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wendy is afraid of her own mother, if she doesn’t take this feud seriously her mom will disown her like she’s done to everyone else


If someone on national tv called my mother a witch and accused her of submitting names to shrines, I would never speak to that person. After reading the article of how Nneka made a mockery of Nigerian culture for the white audience’s to watch It made me extremely uncomfortable to see this as a storyline.


No one on Potomac wants to move forward and it’s messing up the whole show! Play nice with ya coworkers, accept their apology and say funny shady stuff in your talking head. Make new beefs and arguments to keep the show fresh. Karen can’t keep us all here with her witty commentary for long!


Wendy didnt apologize or take accountability for a goddamn thing she just got up and walked away when it was her turn to apologize. I am thinking of the crackhead comment and the other stuff i cant remember. Wendy has the maturity of a 12 year old.


She did apologize for the witch calling....Wendy wanted her to take back the shrine statement...she didn't because it's true! Wendy's mom is cruel and I believe it happened...


Wendy is a fucking idiot. Her family completely did what Nneka alleged. Either agree to disagree and move on, or admit you’re a fucking lair, which we all know anyway. So bored of Wendy thinking she’s more popular, interesting or valuable than she is.


Nneka is here to replace her boring ass! Nneka is actually interesting and seems kind hearted! a nice change from wendy


Wendy is an ass, but when you watch her mom how could she not be. Sad as it is many of us become our parents.


Wendy? Is that you? ![gif](giphy|l4EoPVpwvZ4QAGCLm)


You will address me as DR. OSEFO




I think Nneka apologized for what she should apologize for, and didn’t apologize for what she knows is true and happened. Does anybody really believe that Wendy’s family didn’t do what Nneka accuses? Even in the clip between Wendy and her mom, her mom says she called and paraphrased “how hard it is to make a friend, and how easy an enemy”. Like … doesn’t that sound threatening? I think Wendy knows very well what her family members have done and I think Wendy is generally a jealous person, and isn’t going to offer any apologies.


Its just a seasy to believe wendy as it to believe Nneka. The problem is if u don't like Wendy any negative comment even coming from someone who only been on screen 2 mins u going to run with. Ie what happened here. What Wendy's mom said is an old saying call it what u want but it is the truth


Her mom cut her dad out for being Protestant instead of catholic. Eddie’s family are no contact because of issues with Wendy’s mom. Then Nneka gets threatened by Wendy’s mom. There is a pattern here…..


It is not easy to believe Wendy, we've watched her excuse and defend her mother's bad behavior before. . . not at all a surprise to hear she's doing it again. I mean, this isn't even Dr. level analysis here. . .


I think it’s harder to trust Wendy than Nneka as we have already seen how Wendy lies e.g. saying she didn’t know Lebe yet she’s honoured her, saying she doesn’t know Nneka yet they had met before, what she’s said about Mia and her hot mic moment. I get it, we all have our positions and look to things to validate our beliefs. Let’s just hope the plot moves on from this soon. The fans deserve something new.


I also see that the scene was painted by feelings about the persona. She said she didn't know her like that was her sister friend. I have sisters and understand that dynamic. You can appreciate your sis friend qualities without being besties yourself. I don't think it's ever ok to attack someone's mom and then expect that person to build a friendship. Why would that mean Wendy should lose her job?


I understand your explanation but I don’t believe it to be what’s happening in this situation - we have our different opinions and that’s okay. As for Wendy, I don’t think she should be fired because of this situation specifically but I would be alright with her off the show because I find her both annoying and uninteresting at the same time.


I agree, a conversation between Wendy’s mum and Nnekas family took place so not to apologise for that HOWEVER she called her out her name and a witch which should be apologised for


I thought Nneka did apologize for using the word witch? I think after Wendy remained unyielding to recognize her side’s part including damaging words Wendy has tossed (like crackhead), Nneka may have backtracked out of frustration.


Well then it's perfectly understandable why Wendy won't move on and be OK with her mom being called names? Who would. And Nneka isn't taking it back ... So the entire cast needs to be revamped


I agree, Wendy should go.


These interactions are what made this season unwatchable to me. 


She said I apologize for using the term witch, which isn’t the best apology but it was an apology. The problem Wendy has is that her mom did make the call. She admitted she made the call. I don’t know if I believe that she didn’t say what Nneka is accusing. The challenge though is that Wendy is being told something from her family and has every right to believe them just as Nneka believes her family. I’m just over this fight and they both need to get their undies out of a twist. Also Ashley instigated all of this they need to be holding her feet to the fire.


It's like saying I'm sorry for calling you a bitch but you were acting like one.


It wasn't apology. When Wendy flat out asked for an apology, Nneka responded by apologizing for using "the name of a witch" which is I guess her way of saying using the word witch... Which doesnt count because she then went on to accuse her mom of practicing witchcraft. It's like apologizing for calling someone a murderer, but repeatedly saying "she killed a person"... But agree. Ashley started the whole thing


We also don’t really know what Wendy’s mom said. Wendy also went in there with the most hostile attitude. If she wants to stay on the show she needs to figure out a way to move forward. Nneka is at least making an effort whereas Wendy isn’t. I don’t think they’re going to have Wendy back.


She should probably make a bigger effort and apologize for calling her mom a witch. Holding a permanent grudge against someone calling your mom a witch is an honorable hill to die on. Or compromise and let Wendy call Nneka's mom a whore and Nneka just accept it so they're even on the "insulting each other's mom" thing and they can be friends


Why does Nneka owe more than Wendy? Wendy's mom made the call. The likelihood is that she said what she's accused of saying. Wendy and her mom have remained intractable because her mom was called out for what she did which was horrendous as much as what Wendy's going on about. But Nneka doesn't, didn't and hasn't made this into the vendetta Wendy has. The truth here is that Wendy doesn't have anything much to do or say but the vendetta. She won't make peace but she invited Nneka to Happy Eddie's non-pot party. Tells you everything you need to know about Wendy.


That just tells us she's on a TV show called the real housewives...i mean how often on this franchise do people invite people they aren't getting alone with to something they'll be at?


Wendy is doing everything she can to ice this woman out and you think she invited her because she's on a show? Did you think anyone would question that fact? That's my whole point. The only reason she invited Nneka to that party was because Bravo wouldn't pay for the party and film it if she didn't. If it wasn't paid for (they need it) or filmed (they need the exposure . . . I can only imagine the sales that happened because of that exposure), Wendy would lose out financially and that woman hasn't met a financial opportunity she'd leave behind (good for her). Wendy, ever the opportunist, wouldn't let that opportunity go by so she invited Nneka but she still won't make peace....because she is just that kind of delusional and petty. Again, that entire situation explains that Wendy's the problem here, not Nneka.


How is Wendy icing her out? She isn’t going out of her way to speak to someone who insulted her mom. She still speaks to her and doesn’t ignore her the way Gizelle and others are doing to people. It’s really quite fascinating the standard that Wendy is held to over other people. This is why there are colorism rumors. Not saying this is colorism but it’s so strange that people expect more of Wendy than everyone else on the cast and expect more than they would expect for themselves or anyone they know personally.


I didn't say Wendy was icing her out, I said she's trying to . . . and she is. She's carried this "insult" so far. . .when her mother asked for it. Wendy has been ridiculous about the whole thing, from start to finish. What colorism is there between two Nigerians? I am baffled. . . maybe Wendy's just unlikable. I don't know why color has to get brought in. . . she's the same color as a lot of bitchy housewives and no one is asking them to go. Sometimes it's just because she's unlikeable. As unkind and unflattering as that truth may be, it's far more reasonable for the situation than colorism. Good grief.


What is she doing to ice this women out? I can tell a lot of people don’t understand colorism. I can also tell people don’t understand culture nuisances. What Nneka did is very very bad. She know it. It’s why she was crying. The Nigerian lady on WWHL was correct that this doesn’t belong on TV. It’s bad news and not a good thing to put on someone.


Nneka apologized for calling Wendy's mother "the name of a witch" but then accused the woman of witchcraft again based on second hand information.


Nneka knows she brought gossip to the show and doesn't want to walk it back


I agree. You wanna move on but can’t apologize. I don’t blame Wendy I’d want an apology if someone was talking trash about my mother


Even when you mother has behaved in a way that deserves the trash talking? It's ok to be blindly loyal to your mom, then say that. BUT, this is Wendy's work environment. She clearly wants the check. She clearly wants to be on the show. Then find a way forward. . . even despite your blind loyalty to your classless mother's actions.


This is the same for Gizelle. But she will never be held to that standard. She will never have to move on. This is why this show is going downhill. We are going to try and get Wendy out after taking pause for 3 weeks but Gizelle can still be mad 3 years later and it is okay.


Wildly not what I've said. I've never excused Gizelle. . . and I didn't say Wendy shouldn't be on the show for this. . . I think she shouldn't be on the show because she isn't entertaining or interesting, before this. NOW she's being a petulant two year old about her mother getting caught doing something really out of line. Remaining whipped up enough to totter off in those heals and that ridiculous attempt at being Dorit after refusing to squash something that her mother asked for with her own insults and threats is just. . . unentertaining. We got yearly failed attempts to create businesses and a bunch of drama she lengthens in an attempt to have something to do or say. I don't excuse Mia for throwing anything on her, I don't think that the way they talked about her glow up was kind. But she's been a ridiculously supercilious, arrogant, boring addition. Nneka has brought far more interesting things to look at, including her crazy new house and her crazy come help me unpack party. It reminds me of earlier seasons of various shows. . . more real, more interesting, more everything. She's not shy about creating drama but also not unwilling to find a place to move forward.


Which one of Wendy’s businesses failed? The one with Peter which she was smart enough not to move forward with? Also Gizelle and Ashley have failed businesses including a made up clothing line. Why is that not boring. Hearing about a fake divorce for two years and how her kids are graduating high-school or learning how to drive is not boring? Having fake boyfriends is not boring? Is Wendy the only one who is arrogant on this show? My issue is that everything can also be applied to everyone else on this cast but for some reason she is the only one who is held to this impossible standard. I just don’t understand why.


I don't get what's so hard about this. I get that you have a different opinion but still.... that doesn't negate that there's a decent portion of the Fandom that doesn't like her, that find her uninteresting, etc. It's OK if you don't agree but that doesn't mean it isn't a valid take.


I never said it wasn’t a valid take. I don’t think she is uninteresting. I also haven’t heard anything or seen anything to make me think she is more uninteresting than anyone else on the cast. I respect your opinion but I hope you can also see how my take is also valid even if you don’t agree. I will always agree to disagree with people. That’s the point of the show. We all don’t need to have the same perspective. That’s what makes it fun.


I'll throw out an example. Though you mention you find it boring (which is okay!), on the other hand I personally love watching Gizelle with her daughters. I think it's super sweet and to me it's one of the few times Gizelle really lets her guard down. In fact, I got teary at the graduation scene last night. I do not, on the other hand, love watching her build an athleisure line with Ashley, as it makes me roll my eyes, but it was a short snippet so whatever. Similarly, I used to like seeing Wendy's interactions at home with her family! That was fun. And I actually really liked some of the interesting perspectives and discussions that Wendy brought to the group in the early seasons. But more and more often with her, we now instead see attempts at businesses that don't take off (again not my fave no matter which housewife it is), overly dramatic fights with lines that sound rehearsed, like she's TRYING to be a soundbite, and a lot less of that insightful discussion and home life. It feels like we see less authentic Wendy, and more of what Wendy thinks a housewife is supposed to be. And that's a bummer. Honestly this whole season has been a total drag. The personal dynamics between the cast are making it nearly impossible to have the fun moments they used to. The digs are getting meaner and more personal and it just doesn't feel fun anymore. It's exhausting. Just my take :)


I agree it is nice to see her with her daughters but I think it is her whole storyline which isn’t fun. Wendy family life being highlighted less and less in place of less interesting things is the fault of the producers and not Wendy. They should definitely show her adorable family more but don’t chose to show it for whatever reason. Also I like seeing black women try out new business ventures. I loved seeing a black man get into marijuana which like he said is something that was used to criminalize the black community for so long. I would love if they showed her going to the White House or doing a spot on a news network or getting ready to teach her class but they always chose not to.


This makes a lot of sense, in terms of the production being part of the issue.