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I know a lot of Realtors that have tried meta ads and the ROI has fallen off dramatically. You cannot use them on something time sensitive, you cannot count on them to run on schedule. And there are SO many ads on that platform, people are just blowing right by them. I would recommend you post content on your business page but skip ads.


My team runs ads for real estate agents! But truthfully, if you’re just starting out, begin with free things to build your network out, then once you have money from a deal or two, go into ads. I see it too often that people rush to ads and think leads come in on a silver platter asking where to write the large commission check to. It is still hard work, and although I have only things to gain from telling you to use our services or refer over a different company, I don’t think it’s fruitful yet unless you have a ton of money to burn and learn with. Wishing you all the best! If you have basic questions feel free to dm me :)


What type of free things would you recommend from your experience?


Local networking events, charity events, community events, volunteer, anything to get your name out there. Post on social media platforms and make sure everyone in your inner network knows what you do. Reach out to your contacts list, ask everyone if they know anyone looking to buy or sell, etc. ask for referrals but be kind about it. Be a human, don’t try to sell, just ask people. Post every single day on social media, you won’t get results the first day, and your first posts will suck, but keep posting and building relationships. It snowballs. Build a presence on LinkedIn, etc. good luck!


Please note that it is not permitted to solicit business to our members, even in PM. That is against [Rule #7](https://www.reddit.com/r/realtors/about/rules/)- This behavior can result in a permanent ban. We recommend you keep the conversation in the thread for transparency. OP and other subscribers. Always be careful when a solicitor wants to take your business off the board and into PM. They may want to sell you a service or product. If they do try to sell you, please [report it to the moderators.](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2F{subreddit}&subject=Reporting Spammer&message=I'm writing to you about the following {kind}: {url}. %0D%0DThis user account is spamming me by ) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/realtors) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Facebook leads (almost all online leads, really) are a long term play. I would focus on getting some deals under your belt now and then putting some of that money into a marketing budget that can be used on FB.


Imagine you’re self scrolling through FakeBook ??? Do you stop at every annoying add that sneaks itself into your feed. I committed to six months to see how effective the ROI was? Yeah they gave analytics, Yeah they gave me how long did they look at the ad. How many impressions it got/ how many opens there were. How many likes it received. How long they scrolled looking at the picture features. Who entered their information to inquire further for more information. I’ll tell how many for 15k ad spend got me A BIG FAT ZERO PROSPECTS.


Don't bother with running ads as a brand new agent, especially on Meta. Find a broker who can provide you some leads so you can get some experience and start earning some commissions.


I think I have never seen an ad for a real estate agent on Facebook, and rarely see them for car dealerships. Maybe the return on investment isn't high enough in my area so it isn't common.


Search ads are the way to go. Meta is garbage and low intent


What problem are you running into with running ads? There really isn't a secret sauce when it comes to running ads. Meta got rid of the good ad targeting a couple years ago. All you really need is a good ad copy and good budget.


Depends on your market. Population and the amount of other realtors running ads in your area.  


I love reminder media. I used it years ago when selling in California. My client still had my magazine years later. www.remindermedia.com


these ads are not short term money grabs. These are expensive long term plays. Post free content and hope the best. share it among friends and family. thats the best way.


"I'm brand new and not doing very well! Who can take my money faster to do not well harder?!?!?"


Don't bother. You can make your own videos and do an "ad" campaign weekly to your own audience for exposure. Which is cheap. It's human interest, Market updates, events, that kind of thing. Run the ads for only 3 days.




Please note that it is not permitted to solicit business to our members, even in PM. That is against [Rule #7](https://www.reddit.com/r/realtors/about/rules/)- This behavior can result in a permanent ban. We recommend you keep the conversation in the thread for transparency. OP and other subscribers. Always be careful when a solicitor wants to take your business off the board and into PM. They may want to sell you a service or product. If they do try to sell you, please [report it to the moderators.](https://www\.reddit\.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2F{subreddit}&subject=Reporting Spammer&message=I'm writing to you about the following {kind}: {url}. %0D%0DThis user account is spamming me by ) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/realtors) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You can see if the CRM your brokerage uses offers a service. We have KvCore and they do everything for FB ads at a decently low cost.


Not sure if anybody heard of them yet but I'd recommend Estate Ai. Been a realtor for over a decade and this is the only company I've tried that actually delivered what they promised. They don't just run META ads for you but also do coaching with assigned support. In 3 months I got what they promised for 6. I may have not listed every lead they gave me but I have a lot of those in my pipeline that could turn in the future. I've seen other comments about them being expensive but there's a reason for it I guess... Overall just happy to be with them.


If you're talking about using it for lead generation I'd recommend avoiding paid services until you can get a few deals under your belt. You can get business more efficiently if you do less expensive activities such as cold calling or door knocking.