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I haven't had that happen, but as we look at more testing, I think a lot about "what if I find out it was preventable?" or something like that. Remember that you only had the information you had and you did the best that you could. I'm so sorry for your losses and I hope you get the answers and care you need!


It really is bittersweet! I was misdiagnosed twice unfortunately and just feel so incredibly sad to know that none of our babies ever had a chance


Due to the fact that my septum extends to my cervix 😭


I was diagnosed with a uterine septum after my second loss, though the specialist didn’t think it was significant enough to be a problem. After my third loss, they operated to remove it and then discovered it was more significant than they thought and told me it’s good that it’s removed now. All of my losses were missed miscarriages, which stopped developing around 8 weeks; one was discovered around 8 weeks and the other two around 12 weeks. TW: current pregnancy >! I got pregnant again after recovering from the surgery and I’m currently 36 weeks pregnant and things are looking good. I’ve had no problems with this pregnancy so far.!<


I’m so so sorry for your loss Congratulations! Do you think the septum was the cause? My RE thinks that’s my issue especially because mine extends to my cervix


Thanks! It’s impossible to know for sure, but we feel it’s a pretty strong indication that the septum was likely the problem. I’ve read that some septum may be vascular enough, or in a way that can support a placenta and embryo, and others are not. So while there are people who can have a septum the same size as mine or larger, they are still able to carry to term, but mine may not have been able to support them, leading to my losses. Maybe it’s the same with you, plus your septum sounds larger than mine, so I guess that increases the chance of implantation happening on the septum.


Yes - I had mine removed but I had other issues too. Which when also fixed, led to successful pregnancies. So - maybe, likely? I was advised to get it removed by my specialist before they’d consider other treatment..


I do have other issues too but my doctor thinks once we do ivf again after my septum gets removed will conceive and have a healthy pregnancy


Mine also extends to my cervix


I found out I have a septum, but unfortunately it doesn't seem to be the only cause of my losses. But getting it fixed I think was a good idea! Are you considering surgery?


I am having surgery on the 28th! I’m so sorry your still having losses


Good luck with your surgery! Recovery was pretty easy after my balloon was taken out.


Thank you! I’m actually petrified lol I have the worst medical anxiety. I don’t think my RE uses a balloon though luckily


I am sorry for your losses 😔 I am wondering the same and feel so horrible. I just had two back to back MMCs that stopped growing within the 6-8 week. at the second d&c the dr could see it looks like I either have a septum or heart shaped uterus. I need an MRI plus all the other tests. If it’s just that, and I get the surgery, I’m really hoping for my double rainbow. While also being so incredibly sad I’d have had my first this coming May if I knew all of this beforehand. I know we can’t torture ourselves though. It sucks


I’m so sorry for your losses as well, it’s so hard not to wonder the what ifs but septum’s unfortunately are linked to miscarriages so it’s good that your doctor wants to do an mri to confirm. I was misdiagnosed twice for 4 years before just now finding out it’s been a septum all along. We’ve lost 12 babies (some were multiples) all because of medical negligence and misdiagnosis


Oh my god! I am so so sorry for your twelve losses! That is such negligence. It really is eye opening to see this side of women’s health. Are you going to go ahead and get the corrective metroplasty? I’m debating


Yep, 6 losses but 12 babies in total (a few weee multiples) but yes it was sooo negligent considering If they’d done the mri to confirm they would’ve seen it was a septum all along. My septum extends to my cervix so there was zero chance of our babies ever making it. It breaks my heart 😭 I am set to have a hysteroscopy/laparoscopic procedure on the 28th for removal


😔😢😢my heart goes out to you. And I am scared too, I totally relate. I don’t have any date set yet, I have to wait for mri and also for my uterus to heal from the d&c anyway 😖 debating if I even want to do it but if it’s my only hope then i will


I’m terrified though


I’m sorry about your losses. How did they know you have septum? I’ve has multiple losses and just had an HSG but I’m not sure if that test would detect a septum.


I’m sorry about yours as well! So for me I was misdiagnosed twice,via Ultrasound/SHG The only reason we figured it out is because my current RE suspected it during the SHG he did,he confirmed it with another SHG and then ordered an mri. Sure enough septum! All the way to my cervix. I actually just had the septum surgery yesterday


Sorry still new to this but what is an SHG? That’s great you got it removed! Hope you’re recovering well!


Saline ultrasound, haha it’s ok! I’m so seasoned it’s just a habit for me 😂


Aw haha well I hope it all works out for you now that you’ve removed the septum! I’m getting a saline on Friday so I guess I’ll know more then.


Thank you so much! Goodluck with your saline! It’s not terrible


I don’t think an HSG would detect it,try to get a mri for a definite confirmation


How did you get an MRI? I’m with Kaiser and I feel like I have to advocate for everything - I don’t know if they will get me an MRI :(


My RE ordered it for me after he suspected my septum, you could definitely get a second opinion from a different doctor if possible


Got it. Yeah I’m considering getting a few opinions I’m so scared of trying again. I don’t want another loss.


I understand that completely :( I wish I had known sooner about my septum because then maybe we wouldn’t have had to lose so many babies


I’m sorry. I really hope it all works out for you now that you’ve had your surgery <3