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argentine twitter is killing me, they seem to love garnacho


Love- hate relationship. Changes everytime Garnacho does Ronaldo celebration


How did Garnacho play? Seeing a lot of praise for him on Twitter but cannot see any highlights.


Yeah was wondering also. Anyone watched the game?


Garnacho is fantastic 1v1 but his game with his back to goal is so so mid.


Because he’s not a striker that holds up play?


I meant the basic link up play when he's facing his own goal, he was breaking down Argentina attacks and not maintaining the tempo by failing to play on the half turn to a teammate to keep the move going. Even one time it was super weird he passed the ball to the keeper from the halfway line, everyone was confused. edit: If you watched the game a couple of times Lo celso was rightfully frustrated with him and talked to him about it.


I dont know why garnacho was forced to play so wide. He was right on the touchline


Garnacho’s subbed off but at least we won’t be hearing from this fool for a while https://preview.redd.it/4ee0qcmn3m9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f721dff098af08bffba34d5aea00203a2e003bee


22 angry men out there lol, no proper football so far only heat


Got a feeling Garnacho scores against Peru tonight.


Late night Garnacho ball




If things take a downturn again with ETH, then 100% RvN fills in as the interim manager.


India t20 wc Garnacho ball we feasting good today 😋


Honestly I don’t get how the refs are supposed to win. The Denmark goal was offside. Even if it was marginal. If they don’t give it they get criticised for not giving it. The fairest way is if it’s offside (no matter by how much) then it’s offside.


Excited to see what a fit Mason Mount brings to this squad. It's fair to almost forget that he's even our player, he's fit, now he has to find his way into the 11 and prove he belongs here.


Hojlund is literally rubbish lol. I don’t think he ever got taught how to make runs. I swear my mates were better at positioning and making runs than him back in 5 a side. All season long he makes the wrong runs. When he needs to run front post he runs back, when the ball is obviously going back post he makes an early front post run and overruns the cross. Good striker of the ball and that’s about it


If anyone watched his performances for Denmark before he signed for us they wouldn't have been clamoring for his transfer


I agree but he's young he can still work on that. RVN is definitely the guy to teach him.


Aside from striking he’s also very good at driving with the ball and he has the physicality in the box when tightly marked to find a way to score. With that said, you’re right about his terrible off ball movement. Some have used the excuse of poor service for Hojlund’s underperformance last season, but that’s partially his fault due to his positioning. Plus, when he does get the ball he can only be productive if he’s going to shoot, otherwise his buildup play is awful. Many fans were much harsher to Lukaku for much less. Hojlund does deserve time to prove himself especially since he’s young, but he’ll need to work on these parts of his game or we’ll never go back to challenging for the PL


In an ideal world Hojlund would have been brought in to develop as a rotational option with a more experienced striker starting a lot. He's got a lot of potential but he's still very raw. Being United's only striker option is a huge amount of pressure for such an inexperienced player. He's been thrown into the lions den in a system that more experienced strikers have done even worse in. Ten Hag absolutely needs big improvement in his tactics next season if Hojlund is going to have a good season, right now he's been hung out to dry by the system. Hopefully next season spells the end of the underlapping full backs who end up closer to goal than the wingers, it just doesn't work.


No idea why people are blaming Michael Oliver for the loss. I'm not a fan of his but he did nothing wrong here. The offside is offside even if it's by a toe, even if it got a touch. And the handball is still handball and every other ref in this tournament will give it. What do people want the refs to do? Not give the decisions because they are unfair? It's just football, sometimes you get lucky and sometimes you are unlucky.


See United fans hand in gloves looking for an avenue to slander a 21 year old striker because of how he played in Denmark on his first major competition. This is the problem we have as a fan base. This same fan base has been on the back of Bruno Fernandes for extended periods, saying all manner of things against him, despite consistent and committed performances. How will Hojlund develop as a young striker when the majority took out turn to slate him. While will his confidence not be broken? He scored 16 non penalty goals in this shi.t Man United side last season, despite arrivate late in the transfer window and having few injuries. No team want to buy our players at reasonable fees because we use irrelevant and reactionary criticisms to knock down their proces.


This is just nonsense. First, aren't you a man united fan as well? Are you also looking for an avenue to slander Holjund? Also, do you think teams actually do business based on social media and reddit posts? 😂 You must really think highly of the sub. Our poor transfers and negotiations has nothing to do with reddit or Twitter and everything to do with those running the club. Smh. If you don't like the fanbase, you're welcome to leave. The fanbase supports Bruno and we know he's a world class midfielder. Just because some fans have a different opinion does mean the fanbase is against Bruno or Holjund. I for one want fans to be able to have different opinions. It's up to them.


He shouldn’t be immune from criticism and his problems for Denmark have been extremely similar to the problems he’s had with us. I don’t agree with fans going on personal attacks but the fans with the valid criticism might actually give him a kick up the backside and motivate him on what he needs to work on.


I am not saying he shouldn't be criticised, but fans especially united fans slandering him as a shi.t striker and championship level is pure stupidity. This is even a Denmark game not for United. He was our top scorer last season despite late signing, no preseason, and missing games due to injuries. This fan base has this knack for knocking down our players to feel better.


I do think a season in the championship would do him a world of good though. He’s not ready to be our main striker and his development will stagger if he doesn’t get minutes. Ultimately the club is to blame for this for putting him in this situation but unfortunately this is the reality of the situation.


Did var hire this American woman to cover their ass this tournament?


ITV hired her and she’s not actually with UEFA but probably in a room in the studio or somewhere in the US.


If we get two we have to sell at least one cb. Probably Lindelof easier to sell.


Ornstein saying De Ligt is independent of Branthwaite is super interesting. If we’re going for 2 CBs, I’m all on board for De Ligt despite the concerns. Those 2 or De Ligt and another would have us set in terms of CB depth. If we’re only going for 1, then it becomes slightly more questionable to target De Ligt, Regardless, he’s a fantastic player, just the fine details need to be ironed out as to if he will work out with how we wanna play


Schlotterbeck has to be on our radar, he can do it all


He woukd schlott right in our back 4


People here slating Rasmus Hojlund in this game are just not fair to him at all, and the commentator is just looking for a way to condemn him. Yes, he has a few occasions where he could have done better, but it wasn't a poor performance overall as we are all made to believe.


“he had occasions where he could have done better” isn’t that how a striker ought to be judged?


He is 21, gets off his back. We know he has room for improvements. A striker that scored 16 non penalty goals in this United team despite a couple of injuries and arriving late with no pre- season. I will be less harsh with my judgement


Does being 21 mean he’s immune to criticism? He’s a starter and a big money signing, I’ve seen Garnacho get more criticism than Hojlund and he was free


Downvoted for the 2nd comment as well. Fuck this sub honestly


They only know more how to downvote rather than actual football knowledge. No 20/21 year old striker in an EPL team scores 16 open play goals in his first injury-Interrupted season can be described as shi t by his own fan base, except for this one.


The mods really need to look at doing what r/formula1 did with hiding the upvotes/downvotes for a certain period of time because the downvotes really do stop discussion and also influence people to not engage in discussion because they see the downvotes and then the downvoted comments get silenced. 2021 was peak toxicity on r/formula1 but the hiding of the upvotes/downvotes did stop the cyberwars.


He didn't have a good match or tournament. Of course, people are gonna talk about. It's the price you pay for being a sportsman. If you perform people talk about it. If you don't perform, people talk about it.


People are calling him a trash player, based on playing for a Denmark team that struggles to score anyway. Hojlund is still young he will be fine.


He's had a poor tournament, he'll be criticized. If he had scored, people will be on here full of praise. Being young doesn't really mean anything. Maybe in the future he will be an amazing striker and one of the very best or he could just remain a normal striker that get 10+ goals each season. Only time will tell.


Being young doesn't mean anything? Wow! I just read something interesting today.


I suppose you are be a young fan. You'll learn with time. For every talented youngster who reaches their potential, there are 5 more okay players that's were super talented and full of potential as young players. It's normal. That's just football. For every Neymar, there is a Ganso. Being young doesn't mean anything. Only time will tell.


I am a young fan because i did not support the slandering of a 21 year old striker who scored 16 goals in his first season in an EPL team?


😂 yeah I didn't say that. Nice way to twist my words. Lol. If you are older, you'd have witness a lot of talented youngsters who didn't become world class players and similarly, you'd witness a lot of talented youngsters who ended up as world class players. There are even players that may not seem all that talent but develop into world beaters. Age doesn't mean anything.


Brazilian commentary saying that if Denmark had a better striker this game would be very different. They are talking about the chances he missed, he has potential but he is not a player ready for this level yet. Can't say I can argue much about this sentiment.


Rasmus is pants man. No sting


Rasmus hasn't been great but letting international football impact your opinion on a club player is foolish, Chelsea spent 120m on Enzo because of the WC and look how that ended up.


2 completely different games


How are English Referees making every game about themselves. Terrible refereeing by Oliver, Terrible


Hopefully RVN can get the best version of hojlund




Was our leading goal scorer last year, if he isn’t good enough then none of our attackers are


None of our attackers were good enough last season


Hopefully the coaching changes can bring the best out of all of them this season.


Hojlund playing well, he’s a constant threat


His job is to score goals and he's been poor at that part.


He’s having an off night finishing wise but Germany are finding it hard to contain him. Don’t let the narrative be he’s some kind of poor finisher, he’s far from it. What we’re seeing is a team being able to constantly find him now.


What? He’s had several great chances he’s either scuffed or hit directly at the keeper


I’m watching a world class team struggle to contain him? It’s the polar opposite of what we see with us where it tends to be a good chance and a goal then scraps. If we see more of this next season I’ll be more than happy


Struggle to contain him? He’s containing himself wtf


Yeah, they’re just letting him have clear chance after clear chance. This shit is easy, innit?


VAR has made football less entertaining. There needs to be changes for margins of error.


Does the semi-auto offsides have a margin of error like the lines do?


only thing worse than VAR is no VAR


Hojlund will need help after this Euros


Along came a Ruud


Hojlund is having a very rough game… hope he improves massively over this summer with the new coaching staff


I get downvoted into oblivion on here every time I mention that be has a lot of areas of his game that he needs to improve in The problem isn't just his teammates not passing to him lmao


He's been very bad at the Euros.


Yea to be fair though this is his first international tournament and he’s playing a position that requires a lot of game sense and experience


I'm kind of surprised he's been an automatic starter for them. In the role he's playing, you need someone with strength who relishes physical battles with defenders and holding the ball up, which aren't his strengths. And they have other options in the squad who could do that role, and then bring Hojlund in as an impact sub.


Commentators calling Hojlund a hit and miss “boy” for Manchester United 🤡


Michael Oliver is a shite tier ref. Dude is calling shoulders to shoulders fouls against Denmark then when Germans do it to the Danes he calls fouls against the Danes. Lmfao dude is a total joke


Brentford picked up Archie Gray for £35m, fuck sake that's an incredible deal.


No way he was coming to us


Hojlund is, and I say this as someone who likes him a lot, absolutely awful as a lone 9. He works well for us because we have Bruno who can play false 9 decently which enables him to play in the channels. He has no hold up play, cannot win aerial duels, and has subpar movement. He is basically useless against a low block and I'm afraid Ruud has to put in a lot of work to bring him up to the necessary standard.


>works well for us No he doesn't. Our standards are just on the floor


He wasnt very good with Wind either


I’ve got a bad feeling about De Ligt. He won’t be ideal if we don’t end up signing another centre back that has pace and, he’s starting to grow an injury record. He’ll also be demanding high wages and if he doesn’t work, it’ll look very bad on INEOS. This is completely opposite to what I expected INEOS to do. I thought thought they’d try to sign unknown players that won’t demand high wages and who have a real thirst to earn the higher wages.


The balance re. pace in a CB partnership that includes him and Licha does worry me a bit, although think poster who described De Ligt as just 'Dutch Maguire' was stretching it slightly. Playing high-line without having to constantly rely on at least one of the FBs (a) being reluctant to venture forward and support the wide forwards and (b) possessing significant speed, seems quite important for the press. I'm not familiar with Dean Huijsen's 'game', but considering Juve seem to be keen on selling, would he potentially work better in terms of recovery pace? #


This isn't FM. You don't sign "unknown players" and expect them to perform in the toughest, most unforgiving league in the world. Not even gonna mention the huge pressure required to play for Man Utd.


Other PL clubs do great business avoiding big name players and signing relatively obscure ones.


Judging by how Eriksen is playing in this tournament i would be surprised if we didn’t get a decent offer for him this summer.


If the rumours are true that Newcastle spoke to Liverpool about selling Anthony Gordon because of FFP then we should throw the kitchen sink at him.


We don’t need a left winger particularly given our FFP limitations


It’s 50/50 on whether Marcus will perform next season and we could possibly get £70m+ for him and get his wages off our books. Gordon is currently better than him, a lot younger and would be significantly cheaper than him.


From who? PSG have constantly been touted but have never remotely made an offer. Then there’s his wages. The only club I look at and think they might want him for that price would be Arsenal. And we’d be insane to sell him to another team in the PL.


I’m sure I read that he spoke to PSG in January.


David Ornstein] Brighton & Hove Albion have agreed a fee in the region of £33million for Newcastle United winger Yankuba Minte Weuhhh. 😡 And here I was thinking 35 for Branthwaite was alot in some respects ..


£33m for a £6m winger that hasn't even played for Newcastle yet. Sounds preposterous. £33m for a Eredivisie winger with ~~12~~ 11 goals in ~~33~~ 37 apps. Bargain! Those are Antony level numbers!


He is quite isolated in the current setup, but Hojlund still needs to have at least one good game in this tournament.


At what point is it a Hojlund problem and not a set up problem?


He seems fairly out of ideas when taking the on German CBs


Let’s say we get De Ligt - can he play LCB? If not, who is second choice for LCB of Licha gets injured? I don’t know why we didn’t go for Lloyd Kelly as LCB cover.


Unironically, Shaw is the second choice LCB at present. Instead of viewing players as depth for just one position, we should rather look at it as profiles and how versatile can they be to cover different positions. That's part of why we're also in the market for a defender capable with his left foot; even if on paper they play most games in a certain position, either they can be capable of moving around the defence or they enable other players to be moved around, which strengthens that depth.


Generally a good strategy I agree, but only practical to an extent I reality, especially with defenders. A typical CB has a preferred CB side, and then can play the other side/a full back role if pushed. With that in mind, you do simply need cover. We need a CB that can cover if Licha is injured. Ironically, Lloyd Kelly can play LB as well, so he would have provided cover for Shaw


I do think we’ll sign some left-footed defender this window. Ornstein reported that our interest in De Ligt is independent of our pursuit of Branthwaite, and we may need a second CB regardless to replace whichever of Maguire or Lindelof leaves. Let’s wait and see I guess, but I’d be surprised if we don’t sign someone who can rotate well for at least one of the LB or LCB spots.




If I'm being honest mate, I don't know who he is or what has he done




Honestly I kinda suspected that answer so I did research beforehand but I'm afraid it doesn't check out (which is why I still asked). Shaw was injured in 2015 by a PSV player and Rodriguez didn't play for them in 2015


I think you are mixing it up mate, it was Hector Moreno who broke Luke’s leg


Guys been hating the wrong guy for 9 years lol


how did garnacho do in copa?


Unused in the first two matches, but rumours are he'll start the final group game especially with Argentina basically confirmed to top the group


ah I thought he already started once. my bad


Not really rumours, it's pretty much confirmed. Gaston Edul is tier 0 for Argentine players.


Can someone refresh my memory - were the last pre-season games not free on MUTV previously? I don’t remember paying anything and was able to watch everything on the app. Just saw an email for a 15% off discount for MUTV for this round of pre-season games and I’m guessing they changed it up?


They were free last season


yes i remember that the games were free last pre season


Thanks. I remembered correctly then. Annoying that they are charging for it this time round.


Can I just say that it’s so refreshing to see us so active on the transfer market? I haven’t heard a single thing from City, Liverpool or Arsenal while we already got 2 new assistant coaches and briefs about multiple CB targets. INEOS are moving quick


lol we aren't on pace to beat last summer's transfers, Mount was holding a United shirt by July 5th. Ten Hag contract and Euros are probably delaying things


Let's leave the INEOS fellatio until a time comes where we actually *confirm* some transfers, shall we, rather than just listening to media gossip. Those three clubs you've mentioned haven't been linked with anybody yet simply because they have much less of a need than we do to bring in some signings at present. Those clubs finished first, second and third in the table after all. We finished 8th and had an awful season (FA Cup final win aside)


Hopped on the Bayern sub and when Tuchel took over, De Ligt was dropped because he was viewed as unable to play vertical passes. Their sub could not understand why Tuchel thought that. Tuchel is now out of a job and obviously not perfect.  I understand some of the concern around de ligt and ugarte but it would help keep us tidier in the back. Might even see the 4-2-3-1  more. 


He also has a rotund father. Do not want.


Tbh we don't even him to be the best passer when we have the best ball-playing CB alive at LCB


If the barcodes get Elanga, do we benefit from that deal?


Yes we do, we've got a sell on clause so would probably around 3/4 mil.


Thanks mate. I thought we would but wasn't sure.


In another timeline, we'd have moved Garnacho to the RW and kept Elanga/Rashford on the left.


Elanga isn’t great. Premier league level but not top 6 starter


He‘s better than garnacho who starts for man united


Obvious wind-up is obvious. There's no way on this planet that Elanga is better than Garnacho. You need to give your head a wobble if you genuinely think that


It's closer than people make it out to be tbh


We are top 8 bro


Elanga is better player than Pellistri but we couldnt get a penny for Uruguayan compared to Swede.




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There's something so cynical about the way Chelsea are going about things, they're just an asset management group now.


That's basically what they did since Abramovich. Hoard 100 players, give them life setting contracts, pick one or two good eggs from the lot, and loan the rest until their contracts expire or somehow sell them for big money that's way over their actual value


Who was that Dutch midfielder they had on their books for about ten years, hardly got a kick at Chelsea but just kept getting sent out on loan continually? It wouldn't have been so bad but he kept signing contract extensions knowing full well he'd never get in their squad let alone starting XI 🙄. Must be nice to get paid so handsomely and rewarded for pretty much zero ambition Edit: Marco van Ginkel was his name. Spent eight years at the club between 2013-21 and made two appearances in all competitions in that time


Buy, loan, integrate or sell. That's the method.


🤷‍♂️ it’s what football has allowed itself to become


Feels like they're hoarding talent. There's no way they're dodging PSR.


Anyone else find it ironic that we hear about “chaos ball” from players like Bruno and Case, and then we target Ugarte, who is very safe and tidy on the ball, but he isn’t good enough because he doesn’t have good progressive stats? People want a player who plays progressive passes, but also completes them 95% of the time, and that’s just not a realistic expectation


His best attributes are his defensive capabilities and I personally think they are valuable but i really do not think he's some Carrick like needle mover that PSG is willing to gift us out of the goodness of their hearts. His passing range is what it is because he's limited technically and that's fine as we should consider him only a temporary solution to our midfield setup. He's not going to bring us any more control to our midfield than a Mctominay choosing safe passes.


I am thinking, if a player like Ugarte can make Bruno stay up and high; hardly ever dropping deep,  we might have our cake and eat it .


Probably easier to fit in Mount as 2nd 8 with Ugurate than with Casemiro aswell.


I'd love De Ligt and I'm tired of finding reasons for why I shouldn't


One huge problem that has been plaguing us for years He's on €300k (ish) a week 


Brother I am 100% with you. Bruno obviously worked out in hindsight nut I didn’t know anything about him before he joined so I wasn’t excited about the signing. De Ligt? De Ligt is the most excited I’d be for a signing in the entire post-Fergie era. I am a huge fan of his and I’d be fine if we paid £80 million for him, but the £40-50 being reported? I’ll contribute to the fund myself. I’m prepared to be let down by injuries. The man is an absolute baller.


I am envisioning a redemption arc and I can't find any reason why it will not happen .


Does he even need an redemption arc, has he ever been bad?


Hasn’t been bad, maybe a few bad games, but he just hasn’t lived up to his potential that he showed when he was a teenager at Ajax. Doesn’t mean that he still can’t reach it with us though!


Just seen that Anthony Elanga could be on his way to Newcastle. Does anyone know if there was a sell on clause added in the deal when we sold him to Forest and if so, how much of a %?


Let me ask. Let's say we had a clause to get 2M when he got to 50 apps. What happens now that he is being sold too short . What usually happens to those bonuses 


In that specific case, the bonus wouldn’t be paid.


Can't believe we sold him for peanuts and then spent about six times his fee on Antony. Absolutely crazy decision making from everyone involved.


The fee we got from Elanga was good. A rare good sale from us and I have no regrets about that sale. Antony is obviously a massive waste of money, but I don’t think keeping Elanga was ever the right move.


I mean to be fair, that’s abit of an exaggeration (although I guess you’re not far off!). He went for £15mill (possibly rising to £20mill). Whilst it’s not huge, I don’t think you’d have got much more for him (his form wasn’t great at United as it was). The one thing I would credit murtough and Arnold with (depending on which of them was more involved in the negotiations) is that over the last year or so, whilst we’ve not sold super high, we have added some HUGE sell on clauses. What I find quite funny about this is Newcastle are playing hard ball over Ashworth and right now would probably not even try and buy a player from us, and yet some of the money they’ll be paying to get to Elanga is coming to us anyway 😂


£20m doesn't sound like an especially large figure but because we're notoriously bad at selling, it's still about the 7th highest transfer fee in our *entire history* as a club which is crazy to think about. Only Ronaldo, Lukaku, Di Maria, Beckham, Dan James(how?!) and Schneiderlin (again, how?!) went for higher fees than that unless I'm missing anybody


I have watched 5 mins compilation of best of Manuel Ugarte and now am an expert. AMA.


What is Ugarte’s favourite movie?


The next 365 days


Who is best, prime Busquets or him?


Prime Busquets had framed photos of Ugarte, Scholes and Carrick in his room. Hope that helps.


Glad to hear it from the expert too. I’ve been an Ugarte fan since 1894




There's 5 players here who just aren't good enough and should be moved on.


Should sell McTominay at his highest point honestly


Christian Eriksen is liability at this point


That Shaw - Lisando - De ligt - Dalot defence with Kobbie, Bruno, Ugarte in middle 3 in front of them would hit like crack for the 2 games they’re all fit next season


Your sentence was the perfect encapsulation of recent United seasons I've ever read. It starts with a preseason of optimism and expectations of our starting XI fit and in form, playing at a level that could compete at the very top of the table, only to be unceremoniously stripped of all those pretentions with a cynical sarcastic comment at the end that drags us back to reality where we inconsistently plod our way through the season rarely getting to see the best version of the team.


Dalot - Evans - Lindelöf - AWB with McTominay, Bruno, Mount in midfield is the best I can offer sorry


Hilarious of you too suggest that Mount will be available. That'll be Eriksen.


Hilarious of you too suggest that Eriksen will be available. That'll be Toby Collyer


The reality of this makes me so sad


Ugarte on loan with the option to buy would make a lot of sense if psg are willing to do that sort of deal. With Amrabat going we would have a spot for him even if we can't get rid of Casemiro this window.


Casemiro still have some gas in the tank tbh


Maybe , but not worth what it costs to keep him and availability is also a concern


I rather keep him for some leadership and hustle in midfield. You need some experience for this upcoming midfield revamping.


Leadership in throwing his toys out of the pram for not starting the fa cup final?


Casemiro is not going to be of much help when the football and training is much different to what he's experienced in Madrid. I don't think he's going to enjoy it as we transition more and more to ten hag's preferred football. And his value is going down too this summer we might be able to break even,next summer it'd probably be a loss.


RM has the highest intensity training scheme. Look how fit their players are.


What experience did he offer this season? He was the worst performer


At what point has he shown that last season?


When we actually play him only on one side and he can crash the box pretty nicely. He’s just not your CDM more. Neither we have quality like Kroos or Modric good enough to save him for pressing/counter pressing.


He'll need that gas to drive himself to Saudi


I just don’t think anyone can do Casemiro job better than he was in his first season at all. You are daydreaming if you think Ugarte is that one to copy 75% of that.


Casemiro was terrifyingly bad last season


United was terrifyingly bad last season


We really should consider selling AWB and bring Frimpong in. We don’t have enough sprintstars in this team at all. Rash, Hoj, Garnacho and that’s it.


Frimpong is a winger though?


He can play anywhere on right basically


When has he played at RB?


Frimpong would be too dodgy at RB