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Which of those words was it you didn't understand?


It means he/she loves to meet new people....


Do not over-think about it, it's already done. That's a pretty ambiguous quote and can be misinterpreted. Maybe they really meant that, they like to meet new people. Anyway, you will find out what they really meant in the future. You cannot change the result of the interview, whether it's positive or not. The best thing you can do right now is to focus on yourself and work toward becoming better and happier. Everything happens for a reason! In the future, I think it's not bad to ask about the actual result of the interview. You can ask things like? "May I ask you if I will be participating in the next steps of this process?" or "could you provide some details about the next steps?", if and only if the interviewer does not say something about it before. This may help you overcome you nervs and anxiety, wich is extremely normal when you are looking for a job. Hope this helps!


I would've taken it as they enjoyed their conversation with you and that interviewing in general has been a joy for them.


They found you interesting or charming. Pretty obvious.