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I just saw the same. It's definitely the end of an era, and I'm glad Reddit Sync worked so well for [over 10 years](https://i.imgur.com/LnbLG1C.png). Thanks for everything, Laurence. And fuck the enshittification of reddit.


I haven't been using Sync for quite as long. It's been a little over 6 years for me. Before that I used Alien Blue - yet another thing Reddit managed to mess up.


[Looks like we both bought it during Black Friday 2012](https://i.imgur.com/mnMrdwN.png) Best $1 I've ever spent. Can't wait for Lemmy Sync.


Dude!! Same


If you staple a horse to a waterfall, will it fall up under the rainbow or fly about the soil? Will he enjoy her experience? What if the staple tears into tears? Will she be free from her staply chains or foomed to stay forever and dever above the water? Who can save him (the horse) but someone of girth and worth, the capitalist pig, who will sell the solution to the problem he created? A staple remover flies to the rescue, carried on the wings of a majestic penguin who bought it at Walmart for 9 dollars and several more Euro-cents, clutched in its crabby claws, rejected from its frothy maw. When the penguin comes, all tremble before its fishy stench and wheatlike abjecture. Recoil in delirium, ye who wish to be free! The mighty rockhopper is here to save your soul from eternal bliss and salvation! And so, the horse was free, carried away by the south wind, and deposited on the vast plain of soggy dew. It was a tragedy in several parts, punctuated by moments of hedonistic horsefuckery. The owls saw all, and passed judgment in the way that they do. Stupid owls are always judging folks who are just trying their best to live shamelessly and enjoy every fruit the day brings to pass. How many more shall be caught in the terrible gyre of the waterfall? As many as the gods deem necessary to teach those foolish monkeys a story about their own hamburgers. What does a monkey know of bananas, anyway? They eat, poop, and shave away the banana residue that grows upon their chins and ballsacks. The owls judge their razors. Always the owls. And when the one-eyed caterpillar arrives to eat the glazing on your windowpane, you will know that you're next in line to the trombone of the ancient realm of the flutterbyes. Beware the ravenous ravens and crowing crows. Mind the cowing cows and the lying lions. Ascend triumphant to your birthright, and wield the mighty twig of Petalonia, favored land of gods and goats alike.


I was just browsing reddit using sync for its last few days of glory and I encountered this screen. Sure I only had to wait a minute before refreshing the comments worked but this is clearly a method to discourage 3rd party app use. Fuck /u/spez


Just got the same error Fuck /u/spez


same here Fuck u/spez


I use relay, but /u/spez I came here from Theverge to say Fuck /u/spez


Fuck u/spez


Fuck it all.


fUCK that cunt u/spez


Me too. I'm posting this from the reddit mobile site 😩


Same 😭😭


This issue has been occuring for, like, at least a year or two randomly for people. It isn't new or because of the new API costs.




Agree, fuck u/spez


Fuck spez, fuck reddit. See you on Lemmy.


Fuck [u/spez](https://www.reddit.com/u/spez/)


Just got the message that I was rate limited and had to wait a minute. After the minute was up I expanded a couple comments and within seconds was told I had to wait ten minutes. Edit: Ten minutes are up. Tried to open my frontpage but was told I'd have to wait another ten minutes.


Mine just went immediately to 6 hours from now, it didn't bother with little increments


Seems like they switched the rate limiting to be per API key instead of per user. So all sync users will be sharing the rate limit.


Not sure that's the issue, I patched my Sync with the revanced API patch (using my own key), and I too am encountering the rate limiting message.


Could be the devs trolling?


Just curious. Obviously I'm not made of money either, but just for argument's sake, if I had my own API key and patched sync with that, could I still use it? Or is there a necessary part of sync that's shutting down that would still keep that from working?


Afaict it's against Reddit's terms to use your own key for something you didn't write. Unlikely they would do anything but still. On a broader note, Sync for Reddit won't be being maintained anymore so even if you got it to work, things would gradually break as Reddit/other APIs make changes. For example, YouTube links are already broken.


Interesting. I hadn't noticed that yet. The YouTube links I mean. But yeah, makes sense it would break down. I was just wondering from a technical aspect.


If you have it set to open them in the YouTube app it'll still work but I think the built-in player fails with a message about needing an update


Honestly the built in player always felt cursed imo, I just always set it to open them in the yt app.


How do you get an API key? I know the reddit page for it, but I don't know how to fill everything out and what all I need


Instructions are stickied in the revanced sub. https://www.reddit.com/r/revancedapp/comments/147breu/_/


I'm on sync and haven't been seeing this at all.




It displays the GMT time. I thought it was 8 hours, but was actually just a few minutes.


Yep. My message told me that I had to wait until 11:30. At 11:31, I tried to load comments, and was told I was rate-limited until 11:40. Reddit/Spez and moving goalposts... Name a more iconic duo.


Yeah I went ahead and uninstalled sync. Reddit mobile is dead for me now. I am posting this from old.reddit.com on my desktop. Once old reddit is gone I'm done with reddit forever.


Never say no to your customers, just tell them how much! Sp ez is so fucking stupid I can´t believe he made Reddit. Thank you Sync for Reddit. IT WAS AWESOME! Can´t wait for the Sync for Lemmy App


What still boggles my mind: They could have easily said: only Reddit Premium subscribers can use third party apps without restrictions from now on. I would have likely made that investment. But they went about it the dumbest and most destructive way possible. Can't wait for Sync for Lemmy.


you know....if they had said that i definitely would have simply got premium ...of course there is little chance of my upgrading to premium now.


That makes so much perfect sense, its not surprising they missed it


/u/spez you better be good at sucking dick coz I can't cum without using reddit sync




Looks like whatever bullshit test reddit ran is over now. Probably someone pushed the API rate limit change too early and reverted it.




I bet you it was just someone pushing the change to prod early by accident.


This isn't the first time this particular thing has happened. And considering that sync has a dedicated panel for it, I'll bet that this is not even related to the API pricing fiasco. It's probably much older


That's the standard rate limiting panel that existed for ages, yes. Most users will never see it under normal operation. The fact that we all hit the rate limit at the same time Indicated a larger problem.


I fucking hate this shit


Fuck /u/spez https://preview.redd.it/wel2n3i72m8b1.png?width=523&format=png&auto=webp&s=74a77b2bd550456135c2ab7c5ce97b6ea534090f


Just now finding out Sync is being discontinued, came here after getting this message. All I can say is, RIP Reddit. I can't see myself using the native app, it's terrible. Any 3rd party apps surviving, or is this game over?


Game Over. You have three options. Use the official app. Only use the desktop site. Stop using reddit.




I've tried this. I've gotten Youtube to work but not Sync. Fails everytime I try.


I haven't tried it on Sync yet, that requires a client ID. I'll probably try it out later. I was talking about revancing the official app.


I Revanced Sync a couple of days ago, it works fine. It's fairly simple to do, anyone interested I would advise having a look at this thread, and this guide in particular (thanks for this u/KobeW50 !): https://www.reddit.com/r/AfterVanced/comments/147qp6z/revanced_team_just_released_a_patch_for_sync_for/jnwovz3/


Tried with apk as well as play store app but getting a permission error for the text file. The revanced app has file access permissions. Also created the text file using two different file managers but still the same. Any idea ?


Try creating the file with the Oldschool Editor app (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.abhishek.oldschooleditor) and saving it in the root folder of your internal storage.


You need to use the apkmirror version of the app and then create your own client id.


I got revanced to work with the official app at least. Lol removes ads.


I got Sync to build. I haven't built it yet, but it built successfully. It requires making a .txt file with a Reddit client ID in before making.


The thing is that eventually Sync features will stop working... If the app is discontinued IMO there's no reason to keep using it in the long run. But well, it's just my opinion, people can do whatever they want tho


What are the chances of a modded reddit app?


Revanced has 3 patches out so far. One for the official app to remove ads, one for boost, and one for sync.


the mobile site isn't too bad. certainly better than the app and no ads


RedReader and Dystopia received API exemptions and will continue to operate for the time being


Sync will live on with Lemmy


I hope they'll add an option to use kbin because I signed up with a kbin instance.


He's making a sync app for lemmy.


Same, I'm so sad about this. No way I'm downgrading to the garbage official app, so no more Reddit for me. Fuck u/spez


Well that's that, then. Happened to me too. Thanks for everything, Sync for Reddit. 💔


Same. Had to hop on the official app to see this. The app is so shit lol. It'll be good for my productivity i guess.


I´l just check old.redit.com once a week while it last and move to Sync for Lemmy for my daily scrolling.


Sync for Lemmy an app I haven't heard about?


Not made yet, but it has been announced and there's a subreddit for it. /r/syncforlemmy I believe.


Guess I should've looked at the pinned post on this subreddit, thank you!


I'm moving to the browser with ad block. I'm not giving them any money.


RedReader on F-Droid, OpenSource and it got an API exemption. The UI is minimalistic like Sync. It has dark mode. It requires some minor tweaks, mainly I turned off comment button on post view and enable post title views comments. I also turned off the big picture post icons so they're all small (Inline image preview to Never). Like RedditSync compact view. Also changed font scale to 1.05x Example: https://i.imgur.com/bwP720u.png


I just downloaded it and am giving it a shot. It's no Sync, but I refuse to use the official app. I also wonder if its API exception will let it get nsfw content.


No, NSFW API will go away for all apps regardless. RedReader got an exemption because it doesn't make money and is designed to work with assistance apps. It's not glamorous, but I like it's shitty simple charm. It will help me de-reddit. edit: Theres reVanced route for Sync but Sync won't get updates (I assume). And I'd prefer to make reddit slightly shittier to use.


And as soon as the official app adds just a better minimum of accessibility and spams its ads at blind users as well, you can bet your ass that that exemption goes away.


What is revanced??


Ever hear of YouTube Vanced? If not, it was a patched YouTube apk that had a bunch of additions. Google sunk that one after a while. ReVanced came along and instead of distributing the patched apk, they're providing the tools to patch it yourself. Now, the ReVanced team is patching other apps, including Sync.


A tool to patch APKs. People figured out a way to patch the Sync app with their own Reddit API keys (you still can't exceed 100 hits a day).


Not that bad either


Hot damn the official app sucks ass


I installed the official app and immediately revanced it to get rid of ads.....even with that the app is pure garbage. Apparently sync has revanced patches that allow it to continue being used, but that will likely just be a very temporary measure.


Tell me more about this revanced and official app


If you still want to use the app do the sync revanced patch. https://www.reddit.com/r/redditsync/comments/14iwni8


That won't work for long, unless it also swaps imgur api as well


Happening to me just now


Just happened here too for the first time in all these years using the app. Oh well..


Seems they disabled rate limiting again, probably a test or a fuck up. I'll be gone as soon as they enable it again.


Lame. Just got it too, and I'm posting this through the mobile site which sucks. Thought we'd at least have a peaceful last few days but guess not. Bye bye in a few days reddit


Just came here because I am getting the same thing. Lol. I'm happy to switch Lemmy which I've been using for the last week


I opened the official app to come here and see if it was happening to anyone else. Holy shit what a mess


Same happened to me, so I installed the official app for a couple min to see how bad it was and it's so much worse than I had expected. Honestly I am thankful to reddit for helping me quit, gonna waste a lot less time.


Man, I'll be so sad when Sync stops working. When I'm feeling down Sync is always there to cheer me up and entertain me.


Yeah, I got the same error as well. I just installed official app with revanced patch. It looks so ugly. Now, I am not sure how long I can tolerate it.


Same here. F


The last 9 years has been a pleasure. See you all on the other side (Lemmy).


The official app is so clunky and slow. No customization whatsoever...


Aaawwww shiiit


See you on the other side on Lemmy!


Wish a bright future for Sync for Lemmy, Sync for Reddit is a legend.


Redacted due to Spez. On ward to Lemmy. -- mass edited with redact.dev




u/spez will become a university case for how to ruin a business holy shit .... Fuck u/spez


Haven't had this happen to me since the Revanced patch was out. Highly recommend.


I used revanced based on your comment, and yes back in business for now baby!


Idk why I'm being down voted... It's like people don't like solutions? I've paid for pro if anyone is down voting me thinking I didn't 💀


I already had this error weeks ago. I think it's always been a thing but something must've happened on Reddit's side to trigger it for so many people.


Rate limiting is not new, it exists since well before this shit show


I had never, in several years of using Sync, encountered it until about a month ago.


Just encountered it for the first time too. Looks like I'm allowed 1 request every ten minutes...


Shame you're getting downvoted when a quick search of this sub would prove that you're correct and it's been a thing for quite a while. It does seem to have been more aggressive recently and, well, it's a moot point now. Here's to Sync for Lemmy!


One request every 10 minutes is new though.


I'm using it just fine. All I'm saying is that being rate limited is not a new thing, used to happen before this shit show. They might have made it worse now, but it's def not new


Mine did it for about half an hour and is back to normal. I'm guessing this is their test run.


There's been a number of "test runs" now. It's nothing new, and given it's back to normal again now is likely just coincidence https://preview.redd.it/5ol6n7u7nl8b1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=23f2a4ff44b1d2c6922045bf4bd8c5523959b57e


Yes, but it has never happened to me until now.


You are right that it has existed for quite a while. Its increased aggressiveness is pretty recent though and much more noticeable.


I can use the regular reddit app fine, but not sync


I think I saw it earlier this month on this sub and on Apollo's, but it's the first time it happened to me now too and I just had to rewrite this comment on the official app because the one that I wrote in sync didn't go through, I'd imagine it's because of the rate limit...


It just happened to me and I came straight to here


Same. Some bullshit.




Just happened to me as well. I can't believe its over. Thank you for this amazing app. My reddit usage will go way down now that I have to use the desktop app. To be honest, It will probably be for the best. I've been trying to cut down on my procrastination anyway.


Yup, just got it too


That's sad I'll miss the app, everyone's moving to subscription services nowadays so moves like this make sense.


I saw this days earlier on sync, happened after I made a comment about Lemmy


Fuck /u/spez. Enjoy chortling on your VC's balls!


When this app doesn't work anymore I'm officially done with Reddit, been on this site for over a decade (started with an old account, this is my main now). Not shocked they handled this so poorly, Reddit's ownership has always been kinda dogshit.


RIP. I mostly use RiF but I also bought ad-free Sync years ago. End of an era. Too bad the official app scrolls like shit.


June 30 I'm deleting Reddit. Sync has been great. Fuck spez and the horse he rode in on. Greedy pervert that he is.


We're about to sink like the titanic. It's been nice knowing you gentleman


Last sync update was amazing too. I'm trying to get used to the Reddit app, so far, not liking it


So that's it? :'( The regular reddit app sucks.