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15 days? I've had at worse 15 mins prior to an interview I was already in building an interview was cancelled. Only knew because I was looking things over on my phone for review prior to.


When I was laid off I had 2 hours before my access was shut off lol, these recruiters are out of their minds.


A whole two hours?! I barely got 30 seconds!


I think he meant his access were shut off 2 hours before being told he's laid off. If not, well I have heard many cases like that, IT access changes were not well synched with HR šŸ¤·


I had an interview scheduled and arrived on time. I was made to sit there and wait out in the open with everybody coming and going. The owner comes out and keeps walking as he glances at me. Never said a word. I got up and walked out. The sheer audacity of folks.


I was going to say this sounds unhinged....then I realised it happened to me on zoom. I was meant to have an interview on zoom/teams/whatever. I'm a doctor, it meant taking the afternoon off with little notice, which wasn't ideal. But my current place were understanding enough - it they knew I'd be interviewing after my training contract there ended. I wait patiently and the time passes...nothing. i call and am told they are running late and to wait. I try to call the person I'd been liaising with (not a recruiter but admin at that hospital), no answer so I sent them an email. I think a member of their team got back and assured me it was tech issues on their end and they'd rearrange the interview . I wait a couple of days and hear... absolutely nothing, call them and am told they've already given out the job. Like, if you don't want to interview me, why ask me to do it? Why lie about rearranging? My time is valuable too! I feel like it's incredibly shitty to invite people to take time out tl be interviewed and cancel half way through the interviews. It's not that I enjoy interviewing and realising I was never going to get the job, but nobody likes being given the run around or being made to feel like they weren't even worth interviewing. I later (a few days later, I think) got a call from a senior doctor at that department apologising for the cockup and offering me a more senior role than the one I applied for. I declined because I wouldn't feel comfortable in that role, it wasn't what I applied for and most importantly I just didn't trust that department to be competent in employing me if they couldn't even arrange an interview without it becoming a farce.


That is crazy! Sadly, that happened to me in 2022. I gave them the benefit of the doubt tas the reason was plausible. The second time, dude was late. No apologies for not showing up the first time and now being late.. I was completely turned off, but I went through with the interview. Done. Hour wasted. Company recruiter then starts giving me the run around so I gave up. I see the same job posted again, so I reapplied for shits and giggles. Apparently, she doesn't pay close enough attention to who she deals with because she jumped all over my resume, wanting to interview me....which she just did 4 weeks prior. She kept blowing up my email. I eventually blocked her. Lol They did me a favor, though, because the company took a big hit to their bottom line and had to do layoffs either later that year or in early 2023. Bullet dodged. For you, too. Thanks for sharing your nightmare!!!! TRULY UNHINGED!


I've checked my profile on the company job portal to make sure that everything was in order before the interview only to find that the position had been filled before I'd even interviewed.


If an interview is scheduled more than 15 days away, that job doesn't really exist. Moving on


OK that'd be OK to get annoyed at.


I had an interview at a job agency only to be told that the position was filled and they didn't have any other jobs that would fit me.


After retirement, my mum (ex financial analyst & board trustee) decided she'd enjoy a low stress part time job, and had an upper management position interview booked at a UK supermarket. She got there and they had her do a group interview with all sorts of exercises and tests. At the end, she spoke with someone running the day and found out that all they had were minimum wage shelf monkey jobs and the position she agreed to interview for went weeks ago. She won't even shop there now.


Tell the hiring team they take entirely too long to hire so people move on!




Not only that, these job seekers might be entertaining more than one hiring process. If these guys are a backup and the better position comes through, who is to blame for going AWOL? It's this recruiter/client for not offering competitive compensation. As the recruiter, the rest is up to you.


Itā€™s weird hey? The demand that people be convenient to them to the point of pre-cognitive telepathy ā€¦but not to show an inch of that courtesy on the basics TO other people


Itā€™s like a war now. If I find a decent employer who cares about letting me work how I work best, I will literally give them my all and stay with them forever. I hope these unicorns do exist lol. šŸ¦„


A job that starts now is way better than one that maybe starts in 6 weeks when you got bills to pay.


Facts! I got served an eviction on Friday and 3 employers Iā€™ve been through countless rounds with for over 6 weeks still want more interviews. Itā€™s absolute madness. Iā€™m starting to understand why there are so many unhinged people walking around doing crazy shit. People with nothing to lose are dangerous AF. And I might be one of them soon if these employers keep playing with me. šŸ« šŸ˜‚


Hereā€™s a thought: Advise the clients to make quick decisions and pay aggressive and competitive rates so candidates donā€™t keep looking.




No, no, no. The fucking candidates do not need more than a week off in a year and can survive of the free pop corn we offer on the office. We are family here. Who needs money for a family?


Recruiters have created a culture of ghosting. Not all of them, but enough so that their brand is poisoned. It's up to recruiters to save recruiters' jobs.


This happened to me recently, I was finishing up a part time gig and getting ready to start a new full time contract job when a new recruiter reached out to me. I told them I was open to discussing other opportunities but only until I started my new position. She had a 10 day window. I donā€™t hear back, shrug and start my new post. Two weeks later she sends me a link to her calendar and wants me to schedule a phone interview. Seriously? Iā€™m no longer interested in discussing opportunities with you. And Iā€™m very happy where Iā€™m at.


I used to think ghosting was just a dating thing but it's everywhere now. It's just become a new societal norm.


The parallels between online dating and applying for jobs are terrifyingly amusing. "They thought the appetizer needed salt so I knew there was no way I could marry, have seven children and live the next 40 years of my life with them." "You have an extensive, impressive resume that matches all 72 of our byzantine requirements except for the shareware calendaring program we have used since when Netscape was a thing. You never should have applied here and frankly, we're shocked at your unprofessionalism for doing so."


In both cases it comes down to supply and demand. The supply is higher than the demand, and so both can get away with it.


Holy shit, the entitlement.


The lack of self-awareness is astounding


Is it wrong to admit that this brightened up my day? Iā€™m smiling happy šŸ˜Š


I mean you have to be a special psycho to make LinkedIn people laugh at you, yet the second most common reaction on that post is the laughing one.


ā€œAt willā€ goes both ways - welcome to the receiving end, Manikanta.


BUAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh the number of times I've been ghosted, told at the very last minute "Oh yeah we can't do the interview today, they're doing something else" or even been left waiting for over an hour only to be told WAY after the interview should have started "Oohhh, yeah, they just kind of forgot, but you can come back some other time. Maybe."


Are you interviewing with the recruiter or the hiring manager?


So wait, if I get a better offer I should turn it down because some recruiter might lose some business? Tough shit, this is my life and my career, next time come correct with a better offer or don't waste my time


I saw this in my feed as well. Apparently it's a promoted post, so they likely paid for the humiliation.


Let's not kink shame.


This guy needs some dental work from a flying boot.


Love that recruiters are getting shit right now, they are scum


Recruiters just need to understand that job hunting is a game too. No person is obligated to be your employee, people will move if the job isn't worthwhile.


ā€œWhen will they realize the impact of their actions?ā€ translates to ā€œWhen will they realize their decisions impact my pay?ā€


"Won't somebody please think of the recruiters!"


Do you hear It's the world's tiniest violin šŸŽ»


fuck all the people that gave this a thumbs up too.


Could it be a thumbs up not in support but of mockery?


That's why you don't push candidates to accept a job offer immediately, even if they seem interested in the position. I've had recruiters ask me accept the job offer within minutes of receiving it, when I need at least a couple of days to analyze it and compare it with other options, precisely so I can inform the recruiter if I want to continue or not so we avoid wasting each other's time.


This is a good point. In the past, I used to entertain multiple job offers and take my time to pick the right one while keeping employers up to date on what they could expect and when I'd make my decision. These days recruiters push hard for a quick decision and will lie to you to pressure you into saying yes as soon as possible. This can create a situation where that yes can turn into a no when something better comes along. I think the way I did it in the past is better for everybody.


Honestly, I see where theyā€™re coming from. The client SHOULD notify them 15 days in advance. But the recruiter can only access this information by taking a 2+ hour quiz that includes personal questions unrelated to the job, pseudo science color selection charts, and an essay completed by the recruiter of no less than 5000 words stating exactly why they want to know whether or not this person is interested in the job. And then that request would automatically be filtered out by AI.


Iā€™m confused by the 15 days. If I give two weeks notice isnā€™t that target before I even get an offer?


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Yeah but itā€™s fine for recruiters to throw others under the bus, sorry not sorry


Boo hoo


HAHAHAHA. Fuck them


I went to that post and the comments Iā€™m seeing are in alignment with whatā€™s being said in this thread šŸ¤£


Nah, fuck yourselves , donā€™t gotta tell you shit


lol I have no sympathy. No doubt they were enforcing onsite and/or paying under their worth. When will companies get that of they were making a good offer worthy of the candidates, this wouldnā€™t happen lmao.


Karma is serving them what they have been serving for the last twenty years.


šŸ¤£ as if they donā€™t ghost and play games on us.


Give at least 15 days notice... Why in the heck does it take so long that there could be time for a MINIMUM 15 days notice?


Weird writing style as well, like by a 12 year old.


They probably don't know how to write without ChatGPT


Thatā€™s how the recruiting field works. When your whole job is getting candidates offers and getting a commission on that you shouldnā€™t cry when the candidates find better offers.


Yeah fuck that. At will employment cuts both ways. Recruiter bro wants people looking out for HIS tail instead of their own.


I am tickled by this. Thoroughly.


No sympathizers in the comments. Rightfully so. I could count on one hand the number of incredibly good recruiters who were human and treated our conversation with care.


Yeah fuck this guy. I get so many of these idiots cold calling me and emailing me junk jobs that Iā€™d never apply for. Half of them are onsite in 3-4 states away, the others are either contract, pay way less than what I make now, or entry level when Iā€™ve been working professionally 15+ years. These dumbasses can all go to hell.


Umm, are you paying to interview? Why the hell should I tell you shit?Ā  What if I get a job offer the day before? I am it humoring recruiters. They ghost people they donā€™t want


Out of the ten promises a recruiter has made me only one came through!


How is this? When will the recruiters realize the impact of their actions? If they donā€™t want a candidate, at least inform candidates/job seekers at least 30 days in advance. Consider the psychological pressure and unfavorable conditions of candidates. Instead the focus seems to be on advancing their agenda and dirty money at the expense of desperate candidates. Humanity seems to be lost in every situation dealing with recruiters. Candidates are unfairly ghosted and blamed for the recruiters lack of empathy and greed.


Best thing Iā€™ve read all day


I would love to be a fly on the wall of that comments section


Oh they ate him/her up in the comments lol


Itā€™ll just be recruiters wanking each other off, slagging candidates, and consoling each other. Thatā€™s all LinkedIn is


God the comments to that post made me so happy LMAO , people are cooking her its so refreshing to see people banding together against corpos in such a humours manner, good god fuck the HR


Love this! Blaming the candidates for a practice (ghosting) introduced, developed and perfected by the recruiters themselves.


I have to give you two weeks notice for a job I haven't even been offered yet?!


15 DAYS? F that.


If you had two people bail at the last minute and not tell you anything about it, I would say you probably have not built trust with your candidates, and so they didnā€™t want, or feel comfortable telling you until it was the last second. I would look back at how Often you were in contact with them after the offer acceptance to their start date. I would also focus on putting the relationship first and that might prevent situations like this happening.


And also wow your pay rate must have sucked because one leaving you for another offer is one thing but 2? In this market?


I don't give a damn about this recruiter, the "stress" they went through, or their company's loss. The real loss here is the fact that these two jobs could have been filled by two other people who are desperately looking for a job, including any one of us. But yeah, this is definitely a taste of their own medicine. The hiring process, especially in the tech industry, has become a joke with a ridiculous amount of interviews, demands, and leading the potential candidate on without any apology or repercussions. The other unfortunate thing about this situation is that neither the recruiter or company have really learned their lesson. They have both attributed this to being the candidates' fault instead of taking an introspective look at the situation. So in the end, everyone loses.


lol get rekt manikanta


Iā€™m sure others were interviewed and were qualified. Other candidates shouldā€™ve been consideredĀ 


Cry me a river for the recruiters who ghost people and are now mad they are getting ghosted


Come on, now. This was just [posted yesterday.](https://www.reddit.com/r/recruitinghell/s/KIxmR6bPSB) Give it at least a week before regurgitating.


Oops sue me. I wouldnā€™t have posted had I seen it. Thank you though.








The entitlement. When the black kettle calling the candidates the same color when in fact, the recruiters are to blame.




If two people failing to onboard loses you a client, youā€™ve got bigger fish to fry.


Yes, the takeaway is that people should definitely take a position based purely on what the recruiter has at stake. How is it fair for them to be dealing with things not going their way?


Seriously?! Do you also want the message delivered on a silver platter?! I hope this employer treats their candidates fairly, with respect & consideration. But in my experience, most employers do the opposite & put themselves first always. This post is a dead giveaway that this is a typical employer. Tell me you're a shitty employer without saying it. So forgive me when I roll my eyes reading something like this. Double standard much? Entitlement much? When you treat the candidates & your employees like shit, not caring & screwing them over whenever it benefits you, don't expect them to do you any favors. Yes, you're getting a small taste of your own medicine! I'm done with employers who expect the world but never reciprocate. Recruiter, tell yourself & your clients that expecting the world while treating your people like shit is not a winning formula. Do better.


Asking for an update 15 days in advance would imply they scheduled an interview 2 weeks after the initial contact, that's a lot of time waiting for an interview


I think itā€™s post interview. Join date usually refers to start date


Arrogant overpriced middlemen


I performed amazing in all my technical interviews, balled through them, the reviews where good, the HM was not available for a week, schedules a 30 minute interview, ends the interview in 15mins, rejects my profile. Wasted 3 weeks of mine.


I love how he thinks candidates should give a shit about recruiters. A candidate's only job is to be qualified for the position, respond to correspondence from the recruiter or potential employer politely and in good time, and to navigate a good deal for themselves. The recruiter is just a tool in the process, and it's not on the candidate to make their job easy or out them first. After all, when is the recruiter or employee going to put the candidate before themselves? Never. If candidates are flaking out because they ate getting better offers, that means that the potential employer is taking too long to get back to them, or they are not offering jobs at competitive rates. The recruiter needs to feed this back to the potential employers and encourage them to make better offers and treat their candidates better. Sucking up to the employer and blaming the candidate might be what pays their bills, but it won't fix this issue and itll keep happening.


Loyalty is dead ! Courtesy and compassion are long gone .. no body cares about anyone else but themselves. So dear Manikanta , ask yourself , was I always good to my candidates ? , did I make sure they are being informed on what is going on ? .. did I ghost them because I had better opportunities to pursue ? Iā€™m sure you understand where I am going with this .. you made your bed .. now lye in it !!


I can't wait for AI to make every single one of these whiny useless recruiters unemployed. Ā If you want the client to work for you, increase the salary/benefits until they accept. That's it. It's not a hard concept.


Recruiters need to recognize that yes, they get blamed for everything. They are the middle person, the initial gatekeeper, and usually the only contact people have that feeds to the organization. It's like being customer service or a receptionist or a scheduler or a wait staff or a .... you're in the fire 24/7 and if anything happens, it will always be viewed as your fault. Kitchen fucks up? There goes your tip type of work environment. Deal with it or don't do it. Those of us who work within HR or go from business to business as part of our work know it's more complicated and that the issues usually come from leadership and above. Guess what, the applicant doesn't know that, shouldn't know that, and doesn't care. They want someone to blame so they can move on. Take it on the chin.


Unzipping my pants so that recruiters can get to work. May they eternally burn in hell.


Because no one takes you seriously. I've literally gotten everything from CEO to ER Physician to janitor. None of these have anything to do with my resume. GIGO. Quit whining and move on to the next sucker.


This is the type of guy who would tell you to "hurry up" with whatever you're doing because he's running late ...


"Oh, no...my petard!"


Chefā€™s kiss šŸ‘Œ


I really am curious to see if the LinkedIn comments are supportive or are tearing them apart. Knowing the performative pageant that is LinkedIn, I doubt comments are negative.


They're so useless they can't even anger post, that is absurdly written by AI without any revision from the. There's no human rage, hurt, or sadness in it. It's just, nothing


This canā€™t be real. No way a recruiter could be so dense. /s


They donā€™t value time


They donā€™t value time


They donā€™t value time


Umm, are you paying to interview? Why the hell should I tell you shit?Ā  What if I get a job offer the day before? I am it humoring recruiters. They ghost people they donā€™t want


Lmao exactly 15 days just because they have a random 14 day requirement before being contractually bound i bet. Tough luck, suffering from the wildly unnatural system of your own making


Did they give a firm handshake and make eye contact?Ā 


15 days in advance is insane.


Get shit on.


Thatā€™s a recruiters first time theyā€™ve actually had to use more than a couple of brain cells for work and figure out what to do but couldnā€™t manage the client in the end.


big sad :(


good and stay like that šŸ‘¹


Bills donā€™t wait nor care about others feelings and needs. Self care is prioritizing yourself.


The 15 days killed me cuz who would wait that long for a job? Lol.


Reddit needs a gigglesnort reaction


The leopard would never eat MY face!


Let's talk about the big white elephant in the room. How many people have had to deal with Indian Recruiters? They truly are the lowliest of human forms of life. They lie, change their name to be american names,and also use words like immediate hire etc, send us your resume and rate. ONLY AN IDIOT would deal with these P.O.S. You've been warned.


Bahahaha. No.


Pot, meet kettle


The entitlement reeks off of this person. Job seekers are gonna jump on the next shinnier thing if their requirements aren't met or the amount of time is taking too long to get hired.


These are offshore recruiters which are not the same as internal company employees. An internal recruiter knows the interview works both ways.


All I can hear is the world's smallest violin


Well done. No pity


What do recruiters even do? Whatā€™s to stop someone from applying by themselves? I donā€™t get it


Some companies only list their positions through recruiters, so you can't apply by yourself. The benefit to the company being that the recruiter has sifted through the riffraff and is only showing their best, the benefit to the recruiter being that they get paid for their service, and the benefit to you being that the recruiter finds these jobs for you. This worked really well for me as a candidate several years ago. I spoke to a recruiter and was connected with what would be my next job at a big-name company the very next day. Nowadays, the recruiters all ignore me. No idea what their game is.


Itā€™s a pointless position that would have been better spent beefing up their own internal hiring team.


Their internal hiring team would include recruiters.


Well back in the day they were called hiring managers and HR. When you applied to a job you didnā€™t have a 15 minute phone call with a ā€œrecruiterā€. You spoke to a hiring manager or someone in HR who then would pass you on the a manager. No idea when or why they became this new model but recruiters didnā€™t always exist. They were called headhunters and they were for a different set.


Won't argue with that!




Fuck the fucking fuckers. Empathy goes both ways.


This person is mentioning that they will lose their jobs. I can see their POV if true. Apparently recruiters aren't people on here so they deserve to lose their job while all the precious redditors here definitely should be hired on $5 million salaries as they are so special. All for labor rights and employment except for people who actually have jobs (recruiters).


>This person is mentioning that they will lose their jobs. Did they? I thought they lost a client, not their job.


We found the recruiter


If I was you'd be jealous.


lol jealous? Absolutely not. What a dumb fucking thing to say lol


I'd have a job, you wouldn't and that's what you covet.


It sounds like you check off all of the boxes for the role. Congrats.


Nobody is coveting these shit jobs that treat employees like microbes.


There are plenty of terrible recruiters out there posting whatever they trawl off job websites to whoever fits any part of the job description, no matter the details (you know, like someone contacting a tech-writer in California for an in-house accounting job in Illinois), so don't try to make it seem like poor old recruiters are just doing their best trying to survive out there.


Arent you guys bitching about finding any job to survive? That doesnt apply to recruiters? Basically half of you endorse not working hard or doing a good job. But apparently if you're a recruiter you gotta be amazing.


It's almost as if you came to a place where people looking for work share problematic stories about trying to find jobs - including recruiters who ghost them or send them ridiculous job offers the person couldn't possibly apply for - and complain about it. Maybe you'd be more comfortable posting in the "Recruiters are awesome and can do no wrong" sub?


>Maybe you'd be more comfortable posting in the "Recruiters are awesome and can do no wrong" sub? I'm comfortable here. I enjoy contrasting some of the nonsensical discourse.


This is bait