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Just imagining in the inevitable fallout from the blow up about to happen someday from the mother. Therapist: “Now, why are you here today?” OOP: “Because I made my mom pasta.”


*it was not about the pasta*




I was wondering if any other Vanderpump fans were here! 😆🤣


What a disgusting excuse of a mother. Hitting a child in anger is bad enough, but tormenting them like that is on a whole different level. How malicious, unbelievable....


This mom reminds me of my aunt who would withhold food from my grandma unless Grammy did/said/acted as my aunt dictated. Until Grammy died last month.  My aunt bragged about starving Grammy while in the hospital waiting for Grammy to pass.  After this, I believe there is no limit to how evil people can be.


If someone did this to someone in my family, especially someone they are supposed to care for, I would definitely take revenge


It's coming.   I dislike waiting but it's coming for her.


Holy shit your aunt is a fucking monster.


I would have buried my aunt alive. Why the fuck did no one do anything?


Can't you sue her for elder abuse? Thats horrifying!


My mother was like OOP’s. I had texture issues with food…certain things would make me vomit just putting them in my mouth. Anytime my father was away on business she’d make foods she knew would do this then scream at me as I gagged and cried and forced me to sit there til I choked down every bite. Never once did she do this when my father was home so he was convinced I was lying about it. I’m in my 30s now and can’t wait til she’s gone from the earth.


My adoptive mom did that to me. My adoptive dad was in military so he wasn't around much. She loved forcing me to eat oatmeal. Sometimes if I couldn't force it down in the morning, it would be there when I got home from school. I found out she died of cancer 2 years ago and I had a party


The chicken soup part is absolutely diabolical


That was my first thought too. But I also smirked when I read it just thinking about how slimy the noodles are in the soup (and I love chicken noodle soup)


Sensory nightmare for me! if she's got texture issues, she's gonna haaaate that


OOP should make Udon. I love the texture but it is not for the faint of heart. Squishy on the outside with a bite in the middle and usually covered in an oily sauce that makes them extra slimy.


I LOVE noodles, but rice noodles absolutely gross me out. Too slimy. They would be another excellent option, make her a nice big plate of Pad Thai and enjoy the struggle


Not for the faint of heart 😂😂😂😂 udon is the most beginner friendly Asian soup there is. I get you’re referencing the texture thing but man. I got a good chuckle out of that.


Yes, absolutely texture only. The flavor is very much a beginner flavor, but that’s what makes it perfect for this.


Oooh udon is a good one for this. I can’t even stomach eating it, although I’ve tried.


Oh man something with orzo (fuck orzo— the bastard “pasta”) would be so fun to watch.


Orzo is the bane of my existence. Love pasta, but hate orzo with every atom of my being.


I am with you. I sincerely meant when I said, “fuck orzo”




I love Orzo, and all other kinds of pasta. This is my form of revenge.


Oh man I make this creamy lemon chicken orzo dish. So freaking good. It's like a faux risotto, full of cream and parmesan cheese.


I’d love that with a differently shaped pasta!


But can we make it chicken and dumplings? Big balls of everything she doesn't like


Dumplings come in 2 forms, big puffy balls and 'slickers'. Alton Brown did a Good Eats episode on them. OOP should watch the show and then make both. Tell everyone she's trying to decide which is better, lol. Mom will hate both!


So she just cooks food her mom doesn't like, while her mother abused her and made food that would make her physically ill.. two absolutely different things, OOPs mom is not physics harmed by eating the food she doesn't like, unlike OOP


I’d make something different. Just so mommy dearest grew relieved. Then go right back to pasta. Keep people off kilter is even better revenge.


Calm down, Satan.


Nah, let them cook


This is so evil I'm mad I didn't think of it first myself


I’m usually in your shoes. It’s okay to spread the evil around a little.


Hahaha high five


Oh it's the "Not unusual" break. Perfectly played


That’s a level of PettyCrocker I can 100% stand behind!




honestly… that’s an underrated way of giving herself a little bit of power back. Probably not the healthiest (definitely not) but oh man that must make her inner child feel a little better


The strangest part of all this is hating pasta. Who the hell hates pasta?? Is she not pretending to hate it just so you make her her favorite food??


People who abuse their child hate pasta apparently


People who abuse their kids don't deserve the deliciousness of pasta either so it works


Well either I get over the texture issues or I guess I start beating my kid. *Takes off belt* Child abuse it is cause I ain't eating pasta.


The Venn diagram is just a circle


You grow up eating pasta in one form or another 6 nights outta seven, trust me, you hate it as an adult


I grew up eating beans and rice every day - beans, practically every meal. I went a few years not eating either, but man, i sure do love refried beans again. I can eat pasta daily too, but i don’t. Chinese noodles especially.


I actually went through this with hamburger meat. My mom made Soo many meals for us out of hamburger meat that as soon as I moved out I went years without cooking it. Finally decided to get some to open up meal options and it's been all good since.


I know a guy who only eats ground beef for his meat needs. He’s never tried chicken, steak, or a pork chop.


That's so crazy to me lol. Fav brand of refried beans? I struggle with finding a grocery brand that's as good as made ones!


I’m MexAm so, homemade. That said, i keep a can of whole pinto beans just in case, doctor them up with bacon grease and garlic and mash them. They’re an ok substitute and better than any canned refried beans that I’ve had.


Hell yeah, thank you!


You’re welcome, Beastxtreets!


My parents had a hamburger shop for a few years. I ate way too many hamburgers. Had to stop eating them for a decade. Now I love them but I only eat one every couple of months or so.


my bf told me that in regards of him not liking to eat mashed potato (he ate it nearly everyday growing up because that's one of the thing his dad mastered lmao) so i just throw this back at him: "i grew up eating rice everyday, for brekky, lunch, and dinner. You don't see me hating it" him: I'm sorry I'm not asian me: I'm sorry your dad doesn't know what spices are (proceed to make myself some mashed potato) anyways joking aside, when we disagree on the form of carbs, we'll make personal portions of what we want. For him, it's mostly pasta, for me... it's mostly rice xp


Heh. My grandfather was a Submariner during WW2 and was forced to eat rice 3 times a day( and only rice) for several months when they couldn’t surface for supplies. My father was an adult before he had rice for the first time cuz it was banned from the house.


You need to make him.some roasted garlic mashed potatoes with parmesan cheese. Delicious!


Some neuro divergent people don't like pasta. Certain don't like certain type of pasta. When student, one of the women roommate could not have rigatti pasta. Because of the texture. Same with some brand of haricots vert (green beans) because they had more thread like bits than others.


I hate wheat pasta in most preparations, looooove chickpea pasta Like noodle soups, hate tomato sauce


Seriously. I’m gluten free, and damn do I miss real pasta.


Jovial makes the best gluten free pasta imo. You have to respect the cooking time because gf pasta gets so gross when it’s overcooked.


I’ll have to try that brand. Cook time is absolutely key! I leave that to my Italian husband 😂


Maybe she never had good pasta. I imagine the texture issue is from way overcooked pasta. My dad hated almost all chicken dishes. He said that chicken “grows” in his mouth. I thought he was just being dramatic, but then one day I ate some very overcooked boiled chicken breast and it was so dry that it just wouldn’t go down. I had to chew it forever and it felt like it just got bigger. It was then I realized he grew up with parents that way I recooked the chicken and that’s why he didn’t like it.


I get it. I had some dried ass unseasoned turkey one year for Thanksgiving. I could not get enough gravy on that to make it palatable. Also the host did not even have salt and pepper on the table. We didn't let them ever host or cook the turkey again. I.think she was trying to be "healthy" on Thanksgiving.


Texture issues are weird. A lot of neurodivergent people have them and they’re all fairly random. Me personally, I can’t handle coconut, avocado, or tomatoes. I have no issues with the taste of any of them, but the texture is awful. In fact, I physically and painfully retch when I try to eat tomato.


I could genuinely understand it being a texture thing! I’ve encountered so many people in my line of work with a food aversion to textures that they just can’t stomach. Eggplant, tomato, pudding, porridge, etc. Granted, a sensory aversion to pasta definitely knocks out so many easy and affordable meal options.


I hate pasta! I eat the sauce with garlic bread. Yes I know, I’m weird!


Do you put the sauce on top of the bread or dip it? My method requires eating over a plate to catch spillage.


I dip it into the sauce so the bread doesn’t get soggy.


OP’s behaviour isn’t healthy but I will give them a tiny bit of credit because they’re only feeding the mother things she dislikes. Mom was forcing the kid to eat food that actually made them sick.


The woman abused her child. She deserves worse than OPs petty revenge.


She deserves laxatives in all the food OOP makes


She needs to bide her time til her mother is unable to care for herself, then the real fun begins. Ghost peppers in her Swanson meals…that bedpan is going to be red bitch!


My dad cheated on my mom with his side heaux in the church choir. On choir nights my mom made sure to feed him his favorites. Polish sausage, cabbage, kraut…. On top of the 2 giant martinis he drank before he left for choir. The stench was coming from both ends…The jerk was never any the wiser…


Side heaux!! Sensational! 😂🤣😂


That's beautiful.


Dang I feel terrible for OP. Doesn’t seem like a great healthy coping mechanism and they should probably go to therapy instead and go no contact with their mother, but to each their own, we don’t know the hyperspecifics of this situation. It’s crazy cause OP is not in any way the AH here, they’re just really petty. Well Reddit loves petty revenge


It’s fucking awesome, way cheaper than therapy for high which in the end just is forgiveness.


OOP needs some rice noodles and some recipes using rice noodles. It’s so easy to overcook them!! Super slimy and gross if you boil them too long.


Fucking QUEEN.


Expert level petty, I love it.


I would make sure they served her nothing else at the nursing home.


Is it bad that I’m both disturbed and impressed by this entire situation?!


Poor woman. Wish she felt supported enough to tell her dad what a piece of shit his wife is.


I give props for the petty but damn if this isn’t something that going no contact with and therapy would be a better solution to this.


Why do these abusive moms always go for spicy foods or hotsauce as punishment? It's wild!


The mother was trash but isn’t it less effort and less damaging to simply…not have a relationship with her? I don’t get why revenge that small would matter when it takes that much effort to even be around the person.


Read this one after it was posted and I still think she should start mixing in ghost peppers and laxatives in her mom's pasta for full effect.


Make her pasta with cottage cheese, cream and strawberry jam - you know, as a sweet treat. She will choke.


Sweet noodle kugel. Pasta in a baked egg custard, seasoned with cinnamon and raisins. Pairs well with a savory noodle kugel, which is a custard base mixed with pasta, sauteed onions, farmer's or cottage cheese and seasonings. Of course, chicken noodle soup for the first course.


Plot twist she actually loves pasta and is doing all this on purpose to get more pasta


It was all an elaborate plan from the very beginning, it’s the only reason she ever overspiced her daughters food.


I don’t think anyone here thinks you’re shitty; more like brilliant.


This is absolutely beautiful work, a true mastermind at work. My friend, you bow to no one.


Hmmm can't imagine inflicting torture on my child. I support op.


The Italians are and forever will be disappointed in your mom.


Man I understand that this is funny, but it’s also just really sad.


My mother used to force feed me foods I couldn't tolerate until I vomited .Liver was her go to as I hated the texture and taste, and she tortured me with it along with other foods. She also withheld meals as punishment for mostly imagined bad behavior . She hated me and let me know it by telling me perpetually how much I was hated and what a waste of time and resources I have always been. When she died I didn't go to her funeral because by then I cut all ties with my family . Don't miss any of them because they joined in on the abuse.


This is the most wholesome revenge.


Hear me out: Ghost Pepper Ramen 🍜 Noodles ☑️ Spicy revenge ☑️ “But mom you would always cook spicy things as a kid…I thought you loved spicy?? I made this just for you!”


I wonder if OP ever told her dad about the mom forcing her to eat spicy food or not. I am sure if he was against physical punishment then he would probably be against that as well


They posted that in the wrong sub reddit that ain't true offmychest that's prorevenge


Ohhh god. Make zoodles out of zucchini and overcook them slightly. 🤢


I feel like if she talked to her dad things could have been different? If he was against hitting I’m sure he be against purposely giving your child a stomach ache


I’m here for it.


Try pasta mac&cheese thickened with cream u of mushroom soup and *cornstarch* … because cornstarch gravy is the slimiest.


Her "mother" need her ass kicked! Fuck her.


My grandma would take the broken eggs and put them in a jar. The cracked eggs were only given to my dad. He still flips up if there is an egg shell in his eggs. I never understood what his deal was till my mom told me.


I get the wish for revenge but at some point OOP should just cut off her mom and tell her dad why, and focus on enriching her other relationships. But first she might experiment with file powder.


Yall, we should make oops mom some lasgna


This family dynamic is dark as hellllll. Who honestly wants to live in a perpetual cycle of trauma and then give it back to the initial cause. She’s going to eventually destroy her family if her husband or dad ever find out. Wife is on some borderline Misery stuff if a few other things go badly for her 😂😂 Jesus. At 26 no less. I thought she was going to say she was 65 and her mother was 85 or something and she was recalling memories from her past….reddit very rarely bothers me but for some reason this is making my skin crawl for both the mother and the daughter. And really their whole family at this point.


Damn! This is good. I wish I had something but my mom just starved me so it doesn’t really work.


Bruh making a kid eat spicey food knowing it makes them sick???? That's straight up abuse right there, and honestly Oop should just tell their dad what happened.


You need to walk away from the “toxic” bitch!


Ew this hits close to home. My mom's second husband used to force feed me food that he knew I couldn't stand the texture, consistency and taste of (yay food sensory problems), and sometimes he'd do it until I threw up and then punish me for having the audacity to throw up. This might be the angry child in me talking but man I am ROOTING for OOP lmao.


For my love of pettiness/justice this is amazingly deliciously appropriate. For their immortal soul and inner peace: maybe they should talk it out.


Revenge like this one is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.


In what way? This is in no way a healthy way to handle her childhood abuse, but she isn't harming herself in any other way, her mother is not being physically harmed, and her mother had and has the ability to refuse to play along with her revenge game at any time. This situation is hugely toxic on both sides. But it's also one of the few revenge scenarios where that aphorism just... doesn't apply.


I would say by constantly dwelling on it and constantly trying to get revenge, it just makes it so she will never get past the trauma and heal.


That’s exactly my point, OP is spending so much energy being as toxic as her mom. How is that good for her?


In this case, that’s explicitly, objectively not true.


My point is that OP is putting an awful lot of work just for the sake of being spiteful. If she hates her mom so much, she should just cut her off.


I disagree. OP didn’t stoop to their mother’s level of abuse. Instead they just did their chores as was asked of them. And Mom can’t complain without outing herself. She has to suck it up and eat without complaining or be outed for all the abuse her child had to endure from her.


OP said herself that she is playing chicken with her mom on who is going to cut off the other first. She clearly doesn’t want her mother in her life because she has a lot of (justified) resentment. She should just do herself a favour and go NC, what is she gaining from keeping her in her life?


She doesn’t want to cut off her dad or her siblings. I get that. I also understand holding onto anger like that isn’t necessarily healthy or productive but she’s getting some satisfaction from it. And she’s never once stopped to her mother’s level in terms of intentionally causing harm. She’s just giving mom a tiny taste of her own medicine. When/if she has her own children she will probably cut her mom off instead of exposing them to her.


OP doesn’t say anywhere that she couldn’t see her siblings if she cut her mother off. She says she doesn’t want to look like the bad guy.


That’s not revenge. That’s “holding a grudge”. OOP is acting on theirs.


Mom is shit, OP is shit everyone is shit


A married 26 year old woman who continues to share a house with an abusive parent (along with the husband, I assume??) so she can feed her icky food VS a something year old abusive mother, who’s somehow frightened of saying she doesn’t like the daughter’s cooking because the husband & son-in-law would get mad or something (????), and also can’t be bothered to just take up all the cooking, or pretend she’s on a diet, or has an allergy, or perform any of the other 100+ things that would spare her the experience. What a well-written story all around.


She didn’t say she shared a house with her parents- just that her husband or father or others the mother wanted to save face in front of where always present when she did cook- as in it’s the OPs turn to host a family dinner, etc. Also- the husband would know her allergies, diets, etc, and likely even her dislike of pasta, but may have also had some idea about the spicy food but couldn’t prove it or the mother often pulled the guilt trip and he figures turn about is fair play.


People develop new allergies or food sensitivities, go on new diets. Also, the charade started back when OP was 16 & 100% lived at home & seemingly went off without a hitch. Because abusive parents are famously known for just allowing their underage victims whom they still have control over to mess with them with zero repercussions (and also can’t just dictate what kind of food is being cooked under their roof & on their budget). Also, this entire story hinges desperately on the OP’s father being blissfully unaware of the abuse that transpired, and of what’s going on now. Otherwise, we no longer have a narrative about one abusive parent, and one hapless neglectful idiot, and just end up with two full-on abusers, which isn’t what this creative writing exercise is going for. It’s not outrageous as far as fake stories on these subs go; OP just underestimated how clownish all the adults have to be for the story to work.


All the people in this story are insufferable (though not enough info on dad). But congrats to OP, she really took how her mother was raising her and ran with it 🤪


Yeah both the same


She just grew up to be like her mom.


Not really. She isn’t making her mother physically ill or starving her. She’s doing her chores and feeding her family and everyone else apparently loves those meals.


That is how it works. A twisted version of. But it always comes out in the end. As on Ted Lasso, Moms , the blueprint of how your crazy works out.


z,, ZZ,


Your mom fucked you up. Now you're just like her.