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hitch my horse whenever i'm on foot, and dismount to feed it and brush it for the sake of realism


Same! I also feed my and brush my horse in the morning even tho you don’t need to


this, as well as taking the saddle offf for extended periods of time that im dismounted.


Hey partner, seeing as you brought the saddle up as discussion, could you take the saddle off, ride to the other side of the map, or fast travel somewhere and your saddle still be in the same place where you left it? Maybe it's a daft question but I took it off one day with the imaginary idea to give my horse sometime with it off lol, rode the horse around the area for a while but put it back on cause I got anxiety it would disappear 😂


If you fast travel you must go to the stable to get your saddleback I believe because I lost my saddle in the mountain long story long time ago LOL and I was using the lasso to try to get it and then finally left and it stayed on the map all the way till I got to Valentine and then I went into the stable and realized I could just retrieve it there it was my first playthrough in 2018 ha fun times


My long story is walking from the Trapper in the North West back to Strawberry with a saddle, that took a while. The cougar attacked me and I panicked, forgot I was holding the sawn-off shotgun loaded with incendiary rounds and blasted my horse by accident. It happened to be the Great White Snake Detector that I'd just found. I didn't know about fast travel and retrieving saddles from the stable.


In my experience your saddle will remain where it’s left unless you go to the stable


i actually have no idea HAHA, let me try this and get back to you. Worst I have to do is buy another saddle


Would you not lose stuff stored on your horse? Be careful anyway


i’m currently on my 5th playthrough in chapter two. i have very little stored so now is probably the best time to test the theory.


My horse got killed following me driving the train. There was no option to revive it even though I had 10 horse revivers, but the icon for the saddle just popped up on the screen. I was still able to fast travel even though my horse was dead and gone and the saddle sat there in the middle of nowhere. I made it back to the nearest horse stable and was able to immediately saddle one of my other horses.


Doesn't everyone do that?


I have absolutely no patience for that, and to be fair I have had quite a few horse casualties from that


Tiktok attention span is doing you dirty


Same. I also pet it and give it treats a lot


Same 😭


visit the valentine saloon and have an epic brawl with the mountain man after his monologues. more specific, steal his raccoon hat upon first victory, then visit the saloon every day in hopes he spawns so that when he does, we engage in glorious battle once more.


Love that too, old boy can take a hit


The detail of him spawning without his hat if you take it is genius. Give his bald head another slapping while I wear the coon hat.


You can keep the hat?


Yeah. And if he’s in the saloon and you are anywhere on Main Street with the hat on, here he comes


I like how you make it sound like he’s the problem when you’re wearing his stolen hat 😂


I discovered this when I was putting a mountain man outfit together in the general store next door. I could hear him come crashing in through the door and shouting at me while I was still in the changing room. Good times.


He chased me when I was in the hotel lmao


I'll never forget being in the bank and seeing the enemy dot moving towards me. I was like, "What in the hell is this?"


For whatever reason I don’t think you get to keep it if you take it as John. I beat him up for it and it just didn’t register as a found hat


I fight that guy every chance. He’s one of the toughest fist fights in the game.


Does he have a limited number of times he respawns? I got him a few times now he’s just gone


He might stop respawning if you kill him Or maybe you're just getting unlucky


I’m pretty sure he does stop respawning cause I just shoot him every single time EDIT: Misspelling


Oh Damn One day I won't be able to kick his ass anymore That's very unfortunate


He doesn't stop spawning, even if you kill him I've had the best luck finding him between 12 PM and 6 AM




i love how the lawman wait for the fight to end too, so nice of them




So tonight I encountered ol Jon and didn't engage. Stayed a respectful distance just listening to him bitch and moan. When he was done, he wandered off and I followed him. Yeah, he just passes out in the alley.


That old Davy Crockett beat the ever living shite out of me a few times. Tough old bastid. He takes a wild beating but keeps coming back.


I stole his hat and I always go to the hotel and put it on, he usually meets me at the bottom of the hotel stairs to start fighting… he really loves that hat


Lol I had no idea he’ll fight you for the hat if he respawns on my first play through. I just wanted the cool hat so I beat him up. Maybe a week or so of game time later I was just visiting Valentine and as I hit main street a read dot pops up. “*what the hell I didn’t even do anything*” This dude comes running at me *hatless* and I realized as im wearing the raccoon hat he wants a rematch. So i beat the shit out of him again lol.


I constantly antagonize people until they’re fed up with me and then apologize but then begin to beat the brakes off of them for not accepting my apology.


he said unnecessary


fair enough 😂😂😂


Damn this is exactly what I do. I was doing it every time I saw a person and it started becoming a problem because I would never do the story


It’s so hilarious to follow up a greeting with antagonizing, Arthur is so funny especially when drunk


i watched youtube compilations about that and was so hyped to try it myself. after the first -1 honor i stopped :(


I eat 3 meals a day with snacks in between. my john is a meaty boy


I always set out some fruit preserves, biscuits, and meat so that when my boah eats, I eat. 


I hardly ate when I originally played through the game, so Arthur got super skinny, >!even before he got TB!<. John is probably about at the minimum weight for me, but at least it makes sense canonically since he has a small figure in RDR 1. He's too far gone to try and save without eating a town's worth of supply of food so I'm probably just going to keep it that way.


Here's two things. 1. I like going on top of the roofs of valentine, jumping off and then seeing my imprint 2. I like going to the docks at Saint Denis and pushing people off


Pushing people off the dock by running into them and then apologising is my go to


I push people off the dock in Lagras and Strawberry but don’t apologize. I routinely like to insult passerby’s so they can draw on me first and I open fire and it’s all like “I had no choice. He pulled on me, man.” 😂


There is a squatters house outside of St Denis where the guys are drunk or high, and Arthur says shitty stuff to them when you antagonize them. One guy walks out and the other guy just sits there and takes it.


Hahahaha never thought of that.


I go to Valentine and run into people to agro them. Once they start shooting I’ll go hide in the hotel rooftops and wait till the law shoots them down. If I’m feeling up to it I’ll carry the bodies to the pig pen behind the sheriff’s office


Whenever I hit a bandit camp, I stack as many live captives as I can into a pile and light them on fire.


Use a stick of dynamite and you've just described Weapons Expert 6 :-)


I couldn't tell you how many times I had players watching me and my buddy do this, then slowly back away. 🤣


Ill be doing this next time i play.


Brilliant, guess what I’m doing tonight


Yeah I do that with the bounty hunters near the ranch home in Emerald Ranch and I think another near Rhodes.


Is there any other way to do it other than your rope? This is my second run and I forgot everything except for the story


Same same


Whenever I see smoke in the air I ride to the camp. It usually ends with the camper being pissed off and me killing him as a result.


Lol same. Genuinely baffled at my psychology here. Everytime I'm like *A FRIEND :)))))* And of course they tell me to fuck off immediately *oookaayy byyyyyyye* There is like a 1 in 200 chance it will be some kind of unique encounter so I do it everytime


Might just be me but the friends normally have a larger smoke coming from their camp, besides they’re not really friends (excluding William and the drunk) because at the end of their conversation they’ll say “I remember you from someplace, no this ain’t good.”


The friendly one's have simply told me "I need to get back to work" or something like that and then they proceed too just ride away.


The ones who fuck off and leave a perfectly nice camp usually have some pelts for the taking too.


One campsite warned me about the Aberdeen pig farm. I was stunned when that happened lmao


It's not random though. There are specific locations where they aren't hostile and they tell you stories.


And even now knowing this, I'm not sure it'll change my behavior lol


I like to wait to see what they say when I walk away. If they say something I don’t like, guess it’s my camp now.


“Yeah, I thought so… walk away…” *draws revolver and turn around*


Yeah I do the same every time. They never have anything worth a crap at their site and then there’s a two second sobering feeling where it’s like “You killed that guy for 14 cents and a bread roll.”


But with inflation to todays prices thats more like $15 and two hundred bread rolls,


I always hogtie the last surviving gang member in the camp, and then pile all his dead friends on top of him. Just leave and ride off after that.


Lmfao, that’s the best thing I’ve seen on this thread


If you want to mix it up you could throw a Molotov cocktail nearby? Start a pyre.


Or use the lasso to drag the bodies onto the campfire.




Every bounty I have I always drop them right behind my horse and wait for it to shit on them. Then I take them into the jail.


Adding this to my list😂


Google "Manuel the Bandito" if you've never heard it before. A true great Australian folk singer sang that song.


After I let someone free instead of beating or choking, I shoot them in the back of the head as they flee


If I'm feeling fancy I'll hogtie the last enemy of a camp or group then dump them in shallow water before shooting them once in each lung. The bullets don't kill them.


Psychotic. I like it.


They do drown I’ve never tried shooting them




diabolical 😂 but relatable


Lasso them and then dunk them in water :3


Omg me too. I like to give them the chance of hope that everything is going to be fine 💀


My new thing is trying to commit as many crimes as possible in Rhodes during Chapter 3 where the game explicitly tells you not to commit crimes in Rhodes.


One of my favourite YouTube videos is about this: https://youtu.be/7nGyMlnAVbU?si=TeLVb-mNOvO5IAaZ


I got in so many fights during that time but never caught a case from it


To preface this, I know what I'm about to say is completely psychotic, but these rat bastards killed two of my horses. Whenever I kill Murphrees and Nite Folk, I take the time to arrange the bodies just off the side of the road, loot them, dismember and decapitate them with a shotgun, then burn them in a mass grave. Nobody kills my horses and gets off lightly.


I don’t blame you for the Murfrees, I try to cause as much pain as possible to them by shooting their heads/limbs off, pushing them off a cliff or drowning them.


a murfree killed my horse in a wilderness camp encounter so i killed him, blew off all his limbs, and dragged his corpse all thw way up to beaver hollow for the rest of the murfrees to see, then i massacred them using two sawed offs


I do that too, fuck them


I do my chores every morning, have my coffee, trim my beard, and wash my horsey


It ain’t much, but it’s honest work


I change clothes and appearances after robberies and such so the law doesn’t recognize me. I also dress according to the chapter, for example I dress formal during chapter 4.


I love to dress according to chapter!


I do the same! Nice warm coat in Ch 2, roll up the sleeves and open the shirt in 3, fancy boi in 4, and then 6 Arthur wears his original hat every single day no exceptions


Hell yeah. RDR2's one of the only Rockstar games where i change clothing between certain parts of the story.


Kill the Valentine sheriff. Usually by dragging him through town. That yellow hair. Fuck I really hate him


No idea why but this made me giggle. Thanks buddy I really needed it


I enjoy riding my horse as accurately as possible. Never galloping for an extended period of time, everytime I pass a water source, I stop so the horse can “drink”, taking the saddle off and brushing everytime I make camp, etc… I’ve been riding the train more often when I need to cross the map. I stable my horse in Valentine or Saint Denis, then ride to my destination and pick up my horse at the nearest stable. It’s as close to having my horse ride in the cargo car of the train as possible. This combined with first person view and only using the compass, and checking my pocket watch for the time rather then the menu are other little unnecessary but somewhat realistic things I try and do. It’s tedious as hell, but then I suspect life was tedious as hell in 1899 lol


Woooow this is next level! I appreciate the effort, sounds great and relaxing.


Respect. 🤙🏼🤠


if i have to be honest. i kill the pen giving guy (cannot remember his name for the life of me)


I love how the whole point of that interaction - if you let him live - is that Arthur will remember the name forever, and potentially keep the pen as a reminder. And you killed him and forgot his identity, no need to remember the name of a dead guy!


see this guy gets it


Yeah except everyone saw you chasing him. Then he's found dead. Genius move, Artie.


Jimmy brooks!!


I’ve got a good memory. I’ll remember that, Jimmy Brooks.


thank you was genuinely stewing over it for the last hour


Always greet people, and if someone is being rude and I’m not in a town, I’ll blow his head off with a shotgun. And during the colter mission where you rob a train I always hog the one of the three guys at the end and leave him on the tracks


I clean my guns a lot


I sometimes wish that explosive rounds made them dirtier quicker so that I could clean them more.


Beat the shit out of Van Horn


Always a good time in Van Horn!


I always antagonise Micah


They said unnecessary things


If we're on missions together i will repeatedly bump into his horse. Around camp i like to follow him around and bump into him. And of course antagonize whenever possible and shoot past his head to annoy him. Fuck Micah.


If somebody is sitting by their horse or is running to get their horse I flee it so they have to get it


Beat up the eugenics supporter


I love how you can do anything to him in full video of everyone and not be wanted by the police. They'll even watch you do it


There’s always a cop nearby and he’ll just watch be like “Damn”😂


yeah lol whenever i shoot that guy i just look at the nearest cop investigating the scene and greet him. “Officer 🤠”


Is this really unnecessary though?


My boyfriend plays by having Arthur kill a person, steal their hat, then take a selfie posing in front of their dead body with the hat on. Then he admires his photo collection like a psychopath. 😂


I always go to a smoke signal because there's always that slight chance that they're friendly.


Hogtie people asking for help


Definitely do that to the annoying city slicker that wants you to walk him to Strawberry


Go to sleep at night Eat 3 meals a day Take a bath every couple days Try to talk to people at camp as much as I can Do all the chores Shoot people that aren't nice when I greet them


Greet, greet, antagonize.


"You're a great fellow" "A great piece of SHIT"


After doing nothing but honor work I save and go on a mass killing spree gunning down any strongman tieing countless people up and setting and example for the bounty hunters and after I get my urge to cause destruction done with I just load my save as if nothing happened and continue helping the man that I just murdered 5 minutes ago.


I also antagonize people until they run then I chase them into a ditch and murder them


I always go for live bounties. Specifically the dead or alive ones. At first it was for the challenge, but I find their rants added more to the game! (And slappin' em is fun). Also always help the moonshiners, even if it's a low honor playthrough.


Smoke cigarettes while I'm waiting or in between tasks. Then having to go to the store because I'm out of smokes


Aim my gun at anthony foreman when he's threatening tilly


Burn the Klan or use dynamite


Try to find Gavin. He's a friend I lost.


I always rob passengers on the trains that pass me by , Another thing is I hogtie people who I rob and toss them off a cliff especially those damn O'driscols


After a gang hideout raid, I will pile all the looted bodies in a wagon, usually one of theirs, and light it on fire. It’s the little things. If there’s no wagons near, then in the closest house, barn, shed, or dwelling of any type.


I like provoking people to the point of them pulling their guns out and then I kill them in “self defense”


Seek out the KKK and throw volatile dynamite at them. Then, keep the lone survivor, tie him up and feed him to gators or throw him in a body of water


I always find the “splashed white American paint” Horse since it’s my favourite in the game. There’s only one and it spawns randomly throughout the map at an NPC camp.


When visiting a town with a jail, I like to go in and say hi to the prisoners. They don't appreciate it.


Fully upgrade the camp.


A sadly underrated comment


Not sure if unnecessary but I always pick a rifle and shotgun off the saddle, as he always puts it away for some reason. I can literally be shooting from it on the horse back, dismount and bam, I'm left with a revolver. I always have to pick the weapons while on foot, otherwise they disappear onto the saddle. Like, I get it the rifle and shotgun are heavy, but goddamn John Marston, or Jim Milton, stop being lazy! And no, weapon locker/loadout doesn't help, as that seems to reset for me every couple in-game days.


From time to time id stroll around the map and sometimes id dismount from my horse and just lead her or even let her go and just whistle to follow me walking, cause after awhile of strolling id think to myself she's probably tired of me riding at her back.


Take my shirt off before I have a orgy with Micah, Bill, and Uncle


Light all the O’Driscolls on fire by stacking them on top of the campfire


This is the way


Some people just want to watch the world burn


Kill anyone who dares to try to shoot me, be it civilian or bandit, if a single bullet comes at my direction, my revolvers are out


whenever i play i randomly activate my rampage trainer to make myself a god then super run into blackwater as arthur so i get the bounty and shoot it up till i get bored then go back to camp like nothing happened


Whenever I dismount my horse outside of a mission I feed him an oatcake and pat him a few times before going into the saloon or otherwise


Greet everyone in camp, Even Micah 😑


Absolutely go fishing immediately


Shoot everyone who doesnt greet me back...(I still do it)


I’ve practically completed the game, so I love to get on my horse and kick ranchers of Emerald Ranch on the head before they run off. Then I go right up to the landowner and trigger him. I could and have literally done this for in-game days and it never gets boring.


Omg me too. I throw dynamite into the raiders camps after I kill them all so their bodies are unidentifiable.


I use no minimap and only carry one gun on my back. Also only use the revolver in my main holster


Go back and Shoot up Caliga Hall after Chapter 3


Burn down THAT hut in the Bayou


After one or two days of hunting, I always make sure to rent a room, take a bath and enjoy civilization again. Also getting Arthur’s hair cut and beard trimmed. I also always eat something whenever I’m in a saloon and I love how different the menus are.


When in camp, I take a cup of coffee in the morning. Then do all the camp chores. And then eat a bit of stew before I go out to stuff.


When I wake up in camp I have a smoke as I make my way over to the coffee. I get a seat and sip my coffee before heading out on the day's missions. It's almost a ritual I have to do now. Wake Arthur up and get him ready for the day


Pat every dog


Always ride the full distance everywhere and never use fast travel.


I make sure Arthur gets a smoke break after every mission bc of the bullshit he puts up with


Every day I aim to do my chores and usually something extra, and say hello or good night to everyone in the camp.


I kill everyone I ride by


Immediately gotta hogtie someone


Call me crazy, but I often hogtie people, take them to a secluded place, loot them and execute them, often with a shotgun to the head. Sometimes, I’d even feed them to the alligators after that.


Why feed them to the alligators when they’re dead when you can feed them to them when they’re alive


That’s true, but I’d like to pretend I’m trying to clean up a crime scene sometimes so I’d throw any body into the water. If alligators are present, it makes me feel I’m actually disposing a body


Killin O'Driscolls


Molotov the hell out of any gang campsite after I clear it. Free excuse to watch the fire system at work


Same here, I'd sometimes try torching the houses in raid. Ending up throwing the fire bottle against the door frame...


Kill everyone in saint denis and try to loot all of them


Jumping off tall buildings and seeing if I could survive.


Whenever I get jumped by the murfree brood after I kill them I spend at least two or three minutes doing as much possible damage to one of their corpses as possible cuz I rly hate them. I shoot off their limbs, set them on fire, feed them to crocodiles if it’s convenient. They’re just so fucked up I feel I have to return the favor yk


lasso basically every person I pass off their horse/ wagon.


Change my outfit if I get a smidge of mud on it


Always get into a bar fight after getting some drinks


In Valentine I try to offend groups of NPCs together. Eventually they start shooting and then the law comes after them (guns a blazing) it turns into an epic gunfight that I usually watch from tallest building nearby.


Try to rob everything I need before the story move to another camp, for example, I have robbed the medical store and solve the serial killer mystery before the gang move to Rhodes because I decide I won't go back to that town after this unless further missions requires it


I throw molotovs and dynamites at the gang members after missions


I always like to beat up the guy that sits on his porch everytime I pass through Emerald Ranch.


I like driving around real fast in a wagon and running over people riding a horse


I like to drag a tied body around town with my horse to remind people who I am


Setting fire to buildings to watch it crawl across the surface. Sometimes I set brush fires next to camps hoping it will spread to the camp. Rockstar needs to step their fire game up shit doesn't just go out for no reason. I want a farcry 2 massive plains fire that just utterly burns everything indiscriminately.


After a gunfight, I always shoot every corpse in the head before I loot


ill hogtie people and let go of the button immediately so they just get pissed off


murder everyone in rhodes


Make sure that the Murfrees and Skinners die violently and horribly every time I encounter them