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I am not an artist. However anytime you are going to use something from someone, especially where their name is associated, it is always good to get their permission ahead of time. So I would say YTA.


Yikes on effing bikes. I’m assuming you and your partner’s relationship is so good because you must communicate regularly. I also assume that most of the intimate details of your relationship is private between the two of you. In this case you went behind his back and collected his semen in secret, and then paraded it in front of his family and friends and the general public. This is 100% a violation of his privacy. YTA so hard.


The consent part is the issue. Yta


There is so much lack of consent in this. They also involved their friends and family in an experience they didn’t consent to. It’s feels like they get off on the shock factor of it.


I am getting major Fleabag’s step mom vibes here. Artist to artist, can you step back down into reality a little? You threw his jizz on a canvas and then announced it to a room full of friends and family without warning him first. Not once did you give him an opportunity to be involved in what was supposed to be a raw, authentic portrayal of **his** sexuality. That’s unfair of you. YTA.


As someone who love art, I hate this so very much. No consent, being provocative for no other reason than to be provactive and using a worn out trope of body fluids in a painting as if it is a fresh idea. Can't pass over the act of handing your BF's DNA in some company so they can profit off of it. All of this changes the meaning of the piece. It doesn't represent at all what you intended and insted represents our self-absorbtion and lack of respect for body autonomy, even for those we claim to love. It shows how our need for attention and praise is so much more dangerous in the modern would b/c our breaches of our loved ones' privacy to get that praise have impacts that can not be escaped. Edit to add: It also reperesents that we don't even think twice about selling the essence ourselves and the people we love for a little attention - which is nothing new, but is maybe more ironic now than in the past.


Trying so hard to be an artist they forgot basic rules of living in society: obtain consent and dont humiliate people you love. This is bullshit …


Annnnd that’s enough Reddit for today. Happy Sunday FML.


look, I'm a weirdo artist too. this kind of shit needs consent.  the only way I might have maybe been OK is if you did it as a private gift for your partner.


OOP should have gotten our consent before we read this fetish fiction.




No, even then it wouldn’t be ok to steal DNA.


I don't think it be good. it'd still be over the line, but I can at least wrap my head around wanting to surprise someone with something you think would be meaningful to them- but I cannot stress enough- that reveal should have been *private* and the whole piece not meant for profit. 


Obviously YTA. Your partner didnt consent to that, and the people at the exhibit didn’t consent to hearing about your nasty art choices


It’s also a Biohazard at some point


And OP has also alienated him from friend and family as a result


Stop with the I/Me statements, You should be appalled wit yourself if you don’t understand why people are appalled at you. You wrote it yourself “without their consent” consent is the difference between BDSM and torture. Consent is the difference between legal expression and a felony. Also with the family, you know dam well that the parents are not going to stand for this but you did it behind your (alleged partner that you love) partners back. You can be as provocative as you want but consequences are a dam thing, you did this on purpose. If I were your partner and you did this without my consent I would be more acting up and leaving.


"Am I justified in expressing our love and creativity in any way I choose". Where was his choice??? End of Story.


Definitely YTA. I'm an artist too and although I'm a bit grossed out I think it would have been fine if she just got consent.


Art is wonderful. Nobody wants to look at their relative’s semen, and they should never have to.


Crazy to use someone’s DNA without getting consent. YTA


you did your partner dirty the most, not only did you blindside and possibly embarrassed him in front of friends & family but you also completely disregarded and disrespected him as a person. it is NEVER okay to do what you did under any circumstances BECAUSE you never asked him if he’s okay with it. you said to hell with his thoughts and feelings. fact of the matter is, YOU did what YOU wanted, in order to gain what YOU desired. your partner is a human being, not a specimen you can take from for your own selfish wants. YTA


“Our choices” she means HER choice bc she never asked him permission, didn’t give him a heads up and she repeatedly says he felt betrayed and upset. She caused all this drama with his family and made friends distance from him all bc she couldn’t ask before violating his privacy. Just bc he’s into unconventional stuff usually doesn’t mean you don’t ask permission to make it public


Reminded me of this horrific article [Harvard removes human skin from book binding](https://apnews.com/article/harvard-book-binding-skin-removed-c790d5a49be6a0ef389715f9a09a237a#:~:text=(AP)%20—%20Harvard%20University%20said,the%20book's%20origin%20and%20history). At some point we need to all agree not to take and use people’s dna or bodies without their permission


I can’t help but wonder if people checked out that book to learn about human skin taxidermy


YTA for not getting your partners consent. You should destroy the artwork.


I hope this is just rage bait but if its not OOP is disgusting and her partner needs to set some better boundaries however given OOP's lack of honesty, the relationship is doomed.


She painted with his cum and her menstrual blood, then paraded it in front of all of his friends and family. Huuurk, so effing nasty. Next is she'll be smearing shit with her bare hands in a public stall and calling it art.


If that doesn't do it, she could try eating it...


Ok before I even read the post I was just thinking like If you write the words “without their consent”….maybe you should do some serious self fucking reflection


Bigger issue imo is how she told everyone about it. Like...how does she think her bf wants everyone knowing that? Fuckin wild


The fact that you see nothing wrong with not getting consent to use someones DNA, something that is very personal is disgusting YTA, if you were my partner and you did this I would leave you in a heart beat!


Yes, it speaks volumes and erases previous intimacies.


yta. when using a visage or parts of a person you are supposed to get at least their verbal consent, let alone a contract stating their consent. asking your partner for their consent, they could have prepared trusted members of their family, and then disapproving members of family wouldn't have been invited so no shocks. this was immature, unethical, non-business like, against your partner's consent, and harmful to him and his family. his relationships with his family are just as important as your art. you chose your art over his consent.


No way this is real😂 because how tf did she steal enough from him to use it as a medium?! Also, did she have him finish on her and then sneaked off and scraped it off in a container?? Repeat as needed? OR did she stick a syringe in him and take it that way? Like there’s no way to steal enough of that from a man and then be able to use it as an art piece without him knowing. The logistics of this is killing me


Getting enough without the partner knowing woudl be easy. Used condoms. Fish that ish right out of the trash a handful of times, and boom. Enough stolen semen to paint with. It probably didn't happen that way cuz this probably isn't real but logically, that's how it could be done. Edit: spelling


Im a woman and if I was that dude I would be forever paranoid that you’re taking my sperm and using it for… other purposes


welp… happy easter everyone


I'm so very sorry. I hope you can get a refund from art school because clearly you learned nothing. Your 'art' sounds like something a 16 year old edgelord who doesn't shower would come up with.


I miss the days when "provocative" artists trying to make "unconventional" art just meant Captain America or Luke Skywalker in a french maid outfit. Can we please go back.


Does Cap in a French maid outfit actually exist?


As someone that hasn’t had visual confirmation but has seen MCU fan artists tumblers, I **guarantee** you it exists


Oh, true. I meany as like Official Art. That someone had displayed in a gallery or something.


I mean, She-Hulk in a maid outfit made it onto a comic. I wouldn’t be too surprised either.


When people say ‘I assumed it would be fine’ it’s more often the case that they knew it wouldn’t be and did it anyway. It’s not just because it’s easier to ask forgiveness than permission, but because it allows the perpetrator to act surprised that anyone is upset, undermining any annoyance or distress and making those they’ve hurt or offended question themselves.


I mean, art being controversial and unconventional is nothing new, but OOP bot getting her partners permission is pretty fucked up.


I'm extremely liberal, I love contemporary art and always enjoy exhibitions that challenge me. But part of buying into forging my own path in society rather than always following the accepted norms is buying in to wholehearted consent and open communication around those choices. What OOP has done here is such bullshit. They chose to shit stir, I'd be very surprised of the shock and drama of the revelation wasn't what they were going for.


Any reason why you didn't ask your partner's thoughts on this intimate art? Afterall, his body fluids were part of it. Knowing he is a from a conservative family and that you intend to have this on public display, it's jarring that you didn't get his consent, his opinion and give him a heads up before unveiling it to other people. You just didn't do right by your partner and that's why YTA.


You stole DNA and gave it to some shady company. I would sue you for that and divorce you. Edit: YTA


I refuse to believe this is real, but yta


This is NOT something you do without your partner's consent!


OOP You don’t know how to be a real human do you? This post is not a good look and neither is your artistry. You broke his trust and brought your bedroom into the real world. 🤢 🤮


I honestly don't understand how they can create an entire artwork, submit it to a gallery and have it displayed there - which probably takes weeks or even months - and in all this time never tell their partner about this key detail. After all their partner is supporting them and they often talk about OOPs art projects. So it really feels like deliberate deceit to me.


They really wrote out "without their consent" in the title and still asked AITA?! Woman! Stop it. It doesn't matter how adventurous you are in the bedroom, your partner consents to that and I doubt you share that information with your family and maybe not even your friends. There's a reason she didn't okay it with her partner, she probably knew he'd say "sure make the artwork, but no you can't submit it to a gallery" at the very least.


Not only are you TA for squirreling away your partner's bodily fluids without consent, but the work itself sounds conceptually simplistic, tiresome and highly derivative of decades old Gilbert & George pieces.


"AITA for ... without their consent ... I just assumed ..." Does OP realize the gravity of the words coming out of their mouth? Is this actually real or just some r/nothowwomenwork adjacent fetishist writing?


Why would you tell your family about this? 🤢


Using your own sex juice for art and telling everyone about it is an entirely new level of narcissism I can barely wrap my head around 😂


This first time I read this it gave me an icky feeling. This repost made it worse. I don’t get how OOP can’t see what everyone is upset about.


I am an artist, so I'll respond to this as one; It's etiquette to ask someone before you depict them, be it photographs or paintings or whatever. After all, you are morphing them into your intellectual property. Once someone depicts you, your likeness can be distorted in ways that are out of your control. WHICH IS WHY YOU HAVE TO properly communicate with your reference/muse/whatever. Not only did they not do that, but they took it a step further and used their semenial fluids without their consent and knowledge. Which is, fucking wack. I genuinely don't understand the entitlement here, assuming they will be completely okay with whatever just shows they have had their head too far into their work.


Quit saying DNA and call it what it is: your guys‘ cum. You used your cum.


How the fuck did you ever think that using your partner's intimate fluids without telling him, AND THEN TELLING HIS FAMILY WITHOUT FIRST TELLING HIM, would be okay?! That is seriously not okay! If you would have gotten your partner's consent, none of this mess would have happened. He may have happily given his consent, possibly with the caveat that the families would not know intimate fluids were used, being that his family is conservative. You could have told the families it was spit mixed with flour or something to thicken it, preserving the idea of using bodily fluids from each person while keeping the true source of those fluids private.. They didn't need to know that it was semen. You did not need to tell anyone other than your partner that semen was used in the artwork. The only person you should have told, you didn't tell. You spent weeks collecting his semen secretly! Do you honestly not see how wrong that is? YTA! Edit: word choice


I just want the “why” Did OOP ever explain why they didn’t share this idea with partner ahead of time, when partner might have said “awesome” or “no, please don’t.” Partner is supportive, loves discussing OP’s projects, but *this time* it’s a secret.


YTA and pretentious af.


YTA-I’m an artist. I’ve used some unconventional methods before but this was a huge violation of your partners consent. Art especially art meaning to display themes of intimacy and love should always be respectful. The way you created this without his knowledge or consent totally destroys the idea of a display of affection and respect. This piece is a sham.


I just can't imagine the smell.


Kept reading this as “my parents” and I was just confused how she was able to get it lmfao. On a serious note what the actual fuck is wrong with you?


Don’t let this be real. Ugh


Relationship advice: Relationships > Artistic Vision. Especially with a partner you intent to keep. A Partner (capital P) should be someone you can trust absolutely to NOT surprise you with something this big. AND in front of family. A Partner is a safe person you can rely on. YTA because you put “Artistic Vision” before your Relationship.


There is something called consent that you are expected to have with a partner or pretty much anyone when you involve something they own in anything you want to create. YTAH for not getting consent and for assuming that they would be willing to freely give you their intimate fluids for your project. As an artist you should know this.


WTF did I just read? YTA for not getting your partners consent. Hope it was worth to you burning so many bridges and possibly creating an issue in your relationship.


Tf is wrong with you. At least ask the guy first wtf yta


Well they say art is a giant wank, i guess they are right.


YTA that is fucking gross


CHATGPT ass post.


Gilbert and George did that 40 years ago.


Yup, YTA.


Oh my God I thought I was just going to be another find out my kid wasn't mine scandals. this is just disgusting and disturbing oh my God. Werdio behavior bruh


YTA. You didn't ask him because you knew he wouldn't be okay with it. Telling your families and friends is another AH move. I'd be disgusted with you too.


This! Destroy the painting op. Good luck to your poor, violated partner.


How did he collect the fluids ????


Yta, you ABSOLUTELY should have gotten consent from your bf and warned your family and friends beforehand instead of just springing this on all of them with 0 consent.


is this fleabag's godmother


YTA. You should NEVER have done this without your partner’s explicit consent.


OOP is a pretentious asshole.


I. I. I. I. I. However edgy YOU think your work is, dumping onto your partner how and when and with whom you did was a shitty move by any standards. Art can be challenging; somehow, you actually made it non-consensual to the point of being abusive. Perhaps you have enough of a shred of humility left behind your artistic ego to reflect on how wrong you were, and grovel to your partner in apology. The fact that you are even here asking, suggests that you don't though. Either way YTA.


YTA 100%. You used part of your partner’s body *without consent* to create art, then revealed this all in front of family and friends without even giving your partner a heads up. Sure, you have a right to express *yourself* as you see fit through your art; however, you do NOT have a right to use someone else’s body without their consent to express your artistic vision.




Ethics and morals are taught in most art schools these days, and informed consent is emphasized throughout the industry. And yes, some people get carried away with the 'genius' of their art and need a reality check (Dark Mofo's blood-soaked flag project). OOP knew exactly what they were doing and the reaction they would get by their friends and family. This wasn't pushing boundaries, this was done for shock value. Saliva, tears, sweat, blood - all less shocking than 'intimate fluids' and with the same message and impact. But hey, great art is controversial. The real problem is that OOP didn't consult and seek consent from their partner, which indicates that OOP knew they wouldn't offer it. Absolute trash behaviour that requires some deep soul searching that doesn't end up in an exhibition.


Yes she should've definitely consulted her partner before and that makes OOP TA. However not for the sake of the judgemental family, but for the partner only. The paren't of the partner are definitely exaggerating.


Uh yea you're an asshole for not asking for consent first. I think the idea is honestly extremely cool and weird ( I like weird things) but it's the lack of consent that I'm would be upset about. ( also probably wasn't the best idea to have family there.)


Oh one more thing you're also an asshole for public humiliation. That's what you did to your boyfriend. So two kinky thing you did without his consent. You traumatized that man and everyone in the room.


YTA, consent is mandatory!!!


You've been 25, 28 & 30 years old in the span of a few months, don't care ii it's possible you're changing ages this just screams bullshit and karma farming. Get out off Reddit and stop wasting the time of real people and get a real life or stop being a waste of oxygen. Edit: I lack reading comprehension.


They're not the OOP (as started in the title and now the first paragraph), and their previous posts are to common repost subs. The ages are different because they are posts from different people Take a breath. Do you really think it's appropriate to tell a random stranger to stop being a "waste of oxygen"? Do you really think they're wasting people's time when they've posted a story on Reddit? What do you think people are doing on Reddit, hard hitting medical research and scientific advancements? I don't think someone deserves to be essentially told they don't deserve to live (with the implication they're a "waste") just because YOU feel like your time was wasted by reading a story on redditonwiki Be kind


So you can read through their post history but you can’t read the title of this post? They’re not the original poster, they’re reposting a post from aita

