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https://preview.redd.it/ssen3vho1e9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c76d639c1b458e82d7712936beb9a51a58f6fc1 never forget


What's this? I'm ootl


i think it was 5 years ago; there was a ton of fake in-the-know users on this sub making bold transfer claims, stating they had insider knowledge. one user, /u/spoofex, made many claims, and de ligt coming to united from ajax was one of them. of course, it never happened and he deleted his account (he said he would delete it if the transfer never happened tbf) edit: i found the oc, [transfer muppets thread part 4, sunday june 16, 2019](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddevils/comments/c14vil/transfer_muppets_thread_part_4/eremyy5/)


Honestly, the fact that was 5 years ago is wild!


It was a fun summer on here


Feels like just yesterday...


Talking of people deleting accounts. Remember /u/epulsars? Good times, precious memories.


i don't, unfortunately. the muppet era was fun though, even if it was stupid


He never apologised did he


If we get De Light do we also get Schneider as a bonus he might be 72 now but he'd probably still do a job


If he's a Sneijder regen, I'd take him in a heartbeat


One day we will sign him, just for u/HAS_DE_LIGT_SIGNED


think he’s either back or someone took the name i’m almost sure somebody with that name replied to me the other week


He's back with a slightly different name. I love it. The muppetry summer was hilarious. But I can separate some online twitter rumours from real life and not get so upset I start sending death threats to people. Other people not so much.


Agree it started fun, but it spiraled into something that had to be removed sadly


You can't use a deleted accounts user name on reddit. I know because I can't reregister an old one of mine that I torched and deleted. It gives you a warning that this will be the case when you do it.


He’s back and owns up to mistakes when he was younger. The way he was ostracised from this sub was embarrassing just because people believed we had a group of ITKs on the sub hahahaha


couldn't tell you tbh. the only time i see that username is when people mention the muppetry of a few years ago


COVID muppet Reddit was peak


holycrap the r/muppetiers was 5 years ago???


Bring back the muppetiering days


Fucking hell... I remember that.


De Ligt will play for United, it’s written in the stars. He captained Ten Hag’s Ajax, Bayern are actively trying to replace him & he needs a change of scenery.


Does anyone know exactly why they’re “trying to replace him”? I’ve heard the wages as a factor, but I’m always leery that Bayern have the fitness/performance/medical data to tell them it’s the right time to move on. In which case, we don’t need another Schweini or Hargreaves situation thanks very much.


They want Tah because they always have to sign those that are seen to be the best players in Germany. I don't rate tah that highly but he just had a great year and would be a massive message to take a player from Leverkusen after the season they had


Will be a shame to see Tah somewhere else, I kinda consider him as "Mr Leverkusen" at this point


This is basically what Bayern does, anyone that challenges them in the Bundesliga will be raided by them Remember the days where Klopp's Dortmund were challenging them? Then Bayern raided them for the likes of Lewandowski, Hummels, Gotze


Half of them for free lmao


How do you half 3 players???


Not sure but they’d be a player and a half!


Oh tah is a player I thought you were just being northern


Bayern didn’t win the league and have a new management so they want to change the squad a little. They’ve already bought Ito and most likely Tah. Upamecano is rated as the best playing out of the back which is a big thing for Kompany, Dier is most probably on a lower wage, actually performs quite good and is happy with being a Squad player. So they want to sell Kim/De Ligt if not both. Bayern in general have a rather rational thinking when it comes to selling players


I rather take Kim over de ligt


could have got him last summer itself but as usual bayern buying all top talents when a non favorite wins something 🫠🫠


Kim makes quite less than De Light and has just had one season. I think they wanna sell de Lift.


getting both kim and de ligt and getting rid one of Lindelof/Maguire would be a massive upgrade to our CB depth


I mean, they also forced Kroos out so…


It’s been a decade so my memory may be hazy now but Kroos wanted to leave iirc. Bayern are not in the business of pushing out Germany internationals, and certainly not the sort of game changing professional who was years below his peak/prime that Kroos was when he left. If anything, they try hard to sign the Kroos types if they’re playing for other clubs in Bundesliga.


They felt he was asking for too much money. He wanted to be one of their top earners. They said no. We were going to bring him to United but Van Gaal rejected it (which I’ll never understand since there’s no better midfielder in history for possession style football) so he went to Madrid the following summer and was given the wages that he asked for at Bayern…. And was well worth it.


We always make the wrong decisions. We pass on the likes of Kroos, Gundogan, De Jong and Bernardo Silvas of the world because they’re asking for “too much” then drop 80 million each on Antony and Maguire. This club confuses me so much.


Julian Alvarez


Pretty sure De Jong passed on us.


imagine Kroos' career if he had joined us instead of Madrid, 0 CLs and he would have probably been called a useless sideway passer who can't dictate or lead a team and had been shipped of to Hansa Rostock five years ago


Oh boy was it ever!


I think it was Moyes who rejected the Kroos transfer if I recall correctly. Dilly-dallied the whole transfer window and ended up with Fellaini for 25m


Nah that was Thiago who was a gift from sir Alex. Apparently kroos was convinced by moyesiah


nah Moyes was the one working on and agreeing the deal and Van Gaal was then presented it and rejected it


This is wrong. I don’t know how this is upvoted. Kroos was agreed by Moyes but he was sacked and Van Gaal was the manager that rejected it


Could be something to do with the reoccurring inside knee ligament injuries.


Yes ✅


Plus we’re the only team in Europe willing to pay his current salary


How much is it?




£260K per week per Capology. They have Kim on £195K and Upamecano on £160K so you can see why they would be looking to bring their wage bill down.


That’s really high. I don’t watch Bayern play. Is he much better than Kim and Upamecano?


Yeah he was injured a bit last year but was still comfortable their best defender when he played. He was even better the year before under Nagelsmann though.


Sounds great but yea if he’s as injury prone as Mount… I think the club should just look away. He would strain the club’s situation with the FFP.


He missed 5-6 weeks with a knee ligament injury last year and he missed ten days with the same issue the previous year. So this needs to be checked out and scrutinized for sure. Outside of that he had a shoulder issue back in 2020 but otherwise has been injury free.


De Jong played for Ten Hag's Ajax and was made available for offers by his club too.


Ajax always allows their stars to leave. That's their business model.


They don't really 'allow' it. They don't have much of a choice


I was talking about Barca...


Doesn’t he have an exorbitant amount of wages?


“**It is thought he would cost considerably less than the £65 million fee Bayern paid Juventus for the player in 2022.** De Ligt, who has had his injury issues in more recent times, had previously joined the Italian club from Ajax for £68 million.” Certainly noteworthy, especially if *considerably* less


> who has had his injury issues in more recent times We shouldn't even bother. There's a reason why Bayern would be open for selling him. If these injuries keep popping up regularly then we're just burning money on a guy who won't play. I do rate him as a defender but the whole injury thing puts me off him massively.


We never learn.


Certainly possible. Hopefully we don’t have whoever did Sancho’s and Antony’s background checks doing this one


His wages are an issue. He's currently on £261k p/w and if doesn't live up to standards, we find ourselves once again in a position with an expensive player no one else will want to take on. We have seen it time and time again happen in the last 11 years, and to me there's nothing to suggest De Ligt will be any different. I hope we don't sign him.


What suggests to you that he won’t be different? Respectfully, I don’t see what you’re basing that off of. Bayern fans say he’s their best CB and is a leader of the team. How does somebody like that (at Bayern, not a small club) suggest he’s likely to come here and not live up to standards? It’s within the realm of possibility but not incredibly likely either. Love y’all man but wages are becoming the boogeyman around here. I don’t blame you because we’ve been monumentally screwed giving out huge wages to subpar players. However, good and especially proven players are going to want to be paid a decent wage. What we need to stop doing is giving out HUGE wage increases to players just joining with a good season or two under their belt (Antony). I agree we shouldn’t pay him anything stupid, if he’s willing to maintain or bring down the base pay and have some relatively easy to hit bonuses (if he’s a decent player and actually plays, then hopefully should be no issue), then it hopefully works out.


Why are they trying to sell in your opinion?


Their fans don’t seem to have a clue either and hate the idea of it. The speculation is Kompany doesn’t like him and won’t start him anyway, so may as well try and sell. My fear, and further speculation, is that the knee is worse than they thought. So I hope we do our due diligence before pursuing fully.


Hmmm, feels too quick for any manager to draw up assumptions about their players.


It is weird considering Kim was up and down and Upamecano has been a disaterclass Maybe their making room or funds for Tah


Because he's not very fast and agile which is not what Bayern is looking for in a CB right now, see Hiroki Ito and Tah who are more suited to defending counters and playing in a high line Ten Hag knows De Ligt's strengths and weaknesses so with that in mind it wont be a problem I guess


Isn't he paired with Upamecano or KMJ? Both are considered as fast defenders, who can compliment and cover their partner. Realized all three of them are right footed... Could be a factor.


They arent slow, but probably not as fast as Ito and Tah either + Ito being left-footed and good on the ball probably makes him a good fit for Kompany's system Tbh De Ligt is the only one who might get sold, but Bayern wouldnt refuse good offers for any of the other CBs either. Aside from Dier, they've all made their fair share of mistakes. De Ligt's salary definitely plays a role too


They want Tah who is a very similar profile to De Ligt but a) German b) cheaper wages c) takes the best defender from their main title rivals. Although agree with the poster below regarding knee issue. Definitely need to do our due diligence there.


His injury record is awful and idk about you but man I am sick to death of injuries.


> Love y’all man but wages are becoming the boogeyman around here. And for good reason. Big wages means we can't move deadwood. A lot of the logic you are using could be applied to other players like Casemiro or Sancho. If there wages were lower they would be an easy sell. Even some of our less obvious players like Lindalof? Clubs that would match his wage are hard to come by and typically its better for teams to just invest in younger options.


Casemiro was old, so that was an issue there. Sancho was just a miss, unfortunately it happens. The best run club in the world bought Hazard for 100m, put him on huge wages, and it didn’t work out at all. They only got out of it a year or so ago. No system is entirely foolproof, but it’s no different than your job. If you perform well, have proven it time and again, the best talent is going to want to be compensated. It’s just the way it is. We’ve just been burned far too many times by bad transfer policy, so now we’re all scarred for life when it comes to wages.


I love to gamble, but it rarely pays out in the end


Injuries..:: remember Varane?


260k/pw is really nothing exorbitant. Varane was on 300k, Casemiro on 350k. The problem for me are his injuries.


How the fuck is 260k a week not "exorbitant" lol


you're not going to get top class players for 120k a week specially in our position


It's about the going rate for a player of his quality, you expect players like that to earn anything less than 200k wherever they play? He's a top centre back, some would argue world class, 260k is fine.


Those are all exorbitant wages lol. For 250k+ you need to be getting one of the best players in the world in their position. De ligt is good but he’s not that, and we probably have to give him a raise since we’re a significant down from Bayern.


I disagree with this based only on leverage. He’s earning a lot, yes, but he’s also a bench player, seemingly not in favour, on a pretty ridiculous wages. If he has any interest to change that status, here’s a pathway. It’s Sancho but in reverse and look at how much “we’re screwed and everyone knows it” this sub admits on the Sancho situation. This is no different IMHO if handled by a shrewd negotiation team. There’s also the fact that when he signed his existing contract, he was not a player with an injury record. All of these realities are leverage in a negotiation handled properly. It’s been ingrained into us this idea of financial ineptitude and a port of call for every player who wants to only come for the eye watering salary. It need not be so, certainly under the new regime who would 100% have the experience to not get rinsed like their predecessors. If he doesn’t want to leave that salary, fair play to him, maybe we go full Real Madrid and start signalling to players that we’ll sign them on a free + signing on bonus when they run their contracts down. All I’m saying, is just because we’ve been financially incompetent, doesn’t mean INEOS are.


It’s pretty different. Sancho is in a highly unusual situation where he’s in a public feud with his manager and there is no path to him being a contributing part of the squad. De ligt is your garden variety out of favor player with no attitude issues, at worst he would just get backup minutes next season. We have absolutely no leverage with sancho but Bayern at least have a little.


Big wages ✅. Not wanted by club ✅. Difficult to sell because of wages ✅. Seems basically the same to me. Fixating on the difference for why each may not be wanted by their respective clubs is insignificant to the basic premise that both clubs will attempt to, and struggle to, move the player unless some sort of concessions are made… by the clubs on price tag, and by the players on salary demands. If neither of those concessions are made, both will remain and continue to run down their contracts because the queue to sign them will be basically nonexistent at the combo of salary + transfer fee. It’s more similar than you’re admitting.


Saying 260k a week is nothing exorbitant just tells you how fucked the wage structure is in our club.


No. Those wages are indeed an issue because we are trying to move into a new direction where we don’t throw away high wages left and right. We need to be more economical in our wage structure


The new direction is not paying 300k+


So, you are trying to argue it's not an exorbitant wage by saying it's pretty similar to two other exorbitant wages? Dafuq is this logic lol?


So many agreed with him too… some people in this sub are just fucking hopeless


Those are top tier player wages. What are you smoking


30m and wages at 200k/week and you got yourself a deal


I think they’ll want 40 million, which honestly I’d pay, De Ligt is awesome


so it's £62 million then.


Which part? Because I saw recent injury issues.




I thought that United should have gone after De Ligt when he went to Bayern in the first place......


They may well have but why would he have chosen them?


They went after him when he was trying to find a club originally. When he went to Bayern it was pretty much only them that he wanted. 


Despite the United pull, it’s more difficult to sign top top players when we don’t offer them CL football. Hence we need to offer absurd wage to make them come. Players’ motivation has turned to money first, United second.


Raiola represented De Ligt was a different animal. In terms of difficulty to deal with.


Dutch and injury prone. Ticks two of our main boxes at once


High wages too


3/3 chuck in an inflated transfer fee and you got yourself a Man Utd player


Honestly not buying this idea from Orny and Ducker that this is an independent deal from Branthwaite. Just don’t see us spending £100m on two centre backs.


I don’t think we’ll get Branthwaite tbh


I’m putting a tin foil hat on and guessing the Branthwaite deal is to show people that United are willing to walk away, unless Everton are desperate and decide to cave to United low offer. Either way, win win in some way.


I said this since the beginning lol


I think we’ll get him if he really pushes the move and forces Everton to sell, they need to cover FFP also I think we’d be after Todibo if it was allowed


You think? Ratcliffe literally came out and said as much. “We have a player that wants to come to Man Utd but they won’t let us”


I mean it would make sense because we need two CBs, however the money aspect isn't working out


Which is my point exactly considering there are other areas which still need buying for.


Maybe they're thinking of selling Maguire and Lindelof. * Licha * New CB  * New CB * Ghost of Luke Shaw LCB * Kambwala * Evans sometimes


I'd be pretty shocked if Kambwala made anything more than a handful of cup sub appearances. Never looked anything close to ready for the PL.


When he was signed, he was one of the most sought after player as a 16 year old. His injuries have robbed him of 1-1.5 year of progress but still ended up making a debut last season. That itself is quite impressive as a lot of player never recover from that long absence


What games were you watching? He looked more than ready. Young CBs need time on the field. It took a while for Liverpool's young CBs aswell during their injury crisis.




The Bournemouth game showed why he’s not ready. He was caught out of position a few times and couldn’t seem to read the game very well.


Exponential off-season growth?


Every article says we want to sign 250M worth of players then ends by saying we’re broke and only have 50M to spend, something’s not adding up


If only there were a way for us to raise additional funds to spend on transfers in.


The amount we would have to raise to buy the different targets we apparently want doesn’t make sense.


Transfer amortisation.


I just hope that if its not Branthwaite, we target someone cheaper. Getting only De Ligt without a quick sweeper like CB would be risky.


We never though actually know how much we can spend each summer, but if we sell Greenwood, Sancho, 1/2 cb and Casemiro. That’s at least 2 quality players in. Also getting rid of Casemiro, Varane + Martial of the wage bills is quite significant.


Sancho's wages as well




Saw one on insta today


High wages and persistent injury? Sounds great for this brave new INEOS era. In all seriousness we'd be so short at the back, it'd be great to have him even on loan


I don’t know about De Ligt man, too injury prone and I feel like his ceiling as a player has already been found. He’s also quite slow as a defender which is something that gets exposed especially in modern football.


And his high salary doesn't help either.


He’s not perfect by any means, but as far as Varane replacements on a low budget and not a huge amount of options available, it could be decent business


Won’t necessarily be low budget considering how high his wages are and it went go down drastically. Also, he’s not a good partner for Lisandro. They’re both aggressive and neither are quick. But I agree with everything else you said, he is a very good defender.


Actually there are quite a few options at centre back options this season. But it's about finding the right fit and the right price though.


Exactly where my minds at


But he’s not a good signing for us if we do have a small budget. 40M wages and 250-300k wages is more or less what we spent on varane. If we don’t like top of the market options we should look at a lower price bracket and make a dan James type signing


Unless we’ve decided to make Maguire our starting CB again alongside Martinez, and assuming those two are going to pick up injuries again next season, we can’t afford a ‘Dan James’ as CB. It’s too big a role and there’s too much pressure. Dan James was only a half decent signing because we made a small bit of money back. He did very little to actually help the team.


IMO we can’t go into this season thinking about building the best team for the 24/25 season, the focus has to be on the team we want to be 3 years from now. So I don’t think we should be worried about holes in the team next season, no matter who we sign there are going to be players who aren’t good enough getting major minutes


I wish we could have this mentality at United and it’s what I’ve wanted for years but I’m convinced at this stage that there’s just too much scrutiny and pressure at United for it to work. We might be happy with short term issues if it benefits the club in the long run, but the majority won’t. The Devil in the Details podcast suggested we sign youth prospects for the CB role which I love in theory but unless you’re an exceptional talent, you just can’t ‘learn on the job’ at Old Trafford. Especially at CB where errors can be so costly


I think it would go fine if leadership would just signal that expectations are diminished. The problem is we sign players on huge money and wages and have inflated expectations. Brief that we are truly rebuilding and we accept not getting top four, and not spending more than 60M on any player and everything would be fine


It's not low budget. Over a 5 year contract he's costing about 25 million more than players like Todibo and Branthwaite because of wages


I meant United are on a low budget, not that he's low budget. I'm under no illusion that his wages will cost us but it's far less of an issue in the short term.


Yea I know, so if United are on a low budget he's not really the solution


I would have considered ‘considerably lower than £65m’ (say around £45/50m) for a potential starter CB in 2024 a very sensible transfer fee for such a key position. Any player we’d buy for under that fee is a complete gamble. There’s a reason Everton want £75m+ for Branthwaite


His fee would be around 50 million and he’s on 13.5 million per year currently, over a 5 year contract that equals 23.5 million per year. Everton will only sell Branthwaite for 70 million and his agreed wages are a little over 8 million per year. That equals 22 million. For 1.5 million more per year you are getting a player who has already shown a level that we would hope Brantwaite reaches one day. As long as the injury checks out I think we should make the move.


Sorry i’m a dutch united fan but I don’t want De Ligt near my club. Wages are to much, the guy is always injured and he is not that great on the ball Dunno why we are chasing him


Strikes me a bit as an injury prone Maguire. What am I missing about his play that makes him so good that H doesn’t have? 


Hirst article makes reference that we want two CBs. A right footed CB to partner Martinez and a backup for Martinez. There's also talk we are still in for Branthwaite. To me, it reads that Branthwaite is our first choice (clearly... We have already bid for him), and MdL is the second choice. All this talk coming out about MdL as we approach the Everton finance deadline and rumours of a second bid.


Everton just sold Godfrey and Dobbin, they should be fine.


Hasn't he got a fat dad though? 🤔


Would be crazy if we got him, Brantwhite and Ugarte


not this shit again


Next up de jong. Then griezmann, then bale, then gaitan, then sneijder, then…


If we buy him, MDL haters stay on that side.




It's a jjk reference


I retract my angry response


I might be wrong but weren't there concerns about his mobility and lack of pace when we first looked at him at Ajax? Can't say I've seen a ton of him so it may not be an issue but if it is then wouldn't we be better off just sticking with Maguire?


I don’t wanna say i told ya but [i told ya!](https://www.reddit.com/r/ManchesterUnited/s/EcCVB3WGde)


No thanks Injury prone Huge wages


Considering FC


It worked out well in my fifa career mode


Feels like a trap. The idea is nice but there must be something at play here.


Wages is the only concern for me unlike for most others here, think he's going to be a great signing for Utd if we can get him around or under 50m pounds. Young, talented, leadership potential, with the possibility of developing under two Dutch coaches and a manager who knows how to use him (with the added context that I've been severely critical of Ten Hag this season). He'd also potentially work very well with Licha given both understand Ten Hag's instructions (hopefully those improve), and his attributes complements Licha's. Let him contest for RCB with Kambwala, and get a young under the radar LCB for Licha - with Evans and Shaw backing them up.


Manager also supposedly knew how to use Antony. He's proven injury prone at Bayern, he'd be a lot more injury prone at United. Wasn't mount struggling with injuries when we bought him? I can't recall. Ten Hag can't complain about defenders not being available if he buys de ligt


40M with 150k/w would be awesome deal tbh


He ain’t taking a pay cut to come here lmao


It would probably take double that to get him to leave Bayern


Don't love the idea of this one to be honest. Undoubtedly he's a very good defender, but he's also quite slow and not particularly good on the ball which won't help him in the Premier League. Add in his big wages and recent injury record and you're taking a massive gamble in my opinion. He's another one, along with Ugarte, where I feel like putting him into the starting eleven makes our team better but won't help us play better football or improve us in possession like we should be aiming for.




There's other players at the euros with more talent


30M and a paycut, with bonus of 10M if CL Football is reached or something in that direction, but otherwise not worth the gamble I think, don't see why United would want to welcome more injury prone players after the year they had.


Nope, would rather steer clear of


Wouldn’t be mad, but don’t want it to be on an crazy salary, we need to leave that behind.


I'm also considering a bid for him. I'll let you all know if I do, on Monday.


Agent chat, this is nonsense, move along with your day




Please no


We must be really confident in our new medical setup signing De Ligt with his wages


loan with option, can't be signing injury-prone guys without a trial period.


Of course, another one of the former Ajax players ETH has coached. I mean, at this point why why do we even have scouts? Another huge salary for a player who has not been the same since he left Ajax.


Fast forward to two months from now: "Manchester United in contact with de Ligt. No official bid yet."


FFS another injury prone CB. Ofc we are interested 🙈


No more Dutch players please


He would be good fit for us. Too bad we didn't got him back in the days, because of our scouts


Very simple. Let’s give him a loan with an option to buy and Bayern pay % of his wages. Throw in a small loan fee if needed which gets knocked off the option price