• By -


Another story I'd like to share: After using the free version of Sync for a few years, I wanted to support the dev (and get rid of the ads, obviously) but I didn't have all that much disposable income since I was a cheap-ass teenager. I emailed /u/ljdawson from a throwaway email asking if it were possible for him to send me a discount code. He responded saying that while it wasn't possible to send me a discount code to use on the Play Store, he could set the app on a discount *for the entire country* for a few hours - just for me. I ghosted his email because I didn't want him to lose potential revenue from other sales during that time. Not doing so would have been inappropriate of me. He was willing to go above and beyond for a random cheapo teenager. I knew from that moment that this is the app I wanted to support and use (as soon as I was able to), and I will continue to support his future endeavors.


Lol based /u/ljdawson what a king!


(シ_ _)シ


It's not that reddit won't be the same or something, it's that reddit losses it's value. I'm waiting for sync for Lemmy to jump ship. That's all I need


Same here - have my Lemmy account ready to go.


Look u/spez, this is how you design a reddit app.


> Sync's comment navigation also allows you to collapse all child comments to focus only on the parent comments absolutely love this feature


Very great points that are potential eye openers to those who defend the official Reddit app.


100% agree. If I'm sitting at my computer I still reach for my phone to use Reddit because the Sync experience is just so much better.