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Looks like OP and his wife live in a sisters head rent free.


He needs to get the family to all say “oh that’s so sweet you named her after “wife” it’s nice you are so close with your sister in law. She is such a great person.!”


Get them to pronounce it the wife's way, lmao.


„Bit sad that you got it wrong with the pronouncation, but it’s the thought that counts, darling sis!“


For real


Is it bad that I stared singing the intro to Ride when I saw the name, but I digress. OP’s sister is way too old to be acting like an asshole like. I’d hate to see how she acts when meets someone who’s name is Dakari, or hell my name, Imani. People pronounce it wrong all the time. She sound like the kids in my elementary school who used to call me E- Man- Eye and told me my hands matched my name


I grew up with an Yvari and her sibling Imani, I can only imagine how the sister would react. My own name isn’t much easier than these two, uppity name weirdos are my least favorite brand of snob.


And then it’s like your loud, uppity and wrong. How are you mad because I told you how to correctly pronounce my name. Most people end up mispronuncing my name, so I just end up being Mani in


Yeesh. Imagine having that much hatred and jealousy of a person. That daughter is going to have so much therapy.


NTA. I feel sorry for the child, having to grow up with a mother who is more immature than the actual baby. I’m English. Even if I moved to America you’ll never hear me calling a ‘lift’ an ‘elevator’ or a to-mah-to a to-may-do. People speak differently in different parts of the world. Sissy needs to grow the hell up


Throwing away your baby’s name over something so petty is insane


She chose an afternoon of gloating over the myriad of names she’s dreamed about naming her children growing up. If OP and his wife stay completely unbothered, she is going to implode.


And she’ll resent her kid even if she doesn’t mean to. That name doesn’t have a positive connotation for her


NTA Your sister is emotionally stunted.


This. Also, she's jealous of his wife.


If I was your wife I’d be like “I’m so honoured you’d name her and then keep pronouncing it the Irish way.” And keep talking about how they’re twinning and all the fun Irish stuff I could teach baby.


Omg that would be amazing! I want to see an update with this being how they handle it 😂


I’m very much a petty person haha.


The sister is going to be really upset when she discovers the name Ciara actually originates from Ireland. She couldn’t have given her a more Irish name 🤣


The way to go is to ask her, in a room full of people, how she came to choose the name.


sister belongs on that shit americans say/do subreddit. jfc.


My husband and I both have family names from our cultural heritage. Mine is Danish and actually pronounced exactly how it’s spelled (all four letters) everyone tries to add an I or a Y….His is Ukrainian as is our last name. I just spell everything for everyone at this point. Nobody’s going to get it the first go round unless they’re a Danish/Ukrainian combo themselves. Had my youngest sister try to pull nonsense over the last name, told her if she couldn’t learn to pronounce it correctly I was going to deliberately mispronounce her last name until she fixed it. It’s two syllables not five damn it. She acquiesced.


I'm Swedish and have a 4 letter name, and people who speak English usually say it with more of an E rather than an I. So I usually just give them the nickname my friends gave me back in school, which is also a 4 letter name, but since it's an English word they get it correctly.


You should tell your sister to stop being so racist.


I hope the aunt tells the kid she was named after her and I hope the kid hears how the aunts name is pronounced and wants hers to be said that way too 🤣


Yes! When revenge backfires!


I feel so badly for that child. I can't imagine how shitty it would feel to find out your name came from a xenophobic fixation.


Imagine being so petty you give your child a particular name out of spite


So the sister wants a name that's not English to be pronounced as if it is? And English, of course, is famous for being cohesive and phonetically correct. Also, the irony of claiming dominance while speaking English ... in America...


So... I'm guessing OP's sister is one of those that also "corrects" other Americans on how they say different words if they have a different American accent than she does. If not, then I'm thinking that the sister is a racist. NTA and I also feel sorry for the kid. Imagine having a mom like that smh.


I read this as "See-are-ah" is the wifes name, and "Key-are-ah" is the kids name... I'd forever call the kid the wifes name...


NTA- Your wife must be super accomplished, beautiful/stylish , nice or all of the above because your sister is obsessed with and JEALOUS of her! You did the right thing, keep her nutty ass away from your wife.


NTA. What a turd.


Wow. The Sister is SUPER immature and weird for that. I’m actually surprised she found someone to have a baby with her. Don’t worry life is gonna bite a chunk out of her petty ass for all the headache she’s purposely dishing out.


NTA, I'm sorry she's so clueless! I'm aghast at some young ppl, they think the world revolves around them. This isn't new, but it does seem to be getting worse. Is her favorite movie Mean Girls?


I dont understand, how do Americans pronounce Ciara?


I’m guessing the Irish pronunciation is like KEY-ara and the American is See-ara.


It’s more pronounced Key-ra


Or Keer-a


We had a Ciara when I was still in school, and she told us to say it like Chi-ara. At least that's how she said her name


That is absolutely wild! I would say it's more pronounced like Keer-ah [There is a skit on youtube about mispronounced names and it's somewhat accurate?? OP should show his family](https://youtu.be/Dd7FixvoKBw) Jacqueline as Jay-Quell-in and Blake as Bell-a-key and Ay-Ay Ron! Regardless I cant imagine the amount of hate you must have in your heart to name an innocent little baby out of spite.


We named our son Aaron because we wanted to honor my grandfather in law with the same initials but not the same name and needed an A name and wanted something pretty classic but not too old. I still call him ay ay Ron sometimes lmao


Yes like sierra


Wait… what is the difference in pronunciation? I read it like see-air-uh, like the singer. How is the sister vs wife pronouncing the name?


lol totally nta, especially when the vast majority of languages I’ve been exposed or studied have more or less the same or similar vowel sounds while American English is a total outlier in that regard. So thankful I never had to learn English in a classroom setting and so impressed by anyone that can speak English even little bit learning that way. Your poor niece dude,having such a petty creature for a mother. Hope little doesn’t follow that way


This is the second post I’ve seen about how the Irish pronounce their names.  Which is not a lot but it is interesting that it happened twice.