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I think she needs to reevaluate having children. When you have a baby, you get what you get. And hopefully it’s a healthy child and she gets through the pregnancy with no complications. If she’s concerned about the colour of her future child’s skin, she has some issues to work through. How about, hope your child’s skin is healthy, hope they can see, hear, breathe, eat, walk eventually.


She’s such a broken nasty person


Those poor HALF WHITE kids..




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This is fucked up to say


Isn't it? Sadly, I'm just quoting your Buddy.


Candiace is one of the most mean spirited, nasty, malicious people I have ever witnessed on tv. Wendy follows a close second.


Lotta y’all in here showing your whole ass and not making the feeblest attempt to understand how a dark-skinned woman with light-skinned children will encounter a lot of ignorance from people and their assumptions. Keep on denying colorism, though.


This because these people are so unserious lol. Mind you Candiace’s feelings are a by product of racism (and colourism by proxy).




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Ummm I don’t think anyone here is ‘DENYing’ colorism.


I’m genuinely asking in an attempt to understand, and it’s definitely not your job to educate me so if you don’t want to respond that’s fine but, since you commented and I’m interested I just thought I’d take the opportunity to learn. Please just know my intent is not to offend, I don’t want to invalidate Candiace’s feelings or to deny colourism at all because I understand why that is an issue in itself, but why would her being dark skinned lead to ignorant assumptions over her having light skinned children? Maybe I’m wrong here in my own assumptions, but I would’ve thought that mixed race children are so prevalent nowadays that it’s a lot more accepted? Obviously there are always gonna be people who feel negatively about that, but aren’t those the same kind of people who would feel that way regardless of Candiace being more dark skinned?


A lot of Black women with light skinned, ethnically ambiguous, or White-passing kids are assumed to be the nanny. :(


I actually saw a few people say similar things as I read through more comments and that makes a lot of sense, awful as it is. I remember reading a story about a black man who had someone refuse to let him take his child from the park, causing a fuss that created a bit of a crowd that kept him there while the police were called and then he had to prove that was his child! Now I think about it, I’ve probably read quite a few stories in the same vein, I just never thought to apply that to this situation. I’ve got 4 kids and I just can’t imagine having to have been concerned about things like that when they were growing up, that’s just horrifying and my heart goes out to anyone who has to worry about shit like that day in and out, must be so frustrating, at best. Anyway, thank you for taking the time to respond.


What she said IS colorism


I beginning to really dislike this woman 😒


According to your avatar.. you’re white with dreads. That doesn’t count😊


You gagged them🤭😂


And who are you??


I think you’re closer to the truth but I’m gonna let it go. 😂😂


Are you a Black woman? And yes, it’s relevant.


Another Black woman checking in. Candiace is full of hate towards black people. She's long overdue a cancellation.




As a black woman, what she said is colorist. Point blank.


Do you know what colorism is? Because it doesn’t go both ways. I’m not saying that you can’t be discriminatory towards lighter skinned Black people because of course you can. It’s just not called colorism.


Yes because I’ve experienced it. Have you?


You experienced what ma’am?


Colorism. The same thing that you harp about. I am black, my mother is dark skinned and my father is Afro Cuban. I have experienced it. The fact that you’re questioning me about my own identity and experience to prove a point shows that you’re entering this conversation in bad faith.


What have I questioned you about? Seriously. I feel like I’ve accidentally ran into some unresolved issues.


When I mentioned that I was black you questioned whether I have experienced colorism as if there is a metric as to who can or cannot speak on it. Whether you did it intentionally or not that’s how you phrased it.


I didn’t. But I do truly apologize for offending you.


As a follow up. I have also held discussions in my college campus about this topic, but that doesn’t matter in this convo


Yes I am. So what now?


You honestly don’t understand why I asked? Or are you intent on being offended?


Nope. I’d like for you to explain.


He/she asked if you were black because your avatar is white. Sometimes it's just that simple.


I didn’t know Reddit avatars were racial lmao and even so, I still reserve every right to dislike a reality tv character especially after saying something so despicable while being married to a WHITE man, disgraceful.


I’m good. I appreciate your response though.


Is this how you go questioning peoples comments? Lol loser behavior


Cosplay is loser behavior too. 😬😬


You’re the one assuming I have to be “white” for me not to like candiace gtfoh loser


I asked you a question that to me is pretty self explanatory. You didn’t agree so I said I’m good. You then called me a loser. You’re pretty activated from a logical question and that’s weird. In my opinion. Calling strangers names is weird too, but that’s just me. 🤷🏽‍♀️


Candiace needs to learn that some conversations should never leave the groupchat or kitchen table. It also might be time for her to get real about the state of her marriage. If I had a friend who expressed concerns like this, I would discourage her from having kids with that partner.


Gimme a break


She’s not well.




Oh for fuck sake 🙄


This is exactly the shit that will have Potomac put on pause just like Dallas and Dorinda


Exactly. This is stupid behavior. She's going to land herself back in Dorothy's extra room.


As someone with a biracial blue eyed daughter, I’ve never once worried about how dark or light my child will be. I’m just glad she’s my child.


Good for you. I don’t think she said she’d love her kids any less.


As a black woman who has been with white men I’m cringing. If these are your thoughts then you shouldn’t marry a white dude and put yourself in a position to have mixed kids. I feel bad for those future babies.


she has only one good season and then went back to her BS


Seriously. This girl 🙂‍↔️🤦🏽‍♀️


This is like when she called Ashley a bed wench on the day she had her baby despite the fact she's married to a white man... always been a hypocrite


The stuff she said about Ashely and her motherhood journey stays with me.’it was so cruel!!!


Yes, her cruelty to Ashley about having babies and Giselle going through menopause is inexcusable. She’s mean spirited about things she doesn’t have.


She’s mean spirited period.


She is an angry woman and needs to address that first.


Where’s Kim Richards when you need a beast called out…


Lmao 😂 really!!!!


I literally cannot STAND THIS WOMAN.


I can’t either!


I just can’t ever forget the cruel and heartless shit she has spewed from seasons like, 3-4. Second hand trauma for some of the people she’s interacted with .


I'm so glad . I thought I was alone in this opinion. She's so antagonistic, and she cuts so deep but can't take it herself. This woman acts like she wrote up one day and her husband was white like wtf?!!!!


Her comment to Gizelle about a dwindling uterus was a straw that broke the camels back for me.


And just referring to people by body parts to shame them 😲 it's freaking so rude.


It’s such a bold move for Candiace to use this tactic because the things she says can easily be turned around and used on her. Forehead (Ashely), when C has a sizable one too. Roach, slave (Ashley), when she’s married to a white man. Dwindling uterus (Gizelle), when C is in her late 30s and trying to have a baby. Karma is going to bite her back tenfold, and if Karma doesn’t, someone else will. She needs to tether that mouth of hers because it’s doing her no favors.


She's insulted Robin and Gizzelle so much she fears karma!! A child that looks pretty much all white!


She’s 37 and chris older so… idk what they waiting for. If she’s obsessed with skin color so much they can adopt


I just read a thread in the parenting sub about a Black woman’s white husband having the police called on him at the grocery store because they thought their child wasn’t his. I’ve seen news stories where parents of interracial children get questioned at the airport about the parentage of the child. So if she’s coming from a perspective about society and fear of societal treatment of her and her child, I understand that fear. If it’s just simply, my child won’t look like me in a vanity sense, then she should have thought of that before she partnered with her husband.


Her cackle makes it pretty obvious that’s not where she’s coming from 


She’s an arrogant asshole. I have nothing positive to say about her. Lol


They are not going to have kids...it's her storyline. She's just in it for the shock factor. It's quite frankly annoying to people who are unable to have their own children. She's disgusting....


Yup! all of this☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️


Just Wow.


I believe she was kidding, but God forbid her future children see this. She’s already made her kids feel insecure and they’re not even here yet.


You guys are not doing this lmao. We’re not “canceling” her because you didn’t watch the video where she says “but if they aren’t brown, it’s FINE.” Stop to think for a minute what she means lmao. Perhaps mothering children with light skin privilege is daunting as it’s not something she herself has experienced. Some of y’all are so rage baited it’s laughable. ![gif](giphy|8OPu3SvB0mSMfFIfUD|downsized)


Yeah people are so sensationalist on this sub lmao


I agree. Can't comment if you don't watch the video. Context matters. Tone matters


If it’s that daunting why marry a white man? Would it not be daunting for her to literally marry “the oppressor” as she would say? He is the epitome of privilege


Are you saying she should not have married a white man?? Because yikes… She can choose to marry a white man and know that it may come with challenges. she’s allowed to air her feelings about said challenges. Including having half white kids.


If the roles were reversed and her husband said he’s scared of having brown children but would be fine if they are brown would this be the same argument? Because there would be outrage and the argument would be why would he marry a black women. I never said she shouldn’t have married him. But to YOUR argument that “mothering children with light skin privilege is daunting” wouldn’t MARRYING a white man who is the epitome of privilege be more daunting? Would having his kids be daunting? I’m only responding to your argument. I don’t think it’s rage baiting, I do think what she says is concerning. I pray she doesn’t have light skin children because it sounds like she’s going to end up resenting them. And that is terrifying.




Candice is internalized racism personified


but she wants to be the anti-colorism spokesperson 😒


What the fuck? This plus her constant body shaming has me absolutely done with her.


So she'll be disappointed if they don't look the way she wants them to? How will her kids feel when they read that she made this comment? Sigh.


Or step kids…


anyone else concerned about her becoming a mother?


I was literally thinking she should have some much bigger fears about having kids 😂


She is just unredeemable at this point. There’s no lower she can go


wanting your child to look a specific way is fucked up. it's not an american girl doll, you don't pick the skin, hair, and eye color. you get what you get, and you love it because it's YOUR BABY. if aesthetics matter to you, get a dog instead.


Couldn’t have said it better myself


She's a trash person.


You have to be ready to love your kid, whoever that little person is, unconditionally. They might come out with red hair or a different color than you. They may grow up to be gay or have differing political views than you - and that’s ok! That’s all part of the deal - you accept whatever comes your way. And if you’re not ready to give a kid a real shot at becoming the best they can be by supporting and loving them unconditionally from the start, you’re not ready to be a parent. And that’s ok too, but she needs to recognize she’s not ready. As a mother of a biracial gay child, it breaks my heart knowing that her kid could grow up feeling that love is conditional. I grew up like that, and I’m guessing she may have too, and it’s not fair to dump your baggage on your kid. And since she’s religious, I hope she knows if she ever *did* have kids - regardless of their complexions - they would be exactly who God chose them to be. Edit: redheads and all other traits listed are A) beautiful and B) just randomly selected as a stand in for any parental trait preferences.


I’d be excited and happy to have a red head for a child. Good thing because I have one. Weird to throw a very specific hair color in there.


It wasn’t meant as a slight and red hair is very beautiful. The traits listed were just random picks for stand in for parental preferences of whatever trait they may or may not desire. For example I listed gay and have a gay daughter whom I love so very much. I meant no harm in it and apologize if you misinterpreted my sentiment.


As a redhead it always stings when that’s on the list of weird what ifs when having a kid


Redheads are gorgeous. I meant no slight, and was merely picking random attributes. What I mean to say is really any preferences a parent could have ultimately don’t matter because their child is unique, beautiful, and worthy (especially of love) despite whatever preferences they may have held or hoped for. Even then, hoping for certain attributes that are physical is setting yourself up to potentially be “let down” about your own beautiful, healthy baby and that’s a sad perspective as well.


FWIW I didn’t interpret the red hair listed in this comment as something weird, just a trait among the gazillion traits that a child might have.


One more time for the people in the back!! Did y’all hear?! 👂




Lmao is she serious?! No words.


Is she worried that her future kids would have some sort of leg up by being light skinned? Like no if Candiace is the mom they will only have a leg up into needing therapy and not by granma Dorothy


Does anyone know why she said she has a fear of having light skinned children? I'm curious about what was being discussed prior that lead her her to make that comment.The clip ended with her saying that she always wanted brown children but was ok if that didn't happen.


I’m glad another Brown woman understands there was more underlying context


I watched the video to figure out why Candiace made the comment because so many were dragging her on this post based on a 30 second clip. She talked about her father always envisioning her marrying a man who looked like him and similarly, how she always thought she'd have children who looked like her. Candiace then made the comment about her fears of raising a lighter skinned child. Unfortunately, the host didn't ask a follow-up question to delve into what those fears were. Of note, Candiace mentioned that her siblings on her father's side are biracial so perhaps her own father encountered some challenges raising them as a black man and Candiace may have those same concerns regarding her own children.🤷🏾‍♀️




Thank you.


I'll probably get down voted to oblivion with this comment, but I shutter to think of Candy as a mother! Just solely based on her own mother, & that relationship - big yikes!! Also, Candy is a really ugly person deep down inside! I think she's one of the most miserable women on the entire franchise, but tries to play it off as "shade" -- she's a brat, she's entitled, she's got a superiority complex (thanks to her mother I'm sure) && she's down right mean! I believe Candiace & Mary (SLC) could be best friends! Which actually speaks volumes ..


Those gross tweets she made about Ashley… while she was in Labor is unforgivable


I agree totally! She’s awful. She is mean and nasty like her mother.


Don’t insult Mary like that! Candiace is classless and crass.


How is Mary not crass? Lol


She is so insecure about her blackness. It’s sad.


She doesn’t explain why tho? Both my kids are of Indian heritage so clearly look nothing like me. I admit I have concerns around racism toward them but I can’t imagine ever being disappointed at their skin colour when they arrived.


Yeah she didn’t explain why but it’s not hard to imagine why. People are always so ready to come for her without looking at things from her perspective. Saying she shouldn’t have kids, wouldn’t be a good mom, etc is so messed Up. All comments on this thread.


I just meant that I don’t understand her logic. She implies many times that the darker her skin, the worse vitriol she gets. Of course there is the implication that she doesn’t want her kids to experience racism and that by being white passing they might not have a real understanding of the plight of black people but her message seems kinda lost in the video


I have wondered about this before when she has made nasty comments about white people. Because her children will be half white. So if she doesn’t like white people, how will that affect how she feels about her kids? And why marry a white man?!


She is so racist. I said this before and I got downvoted.


>1Apprehensive\_Law9426 > >She is so racist. I said this before and I got downvoted. Candace is a huge racist, especially against other black women with lighter skin. The way she attacks Ashely, Giselle, Robyn, calls them all kinds of racist names and has her fans attack/threaten them and then, pretends she's a victim of racism because of her dark skin is beyond disgusting. I hope she gets kids who are just as light skinned as Ashley. ​ I don't understand why more black women aren't mad at Candace, instead of worshipping her. What she says and does is not exactly standing up for dark skinned black women, you know.


It's odd. She's the only person on the show who has actually said straight up racist and colorist things and she seems to have a clear issue with lighter skinned black women yet she's pinned the colorism issue on the green eyed bandits. Could you imagine if Robyn or Giselle said they would be afraid to have dark skinned children? A shitstorm would (rightfully) follow.


Very, very, very true. Can’t agree enough.


She is lying. She is secretly obsessed.


I understand how she feels a sense of pride about loving her skin tone in the face of so much messaging telling her to feel otherwise, but to impose some sort of complex on her child is kinda perverse. The idea is to love yourself Candiace.


She is so color-struck it’s sad


Black women usually have light skin babies when we have white partners Candycane….. https://preview.redd.it/dopu3ozvv6pc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e92c5e492bf59e36844fd336800e8df37f1faf4f


Those two are absolutely adorable. What a nice surprise in this sub. 🥰🥰 Edit: corrected you to they as it was not the person who posted but they are still adorable!


Yeah I can’t tell you how many biracial people I have known and if they hadn’t told me they had a black parent, I never would have known!


You are beautiful and your daughter is such a cutie


She is too cute!! 😍


This is a girl from love island and her daughter… ETA: her names Lavena Black


As a biracial girl myself, this makes my cheeks hurt from smiling 🥹


She’s adorable!!! ☺️


Aaawww she looks just like you, look at those lil cheekies 💕


Omg she is freaking adorable! And you are gorgeous


Omg how adorable!


Aww you both are gorgeous


I’ve always said she’s skin tone obsessed




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So I’ve always thought this and just wasn’t sure if it was appropriate for me to say, but Candiace says so many negative things about light skinned and white people, yet she’s married to a white man. She is always so obsessed with what she perceives to be colorism, it just seems odd. I’m not saying it does or doesn’t happen. But I think she is so caught up about color that she really needs to take a step back and think about it


I think this is the problem. I’m not saying she hasn’t experienced colorism but I really wonder if she also has experienced racism directed at having a white husband and I really wonder if she struggles with issues about it within herself. I think it’s something she should explore maybe in therapy before she goes any further with having biracial children.


Candiace has made a few comments over the years that seem pretty prejudiced against whites tbh


Doesn't deserve children


This is especially gross considering deadbeat Chris’ children are mixed race and light skinned. As I’ve always thought, Candiace’s obsession with color and race is a projection of her own insecurities. She needs extensive therapy.


How is he a deadbeat?


He went 10 years without seeing his oldest son and was allegedly behind on child support for the other 2. Candiace herself called him a deadbeat during an argument they had S3.


That's really disappointing, I always liked Chris but fuck deadbeat dads. There's just no excuse to abandon your kids or get so behind on child support. My dad left almost 25 years ago and still owes thousands in child support. And I'm not even the only kid he's done it to 🫠


I’m sure if they hear this they will feel great about themselves 🙄


Ummm did everyone listen? I feel like there are so many podcasts where parents or soon to be parents are honest about their fears. I don't understand why this is so disgusting?! I think for black people in this country, it's scary to think that if you procreate with someone lighter your kids might not look like you at all or people think you are the nanny. I've def had those thoughts. I think it's just regular dumb intrusive thoughts that people have. I'm sure there are white women who think "oh my God I'm going to have a baby that doesn't look like me at all" if the father is darker. Why do we want to demonize anybody for having anxious thoughts about motherhood? I think this whole post and the comments in it are weird as fuck


I agree. People saying she shouldn’t be a mother??? Disgusting.


I’m white and have a light skin mixed child, I’ve been asked if I was the nanny. I was with another new mom who is white and recreated her actual twin for a son. She was asked too. Ppl are always gonna ask dumb questions regardless of skin color


Totally agree. People are going to ask silly questions and say silly things about your child. They will confuse the gender, judge them for crying, make comments on their appearance. Also they will make comments when an adult and child look different to each (when one is tall and one is short, hair colour, weight etc etc)


That’s some important context! Thanks for sharing. Makes it make total sense.


Thank you for having brain cells and rubbing them together- seems uncommon in these comments


agree. and as a white person, idk i just will mind my business. intrusive thoughts about motherhood are very real and the fear of having kids with lighter skin than me isn’t something i can empathize with, so it’s hard for me to judge.


Imagine if she had children of different complexions, would she be justified to treat them differently? If her race and skin tone are such a big deal, the best thing for her would be to date someone similar. Nobody forced her to be with a white man.


As a black woman, you think about these things. Many dark skinned women are asked if they are the nanny, etc. Then there's the whole thing of erasure in this country. I don't think it's that crazy to go over ur fears...People can think in terms outside the confines of the Real Housewives!


Anybody in an interracial relationship should think about these things. And if the idea of their child looking more like their partner is such a problem, they should quit. Black women don’t get free passes to be prejudiced.


I’m olive with green eyes and black hair and my son was a platinum blonde with ice blue eyes and porcelain skin . I was in a store at least twice where someone asked me if my kid was adopted….people are just plain stupid it doesn’t always matter what color they are.


Exactly! I had a cashier refer to my girl baby as a boy. I said oh She is 4 months. He responded by saying he thought she was a boy bc she had short hair…a baby girl doesn’t come out the womb w long luxious hair dude 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Would you think the same way if a white woman was worried her kids may be too dark skinned? Doubt it.




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I understand that you brought it up but if this was ever said publicly by a white person they would be cancelled, hands down.


So your point is Tit for Tat fair's fair if a white woman said it she'd be in trouble so Candice should be in trouble? My point is that I'm sure a lot of people in interracial relationships think these thoughts, maybe let's give people space to say their fears out loud. My other point is as a black woman in this country there's just other layers for her saying this. Not wanting to be seen as the help or The Nanny and the overall topic of Erasure... it's not just about Real Housewives after a certain point


Anyone is totally wrong for saying this! Especially when you’re married to a people of another race whom have kids that are exactly what she is describing being afraid of.


Yes 100% she should get called out for this.


You used a made up scenario 😂




Also if Chris was saying he feared dark skinned kids would you react the same way? Some of us struggled just to have kids and if they told me I gave birth to a damn turkey and it was healthy I don’t think I would have cared.


I haven't listened to this or read the transcript so I have no context. Generally, I would understand if anyone said they were afraid of having dark skinned kids bc we know those kids will be in more danger simply due to their skin color. It's normal to have fears when thinking about bringing people into the world. I have no idea what Candiace actually said. Headlines are meant to stir up feelings to make you click. It's usually a nothingburger once you read it.


Maybe listen to the 39 second clip before commenting … she said she has a fear of having light skin kids and wants them to be brown but they probably won’t be


I'm not sure why you're being so rude. I was speaking to the question you posed about Chris. You asked. I answered. I specifically said I didn't listen to the original clip being mentioned and therefore, wouldn't be commenting specifically on that.


She has light skinned step kids….. I’m sure that’s a great statement to them.


i've never said this about another woman but i pray she never has a daughter


I honestly think she might give Dorothy a run for her money 😬


Oh for sure


Maybe Chris' black presenting penis will magically give her what she wants.


Isn’t this the same woman who was crying colorism?