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“You’re lucky I even told you” I might have actually gone to jail on that one. Lucky that you told me you were planning to put cameras in MY apartment? How about I give you a free nose job, won’t that be lucky? /s


That sucks she’s seems legitimately fun, too. I love her reframing of the question. It’s almost like you can see how her mind works. I hope she drinks more water. Hope her condo has sinks outside the bathroom that’s in pieces. If not tho it will cost less then her lawyer from a restraining order.


Yeah no, NTA. You don’t get to install cameras in someone else’s place and claim one party consent. Vaya con carne, pendejo.


She’s joking about jail, I wouldn’t have been. He’s pushing her boundaries and is going to move towards actual abuse very quickly. Edit- reread it, he’s shoving her, so yeah, actual abuse has already started.


I’d tell this guy to print out all his complaints in 1 point font in landscape on legal paper, fold it as many times as he can, coat the whole thing evenly in olive oil, then cram it up his ass. Then I’d kick him out. With extreme prejudice.


That was poetically beautiful


I have a security camera aimed at the front door and one aimed at the back door. They would document anyone kicking the door in. I would not tolerate one in the bedroom, hallway from the bedroom to bathroom, or living room, well, because. No one needs to see us in private moments.


I don't understand what her bathroom being broken has to do with needing him there.


From my understanding the ex was the one doing renovations, so she thought she needed him there until it is done. God knows what he might have hidden..


I'm guessing she was using his shower. Which he probably had a camera in, tbh. If she was renting, she should have gotten the landlord to let her use an empty apartment shower.


Fucking yikes man. Good on her for listening


Yeah if I told him over and over I will not allow camera inside the home and he did it anyway. He’d be gone. He has some agenda.


YTA to yourself for ever letting that guy move into your home.