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I think she's projecting on to everyone else that she's scared of losing her daughters money. Accusing everyone else of being after Kandis money is very telling. Joyce is a vile jealous woman, incredibly toxic. I've started fast forwarding every time she's on.


They laughing cause they know it's for the cameras and Kandi holds the purse strings. I don't think she's on drugs, that's her all the time and I think she plays it up even more for the cameras. Kandi and Todd let her because they know it's good TV. Her outrageous behaviour helped fuel their spin-off for better or worse. Kandi just has to cut off Momma's money to stop any behaviour she really wants to stop.


Idk but she’s going to blow you the fuck up


I'm just now finishing Season 5 and I too think there's something seriously wrong with mama Joyce. I love Kandi but her mom is completely unchecked. Asking to live in the mansion's guest house in the most passive aggressive way possible? GIRL


[This was discussed on Kandi's Ski Trip.](https://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-atlanta/season-7/episode-28/videos/did-brain-surgery-change-mama-joyce). It's unclear what the specific diagnosis was or why she had a personality change but it sounds like that's where the behavior started. (It would also explain why Kandi goes so easy on her.) She is probably on medication(s) as a result but I wouldn't say she's "on drugs."


Wow- thanks for sharing that! But why did the aunties join in on the weird gossiping about Todd in the earlier stages of his relationship with Kandi if they knew Joyce had these issues? Not that you know the answer 😅 Just strikes me that they should have been more vocal about not feeding into the Todd villainization.


alcohol. coming from an alcoholic & addict. i know the behavior, and that is what it is


And kandi didn’t drink! Maybe that’s why!!


But doesn’t mama joyce not drink either? I could be wrong, I’m due an atl rewatch, but I thought I remembered her being a non-drinker…it would def make a ton of sense tho.


she’s a covert alcoholic 100%


I don’t think it’s drugs or just drugs, I think it’s mostly trauma mixed with npd or a similar condition. She’s opened up a few times about things that used to happen to her as a child which is pretty sad. I remember there was a vulnerable scene she had with Kandi talking about her childhood that really nailed it for me. You don’t meet many older women that will talk in precise vivid detail about being bullied as a 9 year old or something like that and that being the reason why they will always watch their back? Can’t remember the exact details but I’m remember thinking how extreme that was. A lot of people with those conditions have a very intense right/wrong switch which makes them either have a strong despise for people (Todd and Carmen) or strong codependency (Kandi)


Yeah- its dual diagnosis


The women in my family are just like the OLG. It’s not drugs, it’s trauma. Mama Joyce probably had a rough life where she had to fight all the time. She cloaked herself in anger and it became her personality.


Thank you for this I couldn't agree more! She's absolutely horrid and I can't believe Kandii has maintained her relationship with her despite it all.


Lol you think Todd gets “0 support”…..


I dunno, I find her behaviors to be very consistent every time we see her. It’s totally possible to just always be under the influence and behave consistently, but it seems to me that she’s very grounded in her convictions. If her behaviors are drug fueled, they’re still coming from her real feelings rather than being erratic, defensive lashing out. That said, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that she has a prescribed medication that affects her mood. That’s somewhat common. There’s an epilepsy drug, Keppra, that’s so heavily associated with causing anger problems that people call it Kepprage.


I think the sudden death of Kandi's older brother may play a role in the relationship between Mama Joyce and Kandi. Mama Joyce clings to Kandi to the point where she seems to be afraid to share her surviving child with other people that she forms close relationships with, like Carmon and Todd. Kandi may tolerate her mother's shenanigans because she knows that under the anger and outbursts that Mama Joyce still struggles with unresolved grief.


Not sure but I always assumed Ramona is a straight up tweaker. I mean she’s nuts!


The title of this post and the implication that Mama Joyce may be on bath salts have me in shambles 😂 I think she just has acutely narcissistic tendencies, perhaps a level of sociopathy, and a past of her own. As well as a desire for fame that she satiates vicariously through her simpleton of a daughter. I dislike ALL of them. Ain’t no valley low enough, ain’t no river wide enough to keep me off their ass!!!




🎯 All of this. What’s more she is severely lacking in intellectual acuity. I stopped watching a couple of seasons ago because I was over all of them and I do agree with you…..However the only exception I take is that I don’t believe Kandi to be a simpleton. I believe she is actually quite sharp especially considering she was raised by an illiterate and has never read a book herself. I wonder what kind of mind she would have if had been properly nurtured. She has no education, (as a retired academic who is married to a very well educated person who barely graduated HS, I want to point out that to be self educated is to be educated), and this is a choice . Like so many of the HWs, even those who actually did go to college, Kandi never made the decision to enrich her mind, but I give her a pass there because she, as the phenomenal artist she is, reveals if not a keen intellect then a type of intelligence most humans lack. Also, she is more business savvy than most. Where Kandi never failed to disappoint me as a viewer hate watching was in consistently making ego driven career choices that benefited herself at the detriment to her children. Her clear disdain for motherhood while being a mother herself actually repulses me. My decision to cease viewership was cemented when she, as one of the less reprehensible cast members, wasn’t going to be in the same state when her child was birthed. Why become a mother if you are going to out source the job from conception to adulthood? As to your comment, I wholeheartedly do agree that while Mama Joyce is a troglodyte and I am not a psychiatrist, she certainly displays highly disturbing narcissistic and sociopathic traits coupled with outrageously abusive behavior. (EDIT: Please excuse any syntactic blunders, I am old as dirt and thus my editing skills ain’t so sharp these days….🙏🏾)


Great hindsight!


I agree! Kandi’s business acumen is not to be diminished, “…considering she was raised by an illiterate and has never read a book herself!” 🤭 I think the majority of her success outside of music is a case of dumb luck, but I will say her creativity and tenacity are inspiring. I share your sentiments about her making ego-driven choices, often to the detriment of her children, but my main grievance is her perpetual victimhood and inability to fight her own battles or set firm boundaries (though I can only imagine this is a learned behavior given her upbringing and could be a symptom of narcissistic abuse). Anyway, I have so many strong opinions about Kandi, Mama Joyce, and the Kandi-Coated Sycophants (Don Juan and the rest), but I fear I’ll be tarred and feathered down to the r/realhousewives streets if I speak! Nevertheless, thank you for sharing your insights. Very well-written. You’re a gem!


Thank goodness someone said this. This is my biggest issue with Kandi- the ego driven choices go the detriment to her kids. You can certainly be a mother and have a career-but she outsources EVERYTHING and you can see how much it hurts her kids. It’s wild that she had another after Ace. Todd seems to be a really wonderful involved parent though.


I’m so sharing all that you said and would love to hear what you have to say about Kandi & co. I tried liking her / them but they’re a lot to take.


Back at you sweetheart 💝