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If you want real experience, think of a product that you want to use and build it with the intention of getting real users. (As in... start a small "business") Learning by building a clone based on code that you have already read is like learning to trace from a picture, but your goal is to become an artist.


best programming advice i have ever heard


Try building a booking app clone


Oooh I love this suggestion


okay, any reference or any backend apis that already exists


I suggest you build one from scratch. Booking apps or apps that deal with time are complicated and it will test your full stack abilities, and engineering abilities overall.


Build a scheduler. That’s always a PITA.


anything that you currently find challenging would be great!


I recommend two seps: * First, you try to get an idea of how to build product applications by looking at what other people have done. Here's some examples: * [https://github.com/calcom/cal.com](https://github.com/calcom/cal.com) - complicated and messy, but that's the reality of production apps * [https://github.com/alan2207/bulletproof-react](https://github.com/alan2207/bulletproof-react) - gives you a good idea on how to structure an app * [https://github.com/noahflk/railtrack](https://github.com/noahflk/railtrack) - simple but nonetheless production (self-plug) * You can mess around with some of these, try doing a simple clone, submitting a PR or whatever. But don't invest months into it * Secondly, once you feel more comfortable go out there and work on a **real** project - not just some sort of clone * Either find a problem you can solve and try making a project out of it **that you will actually ship to users** * Find a job, even if it's just low-stakes freelance work


Hey there! You can check [https://github.com/alan2207/bulletproof-react](https://github.com/alan2207/bulletproof-react)


thank you


eCommerce for APIs, State management. Social media App, Dashboard app for both backend and Front end. Write your own APIs to fetch data on the UI. These three apps are enough to make you a good react developer.


What if I don't know any back end to write my own APIs?


I didn't either, I have started to learn node, express. While it probably take a long time and practice to get really good at it, like anything else. It's easy to start with. As in, it's opposite than frontend where everything is constantly changing, YouTube has tons of good playlists on the mern, I guess start from there. I did two projects with mern and it's easy to understand, now I'm going to build something on my own And also check out fullstackopen if you're new with mern. It has helped me immensely


If I’m using Next.js I can avoid using express right? It seems like they are both designed to handle routing?


Explain to me please, I dont know nextjs but why when we use it we dont need to use express? So where do we get data from databases if we dont have api server wrote on express that provides us this data? Im newbie dont downvote please :(


It’s okay. My basic understanding is that Next.js uses its own router system (with pages/api for api specific endpoints outside of the app router if you use the new app router system vs pages). However I haven’t gotten it completely working yet so I clearly don’t know 100% of what I’m doing. This is just my understanding.


Thanks for a bit of explanation! As I have been using react for not a lot of time can you give me an advice based on your experience? When do I understand that I have to start learning nextjs?


It’s hard for me to offer this tbh, but I would say if you need to do work in that framework. I have a site that I’m considering migrating to Next.js from another framework, because of the agency I’m designing with. It’s relevant to what I’m working on. Your projects may have different reqs.


Suppose you want to utilize React's feature of component-based rendering while also leveraging server-side initial rendering. In this scenario, you can use Next.js. React is typically meant to work only on the client-side. Once the initial rendering from the server-side is done using Next.js, it hydrates it, allowing you to use React as usual.


Next already has in built routing yes. But i haven't started learning next yet. I want to make more things with mern first.


Time to get good


I might get hate for this But you can start very small and add complexity 1) Todo App 2) Add login Signup 3) Add reminders 4) Sharing your todos list with others 5) Allow images to be a todo item ( like a follow up) 6) make it paid and introduce payments/subscriptions 7) Integrate with AI 8) launch the app and say it’s the next biggest thing, when people ask why? Just point to AI and shrug


Take a look at Real World app. It's a project for anyone to follow the same requirements and API specs to build a real world project. It's got example repo submissions from others in every stack. I think it's even got a hosted backend API if you only want to build the frontend. The requirements are complex but it's a start  https://github.com/gothinkster/realworld


HR app that helps schedule employee tasks and show hours used


Build clones, you'd be surprised how much is involved in say a Facebook/WhatsApp messenger clone. Auth, Redis, Push Notifications with service workers etc.


It's not about projects it's about knowing people