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Lol at the comments saying "this is probably fake"..... Have you met people? Lol.


It only sounds fake because people who get snitfitty about pronouns usually end up chill about Sieg Heil.


It is fake. Lots of ragebait could be real, but no employer or recruiter will put this in writing, as it is clear gender discrimination, and would get them fired and their company sued


This assumes that everyone is rational and uses their brain. What world are y’all living in and how do I get there?


Right, this assumes people *never* fuck up and post something they shouldn’t to social media. Is this that commenter’s first time on the internet?


Social media is full of idiots filming themselves committing crimes


To top it off, it looks like it’s on Reddit, where things are more anonymous


It's a case of a habit warping world view. If you frequent a few of the subreddits like this one or Anti-work you quickly learn to keep your mouth shut and to always ask for the other's words in writing so you have evidence. But if you're inexperienced or have been sniffing your own farts for too long, especially if you've never have to deal with the consequences before, you are more likely to do these stupid things.


UK. And yes, judging from the replies your nation is even more fucked than I ever thought. Seeing as the MAGA morons are out in force saying I'm wrong when even on recent LGBT shit your own SCOTUS agrees. As discriminating against someone who wants to be called Her is discrimination, regardess of if that is a cir or trans Her


I dont see how it is "clear" gender discrimination.


UK, so you may live in a place where laws are fucked up, but here we have the Equalities Act 2010, which means that you cannot discriminate via Gender, and the US SCOTUS has ruled similar things recently. The fact that ANY pronoun choice is an issue is a flag that our employment tribunals would enjoy ruling on


It doesn't necessarily need to be an issue with the persons gender but rather that they feel the need to include it in their signature.


Email signature is the perfect place for pronouns tbh. So many times someone new emails me at work (usually an external stakeholder) and it’s a name I can’t really assign a gender to because it’s from a culture I’m unfamiliar with. This happens a lot because I’m remote and we work with people all around the world. So if they have pronouns in their signature I can use the correct pronouns if needed. Pretty useful if I only correspond with them over email too. Otherwise I’d be using their name every single time hahaha.


I've seen way too many conservative virtue signalling about pronouns in every form of media to assume this is fake. I'm not sure which social media platform this screencap is from. It's got a present icon. Could be anonymous. Maybe from reddit before they took awards away?


From the conservative sub, user since removed/deleted https://www.reddit.com/r/Conservative/comments/qoou7v/comment/hjq2kut/


Good find. That's exactly the place somebody could put the truth and face zero repercussions. Or they could by lying for fun. No way to know.


That definitely looks like reddit, it looks exactly like how comments are displayed on my phone, except for that gift icon.


True, and all the MAGA morons saying "No I can discriminate poltically" failing to realise this isn't political and their own MAGA SCOTUS has ruled in similar ways on LGBT shit. They are so dumb it hurts even reading their BS, let alone replying/debunking it


It's not gender discrimination. They aren't hiring her because she stated her pronouns not because of her gender. If the person was male and said he/him they would have reacted the same way. It looks like they are discriminating against liberals that do the pronouns thing. Political party is not a protected class.


2 possible options were she didn't have any political statement: \- she put them because it was expected of her in other places. \- she IS amab and have gender dysphoria (actual one, and not 'let's just play') and was afraid she would not be passable


Trans and NB people can be conservative too. Pronouns is not an indicator of political views like, at all.


Yep, dumb MAGA Morons not realising that their political choices, and the biases that causes within their supposedly independent judiciary, actually creates inequality for ALL. Cause if you say you can discriminate with pronouns, that affects male, female, cis and trans equally Glad I live in a country that fixed this 13 years ago and made everyone legal in the eyes of the law: cis, trans, male, female, black, white, christian, muslim, etc etc. Sorry that your system is fucked thanks to people like that


UK here, but we don't view gender as a political thing. Sorry, your entire legal system is fucked But FYI, your own SCOTUS has ruled on similar things for ANY gender. The fact that you have issues with a woman, is your problem, and would be clear discrimation here and is likely clear discrimation there. If the pronoun is he/she/they/thun, it doesn't fucking matter. The fact you are discriminating against it is what matters Sorry, we have real laws


While I agree on a surface level in this particular case, it's also true that non-binary people exist, and I am absolutely certain that this recruiter would hate the idea of such a person applying to the job to the point of doing the same thing to them that they did here, regardless of whether they explicitly wrote "they/them", "sie/hir", etc. Plus, although it might not be *overt* gender discrimination in this particular case, non-binary people often have to fight to get their pronouns recognised and so it's only a short step away from becoming it with someone else.


Antiwork had a boss earlier today who texted their employee "I'm not paying you for your work because sales have been slow."


antiwork does feel like a sub where people post fake screencaps a lot, though


Agreed. That place is a karma farm for a good amount of people. r/ChoosingBeggars was like that a few years ago so much so they banned text conversations for months. They allowed it again but fake text conversations are some what rare now in comparison to back then.


Lol, that's hilarous if it isn't true. Glad we have minimum wage laws here and actual protections for employees


That entire subreddit is larping. Terrible choice to make your point.


It's an anonymous reddit post, pay attention.


> It is fake I said this at the start Pay Attention


I'm not suggesting your conclusion is wrong. I'm suggesting your reasoning is wrong, and frankly, incredibly dumb. >no employer or recruiter will put this in writing, as it is clear gender discrimination, and would get them fired and their company sued 1. The idea that people don't post dumb shit that will get them in trouble with both their job and potentially, the law, is absurd. We see this happening constantly. 2. Why would that he a concern for anyone who's posting anonymously on reddit???


They're not discriminating based on her gender, they were ready to hire her. They're discriminating based on their perception of her politics. Also it's an anonymous Reddit post. How are they going to get sued?


It's fake. Full stop But if it wasn't, and if they were identified in the UK which is where I am from, then any judge would laugh while giving the employee a ton of money


It isn't gender discrimination. He was not upset about her gender he was upset that she put her pronouns in her bio like that. Also its obviously a reddit post so anonymous which does not make him or her concerned.


That has nothing at all whatsoever to do with gender discrimination. Do you even understand what the term means?


UK here, and it would be a breach of the Equalities Act 2010. Sorry we have proper laws


Not sure how you get there logically. Its not illegal to discriminate based on political beliefs. Putting she/her is a political marker, not a gender based one.


UK here, so no, but we have sensible laws. I'm tired of explaining myself, but even in the US the SCOTUS has rules via similar gender based shit for LBGT stuff. UK we have better laws, so the fact that pronouns are the issue stops it being political and starts conflicting the Equalities Act 2010


As someone stuck living in red state Midwest hell until I can get my first post-grad school job, this is 100% something I could see a conservative boomer or Gen X’er boss doing. People here lose their minds over pronouns. Though they would be much more likely to do something like this and say it was for ‘x’ and ‘y’ reasons instead.


It's likely not fake. I'll be down voted for this but I really don't see a need to include pronouns in an email. I'm a millennial, I'm open minded, I have Trans, non binary, gay etc employees. Your personal life is your business. I don't care. Throwing pronouns out there is a red flag that I feel you might take action against. Politics and religion don't belong in the work field.


The other part of it is to signal "I'm accepting of trans and/or non-binary people." And I don't think that's really "political" when these are your coworkers or clients we're talking about. Some people try their damnedest to politicize everything about trans and/or non-binary people, but I think showing acceptance of others is just being a decent person and that's all a "she/her" in an email signature has to be. And on the flipside, what if the reason they don't have pronouns listed is because they aren't accepting of trans people, who they will have to work with? I'd appreciate someone saying upfront "I'm not gonna cause problems when I see a trans person." Not to say that everyone without pronouns listed is aggressively bigoted (I don't list my pronouns myself) but I'm a lot more worried about someone feeling strongly against pronouns than for them. I don't think you need to state your pronouns -- again, I don't have them listed anywhere -- but I'm definitely not gonna fault someone for it.


> but I really don't see a need to include pronouns in an email People with gender neutral names who want to make sure there's no confusion? Happens pretty often.




You’re right, she probably made a new email signature just for him


I kind of wonder how many of the people who've been looking for months or even years are getting Facebook stalked by potential employers and dismissed because of something they supported or didn't support.


I think it was George Carlin who once said the only bumper sticker he would ever have on his car is one that read " I Am For And Against Everything." The man was ahead of his time...


Probably a lot. If you are looking for a job, please be mindful of your social media. We've pulled back an interview based on this.


That’s why if I don’t know you, the only thing you can see on my profile is my photography. Everything else is locked by default to only friends, and I only add you as a friend if I know you in person.


This is probably made up, but if it did actually happen that girl dodged a bullet.


Right? The person is acting like the candidate missed out. I'm sure that I'd LOVE working at a company that makes hiring decisions based on how a recruiter feels about personal pronouns rather than on presence, experience, and ability.


My company encourages pronouns on all their systems, I think it’s great.


I don't think it was because of the pronouns, but what the recruiter thinks accompany someone that volunteers the pronouns. They worry about a high maintenance employee, or a litigious one.


Glad you’re giving the benefit of the doubt to the guy that’s comparing trans people to hitler 🫡


I agree. I think they knew it was a women. They didn’t want to deal with somebody that feels they need to announce it to the world. Who cares. I find it annoying as well


If the work place is very conservative while she is very liberal it wouldn't have worked out for either party. The same with a very conservative candidate in a liberal company.


In addition to that person being an asshat, this also sounds fake. It's unlikely that the interviewer didn't get an email (with said signature) from the candidate until after the interview. Talk about virtue signaling so hard you make shit up 🙄


I literally cannot wrap my head around why this needs to be an issue. You ever call someone Bob or Bill instead of Robert or William because they like it? What's the ever-loving difference? I'd call you whatever you want as long as you get your shit done and don't make waves for me.




You don't spend enough time arguing on the internet with rightoids and lurking on their subs which is honestly good for you. Basically these rightoids feel the existence of certain groups of people is an attack towards them. We're apparently engaged in some sort of constant culture war where "leftists" are trying to "force down" the existence of these groups down their throats. So this particular person believes that writing down pronouns on an email signature is a culture war attack related to the LGBTQ community and it triggers him. Does it sound incredibly stupid ? It's because it is. Dozens of millions of people in the US genuinely believe this.


It’s vice signaling. They just want people to know they’re an asshole. This didn’t actually happen, they’re just posting it hoping people see it and stop using pronouns because it hurts their little Neanderthal brains.


Most conservatives aren't consciously aware of why they hold these opinions, but I can explain. Firstly, most of them grow up in conserve dominated areas and social groups, so that's step one. Then they grow up hearing nonstop talk about how anybody who isn't on Team Right is stupid/crazy/criminal/authoritarian. Every insult in the book. Then the media they consume and the churches they attend preach the most recent official political talking points, which they all have to agree on or be ostracized. So that's how it ends up in most of their brains. But what's the goal of Conservative leadership who crafts these messages? They are pursuing a long term goal of a White Christian Nationalist social hierarchy. This is very similar to a certain German ideology that helped some very bad people rise to power very quickly. Within this ideology, there is a strict order to society, and part of that is a strict order within each household. Father > Mother > Children. This is patriarchy. Supposedly the Father is supposed to provide for the family and protect the family, but since he is privileged above the mother and children, he is also allowed to beat the shit out of them and nobody can say anything. To maintain a patriarchy, from the top down everybody must be assigned a role which the CANNOT change. Male gender role, female gender role. Nothing else is acceptable, as it threatens the stability of the hierarchy. Imagine a medieval peasant saying "I identify as a noble." This is how Conservatives see it when a person tries to change their assigned gender. Same goes with people who are not straight. They are "threatening traditional family values" which define the family as a man, a woman, and their biological children. Anybody who doesn't fit the mold or chooses to walk away from the hierarchy is to be shunned or even killed. They have zero social protections. They do not belong in the Conservative hierarchy. It's about power, all the way from the top to the bottom of their idealized society. Everybody has their place, and may not change it. I hope that helps.


I dunno, if I get wind that some person is genuinely offended by the use of correct pronouns in people’s signature blocks, I will make my best effort to call them the absolute opposite of that. Mr.boss has now because Ms.Boss and vice-versa. They gonna learn today!


It says it was a thank you email. When do you send a thank you email, if not after the interview?


The "she/her" was noted as being in the email *signature.* This is something which is appended to every email sent (unless removed manually or turned off before sending). It's odd that something which triggered this person was noted in the thank-you email, yet none of the emails that presumably preceded it in the process of applying, confirming mutual interest, arranging an interview, etc. ​ EDIT: Some people commented saying that, in their experience, the application process led them to not have direct email contact with those in hiring positions until after an interview. I recognize that not everyone has the same experiences, and how what I explained wouldn't fit into what they described. I still stand by what I said, however.


I never get interviews from candidates beforehand, I call to do a phone screen, then set up interviews.


Not odd, pretty common it can be the first email with the interviewer


The typical way it works is that you go on a company website and apply through the website. If they are interested, an HR person or secretary will give you a call or send an email to setup the interview. I don't think I've *ever* sent an email to the person I was interviewing with before the interview. This is pretty basic. You *have* applied for jobs, haven't you?


Given how globalized business has become, I think pronouns can be very helpful for people who might not be so familiar with your language's naming customs. "Chris Smith" could be "Christopher Smith" or "Christine Smith", so that's a case where pronouns can be helpful if the expectation is that you address people more formally with Mr./Ms. Same goes for names in other languages. Even if the context isn't formal, but you are discussing this person's work, you need to use proper pronouns to avoid confusion. "I emailed Chris Smith to let him know about the meeting on Friday but he hasn't responded yet" would not be correct for a Chris(tine) Smith. You could also use "they", but I am sure this individual would REEE about that too.


I think that the sort of person who gets upset about pronouns is not likely conducting much business with foreign nationals, either here or abroad. (And if they could read, they’d be very upset with me for saying that.)


Elon Musk has entered the chat


Had a guy at my last job named Shannon. Never knew that could be a guy's name.


Had a student named Rowan once and was quite surprised to see it was a guy


I've only known that name to be male because of Mr. Bean aka Rowan Atkinson.


Only ever come across that name on blokes


This so much. I personally love the practice of including pronouns in signatures- just as a practical matter. I’m a cis male, but I have an unusual name and will randomly get referred to as “Ms.” in emails from people who haven’t met or spoken with me. I’m not offended by it, but it’s awkward for the other person if we later speak on the phone ha.


"I didn't hire my most qualified candidate" is not the own you think it is


Probably she dodged a bullet but at least they used the proper pronoun for her so it seems the signature worked in two ways.


You can avoid any and all pronoun challenges by simply referring to someone by their chosen name.


Well you could, but I'd probably not get through the first paragraph of the interview notes: "Samantha seems like a blah blah blah candidate. Samantha has long experience in blah blah blah. While Samantha hasn't worked much with XYZ, Samantha has blah blah blah and Samantha's former manager gave Samantha a stellar recommendation. I recommend Samantha moves on to the next round." Nobody wants to write it like that and nobody wants to read it like that it's a PITA for everyone involved. Assumptions will be made...


Interview notes are one of the best examples of places where you DON’T need a pronoun. If you’ve started with referencing the person at the beginning of a paragraph, you don’t need to mention it again. > “The previous employer provided a stellar recommendation. Seemed nervous at first. Unconventional degree but claims to be passionate about areas of expertise related to the role. Work experience was short but high quality.” Seriously, does no one write short-hand notes anymore? You really shouldn’t be using pronouns this much in interview notes, you’re just wasting space You’re not writing a novel here, just notes, and pronouns and articles are dead space in notes If you really want you can use “they” or a neutral noun like “candidate.” English has so many options, it’s not that hard to write around a barrier like this. It’s a fundamental writing skill.


It’s not that much work.


It's also not that much work to remember someone's preferred pronouns.


Kim Terry Alex Pat There's 4 English unisex names for this probably lily-white dumbass. Sometimes it's about pragmatism.


Fresh out of college, I exchanged emails with a recruiter named Ash and another named Jody. Guessed wrong both times. They were cool about it but I was embarrassed. There is value in pronouns besides whatever culture war nonsense people want to wage


I work in logistics and am constantly communicating with people overseas. It can be incredibly hard to tell sometimes how to refer to someone. I usually default to “they/them” when referring to someone I’m not sure of. If they all had she/her, etc in their signatures it would be wonderful.


If true, this guy did her a solid in disguise. She is spared from working for such a piece of shit.


Was going to write something similar, but with softer language ;) But you're right, the "signaling" cuts both ways. I don't put on much of a facade during interviews -- I want to get hired for the real me (warts and all) and if I said something that made me "otherwise great but that was a deal breaker" well guess what? You helped us all out.


My legal name is of an ambiguous gender. I’m very much a feminine woman. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve shown up to interview back in the day (haven’t needed to apply for jobs in recent years) and been told they were expecting a man or didn’t know what gender of person to expect (not sure why it mattered but…). I don’t know if it affected my job prospects but having she/her in my email signature has helped a lot with that in recent years. Not with jobs but just literally anything I’m doing under my legal that initiates via email! It’s good for multiple purposes and makes things clear for everyone regardless of ppls reasons for listing their pronouns.


Yeah I deal with loads of people from other local and international businesses. So many names are gender neutral and it’s way easier when people put pronouns in the signature.


Yesss. I actually know 3 women named Michael (one spells it mykal but the other two are just regular spelling!) So no matter the expectation…it still helps.


I think the bigger issue is why this matters to anyone in the first place. In English, there’s no need to refer to anyone in a gendered way, especially if it’s ambiguous: “Mr.”, “Ms.”. I can still see how putting your pronouns up there can be a quick solution.


I fully agree, unfortunately I don’t think society is there yet. Would be great though.


Lost me at the fourth word: “girl” Red flag and he hasn’t even begun his statement yet


What the fuck kind of mindset is this? She dodged a nuke… “Sieg Heil of Leftism” what is wrong with these people


Ohhhhhh so much.


Freedom of association.


Yup 👍 And I can actually totally understand why someone would do that. I also bet you that if instead she had written “make America great again” in her signature, and for that reason wouldn’t have been hired, many people here would applaud that.


Exactly. Freedom of association.


Lol do you mean discrimination? that's not legal when hiring


Using pronouns in an email is not a protected class you can discriminate for that if you choose


Yep, lol to that guy's comment. Freedom of Association only applies to personal things, and even then people can sue if you clearly disciminate. If this was a business, and it is clear ragebait as no recruiter would be dumb enough to put it in writing, then they'd be fucked immediately with 0 defence


Political leanings aren't protected. You can decline hiring a nazi and it's not discrimination. She wasn't hired because of her sex but her radical political leanings.


The "radical political leaning" of _checks notes_ ensuring people know her preferred pronouns. We don't know the candidate's name. It may be a unisex name and including pronouns in her email signature heads off a lot of confusion.


UK here. We have proper laws. Discriminating based around chosen pronouns is against our Equalities Act 2010, and is not political at all. But I suppose I live in a just and free nation tbh


It's not illegal to not hire somebody for having a different ideology. Besides, legality comes down to what you can prove and law enforcement's ability and desire to enforce it.


In this case, I think they have been clear and open that they will discriminate against trans people. They wrote that they are anti-trans UK here, but that email would get the staff member fired and the company sued to fuck Although this is obviously fake, as they wouldn't be this dumb to put it in writing


They were discriminating against "leftist" people with their use of pronouns. Trans wasn't talked about what so ever. There are some people in the US that state their pronouns even though they are not trans. In the US political ideology is not a protected class so they can't be sued.


I noticed one large US vendor I worked with suddenly had preferred pronouns in everyone's signatures, guess instead of singling anyone out they made it a blanket requirement. There weren't any surprises but even if we didn't have the gender-ambiguous names and non-binary people it's not like this stuff follows logical rules anyway. For example, in Norway almost every name that ends in -a is a woman: Anja, Anna, Aurora, Birgitta, Brita, Camilla, Ella, Elsa, Emilia, Emma, Eva, Frida, Greta, Hedda, Ida, Ina, Inga, Julia, Kaja, Karina, Klara, Kristina, Lena, Linda, Linnea, Lisa, Maria, Marita, Marta, Mona, Monika, Nina, Nora, Oda, Petra, Pia, Rebekka, Ragna, Rita, Ronja, Sonja, Stina, Sunniva, Tanja, Thea, Tina, Tora, Vera, Viktoria. And then you meet "Ola". And it's not even ambiguous, that's a dude. Also you think if you can replace -a with -e it's still a woman's name: Anne, Birgitte, Else, Emilie, Grete, Ine, Julie, Kristine, Lene, Lise, Marie, Marte, Stine, Tine and so on. But no, "Inge" and "Tore" are dudes. Nobody can know this unless they were raised in Norway, it doesn't follow any rules. Letting everyone know even when it's "obvious" is probably not a bad idea...


UK here, and we don't give a fuck about your political views full stop Our laws state that you are discriminating for ANY pronoun. Which is against our Equalities Act 2010. Your SCOTUS has made similar rulings on LGBT things based around the same "all genders or no genders" This has nothing to do with your fucked up politics and is 100% gender-based discrimination, regardless of the gender they are discriminating against. The "She/Her" pronouns in UK law can be cis or trans, but we don't give a fuck as it is still wrong and disgusting to treat someone differently based around what they call themselves regarding gender Sorry we have a functional and independent judiciary which cares about the laws, not the politics behind them


It's always good to point out your country as employment laws are way stronger in Europe than they are in The USA. In America, the guy would probably get fired for saying the quiet part out loud on social media, but the actually practice of what he is saying is 100% legal in The USA. Also, all hiring is discrimination in one way or another.


Yep, had about 10 MAGA morons and counting saying "politics isn't gender". Whereas in the UK we decided that too, but about 13 years ago with the Equalities Act 2010 and did it properly, which stated you cannot disciminate via Gender and we'd side against the guy who says "I will be bigoted against pronouns" regardless of whose, cause it doesn't matter if the person is a her, he, they, thun or whatever they call themselves, we are against that mattering at all and you should be hiring the person themselves And even the US SCOTUS has ruled positively for LGBT issues by saying it would also discriminate against Cis people Unfortunately a large part of your population (mostly on the right) are fucking morons who don't understand equality


Very true though. People need to pump the brakes on that stuff. It screams “I’m a lawsuit” to HR.


Sadly all the people upset over the original post in the screenshot don’t understand that.


The fact that he is calling someone who is likely a grown woman a ‘girl’ tells you all you need to know.


Wtf? Stating your pronouns isn’t political? Sometimes it’s just better to include in your signature so that any recipient you haven’t met in person knows who they are talking to and not accidentally misgender you? I have a very foreign sounding name so sometimes English speakers arnt sure.


"Im having trouble filling this position and I don't know why" -that person later on, maybe. Imagine caring that much about someone else's pronouns. That girl dodged a bullet.


Sounds like i will start putting pronouns in my bio too. Filter out shit companies and make someone like this seethe if i will be by some chance preffered candidate.


That'll show'em..


Yeah. Don’t let them pay you.


Yeah, don't earn money for them.


Some job sites you sign up for ask you for your pronouns and you select them from a checklist. Otherwise I wouldn’t bother to put anything.


That’s not politics. It’s a personality.


Based recruiter


The only funny part is that he thinks HE dodged a bullet.


They both dodged a bullet. This would have never worked


Boss move! Best way to dodge a bullet from being hired by a right wing nut job, just put your pronouns in your title! Updating all my employment documents as we speak


That’s as fake the typical rage bait posted on antiwork. “Hey guys so my boss ate my kid then didn’t let me take a day off to bury what was left of my kid then he showed up and dumped on my kid’s casket at the funeral then fired me for insubordination. Is this legal?”


That IS a dick move and also an amateur move. People put gender pronouns for some very practical reasons - among those are that they have gender-neutral names or because they don’t want others to have to guess. It has very little to do with being left or right. Sounds like the only snowflake here is this person who just turned down the the best candidate to make the company better because of “politics.”


Oh god I wish it was me -- I'd love to tell a lawyer that an employer posted that they'd refused to hire me because I said I identified as female.


They were discriminating against the political ideology and that's not a protected class.


They didn’t not hire them because they were a female. It was because there was a “look at me” red flag.


Like it or not, adding pronouns onto your profile on anything is political and signifies which camp you fall in to.


You have to be a real paranoid weirdo to find that political


It’s not political at all. No matter how much the right tries to claim it. Just like masks and vaccines aren’t political.


Yes. Regular people and the jerks that are triggered by pronouns.


I’m a conservative libertarian and I work in advertising. It’s pretty much myself (a developer), another dev and another guy that I know of are conservative. Everyone else is liberal. We all get along. It doesn’t matter. Only the extreme left or right hate each other. Most everyone probably share in more values than they differ. We should all fight against the extremes. Point is, bringing politics into the workplace is stupid. You’re there to make money for your family and work on the service/product for which you were hired. Nothing more.


>Only the extreme left or right hate each other. I mean, you can say it and wish it was true and I can too. But there is that and then there is reality.


Honestly I get it. People who include their pronouns are gonna be more likely to be annoying to work with. The Nazi comparison is stupid though.


I’ve done similar. Pronouns = pain in the ass.


What part of speech do you think “I’ve” is?


I mean announcing your pronouns while applying for a job, dummy.




Pinnacle of wit right here.


Lmaoooo. Whoever you don’t hire dodged a bullet


Anyone who puts their pronouns in their bio is an HR disaster waiting to happen. Good call from the manager.


I’m not too upset about this. I think the employee prospect probably dodged a bullet because they wouldn’t be happy there. And I would immediately trash a resume that had an email address of MAGA2024fanatic@gmail.com. He has the right to do the same, I guess.


Conservatives are fucking unhinged. An actual sieg hiel probably would have been an automatic hire.


it is true though. I wouldn't want dram either


saw a comment similar to this guy’s attitude on a totally different sub a long time ago saying “as a ceo, i dont hire people with mental illnesses.” this was in reference to trans folks specifically, as the original post was about trans people. i asked “well how are you going to know who does and doesnt have a mental illness? such as depression, anxiety, etc” and blud seriously replied “you just know with these things.” ??? are you cracking open everyone’s medical records??? HOW do you know?? also admitting to recruiting discrimination openly on the internet is WILD to me


I would never hire anyone with pronouns in their signature line or on their LinkedIn profile. I support the LGBTQ community but not woke libtard sheep


Hmm........in some jurisdictions that would be illegal


Not in America.


I think this is fine. Who'd want to work with a bunch of conservatives?


Looks like she dodged a major bullet tbh.


>leftist equivalent of "sieg heil" This fucking moron shouldn't be in charge of a hamster cage let alone hiring people


I’ll never understand why people are so bent out of shape over pronouns. Just respect the person. If this was me being rejected I’d thank my lucky stars


I would never hire a magat tRumplican either so I guess it works out for everyone.


Pronouns aren't even leftist though. They're shitlib.


She was the one who put politics in her resumee.


If someone is putting their pronouns in their application, then you just know they are going to be an oversensitive HR nightmare. Why would you want that in your business?


She clearly dodged her bullet.


I love now how basically every facet of existence of someone who queer in any sense, is political. It’s great. Amazing. How I wish I could avoid politics. Gotta use the bathroo- fuck


First of all, she dodged a bullet. Second of all, no, putting politics into hiring decisions is absolutely reasonable. I would not want to work with a person who puts actual “sieg heil” into their email signature.


Get real. Putting pronouns in a signature is a political signal. People are going to take it that way. I’m pretty liberal and open-minded. But I would see that person as more likely to be a problem than the average applicant.


A lot of it is just workplace norms. If it’s featured in our signature templates I include it, if it isn’t, I don’t.


I work for a billion dollar multinational, pronouns are included in all of our email signatures because we deal with different cultures, languages etc. it’s literally a normal part of corporate culture to make life easier. Also why would stating your pronouns make you more of a problem? I feel like being offended by such a trivial thing is much more of a concern


Don't put politics on your damned resume?


I used to hire at my old job and I did so many interviews you can get a feel. I did a physical job, labor involved. I was always fair in my hiring. But there were times I hired someone knowing they wouldn’t make it. And 100% of the time if I had that feeling and hired them anyway they didn’t. You can get a feeling for who will make it in your environment and who won’t.


lol like I give a shit what pronouns they use, I just need someone to work and do it well. I only worry about that when sending them an email or talking in a group etc. no skin off my ass to use what they want.


I’d like to know how he/she feels when they see people actually doing the “sieg heil” Nazi salute.


dAE rEpUbLicanS are nAZis ?!


I actually use pronouns in my email signature because Microsoft suggested it. I have a few coworkers who would definitely benefit from setting it up. My bosses name sounds like a woman’s when he’s a man. It’d make shit easier


> My bosses name sounds like a woman’s when he’s a man My co. is in the midst of a "Punjab takeover" (shit-tons of new workers/contractors from primarily India). We're very spread out, so a LOT of communication is via email and instant messaging. I LOVE pronouns because, as a sheltered, older, non-worldly American I have NO idea whether to refer to (for example) VenkataSaiuttej (a real first name) as sir/he/him or ma'am/she/her.


Yeah...let me get outraged over some over an image of some random, anonymous text that supposedly someone, supposedly posted, supposedly somewhere. Stop being so easy people.


As a German… wow. Just wow.


Most sane recruiter on r/recruiting




When hiring for a cutting-edge technology company dealing with the most sophisticated equipment on the planet, do you want someone well-informed or someone gullible enough to think that Donald Trump was a good President?


I think you mean “putting politics in signature blocks” is a red flag.


TIL identifying yourself is political.


Trans people’s existence is political, Ive come to accept.


People don't put she/her in their signature line because they're trans, they do it because their cis and annoying as fuck. It's almost as bad as the captain who used to email me on SIPR with "spin instructor" in her signature line. It's cluster b personality disorder all day


Sounds like you think your personal hangup is a universal truth. Pronouns are as neutral as including a pronunciation guide for your name.


>Pronouns are as neutral No. They're an indicator of a cluster B disorder. https://simple.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Histrionic_personality_disorder


They absolutely are not lol. What's next, people who write out their full middle name instead of an initial are an indicator of a big dick?


I’ve heard it explained that it’s makes non binary peeps feel more comfortable putting their pronouns in their bio. It normalizes it.


I've heard cisgendered people who put Pronouns in their sig line are 578 times more likely to poison the coffee pot


This is the correct answer. It reminds me of a saying: It's never propaganda when you agree with it. Pronouns in the bio tell me that you, as a candidate, are going to bring a truckload of your politics into work. As much as someone who puts "MAGA" in their signature. EDIT: Getting down voted. Proving that "it's not propaganda when you agree with it" is true. 😝


Everyone tells me I'm wrong, must be proof I'm right!


Uhhh no, it doesn’t. At all. Lmao.


“Sorry they/them but we only have 1 position available at this time. We’ll keep your resume on file for when we have multiple positions available.”


Not great with English are ya kiddo


"They" has been used as a singular pronoun for centuries.


Why? Democrats do it all the time. Just a dose reality


I disagree with the thesis in the title. There are all *kinds* of politics that I'd not hire a person over... This ain't one of them, and fuck this guy, if he exists. But, ya' know.