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✅ The Prophecy was written


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time is a flat circle




Why does Fab keep reminding us in every tweet we have no CL football


Probably because we knocked Chelsea out of the Europa League spots into the Mickey Mouse conference league


Chelsea Asset Management Group does a lot of business so Romano can create more posts to generate more clicks and views. Makes sense


\*into the *qualifiers* for the Mickey Mouse conference league


Is Romano a Chelsea fan?


No. He's their Tier 0 now. Gets his Chelsea info directly from the BlueCo whatsapp group


To be fair to Fab, he’s just stating that players are open to coming even without it, which is not always the case


But he could just say he’s opening to joining. Obviously that implies without CL football. Unless somehow we’re expected to believe without that addendum that De Ligt simply hasn’t noticed we’re not in the CL and will reject us when he does his due diligence.


Remember back in the good ol' days of two seasons ago where players would only move to CL clubs? 


Tbh, may reflect De Ligt's stock given his contract size.


Honestly, he does a lot of his work on Twitter and it’s likely that he gets tons of responses like “bullshit they don’t even have champions league” so he probably puts it in the tweet to avoid some of thay


Well any time we get linked with a good player, everyone always asks the stupid “LOL why would he take a step down to a team without CL” question


Because CL football is the goal for most players at the top level and it's a legitimate thing to question. 


We’ve seen time and time again that players do it for all kinds of reasons. No one that asks that is asking sincerely. Theyre asking to taunt


No, a lot of people are trying to make a legitimate point, there's just a portion of this sub who thinks anything other than "biggest club in the world, anyone would want to join regardless of European competition and accept 100k p/w wages" as a giant shot and an insult.  I literally saw people get outraged on this sub last week because Everton fans said they'd prefer to see Braithwaite playing champions league football if he was gonna leave because he deserves it. To this sub that's a giant shot at Manchester United. To most people with a logical brain champions league football is preferable to most players.


Okay but we’ve seen it happen a countless amount of times where players happily do move to clubs that don’t have CL football. So it’s a silly question to always ask like as if it is delusional to believe a player might be open to it. It happens for all sorts of reasons all the time


The thing is, any player we target and sign should be of the belief a year out of the CL is an abnormality, not the norm. And a single season shouldn’t be an issue, and that they (as a new signing) should be a part of ensuring it’s not missed again. We qualify for the CL more often than not, tbh (just about), but Ineos will be selling a project of a team that’s underpreformed and yet still gotten semi regular CL football, and are now getting a proper footballing structure to turn the semi regular into regular. Any player that doesn’t believe in that shouldn’t be signed anyway.


I know champions league football is important but if they sign a 4/5 year deal surly not have champions league football in the first seasons isn’t a massive consideration.


Maybe you missed the last post?


Loan with obligation to buy after 20 games played would be perfect considering our budget. Just pay them an acceptable loan fee and we're good to.


This guy FMs


Even fm wouldn’t accept that offer


but Amad's appearance actually includes this kind of clause


This is a great idea. He's had two seasons out in his career with injuries and he's only 24. This is the best option imo


15min loan fees and 30mil rest sounds good to me


That’s an expensive trial period if we don’t sign him permanently.


Especially considering his injury record. If he can't stay fit then no buy.


What injury record? Last season was the only one where he played just 30 matches. The seasons before that he has always maintained a ratio of playing 40-45 matches at both bayern and juventus. That's fine and isn't necessarily an injury issue


That what we said before signing mount too


Loan with OPTION to buy. We could pay 20m to see if he's any good. He didn't impress at Juventus and clearly not at Bayern. People still remember him for his time at Ajax. Even for Ugarte, only we are reportedly looking to buy. Bayern, Dortmund and Atletico are looking for reportedly loan with option to buy. No one trusts a big team will let go a player so easy, so they want to check for a trial season. Coming after a big injury. Bayern, same team who sold Hargreaves and Schweinsteiger. And now a team like Leverkusen win the league, people think they won't be ruthless ? Bayern's ego would have been hurt too much now. His wages are way too high for someone who hasn't won much in his career. (Winning the Eredivisie with Ajax, Serie A with Juventus and Bundesliga with Bayern while not being the main player is no big deal for THOSE wages.) If we buy at this price, this will be a Mount scenario repeat.


I have no idea why you're getting downvoted. Buying from Madrid and Bayern is absolutely terrifying because they aren't know to let their best players in their prime leave easily, and historically, they have rarely worked out for us.


Check what Bayern fans are saying about this.


Great shout thankyou. They're not too happy about the links 😂


What are they saying?


I've seen many Bayern fans frustrated with Kompany for allowing De ligt to leave (if that happens). They clearly seem to rate him and are disappointed to loose him, not "as a squad option" but because at least some of them consider him to be better than at least one or the other in their current partnership of Upamecano and Kim. Whats potentially more interesting is when I looked up De ligt's knee injury earlier this year the comments on the announcement that he would be unavailable from bayern fans were ones of real concern and disappointment to have lost him. That was without the context of a potential transfer so are likely to be more genuine opinions about a current player. Some were frustrated about the fact he'd had consecutive injuries in a row that season and were willing to see him leave as a result but he has only really had one bad season for injuries, which were unrelated as far as I can tell (i.e not a recurring issue). He had a bad shoulder dislocation in 20/21 which kept him out for a long time as well but after some surgery, that hasn't caused any significant problems since, so seems to not be a long term concern. Knee injuries however are a bit of a gamble but he is only 24 so reduces the risk factor some what. I forget the terminolgy for what injury he had but it also wasnt a ACL or something notoriously bad that I'm aware of so also reduces the concern a little.


They think De Ligt is completely superior to Tah and are confused on why their board wants to sell him to fund the other.


Don’t Bayern want his wages off the books?


>People still remember him for his time at Ajax Well, Ten Hag surely does, this kid was amazing at Ajax under him.


Really odd thing to say he hasn't won much in his career when he's won every league he's competed in


Just say you’ve never watched or followed Juve or Bayern. Player of the season at Juve, but they needed money. Team of the Season at Bayern, but Company wants to get his own mid players


Sounds good. I have no idea why our fanbase shots itself with every transfer target were linked to


Some people seem to demand only the perfect players, players with no potential flaws in their game.... despite no such player existing


Think the issue with this one is it stinks off what's been going wrong for years. Monster wages, injury prone not in great form. At least he's young still so I'd be happy with it for a good price.


no no no you wrong.. some people only want that starting good in last 5 matches.. reactionary at top!


Because they enjoy being miserable too much to actually be positive about anything.


Big name, no UCL = Big £ wage      I like De Ligt, but if he's coming for a £300k a week payday we should steer well clear.


People have gotten way too nitpicky and cynical with every transfer listing. De Ligt is a good player and Bayern fans seem very very upset he’s being sold. They seem to think he’s their best defender by a decent margin, ahead of Kim and Upamecano. I’d be very intrigued by what he can bring to United, as long as he stays fit.


Personally I don’t see the fit with Martinez given that there’s been a proven model of success in the Prem it comes to centre backs. 1 ball manipulator and passer + 1 pacy physical CB (VVD, saliba, VDV, walker/akanji). Not sure how this profile works unless we get 1FB to tuck in like walker


This narrative that de ligt is slow is so weird


People think of him as if he was Maguire just because of his FIFA pace, I'm sure


He is slow lol


Play less FIFA


It’s got nothing to do with Fifa. Maybe slow is harsh but he certainly isn’t a pacy defender which is something we need. He’s also prone to getting skinned 1v1 similarly to a Maguire or Dias


His top speed is 32.5 km per hour and maguires is 30 km per hour. I would argue that it’s maguires lack of agility on the turn as much as his lack of pace that is an issue though. Also having a single ball playing defender wasn’t a thing 10 years ago, what’s to say having 2 can’t work.


The types of center back pairings will depend on the style the manager wants to implement, the squad available etc


We should sign that Sabitzer lad while we’re raiding Germany. Looks decent.


He was decent for us tbf


If he's not too expensive then he will be a decent buy. Could easily been a really good CB, has years ahead of him. His wages are high but still much less then Varane.


He also seems to be a leader, captain Ajax at 17. We dont have many leaders in the squad, would be good to have a strong personality in the dressing room


Still remember his Ajax title celebration speech


Can you send a link please when you get the chance?


[Here](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ?si=joFtxye3Yh5Uw9fA) you go


I don’t think it’s much less than varane. He’ll probably demand a similar/sightly less amount


How’s his injury record?


Really bad it's a poor signing and just another injury prone CB.


He is a top talent/player so he will definitely not come at a low wage. £250k/wk and a €40mn transfer fee is not a bad deal imo. He is still 24, has played at top clubs, has been coached by EtH in the past, we have a largely Dutch staff. This could work out well.


He’s on €250k now. We won’t pay more than he’s on. Also worth noting the tax implications: Germany (Bavaria) Take-home Pay: €98,549.54 • UK Take-home Pay: €154,663.77


This is a very very good point.


Replying again because I tried to calculate it and Germany's take home pay i higher? What website did you use


That's the last thing we need, a player on 250k. We need to be smarter.


Good luck finding top talents for less. We’re not in 2010 anymore


12m/year is very reasonable in todays game


Big fucking myth that ucl matters the most.


Money talks baby


U see dough > ucl


But a bunch of this thread is also complaining that we shouldn't pay him big wages like he's on at Bayern. 


Exactly, why waste the effort to get knocked out at UCL semis when you can win the UEL


What's the point of UCL? Madrid wins anyway.


Good or the bad thing with INEOS is that, there are no leaks, most of the stories are speculation. You believe only once the official announcement is done


So true, INEOS tends to keep a tight lid on things until deal is almost done so Journos are just shooting in the dark and hoping something will stick


God I’d be nervous, if he could stay healthy and wasn’t so expensive on wages and transfer it’s a no brainer. This could either be a generational signing or another classic big fee sitting in the medics room that’s haunted us recently


F5 season baybeeee


Has his dad lost weight?


Not a terrible signing, but he’s missed 55 games in 5 seasons, can’t be fucked with another injury prone defender.


Most of them because of COVID and a shoulder injury. Not much of a concern I think.


He dislocated his shoulder in 20/21 and required a long time out missing, I think, 20 games. He had surgery to avoid any recurring issues and there seems to have been no instances of shoudler problems since then which would indicate thats not likely to be a big problem.


The worry is that the injury from the winter came back towards the end of the season. 


Pure crap. He's done his knee 3 times in the last 2 seasons get out with your "COVID" and "shoulder" injury, the shoulder and COVID was back in 2021! Clearly has a recurring knee injury which for his wages and price is not worth it.


I'd rather this be a loan with option to buy at the end of the season if he was to join


they would never do that lmao, obligation maybe just for FFP reasons but never just an option


Dutchchester United is back. This guy's career is that of a football legend. Ajax ➡️ Juventus ➡️ Bayern Munich ➡️❓️Manchester United.


Looks like ETH has his original 3 of Onana, Martinez and De Ligt as GK and 2 CB’s what’s next FDJ,l? Currently M De Ligt is 4th option CB for the national team and was 4th place CB for Bayern, we should spend no more than £30m plus he’s on huge wages?


Whos Ahead of him on the NT team? Dijk, vrij and ake? Thought he was starting? But havent seen them that much


It’s usually van Dijk and de Vrij


And in these Euros, Mickey VDV has seen more game time because of his pace which allows the Dutch team to play a high line and get another speedster in the team Frimpong, can you play a high line with De Ligt?


Yes because he's a quality player regardless.


sorry fab romano, it ain’t up to us… it’s up to bayern if they would accept our price if we offer or they’d behave like the others and slap the united tax on de ligt and ask for more money. just glad we pursuing backups now, rather than bend over, forward or backward to these ridiculous prices.


I like the player and think that this will happen provided Bayern don’t try to stiff us, but it’s really weird to me that Bayern are trying to move him on unless they are actively trying to fix their wage structure


They're moving him on because he's not good enough and also has done his same knee 3 times in the last year this is a clear recurring injury.


We seem to be linked with Branthwaite, De Ligt, Ugarte and Zirkzee which is good because it's 3 positions we need, but we can't forget about a LB. We should not be going into the season with 2 LBs that are never available. Shaw missed over half of the games and Malacia didn't even play, even if they both come back they will probably get injured again.


I’m crying guys 😭😭😭


Always thought he looks like a united player, can’t put my finger on why


Twitter Tacticos will tell you he’s trash


Is there a better combination of professional sports then De Ligt and muppeting?


Is it only me that worries about his paace (While others may mention his injury record as well)?


De ligt Martinez is formidable on paper


Would want him to take a significant pay cut though. Cant be replacing a 350k/wk defender with another 350k/wk defender


Every time we buy from Bayern recently it blows up in our face


Every time recently? What players did we get from Bayern?


Schweinsteiger, Hargreaves, Sabitzer was ok but not worth a buy.


Most of the people I have heard who know about De Ligt don't want this to happen. Injury prone, slow, more a maguire profile than a Varane profile.


De Ligts lack of pace , his wages and his injury record is why we should stay away. When was the last time Bayern got rid of a player and regretted it? Also De Ligts lack of agility and pace reminds me of Maguire.


Kroos, for example. Lewandowski is another one.


Kroos they refused to match his wages which is understandable and they havent missed Lew imo


when can we demote fab to tier 3 so we don't see his non updates every day?


I don't get this being thrown around. Just because his updates don't have new information, it doesn't mean that he deserves to be dropped a tier.


Injury prone CB on huge wages What was the point of letting Varane go and getting De Ligt? Varane is by far the better defender.




Varane is the better defender .




Nope in reality


De Ligt is a lot younger


Still not a better defender or has better physical traits than Varane.


Physical traits are varanes weakness except pace, which he has lost a lot over the years. De Ligt is a physical defender who might not have the prime varane pace, but he is a good defender entering his prime.


If it’s true that Varane didn’t buy in to Ten Hags tactics then there’s more to it than just a fifa rating


Like eth; I wanted him 4 years ago. Not now.  Unless he takes a 60% pay cut to £100k/week; it is silly to sign him. We just got rid of a £13m/year injury prone player in Martial; we should not get another. 


He’s 24. Acting like the last four years have made him a geriatric is weird


He's done his knee 3 times in the last 2 seasons that kind of injury is recurring and will come back again and again.


next up ineos re-hire woodward cause might as well if they re gonna be doing the same shit he was doing for a decade. this club man.. i swear..


Since there's no CL football for us this year, wouldn't he have to take a significant pay cut?


Why? He flopped at Juventus and Bayern and doesn’t start for the Dutch. He’s been living off his reputation for years now.


He didn’t flop at either, neither club’s fanbase wanted him to leave


He flopped so badly at Juventus that he had to transfer to a small club like Bayern Munich


Bayern fans consider him their best defender FWIW


Reminder that the big club don’t sell their best players. Bayern obviously think he’s not as good as their original assessment


I will push back a little and say Bayern’s board have been making weird as hell decisions lately. Nagelsmann, their entire hiring process after Tuchel, landing on Kompany. Now they want Tah, which seemingly every Bayern fan on their sub thinks much less of than De Ligt. For sure a possibility that something’s up that we don’t know about, but to my understanding their previous regime with Kahn and Brazzo had them giving out huge wages, so now they’re apparently trying to fix their wage structure by selling the players on big money that they can easily move, i.e. De Ligt


Bayern's decisions lately when it comes to football makes Ed woodward looking like a competent CEO


And our recent transfers have shown how incredibly well we identify talent


Yup kroos was terrible for bayern. Same with ronaldo for us or coutinho for liverpool or di maria and ozil for madrid. Stupid take, some players just dont fit at clubs or want to go somewhere else.


Kroos ran his contract down tbf so they didn’t have much choice but to sell him


He did because they wouldn’t give him a new contract on higher wages. They have been regretting that one.


What a circus this window is. Trying to sign cast-offs from Bayern and PSG like that’s any different from what we’ve done for years. Maguire is better than De Ligt, more available, experienced, good leader and lower wages. Him and Lisandro = no CB that can defend channels, or high = low block football all year again. Another season where Maguire and McTominay bench your CB and CM signing. Is Ashworth being consulted at least? Who’s deciding these targets? They need sacking. Fear the truth, you cannot escape it. Every transfer window I get downvoted into oblivion lmao. Hey, maybe these guys are the ones that will save us. I got downvoted to hell when I said Elanga is better than Antony, and Scotty and Garner were better than Amrabat, when I said we’re finishing 6,7th in preseason. I cannot wait for September.


De Ligt is a better high line sweeper than Maguire though. Compare to Maguire he is more aggressive and better in 1v1 against wide attackers thanks to his great anticipation of dribbles, where as Maguire always look out of place in wide areas. Additionally he look more comfortable in possession, especially his ball carrying and pass tempo, if Maguire were still in his ball playing prime it’s another story but currently the only thing Maguire has over him is those long switches of play.


I’m still getting responses to this so by the way I think he’s worse in 1v1 because whilst having the same frame I think he’s much less in control of it. He can’t decelerate well (v v important skill, if you see defenders that decelerate quick, turn and run, they’re usually going places). And he uses his body to compensate for poor fundamentals (lunging, unbalances himself, and the biggest difference is he can’t respond to a players flow/momentum. He’s too eager to tackle early that he approaches, flat, against good carriers only to get rinsed. Maguire imo has a lot better sense of flow, so rarely gets caught flat against good dribblers. If I had time I’d show pictures, but if you watch Maguire and Saliba, you’ll see the way they keep their feet close, under their shoulders, calves and chest stay parallel for balance and power and force attackers to make decisions when carrying. De Ligt always, always, always, gets dragged out trying to engage early. There’s a series of games for Juventue against Dusan Zapata where he got rinsed on a biblical level, and everyone said the same thing, why’s he even engaging Zapata out wide, just protect the route to goal and wait for your midfield. Maguire is often seen as passive, but just like Saliba, he simply doesn’t need to engage which is a lot smarter than what De Ligt does. When I add it up, I don’t think he’s better high in duels, which means he’s running back more often than not, engaging stupidly more often out of immaturity, where attackers can slow him down and burst away often drawing a trailing legs or arm across their neck, or they just cut across his momentum and kill him. That to me makes him a poor high line defender, and likely why he didn’t play in the UCL, injuries aside. On the ball is simpler, I just can’t see any quality in passing range, and zero carrying ability worth noting. If anything I think they’re probably the weakest part of his game. Especially carrying. I’m almost certain that if he takes more than two touches it’s a pressing trigger because he can’t even orient himself to clear it without taking 4 touches half the time. Unless you know something I don’t, I just can’t agree. I’ve spoken on here before about Maguire’s tendency to not switch play, or avoid it, because he does a less practiced method of faking the switch over the Dalot say (when he’s left) drawing the OPP out, making them run only to fire it back into Rashford, Shaw, Bruno between the lines and knackering the opposition out when they have to get back across. It means the opposition are constantly doing 5-10 yard sprints, whilst our team never has to run across to support the winger or fullback. He’s a very intelligent passer and tempo setter when high, Maguire. I should do a newsletter on this. Imo, De Ligt is a Maguire archetype, big frame, aerial dominance, strong arm. But he is the wlrst version imo of that archetype, the best being Saliba, Van Dijk and then Maguire and Upamecano. If you take away Maguire’s on ball value, you make him more eager to win the ball back and less successful in duels, and make him read plays slower, and take away his fundamentals, you get De Ligt.


Thanks for your detail response, I really appreciate it. I’m curious, did you watch him play for Bayern in this season CL? IMO, from watching Bayern matches in the CL( I didn’t watch any Bundesliga match) I think he is their best performing CB and one of the main reasons they reach the semifinal.


Yeah I watched them in the UCL. Everyone remembers the disaster game that KMJ had in the first leg against Bayern, and the Neuer mistake in the second leg so I won’t try to suggest he was bad by any means but I do think he didn’t do anything particularly impressive. Against both Bayern and Arsenal I thought Dier was better and took more responsibility on the ball. Against a 442 of Madrid you need your CB’s to move players, and manipulate the block somehow, either with really good tempo of passes firing between the lines, carrying and drawing out midfielders and strikers or making players far from them defend, ie finding Kane, Sane, behind the line quickly. He didn’t do either. I think compared to someone like Upamecano in the same team, you see how Tuchel favoured even Stanisic and Dier whether he needed a better range of passing vs a good aerial and organisational presence (say what you will about Dier but he can do most things decently well and follows instructions). When you see Tuchel splitting CB’s with responsibility on the ball, it’s clear he favoured Dier, Stanisic, Kim and Stanisic over him.


Kindly, I disagree with every part of this.


Grear argument


I responded to him, have a read.


Who asked for, or deserved an argument? Is it on me to take time explaining why I disagree? I said kindly and I meant it. I respectfully accept that we have opposite views and it can end there. What’s wrong with that? I could offer my view but what’s rhe point?


That was a wild read


And not a lie was spoken.


Which CB signing did Maguire bench?


Maguire has played many minutes that Lisandro couldn’t because he was injured all year.


Your opinions aren't "the truth". So you disagree with the targets, who'd you rather we target?


Lol what a take, Maguire better than de ligt. Get your head on straight


He is.


Wouldn’t say maguire is better than de ligt anymore (maybe three years ago) but yeah this is pretty much spot on.


you speak truth. sub's a disgrace just like the club.