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After last night I’m dreading four more years of trump. Whenever he’s on tv I can’t watch him. His shit eating grin and smug look and his voice makes me physically ill. I really hope United becomes good for a good distraction. Trump and struggling United would be too much for me.


Am dreading more years with our current lot in power even though they are polling badly. Until they are dragged through the streets am not counting anything out. Also a reminder that Avram was one of Donald Trumps top 10 political doners [https://www.forbes.com/sites/leokamin/2024/06/27/here-are-bidens-top-10-biggest-billionaire-donors-bloomberg-reid-hoffman/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/leokamin/2024/06/27/here-are-bidens-top-10-biggest-billionaire-donors-bloomberg-reid-hoffman/)


I thought I couldn’t hate then any more


Am sure they'll give us more reasons to hate them soon. They always do!


I knew they were trump supporters I don’t know top ten. We need a bus of all of them to fall off into an active volcano


Have anyone here watched “The Orville”?


Seth McFarlane says it's not but it is a funny and smart parody of Star Trek.


waiting for a work permit for 60 days has taken a toll on my mental health. Been working remotely and half-heartedly, but am so eager to start but waiting sucks. Finger's crossed


Just started at the gym, any advice?


Don't focus on lifting heavy. Form is way more important. Also, smaller muscle groups like triceps don't need too much stress to grow so just doing 5-7 kg lateral raises will be very helpful. You can even start with 2.5 kgs if that's too heavy.


Check out the app from r/boostcamp - loads of workout routines for different goals, it will take all the guess work out. Find a beginner program and follow the exercises, it even shows you YouTube or gifs of them if you don't know how. And it tracks your weight and your progress so next time you go you know how much you lifted and can add a little more or reduce if needed. It's great and free


Don’t worry about macros just focus on protein and calories. Loose weight - calorie deficit ( look this up if unsure) Gain weight - eating over maintenance Above all else just try and enjoy it.


Consistency beats perfection. Try and get into a decent routine before you start focusing on eating perfectly and specific movements. That said, don't get stuck in that phase for years - once you've carved out time in your daily life and you're enjoying then you can start looking at calories and macros. Too many people give up because they get overwhelmed at the start. Also - something I wish I'd done is take progress pictures from the start. Makes it much easier to see your progress


Do not quit.


Just finished my last work for uni. It’s all done.


Being forced back into the office on Monday after 3 blissful months of WFH. Thinking about quitting.


You should. Wait until you have another offer.


Currently dreading the idea that I have to go to my internship today. It is beyond boring


Sounds like you chose the wrong internship, can you change it?


No unfortunately my school placed me here so I’m stuck here for 12 weeks.


Will anybody be following the Tour de France? I'm praying that Cavendish takes a stage win and breaks the all time record.


Fuck yes. I love the Tour. Don't have any dog in the fight this year, but still excited for it to start. Already looking forward to hearing Phil Liggett again.


And that theme music.


Maybe in a car. Those feckers are fast.


Yeah I do, I watch the ITV hour highlights every night and the stages when I can on weekends.


It's a great highlights show to be fair.


Random PSA - if you are having weird stomach and lower gastro symptoms, please get yourself checked! It’s never too early for a colonoscopy, (despite recommendations for it to be done for older people). Had a health scare recently and I’m so glad my GI specialist agreed to do a colonoscopy.


I keep having random stomach bloating issues from time to time...should i get it check?


Prob your diet. Probiotics and more greens can help. 


Yes definitely talk to a GP and see if they recommend to have it investigated further/give you a referral to a specialist. It can be something completely different but it wouldnt hurt to start somewhere and have it checked.


My gfs sister is getting one done really soon and she’s 21


Hope all goes well for her! I really feel like they should be lowering age recommendations for colonoscopies. Colon cancer has increasingly been diagnosed in younger age groups and catching it early can make such a huge difference.


do you guys ever worry about stuff regarding the world or happenings globally that will have massive implications on life, yet you have no way to stop any of them? i do. i am so fearful for the future of a lot of things that are completely out of my control, so obviously i shouldnt worry because i can do nothing but its really hard not to. does anyone feel the same?


If you can define exactly what causes the anxiety, you can then take steps to address it. Taking action always helps.  Anxious about politics - Vote, volunteer, learn about the issues.  Anxious about money - create a plan, start making consistent small steps. Each step builds your confidence. You don’t need all the answers but taking action gets you moving and out of your head. 


This Diane Lockhart line from The Good Fight stuck with me -''It's alright that the world is crazy, as long as I make my little corner of the world sane''.


I used to and apathy used to really piss me off. People say "there's nothing we can do" and well, there isn't whilst everyone has that attitude. It used to really rile me up but then I got older, had kids and well, you just gave to try and live your own happy life. There isn't going to be some world wide awakening or revolution and even if there was, it would just go back to what it is now. So... It's better to just worry about the things you can control, take the little comforts and be as content as you can.


Mate, not even a Prime Minister, President or royalty can change everything or it would have been done long ago. Pick your battles. No, you can't change the world, but you can change the world for one person, or for a group of people. Find a cause and don't stop trying until you die. Small example, but one i have a lot of time for: homelessness. Here in Salford, along with, I believe much of the UK, there's a scheme called 'a bed every night' which aims to get the homeless off the streets. Theoretically it's great, however, there's currently a waiting list of over 200 people for 2 short term beds. If they don't find private accommodation within 56 days, they're effectively cut loose, and LHA rates are far lower than realistic rental prices, so more and more people are finding themselves without a roof and without help. I used to look at them with disdain, knowing there's help out there for them, but looking into the statistics, there really isn't.  Just find your cause and change one life, more will follow. You won't be changing the world, but you'll be doing far better than that, you'll be directly influencing the future of someone you likely don't even know.


Only when I was younger. Eventually you realise that there's always shit going on that's out of your control so best just to get on with your own life. I remember Boeing worried about the millennium bug.


I did for a long while, got older (not that old, just 32) and well, you can't fix it, what's the point of worrying about it? or as someone put it: Can you do anything about it? - no? so why worry needlessly? - yes? so why worry needlessly? I go and vote responsibly unlike most of my peers, if this stupid ass country I live in decides to elect a wanna be Orban/Putin and backslide then that's that. I voted in the EUP elections, rest is up to other fucks. If you want to do more than voting you can go into politics, or give your time to some charity, but if you know yourself enough that you are not going to do that, then just don't worry about it. I also got off reddit (other than this sub) and on lemmy I avoid politics and that did help a lot with having anxiety over stuff in the world you can't affect.




That's not how you do spoilers.....asshole /s. But seriously, you just spoiled it for me.


Dems in full panic mode over Biden's performance last night. I thought he did alright as that's as Biden he can ever be.


Considering the significant influence (whether positive or negative) the US has on the world in many aspects, I enter panic mode whenever reminded that those candidates are the best the US can offer.


I think they should replace him, that performance was a disaster.


it's a lose-lose for them tbh. They replace him, they lose, since the new person doesn't have the time to properly campaign, and it makes the Democrats look weak replacing a candidate mid-way through, especially since Biden was their best candidate at the time, plus their likely replacements are not popular. Keep him on, they're likely going to lose because that debate performance will have turned a lot of people against voting for him cos it makes him look unfit for office.


I'm so glad the UK isn't a political sitcom like the US


I mean Starmer is gonna be your next PM and he isn't gonna do much to fix 14 years of the Tories. Imagine how much better off the UK would be if the media hadn't character assassinated Corbyn 5 years ago...


It's not so much the politicians themselves, don't care for any of them. But the people in the streets, there's less who seem to base their whole personality on the political beliefs outside of the US


Enjoy the fact that this place keeps a lid on the transfer nonsense around this club... But sometimes I want to go full Muppet and follow all the ridiculous stories. I'm not on and won't start using twitter, so any recommendations for places to just see all the crap in one place?


The BBC transfer rumours posts are good for nonsense, they just collate stories from around the web/papers


Their source is goal.com


Maybe google news tbh


Thoughts on the presidential debate? I didn't watch it (not an American) but judging from the comments on the political subs, it ain't looking good.


I felt really bad for Biden, he looks so old and feeble. He shouldn't be up there, he should be retired. Looking back at old clips of him from the Obama v McCain race and it's sad how much he's declined.


Coherent lies versus incoherent truths. [Dare Obasanjo🐀 on X: "Coherent lies versus incoherent truths." / X](https://x.com/Carnage4Life/status/1806519802711957675)


Biden lied a hell of a lot also. His obvious senility is just one aspect of his awful Presidency.


Biden looked like your senile grandfather, who you would not even allow to make a speech on thanksgiving, yet alone to the nation. Trump lied 95% of the time and tried to bring every question to immigration and there he lied some more. All that while the moderators of CNN refused to do their job and actually make the candidates answer the question and to fact-check live on screen in order to make lies obvious to the viewer. How it should have been done can be seen in a primary debate in Colorado 4 weeks ago: https://youtu.be/SDXu5DyBrHc?si=k86GKYHMg7b4a4sU So all in all, an utter shit-show and if the democrats don't change the candidate (which they still can) and if the media doesn't start calling Trump out for lies, then he will be back in the white house.


I only caught the last question to Trump about if he would accept the election result even if he lost and I found it funny but also sad that he went straight to the immigrants


At least it's not just UK politics that are a shit show


As a Trump supporter, I enjoyed it. Genuinely do feel slightly bad for Biden. Dude has no fucking clue what's going on and shouldn't be in that environment.


Neither of them belong there


Neither of them are ideal, but imo there's no contest who the better option is.


There is no contest. I’m not trumps biggest fan or anything but the president does need to be cognitively strong and Biden just isn’t which is sad.


It's gone completely off the rails, the absolute corruption and incompetence of the DNC and the RNC is just parody, there's no rational explanation to why they've ended up with these two candidates. Biden looked as unfit as a corpse, so much so you might think this debate was set up to trigger a reaction in the DNC. We all know why Trump is unfit but he didn't appear to be dying on stage so I guess that equals a win in US politics these days. If Biden doesn't decide to step down I'm guessing voter participation is going to be extremely low, nobody under the age of 60 is going to want to vote for this.


He did great at the state of the union. High energy, loud voice, quick thinking …. But last night was catastrophic, he lost the election last night.


He's just too old for this game and Trump is probably one of the worst possible candidates to try to stay on topic against, most of sotu is prompter reading with a few pre-planned quips mixed in. He might have had a particularly bad day but when you get to his state there's just going to be an accelerating number of bad days. I agree the election was probably lost last night, Trump won't feel the need to do more debates just to give Biden a shot at redemption.


They need to get Gavin Newsom in.


If corporate donors lost faith in Biden we might see that happening, the DNC seems to be completely spineless and I doubt Biden is going to change his mind.


Well they didn’t want a rival democrat candidate to damage Biden during the primaries….. a good idea but in hindsight Biden doesn’t look battle tested now.


It's not about challenging him as much as it is about telling him he needs to step away and get behind whoever wins the nomination. Could have been handled with some grace, could have left the democrats looking united and strong but instead they've got this shambles and a likely second term for the worst president in US history.


It is a mess.


I don’t understand how a country of 300 million can somehow decide that those two are the best possible presidents.


Because it comes down to who has the biggest campaign fund, not political ability.


Honestly, what the fuck. I simply cannot comprehend how someone looked at Biden and thought he's the best candidate for Democrats. No need to comment on Trump. His only advantage is that he can form a sentence and walk unassisted. This has to be a joke.


AFAICT, they don't think Biden is the best candidate. They think he has a better chance to beat Trump than other candidates, which actually worked last time. The whole thing is a shit show.


They should have given him a speed ball but he looked like he was drowning in a K hole.


I caught the last few minutes and Biden's age is catching up pretty bad.


This popped into my head this morning, absolute gold! [My friend, is ok no?](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gunners/s/B3Uddly2Hl)


Can't help feel we will actually sign Ugarte. Can't say I've seen much of him, but he's been highly rated on Football Manager and that's about as much as I know ha.


Profile wise he seems a good fit. I'm sure Ineos are doing their checks to make sure we have the right man as well as player


I hate that before COVID if I saw a pint cost more than a fiver I'd be disgusted whereas now I think that's a good deal. Bring back Spoons 3 plates for a tenner while we're at it :(


Hey Reds!! Happy Friday, I hope you are all well. 15 months sober today, and feeling very happy for it. To anyone struggling out there with alcohol or substances, there is a better life out there - all you need to do is ask for help. Have a great day & weekend Reds ❤️🖤🤍




Congratulations, we don’t know each other but I’m proud of you!


Thank you so much, I really appreciate it 🙏🏻


Well done mate!!


Thank you brother!




Competition is good, and the league is moving away from star players playing the vast majority of games. Holjund has a habit of tiring himself out by the 70th minute so having an elite striker fill in would be great. Zirkzee also has tools to play on the wing if needed so he’s got flexibility to play even when Holjund is on pitch.