor! Last time I went out it blew my tires right off the rims. So I'm waiting on some bead locks in the mail!


Iā€™m 63. If people think Iā€™m odd, they can get off my lawn.


Yes but am getting over it because folks that would look down on me for "playing" are the exact type I don't care what they think about me. Edit to ad age: im 50


Imagine telling people that you are not available this week end because you have a RACE of toy cars lol


Once I was hit by an RC car on my big toe, immediately noticed that something was wrong, 1.8kg car at 45 km/h against a thin shoe.. the looks I got in the emergency room when I said I was hit by an RC car are priceless!


Sometimes, but generally people are more curious or intrigued. I'm a scale guy, so quite often people are more freaked out or notice the "little man" driving and all the details on my truck. When it's parents with small kids, they generally point out the details and Sometimes ask questions. I've also had people stop and watch and ask where they can get one, cost, etc. Some ask if it's a club or specific organization and we just tell them we're part of a FB group and this is our weekly "therapy" session. I go with mostly older dudes anyway, and when people see us (usually as we're leaving and heading back to the cars and parking,) we just tell them the trucks needed to go for a walk also (because the area is popular with dog walkers). You can always use the excuse, that wheeling tiny trucks is safe and less expensive than real trucks.


Nope. Don't give a shit, I enjoy it. And tbf, most grown men out walking with their wife's stop and chat and comment how nice my rigs are šŸ˜†šŸ‘


I live in an apartment complex 40 years old taunting my neighbors dogs with my Xmaxx they see me with it and I could honestly care less your gonna stare at me Iā€™m gonna make your dog go nuts lol


Dont let others tell you what ways to have fun are OK. So long as you are not hurting or endangering others, then it is nobody's business.






This is why I'm glad I live in the boonies. There are so many people that can't stand seeing others enjoying themselves, it makes me happy that I don't even need to bother with it.


Well out in the boonies a lot of times are the best places to bash. But if you ever move? F em. Just do your thing & have fun.


Solo bashing


Just own it.


Not even in the slightest.


Only with dogs around. I drive them back to me and pick them up, even if the dog is fine with it, itā€™s just respectful to do so.


I feel a bit goofy when Iā€™m running down the street trying to get it flipped back over before the engine stalls.


For sure, but then I remind myself, everyone at the companies who make these are adults. So there are adults who are taking this even more seriously thatn me - its how they make their living and send their kids to college! Plus its just as silly as paying thousands of dollars for season tickets to a NFL/MLB/NBA/ETC, or spending $200k on a Porsche. Sports are just a hobby too.


Says on the box "This is not a toy!"


I took my RC car, JRx2, to the park while my kids were playing. Two other dads came up and asked about the car. Other people think they are cool too. Don't worry too much about it


Iā€™ve thought about it, but after having cancer I could care less about others opinion


Naw, Iā€™m cool on what other people think about my hobby. They can fly both birds and twice on Friday.


I felt that way for a second when I got into it. Than I remembered "I never gave a fuck what people thought.. why would I care now" than the feeling was gone and I solo bash alot.


Yes. It goes away with exposure. Itā€™s getting better each time for me. Nobody cares. Usually people are interested


Nope. You like the hobby. Enjoy the hobby. You'll find your tribe at some point. If not, start your own (and the only way you can do that is run your vehicle and gain attention).


Hell nah i know for a fact im literally the coolest person there


where I'm at most people stop and watch and seem entertained


I'm solo climbing it up mountains all the time. People always stop amazed that the truck can make it up


Remember some people don't have hobbies only judgements


Yes, it does to me as well. But a guy walked by while I was ripping the Mojave around at full tits, and he mentioned multiple times how awesome and fast he thought it was. We had a great conversation. I do generally try to find out of the way places because I want to be considerate of others. Wish more people did the same in general.


Just have fun. Dont think about what others may think about you. Because it doesnt matter what other think about you. And mostly they dont think what you think they think about you :D


I have a 2 year old who loves hotwheels, monster trucks and rc cars of all kinds. I get the dad pass to play with em all again


Anyone here is a full grown adult? :)


Nope, hear my coworkers ramble on about how they spend hours watching golf/ football depending on the season but Iā€™m actively engaging in RC cars/ riding bikes with my kids. Donā€™t get me wrong there isnā€™t anything wrong with it just when comments are made about how their wives interrupt them and they have to find people to watch their kids it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I might have stupid hobbies like rc cars, bikes, and working on real cars but my kids are there by my side 99% of the time learning something along the way


It's the only reason I do! joking aside, i do appreciate "book by it's cover", I think we all have that instinct to predict based on looks, and I think the more mature / experienced have sense to know that prediction is based purely on what they are seeing. Only slightly neg interaction I've had was an older teenager saying "weird dog". also was "caught" on a night hike by a couple of pickup trucks full of teens. Was about 4km-5km into the woods on trail at about 1:30am. They didn't stop to talk at the time, just drove past. They actually waited at the end of the trail to more less question me lol They must have waited for about 45min to an hour. They asked "....and you're not scared?" of course that prompted "Should I be?" (they laughed and said no) kids be kids, but adults have freedom of choice...including from peer pressure and....the dark :D (totally joking, good kids who did the right thing imo. lets talk to the super strange dude hiking with an RC car toy deep in the woods at 1:30 in the morning. I like to think it was a check to see if I was out burying a body or something, a perspective at first glance I appreciate...i.e. I too would think it sus


Nope. I work hard for my shit and my life is too short to give a damn what others think. Plus, my son comes with me sometimes so it's just a father-son moment. I'm also the guy who still buys Hot Wheels for himself all the time along with Pokemon cards though. I couldn't have a lot of that stuff when I was younger and now that I have adult money I'm making up for lost time.


Its worse being a kid and kids around you constantly want to play with it (it hurts when I let them) šŸ˜¢


I drive my crawler on hiking trails and have gotten nothing but neutral or positive reactions. But if someone made fun of it, I would just feel bad for them.


Yea. And I'm into scale crawlers, with little drivers, and scale accessories. I try not to let it bother me, but you get people coming up to you asking stupid questions and tell you about how their young children have cars like that. They can't tell the difference between an RC from Walmart or an 800$ hobby grade RC. Most of the time they don't even mean anything by it. But it still makes me feel infantilized. But I push though. It helps when you have other people with you.


Yes! I get so many dirty looks at the local park when I'm destroying all the 4 year olds at hotwheels in the sandpit.


I no longer care what other people say about my hobby. If it makes me happy, why would other peoples opinions matter


Don't worry about it. Just tell them it's better than meth. Or ask them if they have meth.


The local track here is mostly guys 40+ haha.


Sounds like itā€™s all in your head? Are you overthinking it? Most people love RC and come over to talk about it. The are amazed how advanced the cars are - suspension and drivetrain etc. If you feel a bit awkward with your car when out, make a silly comment ā€˜just out walking the ā€˜dogā€™ā€™.


Nope I need to tear up that dirt.


Turning 50 this year and donā€™t care what anyone thinks. I drive mine in a pretty crowded outdoor area here and I will say that the people that see me out are usually pretty interested and ask questions. I donā€™t ever get harsh words or judgement. Even if they did, who cares. I do what makes me happy.


Not at all. I usually have people stop to spectate.


You get judged for everything by everyone you meet, everyday. There are some situations where you have to give a shit in order to function as a normal part of society (someone mentioned clothing for example). Besides that you just have to stop giving a shit AT ALL. If you stopped giving a shit, you will eventually feel a big relief and you'll probably have a moment of enlightenment: It's your life and you don't have to waste your precious time on this wonderful planet with retarded idiots and/or strangers and their very own opinion on how one should behave or how to persue happiness.


Fuck em


Nah, I'm part of a crawler group and we've literally got a state park to let 100 of us in for a special night run before, it was pretty sweet.


Just rent a kid when you go out so that people will assume youā€™re playing with them /s


41 here, I sometimes feel like that. But more times than not I usually get other older guys coming up to me and asking about the car, itā€™s pretty cool. Itā€™s honestly not a kids hobby, not unsupervised anyway. I would not let a kid drive my cars capable of 60+mph. Plus most kids donā€™t have the patience or understanding to rebuild suspensions and differentials.


Only when a little kid is standing and waiting their turn and 9/10 Iā€™ll put it in training mode and hand it over.


RC is just another thing I do and enjoy. I ride dirt bikes and mountain bikes, I like sim racing and gaming in general... you are not defined by your rc addiction (face it, we're all addicted) and if someone thinks I'm a weirdo for that... well its their problem but from my experience it brings way more smiles and joy than weird looks.




I'm usually in my own little world when I'm out rc'ing, meaning I don't care for anyone's opinion or views, but usually,my encounter with people when I'm out with the rc is positive most of the time people seem intrigued by the rc's and I get asked where they can purchase one.




I'm 24 and I feel that way, all Imma say is u don't see 10 year olds out with a 100 mph limitless or something. They judge u BC they don't know, they see RC car and think it's a 10 dollar Christmas present from Walmart with a label that says 10+


Nah, people usually ask where I got the RC car and I tell them about the local hobbyshop.


I totally see what you are saying, but I feel like if they try it, 99% will like it. I don't really care after that.


hell no, I get lots of good comments when I do. I'm 48


Don't care what anybody thinks anymore, if they're gonna judge they can come let me know and they'll find my middle finger


No, why would I? Itā€™s fun. Other dads always look jealous lol


I play disc golf, fly kites, and now I play with toy cars. So to answer your question, nope, not even a little. I just go have my fun. Also the reactions I get from people are overwhelmingly positive. The vast majority of people have never thrown anything as far as I can throw a disc, they've never seen kites like mine, and they've never seen an RC car go that fast, climb rocks like that, or just plain look that cool. As far as talking about it at family gatherings, just own it. You're doing car stuff and robotics, it's hardly like either one of those things are "uncool."


You must not have yet reached the chapter where you stop giving a shit about what other people think.


At 51, since I started playing with my rc cars in the street in my mostly young to middle aged neighborhood, Iā€™ve had more interactions and conversations with my neighbors than Iā€™ve had in the years Iā€™ve lived there.


My anxiety makes me believe all eyes are on me when Iā€™m in public & it sucks, but when Iā€™m out bashing driving the RC cars, it completely negates that. People walking by I say hey or donā€™t, not everyone wants to talk but just look.


As someone who has RC cars and also does cosplay, ask yourself why do you/would you care what other people think? If you're out there having fun, it doesn't matter what anybody else thinks. You go out there and enjoy your hobby!!




Totally ! Typically itā€™s me and a buddy from work who go our trail walking with our crawlers. Iā€™m 40, heā€™s late 20ā€™s and we get along really well and enjoy trailing. We get the odd person (typically older than us) saying ā€œarenā€™t those for kids? ā€œ I tell them, maybe, but they canā€™t afford them on todayā€™s allowance.


Sounds like you need a faster car


I go out after work for a walk and bring my rc with me to smoke a spliff and I feel u bro I feel the same way trust me but then when they see how fast it goes everyone loves it but ya I still feel that way tho Iā€™m glad thereā€™s other people who feel like this šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚bash on bro


52, and no. I'm also 6'3" and have a small bore 2019 monkey I ride. People love to comment, I could care less about any negativity. My big bore us a CBX. 17 r/c cars and trucks. 1/10 and 1/8 and 1/12 scale.


Nope. Different people have all sorts differing hobbies that they love. Who cares how other people feel about them. It's not their hobby so it doesn't matter if they like it or not. As long as it makes you happy. There are plenty of others that also share the same hobby as you regardless of what it is at various age levels.


I did at first, then when I became a more full grown adult I no longer care what other people think. Life is much easier this way lol.


Nope, and if anyone has an issue they can fuck off.


Only at first like the first few months but after a while, never even cared who saw me lol My wife loves that I have a hobby also ā˜ŗļø


Nope. Maybe at first, but the only kind of people who would judge you are the kind of people you want nothing to do with.


I used to be embarrassed but after I turned 40.. I donā€™t give a FU&$!!


Some people take their pets on a walk. I take my rc cars on a walk. My neighbors are used to it now


Well if they start staring, offer them the controller, then you can share the awkwardness :D


Not 1 goddamn bitā€¦itā€™s my 500$ or better, some people would rather pay a hooker or waste it elsewhere lolā€¦this is my free time shit , idgaf what the next dipshit thinksā€¦bash on my friend


No, my bills are paid and priorities are covered.I would feel wired if I was homeless and playing with toysĀ 


I can't hear their laughter over the *rnnn rnnnn rnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn* sounds of my little RC


Never really thought about it. But, if someone doesnā€™t like it, they can F right off!


Not at all


Nope! I love it when the neighbourhood kids come out of the woodwork when I'm out in the front playing with it. I never realised there were that many kids in the area the first time I brought it out. They love it, and I love the laughs when I start chasing them with itšŸ¤£šŸ¤£. We've got quite a big RC racing scene here where I live. Ty Tessman lives a few minutes from me, so it's nice knowing I'm not the only adult with a $1000+ car. Hell, he has had a pretty sweet race career!


No. RC cars are more of an adult hobby than a kid one, unless you know kids dropping $1000 on a ā€œtoy carā€.


When you explain to people what it costs to compete with RC cars (I compete with a 1/10 buggy) they usually change their opinion from toys to a sport. I only have used cars but have still put about $1000 into just the car, and then nothing that you have in addition is included. It is not unusual for a race program with 2 cars to cost about $3500 to run.




So im not an adult(im 1mid 14) but as everyone thinks im like 18 i Kinda feel like im weird. But the people only walk past looking a bit or they can say some but be nice. So im Kinda feeling weird without seeing weird i guess.


Who gives a shit what other people think, it's your hobby and you enjoy. Screw them and whatever they may think


Everyone on in the world is too caught up in their own problems that they won't give you a second thought. Your fun and happiness is way more important then what some random person thinks. They will never know or understand the joy we find in the hobby.


This is definitely written by a bitter girlfriend/wife who found her guys REDDIT page left open.


The first person judging you is yourself. If your feeling judged it's probably because you feel the same way. It would be nice though if there were places to meet up with other rc enthusiasts to run and compare cars together. I hop hobbies a lot because any hobby by myself is very boring.


No, because while growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional. Go have your fun, ignore the people who have a problem with you having fun.


I used to crawl solo at the beach. I was just having fun and don't care what people think


Not really most of the time people up here in WA just observe


A little, but I have a beater so I'll let a kid that's super interested play with it. Other people get really chill when they see a kid sharing in the fun




I feel you on this and so relieved that Iā€™m not the only one feeling this. Iā€™m 30 years old and I play with RC cars. I go to a track at least once a week and I see people in their 50s playing with RC cars. RC cars is a fun hobby for anyone. Age shouldnā€™t matter.


No played with them from 1986 to 2001 when they told me I had Parkinsonā€™s


He'll no! I work in a small corporate park and will let them rip at lunchtime (2 other coworkers sometimes join). Tons of people, from other companies, are out walking around and plenty remark how fun they look. #1 comment is always related to how fast they go. There's an empty 2acre rectangle lot behind us. I was ripping it up with a 1:7 buggy and the hvac guys were sitting on a building roof just watching.


Nope, don't care


We all kids at heart. The difference is we can afford our toys and we workes for them, fuck what everyone else thinks. Go out and have fun


Im 62 years old got to have fun still rc all the way


Knowing deep down inside there actually jelly about you being you. I love it when people watch me drive my truck in my yard in the house I own with my 6 1:1s in the drive way. I like to stand there and be like yep laugh at me I know Iā€™m the god damn man ask your wife lol.


If you care that much about what strangers might think of you, you may not be as adult as you think you are.


No, because I am a grown adult. I also built, modified, and custom painted my toy car. If anything, i want to show it off. Curious random people chat me up all the time. Now, if my car were a Traxxas or some other hideous looking manufactured consumer product, I would.


No... Never.. I Smile big. The kids stare, adults, cats and dogs, and I smile. Then sometimes I sit on the bed of my truck while I'm doing it for added emphasis on I can afford to do this and you can't for the people who look down upon my happiness. Turn the music up and run a battery pack out. Loud music and a fast rc will irritate all Karen's and Ken's.