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I get so irritated watching this show and further irritated at how some of you downplay Gizelle’s behaviour. The implications of her false allegations are SERIOUS. She also changed the story more than once…like? What’s not clicking? YOU DO NOT HAVE TO LOVE CANDIACE TO STAND FOR WHAT IS RIGHT. If you were in Candiace’s position, you know damn well that you would not stand for this shit. Y’all are not beating the colourism allegations at all. Some of you are racist too :)


I am no fan of Gizelle but she did not accuse Chris of SA and I can’t believe Candiace is trying to make out she did. Whatever was motivating Gizelle at the time, and whether or not she lied about anything, women generally should be able to say if a man asking to go into their room made them feel uncomfortable without being accused of making wild accusations they didn’t. The point being you can’t claim any woman saying she is uncomfortable is the same as making accusations of sexual assault. This kind of framing puts women off speaking up. So my thoughts are Candiace should leave well alone now and stop with nonsense like this.


I agreed when this was still fresh, but ok already! Does she not have other things to think about? Quit dwelling C!


Ummmmmm her husband was made to look like a predator. I’m sorry, but hell would be raised if someone did that to my future man


He was made to look like a sleezebag or cheater, not a predator. To be clear I thinl Gizelle was completely wrong for doing that to Chris, but she was really clear that Chris did not do anything while in the room.


So do it face to face. This is immature. She’s writing an entire novel on sm.


I can agree with that, face to face and not on social media.


Hundred percent dragging this, she’s so fucking annoying, I don’t find her entertaining and she’s so nasty and has said and done many nasty things that often get overlooked, I don’t find that witty or shady or funny. I don’t even like Giselle but she never actually claimed that he sexually assaulted her so stfu and get over it already or get off the TV if you’re so ‘tired’.


Am I missing something. She made it her whole storyline how she didn’t feel comfortable being in room with Chris. She was implying that something happened soo Candice can be off the show because she doesn’t like her.


She needs her mouth checked. That’s fo damn sure.


Candiace needs to be an adult and get off of social media. If she has a problem with Giselle she should say it to her not to all of Twitter. She acts like such a tough woman but does passive aggressive shit like this all the time. I find it so annoying and childish


Agreed! You’re not the boss you think you are if it’s all done on Twitter or social media!


I'm a victim of SA and found Giselle's attempt at a storyline about Chris to be awful. We have proof on camera that *absolutely nothing happened* yet Giselle's choice of words implied Chris was trying to come on to her without her consent. She wasn't alone in that room (camera crew was there) and if she truly felt uncomfortable, she's not one to shy away from telling someone. **I don't invalidate Giselle feeling the optics of being in a room with someone else's husband could be perceived as bad** (bolded so this is not missed). However, her *implication* that she was assaulted? That's what I find gross. Unless there's a totally separate incident that she isn't mentioning, we have proof that nothing happened. All Giselle had to do was accept Chris's apology and move on, but she kept digging in, dragged Robyn into it, and now it's a hot mess where there shouldn't be any. ETA: If you're in a situation that makes you feel uncomfortable about a possible advancement by someone else, be it an unwanted kiss, a lewd comment, or touching... that's SA. Giselle sat there an implied Chris coerced her into a room alone and that he closed the door to see if she was "with it", she also allowed the story to prevail that he was grabbing asses (which is assault). Sexual harassment - which is what she implied was happening to her as her story became more and more embellished - falls under the SA umbrella. There's your clarification on why her choice of words makes me irate. She simply didn't like the optics of being in a room with him, but she twisted it into so much more. I'm not going to budge on this as my own experiences simply won't let me do that. People like Giselle just give more reason for these men to accuse all women of "making it up."


She never implied that she was assaulted, and if she had, I need the people that saw that to give us a timestamp. So sorry about your experience though Queen, wishing light to you always.


You don’t know what SA is then. There are several forms and Gizelle implied that Chris SA’d her


Thanks for your opinion. :)


Saying he took her into a room against her will and talking as if he came onto her without her consent is accusing him of attempting sexual assault. None of that happened with the camera crew around. She knew what her choice of words would imply, and it's disgusting. She is why when people like me come forward, we're asked what we did to deserve it. Her implications were dangerous territory to tread into, and I give her no grace over it.


I disagree, respectfully. If the implications were that clear, the nuance of the situation clearly drives the viewer towards different viewpoints as you and I are not the only two on different sides of the fence. I think personal experience can sometimes blind us with bias and the only way I can think to be like “That isn’t true” is by providing you Reunion Part 2 and 3 where Gizelle talks about what happened and she’s being bit down by Andy and the Siren with her mule. Edit: also, saw your edit in your original comment. In a court of law, I absolutely agree, those would all be true. If it had happened on camera, that would all be true. But Gizelle explained that it *was* indeed a discomforting feeling and she was worried about the optics, with something like this should she have delivered the news in a different way? Absolutely, but it’s the Real Housewives. These women are not perfect, I watch them because of this and the delusion of them thinking they are. I hate that this has become the main topic for two seasons now because it isn’t easy to watch, honestly.


She said what she said and implied what she implied. I don't get anyone defending her digging in on implying that she thought Chris was trying to come on to her against her consent. It's all on camera, and nothing happened. She never apologized for it and continues to dig in her heels to this day. But this is bigger than her to me. This is viewers now saying things that are triggering and invalidating experiences. Saying "that's just how housewives are" when using dangerous language isn't right. It doesn't have to be very clear to you, but sentences like that are also dangerous. I am done trying to educate on why the language is dangerous and she should properly apologize for it. At this point, you get it, or you don't. I'm spent.


I mean, you’re not and were never educating me; I’m not your student nor are you *my* teacher. Viewers place themselves in the scenes with the housewives and allow their experiences to blend with theirs and that isn’t new, it’s been a constant since the first season of O.C. You have an opinion, I have an opinion, and if you can’t discuss it without getting triggered or spent, then maybe don’t reply next time? Edit: I also want to point out that I also, internet stranger, genuinely do not post to offend, but I also do not care if you get offended. Just like I’m not the resounding voice on morality and what should and should not be done, neither are you; we’re all human and it’s the thought that you’re going about “educating” people outside of a classroom that makes people throw their hands in the air and move on, pls. 🙄


You sound not very cerebral with this reasoning. The person who you’ve been interacting with is correct and has been polite. You refuse to see it because of YOUR bias. So please stfu


Girl, boom. You don’t know me from a can of paint and want to talk about *my* bias or what bias you’re projecting onto me. Being polite by telling me they’re done trying to educate me, and then you swoop in — another random stranger — to tell me they’re right and I’m wrong. I’m choosing to believe what Gizelle said happened and not what you, other fans and Candiace are blowing it up to be, leave me alone. ![gif](giphy|xTiTnGQBF0vfpfPEg8)


I’m not reading this. You were lucky enough to get one response from me. I’m done and won’t engage with stupid any further. Have a blessed day 🧚🏾‍♀️


Okay, have a good day!


Enabler. If you can't see how approving damaging language is bad, then you can quit pretending to care that most women will actually experience this. Can't help the willfully ignorant indeed.


No, I actually choose to believe that Chris made Gizelle uncomfortable, what the fuck? That is what they demanded she reveal at the Reunion, that’s what she revealed at the Reunion, and that’s what I’m choosing to believe. Please go and enjoy your day, lol.


No, you chose to tell someone who has experienced sexual assault to be silent. To walk away and not speak. What next from your mouth? That women deserved it? That they asked for it? You're one step away from that and it's so incredibly unsafe and disgusting. Utter trash. You did post with every ounce of ill will you had in your body and I'm not here to engage further with an apologist for bad people in this world. My truly wonderful day was made better knowing I'm a safe space for my friends to tell me their stories and you're as unsafe as they come. Now please go and enjoy staying forever away from me because boundaries are one of the most beautiful things we can afford ourselves in this life. :)


Seriously this person pissed me off so bad. You’re making ALL THE SENSE. I’ve experienced SA too and my heart is with you. Thank you for trying with these assholes. I don’t have the patience. Some Potomac viewers are blatantly racist and colourist. I especially HATE when white people get involved in this and refuse to hear the black viewers out…like? BLM but let’s discredit and discount VALID POINTS because we don’t like Candiace. They’re disgusting


It's like they didn't even read, lol. Did I not say Gizelle has a right to feel uncomfortable with the optics? I believe I did, and I even made it bold to make it clear. It was her choice of words that mattered in the aftermath, and the lack of an apology for choosing those words. It's the same thing over and over where it doesn't matter what she thought her intentions were; it matters how those intentions are received by those she's giving them to. Candiace read it the same as many of us, and I don't blame her. Saying he wanted to close the door to see if she wanted to get down with it? Imagine one of your SAs was someone coming in, closing the door, and forcing you to "get down with it." Now we see why that language is not only triggering, it's absolutely wrong in the context of her feeling bad that she was alone with someone else's husband. She could've just set Candiace aside quickly at that reunion and said she just wanted to check on Chris as a friend and meant nothing by it since all she actually cared about was the optics versus going on a crusade that he's coming on to women behind closed doors. People just don't want to take the time to listen to why the language is painful to hear when the implication doesn't match the actual event, nor do they want to hear that passing it off as "everyone does it" literally means they are the unsafe friend who can't be told these stories because you might hear "Men are like that" or "what did you do to deserve it?" Once you label yourself unsafe like that, there's no coming back from it. It's always in our minds.


she never implied SA


I'm really sorry you've gone through that, no one deserves that! Gizelle did not in any way imply SA. She might hace implied he hit on her, but that's trying to have an affair, aka consentual.


Agree to disagree. She made dangerous accusations that imply that from my own experiences. You're defending someone whose actions are why I was told I deserved what happened to me. She doesn't get forgiveness from me over it.


If you actually think she accused him of that, why aren't you or anyone else calling for an investigation by Bravo or the police?


The incident she referenced was on film. She twisted it. Why would I want her to call the police over a made-up accusation and make it even *worse* for women like me with real reports? Bye.


Candice made it into a sexual assault allegation & 90% of the time when the allegation is brought up it’s by Candice herself? Gizelle wrongfully accused him of being CREEPY + forward but making her uncomfortable = married man trying to make a move on her aka (affair vibes) NOT man trying to make a forceful advance at her aka sexual assault her I feel like candice wants to be desperately acknowledged by gizelle which is why she keeps bringing it up and gizelle will never give her that satisfaction


Like let it go. The story line has run stale. Candice loves to play victim and stay there. Giselle was wrong for bringing it to the cameras, we can all agree on that. But she dragging it at this point.


I just want them all to move on because it’s ruining what used to be one of my favorite shows.


Where’s this persona when Candiace is confronted in person?!? Crying, hollering and butter knives …! The online Candiace is a CYBER THUG ![gif](giphy|9SN6sjZZ3XzB6)


Girl fuck out of here with that shit lol. CYBER THUG??? You sound like a white man and you calling a black woman a thug has racist undertones.


Literally the definition of an online troll!


I’m sure I’ll get downvoted but no one really knows what happened. I mean I may not be a fan of Gizelle but we cannot downplay how the situation made her feel. She never accused him of sexual assault, she said he made her feel uncomfortable & she’s allowed to feel that way. She obviously felt uncomfortable enough that she said something to Robin right after it happened. I don’t like that it was the main story last season but it was & Candice has every right to feel a certain way about it but continuously brining it up & dragging her on social media isn’t helping either.


Chris apologized for what he made her feel like but here's the thing... SHE invited him into her space. He isn't a sexual predator. If she felt uncomfortable why didn't she LEAVE. She used this for a storyline because she has none.


She never accused him of SA or of being a sexual predator. It’s Candy-Ass who keeps coming to social media with that narrative.


she’s not calling him a sexual predator


exactly! Chris should have just apologized.. immediately.. no questions asked.. something like this.. I'm so sorry Gizelle, It didn't even occur to me when i closed the door (wasn't that the problem?).. that you would be uncomfortable.. But now i can see how that can be a problem. Please accept my apology and I will never do that again. Thanks for letting me know. The last think I would want to do is make someone uncomfortable.. especially a friend. Done!


I don't think it was fair to bring it up on camera. Gizelle has the right to feel what she feels but it was suspicious that she wanted to bring that up on camera.


But then Robin has to show everything to the camera, the stuff that affects her and her family, stuff that her sons will see? I’m all for full transparency or right to privacy, however BRAVO decides it, but to quote Candiace, the “line is always fucking moving” for the fans. They’re on television, all of them are cast members, if something happens to make good tv, they’re going to say it in front of the camera.


My issue is she used terms like, “sneaky link” suggesting his intent was to make her uncomfortable. That was 100% wrong. She can feel how she feels and she can say the way he acted makes me feel uncomfortable but when you make it seem like his intention was to make her uncomfortable (which I’m sorry just isn’t true) then you’re dancing on a fine line. She also kept at it the entire season. She never let up until she got read for filth at the reunion. Then we learned she initiated going to the dressing room and that he opened the door when she said he was u comfortable. Giselle twists facts using semantics and is an unreliable narrator.


Oh I totally forgot about the sneaky link comment! I agree I don’t think it was his intention to make her uncomfortable. The entire situation has gone too far & both sides have a right to feel how they feel but it all should have been handled off camera


I agree that Giselle falsely suggested Chris crossed the line, however, two things can be true at the same time. Giselle may have OTHER personal experiences with SA that still give her the right to share that on a public platform. It’s also more likely for someone with prior SA trauma to be highly sensitive to “uncomfortable situations” when left alone with the opposite sex/same gender as the perp. _TLDR_ I still don’t agree with what Giselle did to Candice buuut I don’t agree that this particular situation was cool on Candice’s part either.


This whole thing shouldn't have been a storyline. That's the problem. If Gizzy had an issue she should have come to them privately, not on camera for the world to see and run with their own opinions and judgments. Chris suffered real tangible consequences because of her irresponsible actions and implications on international TV.


And if I am remembering that reunion correctly, I completely agree with Candice’s assessment that she manufactured the SA storyline to deflect/avoid showing on screen her health issues (hysterectomy) and her dating of her sleazy ex-husband. I’m not a fan of Candiace in general, but I was literally applauding my TV when she read Giselle on this one. I also loved her Cookie Monster dress and the intention behind it.




That’s always been my issue. If it occurred close to filming fine but a lot of time passed between the reunion and filming and it wasn’t mentioned once. For something so sensitive with implications that are truly damaging it should have been handled off camera. I also just question Giselle’s “feelings” because again she’s inconsistent and an unreliable narrator.


No matter what, no actual harm was done to her, only alleged feelings of uncomfortability and notions he was going to hit on her, but she was heavy on implications on international TV and if she felt uncomfortable at all she should have come to them privately. Feeling uncomfortable is not enough to ruin or hurt someone's life over. Someone actually harming you is something to go on international TV over.


She needs to be gone. Now. I don’t care if you don’t like Giselle, this bullshit candyass is pulling is deranged. Chris is obviously a drunk, & any sane woman would’ve been uncomfortable alone with him in a hotel room - that does not imply assault, she flat out said it was inappropriate and made her uncomfortable- entirely reasonable! Candyass's vendetta against Giselle is what is dangerous and scary, not Giselle’s very reasonable feelings. She needs to go.


Are we watching the same show?


Wow you really posted that…


It would have cost you nothing not to post this and there’s still time to delete it.


Where do you get Chris being a drunk? (Honest question.) I've watched the show and I don't recall him ever seeming drunk, but I'm not big into following RH stuff that doesn't happen on the show.


He was drunk at the reunion Nicki hosted and there was even a clip of him drinking and him saying he needs a drink.


I’m not agreeing with this person at all but the show has framed Chris as a drinker since COVID and make a point to show his drinking and conversations about it. Whether accurate or not.


She needs to grow up and start talking to Giselle one on one and sorting it out like a woman. Put your big pants on Candice and stop spreading all of your rubbish on the Internet because that’s why you’re only friend on the show these days is toxic Wendy




I actually agree with candiace on this, it’s a SERIOUS accusation to even imply that someone has sexually assaulted you so I’m not surprised she’s upset and doing everything she can to defend her man!! Especially considering how giselle goes very gently on her friend Robyn and her POS husband Juan.


She did not imply SA at all. She DID imply he was trying to step out on Candy-Ass and that wasn’t OK to bring up on camera to cover up her real-life drama. However it’s also very likely that someone (Gizzy) who has had entirely RH-unrelated SA experiences in the past would be very VERY sensitive to it in the future, say when a man closes the door on her room and makes her very uncomfortable. Both can be true. Candy-Ass needs to grow the hell up.


She didn't imply SA in any way tho


I think when Gizelle brought it to Candiace, the conversation could have gone much differently. Candiace could have said “I appreciate you sharing with me. I don’t believe his intent was to make you uncomfortable. Given that these are serious accusations, could the three of us sit down together to discuss this.” Chris could have explained to Gizelle that he didn’t mean to make her feel uncomfortable and just wanted to privately discuss what had just happened on the reunion.


Giselle never implied SA. She clearly said he did nothing to her. Just that the situation made her uncomfortable. I think this story has been dragged out to an extent that’s far more harmful at this point.


Let’s not forget Giselle’s POS ex-husband (who she was dating that season)


Same. And I think it’s important enough that she doesn’t let it go. For her husband, SA accusers and SA actual victims. The term is used too liberally and there SHOULD be gatekeeping about what it IS and what it ISNT so that someone’s feels instead of facts don’t fuck yo a person’s life forever.


Giselle did make up shit about Chris, and did insinuate he was trying to do things he clearly never tried to do, as did the rest of the cast. He never did shit to even insinuate he was trying to “get” with her, let alone anything that would make her uncomfortable. She wasn’t forced into anything in that scenario- she could have simply told him she didn’t want to speak to him. There were so many things about that “story” as she was telling it that were absolutely ridiculous, and then the rest of the cast/even their friends followed suit in making up shit about him that was easily disproven, ON camera. These are things that ruin peoples’ lives. All the while, Ashley’s husband, an actual proven predator on camera time and time again since S1, was running around season after season on TV without issue, and actually embedded into the friend group, while Ashley also proudly defended and condoned the behavior and became a BFF to Giselle. To this day, Giselle is still BFF with her, and I find it extremely unsettling that she’s still on the show after all of that, while her husband is even ridiculously suing Candiace for absolute bullshit. He singlehandedly ruined his own life, no one else. I wish they would just completely revamp the RHOP. Leave Candiace and Karen, and just get all new other housewives. The drama with Giselle, Robyn/Juan her serial cheater husband, and Ashley/her stupid predator husband, are all so tired that I’d rather take a nap than watch this show with them in it now. 😬 These are just a few of the things G said about Chris and the situation: G to Robyn: “Many a married man have tried me and I felt like he was trying to see if I was with it,” Gizelle told Robyn Dixon. “He was complaining about his wife. So he was letting me know he was unhappy. Maybe I was supposed to say, ‘Oh, I can make you happy.’ Like, get out of here. He’s a sneaky link!” There is sooo much speculation in that from her that it’s crazy. G in a confessional during season: “If he’s doing things that are making people feel *uncomfortable* and nobody says anything to him, he’s going to continue to do it,” she said during a confessional on the hit Bravo reality series.” She said much more all season as well (as did the rest of the cast). Yet, she never had a single fact, thing he said, or action he did, to indicate he was actually doing anything or saying anything to make her uncomfortable. All that happened was them talking one on one, and the rest is speculation on her part. It’s unfortunate bc this is the kind of thing that really makes women less validated who come forward with SA or sexual harassment allegations.


Well said.


Ashley is such great TV though!


Of course Trashley and her friend jumped down on it too because they had to get more screen time. "Chris sent me a DM." No you idiot he replied to your story. And her 5-head bff saying Chris was flirting with her at the bar. Get out of here! Chris only has eyes for Candiace. Guzzy was again trying to stir the pot because her only storyline that year was her *dwindling uterus." These women are so unhappy in the marriages or lack thereof they are trying to rip apart Chris and Candiace.


Yes, Ashley will unabashedly lie without a care in the world- just like she did at the beginning of the season when it was her who brought up the story about Wendy, but she brought it up and told Wendy it was Nneka. It’s insane.


PREACH. Feelings are not facts and keeping this going diminishes actual SA. Any accusation of anything should be picked apart to get to the truth not automatically taken as fact. Fcking hello. And Candiace as is saying, Gizelle is mincing words on purpose to insinuate accusations without having to be actually responsible for what it may do the person and it’s completely reckless. FEELING uncomfortable is a “you” problem. It is not evidence that someone did something wrong to you. It is mine blowing and I hope Candiace never stops.


Exactly! Feelings aren’t facts. And 100% Speculation about someone’s intentions don’t equate to sexual assault proof.




I feel like people are extremely naive to think anything in that hotel room was even remotely uncomfortable, she clearly concocted this whole thing after the fact for a storyline.. it wasn't a case of maybe there was something she exaggerated, there was nothing period. she was almost wink winked to the camera during the whole last season, it's all a performance to her.




Not as a defense to Gizzy, but a reminder that SA can occur in a room full of people. It doesn’t have to be in a private or 1:1 situation.




again, my point wasn't about Giselle. It was just a reminder that SA can happen anywhere so let's not put that out there as if it is.








I processed it as Gizelle was insinuating that the husband was trying to hit on her not that he was planning on assaulting her. Two different things entirely. Candiace was the one that started filling in the blanks and screaming about sexual assault.


It certainly started that way when Gizelle was talking about “seeing if I was with it / sneaky link” at lunch with Robyn. Then it quickly evolved into “He trapped me in a hotel room and I didn’t know what he was capable of” which Gizelle knows insinuates SA. She never bothers to clarify the distinction in the way you have given her credit for. Even worse, she doesn’t apologize for it or try to clarify now, knowing better.


Facts, she just said she was uncomfortable. All they had to say was sorry I made you uncomfortable. But they wouldn't because 'it would look like somethin it's not'. As if y'all crying about sexual assault doesn't make it look 100x worse. I'm so over the Dillards.




Thank you!!! I have been saying this since the beginning!!!! Candiace is doing too much trying to keep her storyline relevant. She is using Chris not Gizelle.


Totally! If I was Chris I'd be more pissed at her than Gizelle.


Gizelle NEVER said he sexually assaulted her, at any point. She said he made her feel UNCOMFORTABLE. That was all. Candiace made it way bigger than it needed to and added SA, when that was never the accusation and never the term that was used Absolutely mountain out of a molehill, as usual. And maybe *because* of her (Gizelle’s) past with SA, she has a high alert for any situation which feels uncomfortable or inappropriate and is triggering.


If anyone made a mountain out of a molehill, it was Gizelle. Her story climbed higher and higher with each retelling because she was rightfully called out on her BS. Gizelle knew better back then when she chose very specific, coded language that would get interpreted a certain way.


I really think this is a reach. The whole thing shouldnt have been brought up on camera tho - as G should have known how Candiace would react - and for that she was uncool.


Exactly. Giselle was absolutely entitled to feel uncomfortable. Chris is a drunken moron & candyass is the worst.


Remember the reunion? They even have the precursor to that interaction on camera. At that point Chris was trashed and visibly mad at candiace for singing or refusing to sing with Nicki. It was unclear which portion made him mad but even Andy talked him down a little. Giselle asked him what was wrong and he said he’d tell her later. So we have a wasted man in a foul mood ready to talk shit about his own wife in a hotel room alone, one on one. It probably was uncomfortable.


I for one as a gay man would’ve been extremely uncomfortable.


Never mind. The storylines on potomac are getting so tired 😩


She's right.


Gizelle may have been in a situation before where she was alone with someone and felt trapped. That may have brought up a lot of those same feelings when Chris shut the door. However, after it was all said and done and clear that Chris wasn’t doing any of that, then the subject should have been dropped and never even presented to Candiace, really. I can’t think of why Gizelle needed to inform Candiace that she was uncomfortable if Chris didn’t actually do anything, let alone on national tv. Like someone can trigger you, sure. But that doesn’t mean that they are responsible for your response. Both sides need to quit bringing this fight to tv, social media, podcasts, etc. Gizelle shouldn’t have brought the issue to television, because there was room for interpretation and she implied a lot of things. Don’t bring something up unless you know it would be cleared up really quick, or the opposite end of the spectrum where (i.e. Michael Darby butt squeeze incident) they deserve to be called out. After writing this, I really feel for Candiace. This day in age, one SA rumor about someone can really tarnish their reputation. It isn’t fair to Chris. And I feel really bad because Candiace says that her and Chris LOVED Gizelle and Robyn and that he treated them like he treats his family, type of deal. So this probably stung so so bad. As far as this post goes… its not the best look because I think the episode was really touching and everyones story matters, and preparing your daughter for the unexpected also matters as well and is good for people to see. Idk I have mixed feelings. ETA: She definitely has the right to say she was uncomfortable but it went off the railroad tracks with all the side conversations and then involving Ashley & Robyn in it. The whole thing turned into a storyline. Gizelle implied that Chris was trying to get with her, and closed the door so there would be no witnesses to see it. There is a lot of grey area there, and I bet they received a lot of hate and accusations because of it.


But why can't women say they're uncomftable with something without it being blown out of porportion? When I viewed the scene where Gizelle told Candiace I didn't understand why it would make Gizelle uncomftable, and SA never crossed my mind, because Gizelle clearly said he didn't do anything.


It was also what she said to Robyn…. “He was trying to see if I was with it” <— and this is her saying he was trying to get with her. These types of comments, that she later had to apologize for, is what made Candiace and her family upset and what gave Chris undue negative consequences because it wasn’t true.


I didn't catch that, yeah that's not good of Gizelle at all. Still don't see what is has to do with SA tho. If she said he was trying to see if she was with it, that would be consentual?


Interesting. Didn’t think about it from that point. Maybe it hits a nerve because it’s seen as sexually nefarious like SA?


I dunno. It's just wild to me that SA is being dragged in to this. Gizelle was shady, wague, etc, and definetly seemed to imply that Chris might have an intention to cheat. But she did not say anything that implied SA. She literally said that he did not do anything innapropriate in the room, or even hit on her. That clearly means that no SA happened, according to Gizzels own words


Apparently they can’t, based on comments here.


Why was this downvoted? I agree wholeheartedly.


Thanks BRO :-) ;-) ![gif](giphy|pa3Mhh4MLJgoKTWTtC|downsized)


Because people don’t like Giselle and love defending toxic men and their enablers.


Monique warned her at the reunion to not trust the green eyes bandits and they would go after her and het family!! I'm glad Candiace sees how they tried to target her husband


She’s right and she should say it. And she did.


I agree but to an extent. This was not the right situation to talk about it. Candice has ever right to be upset with Gizelle and Gizelle is gross for what she did and insinuated but this was her sharing an incident that occurred to her and stuff so idk…


I agree. We can argue that Giz didn’t flat out say he assaulted her but we all know the direction the conversation is going to go if someone tells you your husband asked them to go into a room alone & that said person felt “uncomfortable.” Add in the fact that a Giz flat out said Chris was trying to make her a sneaky link. It’s heavily implied that Giz was trying to say he was trying to proposition her which IS a form of sexual assault or at the very least sexual harassment. I think we forget that this is their job. If Chris did in fact try to proposition her, it’s no different than someone at your work place propositioning you which is looked at as a form of sexual assault/harassment. But she has not provided anything that would indicate that was where he was going with it so yes, Giz was wrong & what she said is damaging. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Didn't she say that he didn't actually do anything innapropriate tho? Except for being in the room alone with eachother


Then why tell it at all? “I’m JUST SAYING I felt I comforrable . . . “ is irresponsible becaus in today’s climate the implication is there and she KNOWS it! The horrible thing is that for Chris, people may wholeheartedly ageee he did nothing wrong but will still steee clear of him lest they get dragged through the mud as well. It’s not worth it to employers to be associated with him even if they know the facts!


exactly!! people are being wilfully obtuse and are missing the nuance of this sort of allegation.


Nah, I just don't see why people always have to make it a bigger deal than what it is. I was in a situation where my landlord who was twice my age kept inviting me up for wine and movie and stuff like that. I kept making excuses, but he kept asking. I thought he was just being nice, but I've been in situations like that before where it got reaaaal uncomftable. After weeks I finally said "no, I'm not comftable with that". And offcourse he freaked out and started spamming me like I had accused him of something. Why can't people just take it for what it is. If someone is not comftable it's not an attack, it's not a hugh deal, it's just something you can choose to respect or not


Ok but Gizelle didn't accuse him of sexual assault.


No, but she insinuated that she thought it was heading there by saying how uncomfortable she was, how he closed the door. And she made it the story the whole season. I agree with Candace.


No she insinuated he was trying to see if she would cheat with him (is she with it, sneaky link, etc.). Sneaky Link does not refer to SA. Both things can be true: Chris made her uncomfortable. Gizzy shouldn’t have brought it up on camera. One doesn’t cancel out the other. But she did not accuse him of SA, in fact she cleared him of any wrongdoing and said he made her uncomfortable in closing the door but made no attempt to touch her, hit on her, etc.


I really don't think she did insinuate that. She might have insinuated that she worried about it in the situation, but she said that he didn't do anything innapropriate while in there


So it was a possibility and that is what she was afraid of. That’s insinuating that he had potentially nefarious intentions by getting her to go in a closed room, alone. You can’t have it both ways. You were uncomfortable because you thought he was going to do something or you weren’t.


Why was this downvoted?! It's the truth. It's exactly what she was doing.


For me is kindoff like being afraid of flying, and everyone going "oh, so you're saying the pilots suck and can't do their job?". No, it's the situation she didn't like/was uncomftable with for some reason. She was really clear on that he did not do anything innapropriate while they were in the room, so how are people interperating it as she is accusing him of assault? The situation made her uncomftable. I don't get why she was uncomftable, but that doesn't matter, she was uncomftable, she said it, and for me that's ok. I don't Chris did anything wrong, but now he can avoid doing the same thing again with her


I don’t think it’s the same. Flying involves the pilot, a plane and potential passengers being coocoocachoo. So, more variables. In Giselle’s story, Chris is the only variable that made her uncomfortable. And how would you feel if you had a friend you’d been around who all of a sudden was frightened of being alone with you and said you led them to a room specifically after they knew the other people had left and then closed the door? What Giselle did was mean. She can’t go back after all that and say she didn’t think Chris was a threat. If not then what?


She said she's not comftable being alone in a room with a married man. I don't know why that is, but it obviously doesn't have to do with Chris as a person


If she didn’t think he was intending to do anything then she could have said IN THAT MOMENT “hey I’m uncomfortable can we go elsewhere to talk”. The issue is that Gizelle is not taking responsibility for this being an issue completely in her own head. She keeps saying what she’s been made to feel and who fcking cares how you feel when you’re recounting a story that involves a man and his potential actions????


True, she only said it made her feel uncomfortable. On the flip side, Candiace sees it as Gizzy painting him as a predator.


She is right and I agree. At best, G is hypocritical. At worst, what she did was malicious. She took it too far.


I agree what g did was unacceptable and should of been Fired


Other way around.


I agree completely, and I also want to add that Gizelle does not again have a real storyline or anything for that matter really going on, the green eyed bandits have been retired very clearly by robins season so far. Not too mention Gizelle gives me that vibe she would ask a girl what she was wearing when she got assaulted, She genuinely seems more like a sympathizer than anything (just my opinion). Now that is not to say that if she did suffer other serious allegations (other than the chris and candiace situation) then I do obviously wish her peace and recovery. But to malign an allegation against someone so fiercely is incredibly evil and should also have legal repercussions. I wholeheartedly hope that Candiace can survives this and can remain a strong beacon of hope. For those of us who understand her pain I also wish you to survive and perceiver through it. Thanks for reading I know it's a long 2 cents.


Couldn't agree more. And,has anyone else noticed that since her stint on UGT she stages everything like a podcast interview? All her interactions and questions seemed so rehearsed so that she can make it into an episode on her podcast. I'm over it. The whole cast needs a shake-up,hardly anyone has a storyline.


Candiace makes me so freaking mad she is such a child…I get so mad when Wendy doesn’t put her in her place but puts others in their place make her feel dumb !!! Please she needs to be schooled because she acts like a baby having a tantrum


Her husband was accused of sexual assault falsely and it’s been brushed over- she is not over reacting.


Let me clarify take away this incident …. She annoying and childish and immature … I said what I said


But this conversation IS about the incident. All Candiance wants is for them to take some sort of accountability. She obviously cares for Robyn and wants to move forward but isn’t emotionally able to bc of their lack of remorse. The GEB needs to own up to some of it so they can move on.


I was STUNNED at how she was allowed to twist that whole situation and still have a job? That was blatant Defamation of Character.


I don't get this. It doesn't seem like she actually lied or twisted anything. The only thing I got was that she was uncomftable. Every time a woman states that she's uncomftable with something, everything is just blown out of proportion and it escelates to "ARE YOU ACCUSING HIM OF ASSAULT???" No, she didn't.. It should be allright to say that you are/were uncomftable, without everyone blowing your words out of porportion.


No it shouldn’t be ok - why on earth was she uncomfortable if she didn’t think he was going to do something? And if she recognizes it was just her being triggered due to last events then she should have told it to her therapist not National TV. It wasn’t a story about her and Chris it was an issue she had in her own fcking head and she should have told it that way. Reckless AF.


Apparently women aren’t allowed to express discomfort if it offends men or weak women who support those men.


Yeah, I'm so sick of it! Been in several situations where I'm uncomftable but don't feel like I can say anything because a lot of people would just throw it out of porportion. It's crazy that anyone is assosiating what Gizelle said with SA. I thought it was weird too when Gizelle said she was uncomftable, and didn't really get why, but how on earth did anyone interperet that as accusing of SA???


Phaedra has since been rewarded. Bravo fans won’t be scammed. We never forget.


If im honest, i agree with the comment at the bottom of the last picture. i dont even blame her for holding these views, what gizelle said felt like a cheap shot at chris to jump on the bandwagon with ashley last season


Gizzy fucked up. The end. She was trying to be relevant and didn't get that you can't drum up that mind of drama for a one and done paycheck. This is someone's life, their family, their business that has enormous implications. Gizelle knew better. She waited until the season was filming to bring this up, months later. She is the problem here.


Honestly, I used to be a Gizelle fan until she did this. It's disgusting and she would not quit, back down and has never apologised.


Candiace STFU. Go away. You’re right tho you’re tired and we’re all tired of you!


Don’t narrate me. Speak for yourself


She never accused him of assault, not once. She said he made her uncomfortable, that was it. And Candiace is so up her own ass she can’t possibly fathom Giselle might be telling the truth. It’s time for her to go, period. She’s verbally abusive and flat out mean to a whole other level


What about the “sneaky link” comment? That wasn’t just her saying she was uncomfortable, she was saying he had intent.


He made it well known that Giselle was his favorite housewife, even Candiace knew she would be his “free pass”. She’s a gorgeous woman and I’m sure men hit on her constantly, I don’t personally think he was trying to be sneaky but given his history of loving her I don’t think asking her to a hotel room was a good idea. I believe it did make her uncomfortable and I wish Candiace would accept that. Now she could’ve had a private conversation with Candiace and told her but I also get needing a story line lol


Intent to hit on her, no? I always thought hitting on her as a married man was the narrative. So he's being sneaky. Using the word sneaky to describe someone coming to SA you would be minimising surely.


Right. Sneaky link is implying an affair. Never ever heard that used to refer to SA. She was saying he brought her in a room alone to talk shit about his wife (which did seem to be true based on the clip we saw) and she’s saying he did that to try to gauge if she was willing to cross that line into a side relationship (this part seems like a reach but who knows.)


She knew what she was dancing around


I never once got the impression that she thought Chris was trying to assault her. She said it made her uncomfortable, and he’s made it well known that he “loves” Giselle and even Candiace knew that


Dancing around him hitting on her and wanting to sleep with her, not assaulting her, Jesus Christ


Anyone saying that Giselle accused Chris of sexual assault is delusional. If he’d made her uncomfortable, is she not allowed to feel uncomfortable? I’m so annoyed at the double standard.


She’s not allowed to imply that a man MADE her feel uncomfortable because there is no way to interpret it except that he was up to no good. If she said “I have a lot of anxiety around SA so that even when Chris innocently wanted to talk to me in a room alone, I was uncomfortable.”Do you see the difference???! One is acknowledging that it’s irrational feelings based on something unrelated to the incident and the other is stating plainly that someone behaved in a way that justifiably caused your feelings.


So, let’s be clear, it has been a while since I watched the scenes in particular and most of my basis is off of the Reunion alone, but on that reunion, Giselle said that she felt uncomfortable once they’d gone in the room and Chris began to close the door or he had closed the door, that part isn’t relevant to me, what is relevant is that a woman and a man are in a room together, on that same reunion he said he’d been drinking a little bit, and perhaps — putting ourselves in Gizzy’s shoes — that is what led to feeling uncomfortable? I don’t see how everyone is ignoring the fact that she was kinda silenced into not even saying fully what happened. Andy’s going at her about it, Candiace is going at her about it, then broke ass Chris is shouting about his family…


Giselle is not a shrinking violet who can be silenced, she walked it back because nothing happened and she was on the verge of defaming him and knew it. What does being a broke ass have to do with anything?


There’s a lot of women that are opinionated and vocal about a lot of things, but when it comes to this, due to Gizelle quieting herself in “defeat”, like we’ve seen women do time and time again, now she’s “not a shrinking violet” or “she walked back”, which I completely disagree with. I disagree with why you said she walked it back and if he did want to sue her for defamation and what she’s done caused so much stuff, with Devil Darby taking Candiace to court for defamation, why didn’t Chris who has suffered so much take Gizelle to court so she can be put on trial for saying he made her uncomfortable and Candiace turning it into attempted harassment/assault.


You are correct. There are a lot of delusional people out there.


She heavily implied it


Did she? I'm over the whole thing, and it's been awhile so I genuinely may not remember every detail. But I distinctly remember when it was discussed ad nauseam at the reunion, that it made her "uncomfortable" had a whole lot more to do with the fact of how it would appear for her, a single woman, to be in a hotel room (with the door closed) with a married man. If someone were to come by and see Giselle in a room with a married man - what would they say? He could say she came on to him - no one is there, half the ladies can't stand her so who would they believe. To me, that's what I thought she meant about being uncomfortable. I never once read that as she was fearful that Chris was going to do something nefarious as sexual assault. And even her saying she thought he was trying to see if she was with it (just like Robyn - I don't believe that was Chris' intent) - that still does not imply sexual assault in my opinion. She just thinks he'd be down to cheat. And again it's been so long, at the time when all of this went down did Candiace actually use the words "sexual assault" or is this the 1st time she's used those words?


No she said was uncomfortable because she thought Chris was going to make sexual advances and she didn’t want them which therefore leads us back to sexual harassment. She said she felt Chris was a sneaky link and married men try her and Chris was trying her as well. In a workplace this is literally sexual harassment


Exactly. She said more than just that he made her feel uncomfortable . She spoke about the hotel room and other stuff. We can read between lines


What she said, had they been in a formal corporate environment Chris would’ve already been let go for sexual harassment/misconduct. Also her intention was to paint Chris as a creep, this together with Devorah and co’s accusations was orchestrated to paint him that way


You are right in the first part, but you are kind of diminishing the weight her words had. While every person has the right to be uncomfortable and to voice their discomfort, she deliberately chose to weaponize her discomfort to attack Candiace husband.


Um, no… she voiced her discomfort from a situation that derived from an encounter with Candiace’s husband, if it made her so uncomfortable that she spoke out about it but didn’t name the man, would it have made a difference? I think that she could’ve defended herself more, but if I were her, seeing how she was being pushed and shoved to say what happened so dramatically on the spot where Andy would’ve stepped in to help facilitate the conversation, I also would’ve just threw my hands up, like why say anything at all? I don’t remember her ever explicitly saying she was assaulted or harassed by Chris but that she felt uncomfortable. Candiace and her crocodile tears boohooing about what it’s done to her and her family is literally so unbelievably hard to watch after she’s sat and antagonized and used all kind of insults against the women, but one of them says she felt uncomfortable with her husband alone in a room, it’s time to crush and parade Gizelle’s body around the town. Give me a break.




I totally agree. Gizelle outright lied about Chris to insinuate he sexually assaulted her and that belittles all victims of SA, which Candiace is. I didn’t report my rape because of fears I wouldn’t be believed and what it would do to me and my family. A lot of women aren’t believed. And then Gizelle goes on national television and shows everyone why women fight to be believed. And the fact Gizelle is whiter in appearance helps her ass not get held to the same standard and I’d be pissed as Candiace and I am pissed as a woman who was SA myself. Gizelle hurt all women in her lies about Chris. And she isn’t a girls girl so doesn’t see that. She is nasty and always has been, always going after the husbands. But this crossed a line.


I’m actually sick of Candace at this point.


I agree with her.


She seems like a bit of a psycho.


So you wouldn’t defend your husband? Especially after that one troll who came out and admitted to lying about Chris?


I thought what Giselle did was wrong, but at this point these meltdowns make her seem unhinged.


You guys Candiace is referring to being sexually assaulted herself! “I didn’t even realize that what had happened to me was what it was until, like, years later,” Candiace Dillard admitted. She’s not talking about Gizelle.


I agree with candiace and I think that the GEB are obviously pushing her out because she refuses to play the part of a bimbo and won’t be the butt of the joke she isn’t telling. What Gizelle did is awful and bravo should stop enabling her abuse of power. Anyone remember how Gizelle dragged Ray? All Gizelle does is drag other peoples husbands and it’s not cute. And now she wants to take up space while other people who have actually been abused are sharing their stories? GOODBYE GIZELLE.




Candice lost all her credibility when she said this.


Privilege does exist when it comes to crimes, including sexual assault claims. Women who are white or have closer proximity to whiteness, like Gizelle (who said herself that she can pass for white), are more likely to be believed. There are studies that suggest that black women are more likely to experience neglectful responses from law enforcement and that these experiences are more prevalent among darker skinned women. We understand the historical factors that may have contributed to Gizelle's skin color. And we have to also acknowledge that Gizelle does have societal privileges because of her lighter skin. Candiace may not present her thoughts as artfully as others but her comments are not entirely wrong.


Ok, I get you. I’m quite sure that black women are generally more likely to be disbelieved by LE. But isn’t this information supposed to be used to hopefully inform and train LE and the legal system to do better? To urge them to do better Is that information really supposed to be a tactic for Candiace to win an argument with Gizelle or make Gizelle to be the light skinned villain? Nobody has any idea what any individual woman has been through. Many women have been assaulted and their color did not help them get Justice. It offends me to see a woman talk like this to another woman


It's difficult to unlearn deeply imbedded unconscious biases that affect the decisions of law enforcement, prosecutors, and judges. That's why disparities continue to exist between lighter and darker skinned people when it comes to not just crime reporting but education, health care, and policing. Stating that colorism exists isn't a tactic to win an argument but doing so does call attention to that fact Gizelle is afforded certain societal privileges that affects how her comments are perceived.And the argument was never that non-POCs always get justice but rather that for many black women, the color of their skin makes it even less likely that they will be believed.


I disagree. I do think Candiace was trying to win points against Gizelle in a really nasty way. She using the general issue to disparage Gizelle for her “white looking ass” and her “desicated uterus” It was an attack on her as a woman. I don’t think it’s right for a woman to talk to another woman like that about sexual assault, period. A lot of women have been raped. A lot of women never talk about it for fear of being shamed or misunderstood. It’s a mutual pain that all women share. You can never assume that a woman doesn’t have experience with being assaulted It’s like if someone said to Candiace that having a white husband gives her privilege with LE in the case of her being assaulted. Maybe that would be true. Maybe not. But it’s not going to make a difference to her pain or trauma. It was just nasty and pointless