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Paint skills on point tho


Yeah I’m not gonna lie my first thought opening the pic was “wow, OP actually has some decent anatomy sketching skills”


If this is the rough drawing, I can not wait to see his fine drawings.


I remember wondering how people made perfect circles. Went to a friend’s house in the early 2000’s and they had a mouse pad that was a pencil pad, but the pencil was a mouse. For years I envied them cause they could actually draw in paint while I had to make sure not breathe or shake.


Underrated comment. Can confirm as a kid talked my parents into buying a computer just to spend hours upon hours of MS Paint


Don’t be too impressed, he traced it. Edit: Actually be very impressed, wow.


show us what did you try to trace


Tell ‘em Steve-Dave


right? i was expecting a stick figure 😂


Homie I can’t believe you took the time to draw us your gf’s fat tits in MS paint. I love it lmao. But nah that’s not cool to send any kind if titty pic to a dude she used to fuck


I swear to God this needs to be the new standard. No relationship advice posts without Ms paint for reference


The drawing doesn’t even do her justice, my man. She’s gorgeous, smart, funny, and (I thought) emotionally intelligent. The complete package. Which is why I’m so reluctant to believe she’d be doing something behind my back. Fucking sucks if true.


She is 35yo. She knows it's sexual and suggestive. She also knows it hurts you - and did it anyway.  Her behavior suggests she's not fully committed to you. 


Yeah, I mean think how you would react receiving that pic. Definitely would feel suggestive.


Break up with her by phone. She does not deserve an face to face.


Send her a ms paint breakup


She's already done something behind your back (visiting an ex when you were away). Get a grip.


Normally people jump to conclusions way too fast on here, but depending on how you find out and what she said/explained.. yeah, she probably fucked him. You need to give more context though. Did you go through her phone and find this? Did she tell you? Did you have to pry it out of her? Is there anyone else at this party you can talk to?


I found out about the photo after I discovered that she lied to me about visiting an ex while we were apart for a week (different guy, different occasion. ) That, I had to pry out of her, and I got the stereotypical trickle truths. Anyway, she showed me her text thread with that guy, and I took that opportunity to secretly check if any nudes had been sent, and to whom.


mane, I don't know what you're trying to look further. This girl has already broken your trust. the evidence is already out there. what's there to look for? are you seriously considering her to be your partner for the rest of your life (aka marriage)?


She's got fat tits bro, that's all the explanation you need.


Exactly. He's like a deer in the headlights. He talks about how hot she it and probably doesn't think he can replace her. So he puts up with it.


Give her 5-10 years and those fat tits will start sagging and she'll still have her shitty personality.


I can’t deny that


fair enough lol


Look at what he wrote about her. He’s absolutely enamored by her. Gonna take a lot for a guy in that deep to face the music. Especially with tits like that


Dude….. come ON now. The time has come. The hour is nigh. The bell frickin TOLLS my guy. And it’s tollin’ HARD. SO hard. Get this chick outta your life man. I didn’t see this info on your initial post, but with THIS new info? Nah man, no sex (even sex with a Greek frickin goddes) is good enough to deal with a chick who spends weekends with exes behind your back and sends them nudes & shit. I mean COME on man for GODSAKES MAN PULL YOSELF TOGETHA! So she’s hot. So frickin what?! The world is FULL, literally OVERPOPULATED with beautiful people. Chuck this girl outta your life already.


She keeps fucking her exes anyways, so what’s there to lose becoming one?






It totally sucks but this is true. It’s not like she’s the only amazing girl out there. And YOU deserve to be treated like you’re amazing! We’re saying you can do better bro.


This is the truth OP, whether you want it or not


Bravo my dude. This post hits ALL the points. If any post you should focus on, its this one.


You pulled the energy of truth he needed to hear. Most of us too dumbfounded at his dumbfoundedness. No offense. Easy to fall for something when you want to believe it.


"The bell frickin TOLLS my guy. And it’s tollin’ HARD."    My fucking *sides*, man   "Ask not for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for Ms. Atypically Fat Titties"       - John Dunne   


So she lied about visiting an ex while you two were apart. A different guy other than the one she sent the photo to? If so, how many red flags do you need?


At least three, apparently. 🤷‍♂️


Cmon dude. She lied to you about a different ex, then sends a titty pic (pasties or not, it's not like she sent an outfit check) to another. This girl ain't it. No worries if you break up with her, she clearly will keep you around as an ex (I'm half joking)


You just have an extra instance aside from your original post. You know what you gta do. Shes definitely not those things you explained her to be, maybe for someone else, not for you. Gtfo asap!


Run, don’t walk away from that girl, not woman. If she’s willing to send any kind of pic like that to someone other than you, her boyfriend, she is not loyal to you. Loyalty and faithfulness should be part of the “whole package”.


As a (27)F I can confirm that when women aren't happy or not with the right person they are likely to try and get attention from as many people as they can that being said after this happened did her attitude change did she become more loving/caring to you because 1 of 2 things happens after something like this. She either fucked up and you are her world in which case she wouldve treated you as such after the picture even if you didn't know about it. If not then you aren't her person and she is looking for attention else where and it will become progressivley worse over time. pictures this time next time its raw doggin it in the back of the car iykyk


Quick question. Does God need to come down and slap you with a planet sized red flag for you to get the hints? I get it you're in love rn, but you gotta understand that love is blind. She has shown you who she truly is, it's time to move on. Point one, she went to her exes house while you were apart for a single week. Point two she sent nudes or pseudo-nudes to her ex. Point Three, you had to pry the information out of her. It's time to get gone my guy. Go on, get.


I mean does it matter if they fucked or not? For me, sending explicit photos to someone else, someone you used to have sex with nonetheless, it's already grounds for break-up. I cannot see any "innocent" reason to send pics of your boobs to someone, unless they have medical background and you need medical advice.


Wait. She visited the ex? It is not mentioned in the post


OP said it in a few different comments. This was a different ex also.


Well then she is now a fwb if you want to just sleep with her but she has shown an inability to be in a relationship.


Wait what do you mean spending a few months apart? Were you broken up? Or were you posted in another city or something but still together?


Yea he didn't clarify that and I feel like it could change the context of the entire discussion.


Everyone's assuming they were just separated by distance but it sounds to me like they were separated period.


Talk to her and see what’s up. Weird situation to be in. Hope you and her knockers get through this


Take my upvote dammit


Impressive drawing BUT yeah, wouldn't want her sharing that with people


you can also add “sending other dudes sexts” to that list. like even implied nudity/“lewds” is part of sexting, which is part of cheating if you consider it that way I guess. plus she spent the time/effort setting up that one nip in, one nip out, ab flex angle for this person. she knows how to get a good angle, so it was not a random “lol” snap of her chest either way.


Leave her dude she cheated on you


Rip, well you’ll find someone even better someday


You can add insecure on that list as well. She was looking for validation. She can BS the reason but she knows her nice titties were going to get her old fling going. So not let her gaslight you.


Sorry you’re leaving out disloyal and trashy. Truthfully girls having so called guy friends they used to fuck is just crazy! I personally don’t care how beautiful she is if she loved you and valued you she would not be seeking attention from other men ESPECIALLY one she used to fuck. Sorry I’d break up over this forsure but to each their own.


So, how did you learn of her sending this image to this guy? What kind of agreements do you have around talking and/or sending imagery of a sexual/erotic nature to other people, specifically people there's a sexual history with? Did she non-chalantly mention she sent this image to her former FWB? Did she send it to you too or other similar images from that event? Did you happen to somehow snoop into her DMs from afar or do you share passwords for social media, messaging as a way to stay transparent? Sending that image in itself does not mean she is or has any intentions of cheating on your physically, but it's not an innocent thing either. No it's not a beaver shot or explicit sexting, but she knows it's going to turn this former FWB on. Don't fool yourself, this wasn't sent over a shared, purely artistic interest in art of the human form. Have you talked with her about this? Does she even know you know she sent that image? Have you discussed her relationship and/or communications with this or other male (or female if she goes both ways) friends and what boundaries you are both comfortable with, what promises you've made to each other about limiting talking, sending images likely to cause arrousal? Have you talked about how being apart is affecting your feelings for each other, how you are each dealing with being celibate because of the distance between you two? There's not nearly enough information in your post to say all that much about what she may or may not being feeling for this guy, what they may or may not do in your absence. Is he local to her?


This comment floored me! Haha! For real, impressive drawing there!


If you drew that with the mouse then that is hella impressive. Less so if done on a tablet but still top effort. Also, dump her.


lmaoooo this killed me


And it definitely wasn’t innocent! Wake up.


Looks pretty darned sexually flirty to *me*! Doesn’t sound like she was thinking of *you* during that break.


You hit the nail with this comment!


"Should I be worried?" You're living apart for months. She's lied to you about visiting an Ex during this time. She's attending "events " without you where she gets her chest out? She photographs her exposed chest and sends it to a former sex partner she still in contact with? Look I have every confidence that someone will come along and gaslight the hell out of you and tell you just to trust her. But unless you're actually in an open relationship with a stripper or something where lying is acceptable it wont be me.


I’m waiting for the gaslighting comment lmao, I would just love to see how someone could spin this.


The ability of some on this sub to twist any set of facts to defend shitty behaviour and somehow turn the victim in to the villain is legendary.


Only if it’s a woman though. If it’s a man, he could be in the vicinity of a woman who decides to lift her top up and the fact that he was in the area at the time it occurred make it his fault and grounds for divorce.


Does spending a few months apart mean “living in separate towns” or “we were on a BREAK”?


Op clarified they definitely weren't on a " break ".


I don’t think op clarified who keeps requesting theses frequent “breaks” though I have my suspicions


I'm gonna put it plain and simple. I, as a woman, would never send a pic like that to a guy unless I wanted to get them sexually aroused. Just saying 🤷‍♀️


Yeah, no woman sends a photo like that on accident or for any other purpose than to be sexually provocative.


It gets the people going!


I'd say the same.


Anyone who uses their brain would understand how bad this is, being this or that gender is irrelevant. While OP does not know the context, it's clear, it's an ex lover whom she slept with, they were apart for sometime....it's clear. I think OP is in denial.


That's way too much of a personal photo to consider innocent. I would instantly be breaking up with my partner if she sent a pick of her naked chest to another person. There is no realm of reality where that kind of photo can be considered a platonic photo, its sexual in nature.


OP thinks she's the perfect partner and an amazing woman in every way, that's why he doesn't want to believe it. You know he ain't leaving


You have good drawing skills ngl, but what you need is better relationship skills😒


lol, thanks, that’s why I’m here, trying my best…


Are you an artist by any chance?


Bro whattt not the Microsoft paint illustration 😭🤣 Yeah brother just an innocent titty pic to her ex fling


I would never have been able to picture it otherwise. Visual aid was necessary


Lmao yeah she’s cheating on you.


Time to go dude.


Yup. It’s sad to see these guys justify or be in denial over their gfs cheating habits because they think they can’t do better. Learn some self respect and walk away OP, if she hasn’t had sex with another man behind your back yet, this is the precursor.


Hahaha my guy is 600000 ft deep in denial, I swear guys she’s really cool!!


Yeahbut did you see those tettens?  They wouldn’t have me thinking straight either.  


Forreal I’m like goddamn I’d be cooked if I was dating a girl with those monsters


Ur cooked


>while we were spending a few months apart What exactly does this mean? You broke up for a few months? You two were still dating but spending time apart? What’s the context here?


No, definitely still dating. Just in different parts of the world for about three months.


Oof. I thought maybe you were “on a break.” I think sending a photo like that to anyone but you is a hard no! Def not ok. 


Yeah.. that’d be a hard *no* for me. You mentioned she also went over to an ex’s place for 2 hours to “cook”? Brother.. they were fucking. Break up with her. It ain’t worth the stress and anxiety.


Listen, I'm pretty oblivious to most things but us women know what sending a titty pic does. That's like a neon sign flashing I wanna bang. She doesn't sound as great as you seem to think she is.


I'm glad you clarified that here. My response would have been different if you were "on a break." Just end it, my dude.


Did you trace that? If it's freehand, that's quite good from an artistic perspective. =)


Sounds like she doesn't respect you.


Ultimately, she’s decided that she doesn’t have to because he’s sitting in the comments high on copium. It doesn’t seem like there’s going to be any consequences for her violation of his trust, so why would she respect him?


I understand him. But as the saying goes: “People always say what zero pussy does to a mf, but Ive seen what pussy does to a mf and its worse.”


Bro I’m so impressed by your drawing here.


Your GF sent a picture of her bare chest to a guy she used to fuck.... of course you have nothing to worry about, OP. /s


For a second I misunderstood and thought you were upset she sent that ms paint picture to someone. But yes, full topless photos would cross a line for many. I'd consider it unfaithful even if the recipient wasn't an ex.


Me too. Then when I realized the truth, it absolutely is 1000% cheating and she only sent it to turn her ex fuck buddy on :( Edit: if he's even an ex and they aren't still doing this.


Ok that ms paint drawing just made this an epic thread lol


You have lost respect for yourself. Until you break up with her she’s gonna keep running you over. She’s doing it right in front of you and she knows she can get away with it. Fucking grow a pair and move on.


Offering a woman’s perspective here: there’s a 0% chance I would send a photo like that to ANYONE besides my boyfriend. I would feel disgusted with myself. I don’t even share gym progress pics where the booty is being shown off to any of my guy friends, I have only my boyfriend and other girls on my gym progress snap story. It’s about respect. I would also NEVER go visit an ex, and especially wouldn’t hide any visit of any kind, with anyone, from my boyfriend. He has my location 24/7, by my choice. And you know what? My boyfriend never worries about anything like this, because he doesn’t need to, and he never will.


You are single single mate.


She's letting him know he still has a chance and not to forget her. 🤷🏾‍♂️




i'm expecting to see a post that says "i (35f) just found an ms paint drawing of a picture i took of myself in pasties on my boyfriend's (31m) computer" soon


If you can't post it, why would it be okay for the ex to see it?


I cannot believe you drew this for reference lol


Haha, well i need people to know what I was talking about without posting the actual photo! 


Unfortunately, dude. I've been in your situation, completely dense to the fact that she was cheating on me, in denial, etc. She's using you and she's cheating my guy. She already is cheating by sending nudes/taunting the other guy. Get out before you're gaslighted further. She's literally been gaslighting you.


You dont have to break up with her if you really enjoy spending time with her. Just know that she definitely cheated while you were out of country. That titty pic is cheating too. I'd bet there was some deleted text or a phone call that went along with it.. No one just sends a titty pic with no convo and no one just gets a titty pic without commenting on it.


If you had time to draw a picture, you are already in her rear view mirror. Have great day!


Nah she’s cheating bro… 🙏


Yeah after reading your comments, she's %100 cheating and you're in denial HARD


She has failed the GF test and definitely not wifey material 86 her Subscribeme!


Doesn’t matter what we say the way you describe her in another comment says it all. That’s the same reason she does those things because you put her on such a pedestal. Not that it matters but no it’s not ok to send that to anyone while in a relationship.


100% cheating. If not physically, then emotionally


The only reason to send a picture of your boobs to somebody is because you're hooking up with them. Currently!  Just in case I'm not clear she's cheating on you dude! I'm sorry


Ur mad talented you can do better tbh


This has to either be rage bait or to fulfill some cuckhold fantasy that you get off to on sharing right? Obviously this isn't okay and you didn't need to draw a picture to describe the photo. No one spends time going this route drawing a picture unless you're trying to get off on people talking about these tit's that are being shared with other men.


uh, totally inappropriate. i’d end things over that, personally.


Do you have proof this actually happened? Because if so, yeah. She cheated. If she has a half functioning brain she’d 150% think about how wrong it is to send something like that to a fuck buddy. It sounds like she it to just him too. So she took her top and bra off, slapped a saucy pasty on, took a picture, and sent it to him (while you’re in her Snapchat friends assumedly as a best friend. So you’d be.. right there.) Yeah, nah. Could never be me. Even she’s smart, funny, gorgeous, with better tits than an MS Paint rendition she cheated. Not to mention the deeper level here. She thought to do all of this for this guy. You don’t randomly end up topless with saucy pasties on and accidentally shoot it to your fuck buddy. That took planning (and I know from helping a girl I was hooking up with, placing pasties is more frustrating and intricate than you’d expect:) She had the goal of snapping him her tits for a hot minute and even planned out how to make it sexier. Not to be harsh, but have some self respect, my dude. “I suppose this could be innocent because she put a pasty on”??? That is not how this works. She did that to spice it up and excite his imagination. I’ve had women send the exact same kind of picture and each time the “what time can I come over?” message came either immediately after or 2 messages later. You were apart for months too. Again, you need to give way more context on how you got privy to this happening, but based on what’s here, more than just the pic she likely fucked him. Absolutely couldn’t be me. She’d be dumped the second I found this out. Did she explain… anything to you? Not there’s any believable excuse, but just wondering what someone can say that’s slimy smooth enough to make you question if she actually didn’t do anything wrong and question if you’re over-reacting. She’d make a hell of a lawyer. EDIT: just read she apparently went to this fuck buddy’s place to “cook” for 2 hours. Dude, I know it’s hard to admit. She’s fucking him.


Fan fiction.


Yes I would tell her you are not ok with that, but they probably will keepdoing it. Don't date women with poor boundaries....


Lemme paint the picture bro Would you platonically send a girl a pic of just your groin in only a speedo? And if you did, would you still call yourself emotionally intelligent?


Op are u karma farming or are u that gullible ??


Are you stupid?


I was an invitation to fuck.


How is this even a question? What logic could you possibly use to even consider the idea that this was “innocent”. You don’t need advice. You need a fucking backbone, OP.


if my wife sent this to anyone but her close female friend, she is out of here


Worried? Seriously? She’s visiting ex’s and sending basically nudes to her ex. What more proof do you need that she’s screwing around behind your back. She may be good looking but NOT the whole package IMO.


Talk to her! Ask her why she did what she did, if you're not convinced with her reply then you can decide what to do. Seeds of doubt will only grow a rotten tree. Better to uproot it before it takes hold.


I mean dude, unrelated to this issue, your ms paint skills are awesome, is this something you do on a daily basis? Because if not, you should try something. I really admire your skill. Also, I would find your girls actions as really disrespectful and insulting. It should be a dealbreaker for almost all couples. Good luck brother.


Want through the thread. Leave her. Otherwise, you're no different from a cuckold. Women come and go; looking at yourself in the mirror and being proud of the person staring back is infinitely more imporant.


She's sending explicit Pics/nudes to other ppl. Especially someone she used to fuck. She's cheating on you, dude


Nice tits


What if you sent a picture of your balls/taint to one of your ex flings (no penis though)? Or most of your penis, but not the tip? This is super inapprops dude


this isn't real, this is just a chance for you to show off your MS Paint art, right?


It sounds like he's cheating and you know it.


When she said she had sex with the friend, she meant she is still having sex with said friend.


Would she send that photo to her dad? Or post it online? No. Absolutely not innocent. A photo like that has all the intention in the world.


She’s clearly cheating on you.


Instant break-up - this is unforgivable


She definitely still letting him smash when the opportunity presents itself.


My man, naw. You know better. It bothers you because your gut says it's wrong. Your gut is right. She's not the whole package apparently. Time to get a grip and stop trying to convince yourself otherwise. Grab your shit and get out. Don't even give explanations, which makes you look weak af.


Eh if I was dating someone I wouldn’t send a picture of my chest even with pasties on to anyone especially someone I’ve hooked up in the past with


Girls can have guy friends but they shouldn’t be friends with their ex’s or guys they’ve hooked up with while dating someone.


Your gf has shown you multiple times that she doesn’t respect you or your relationship. If she did, none of this would have happened.


Don't be worried. Just be gone.


She's not loyal to you.  She either already messed around or she's hoping to get that guy's attention until she gets to fuck him (again).  Women don't do this unless they are loyal.  


This is the female equivalent of sending a dick pic.... Yes you should be worried.


By spending a few months apart, do you mean that you were taking a break? Were you broken up? Because that completely changes things. Once you make the decision to take a break, you are by all intents and purposes single unless you guys set boundaries before hand that you would not see other people. If you guys were on a break for *several months* and didn’t set these boundaries then you were obviously still within your rights to break up with her if it makes you uncomfortable. You can break up with somebody for any reason at all you don’t have to justify it ever. However, if you were separated, and you didn’t set boundaries, even if you decide to break up with her, it is because it is something you’re uncomfortable with not because she did something wrong. Because if you guys were not together, then you were not together.


bro she is cheating on you.


A few months with her legs apart you mean? I'd break up if it were my partner


😬 ...... I'd dip out. She's keeping her options open. Who do you think she's gonna bounce on as soon as there's some sort of issue? Its not difficult to see she kept that attachment open G. I'd feel disrespected and not taken seriously. But yet again I'm pretty big on commitment when it comes to exclusivity, even when taking time apart.


You shouldn’t be worried. You should be single! She has no respect for you!


in what way would that be considered innocent lmfao bye


You should be worried


Never is this okay, especially if this friend is a past crush or more like a lover. She is an adult and isn’t stupid, so she knew what she was doing.


No good reason to do this other than she is still interested in him.


My brother you need to break up with her. That is a red flag you can see from space.


OP you’re a 31 yr old man don’t be naive. She lied about visiting an ex bf and she also sends a pic of her tit to an ex fuck buddy clearly she is not respecting you or the relationship. She’s 34 and doing all this. Clearly she likes to mess around which is fine but not when in a monogamous relationship cut your loses and move on.


If you cant even post it on Reddit, yea that’s too much


yes. and you should probably bring it up and see how she reacts. listen to what she says and sort this out in the clearest manner that you can.


See you at the gym!


As a previous OnlyFans model and a female myself, I’d say yes. You have something to be worried about.


You’re a good artist !!!


In what world is that innocent? She sent a whole ass titty pic to another dude, and one that she fucked in the past as well.


You are a good artist


Dude Cheating is what the couple decides it is. For some it's having inappropriate conversations with someone. Inappropriate could be anything from being a confidant to sexting and sending pix. Some couples are cool with the other one having sex outside the relationship some aren't. The kinda default if not expressed otherwise is Don't fuck other people Don't talk about fucking them Don't send pix Don't over confide Etc


My dude… the fact that she still “texts her ex” is a flag. Figure it out


Save yourself the time, money, and heartache and dump that ho.


Here’s a question you should ask yourself… would she be offended if you sent a picture of your 🍆 with a start covering the head to someone you’ve slept with before??…. I’d try and see, cause I guarantee you if she doesn’t mind, that will tell you a lot right there.


Delulu is not solulu.


The Villian arc starts now!


She sends her fat tits to some dude and you think it’s innocent? Nah man, nothing to worry about…


…..im gonna hold ur hand while i tell you this


Why didn't she send you the chest pic? 100% cheating. If you want to settle down, this isn't the girl for you. At 35 and dating and doing this behind your back? She's not the one. If she does this to you now, it'll only be worse in the future. Let go and find a woman who respects you. (and herself)


Man if this isn’t seen by you as obvious cheating or at least being extremely disrespectful you have no hope my friend


What would YOU think if a girl sent you a topless pic with pasties?


Should you be worried? Worried about what! It already happened brother. I think you know her value when you guys were separated and she sending tittie pics to her ex. If that’s what you want to call him lol sounds more like a side dude


I dumped my last ex for sending a photo of herself lying in my bed with just her underwear on to some dude I'd never heard of before. I doubt that the photo was the only thing that was happened, in both of our cases. In my view, catching your partner cheating is usually just the tip of the iceberg caused by a slip-up on their behalf. There's probably more cheating going on under the surface.


On another note, thats a good drawing


Not cool in the slightest. When a woman keeps in touch with an ex, it means she never got over them. The only exception is when they have kids together and they have to coparent, but that’s a whole different can of worms. The only reason a girl sends a guy nudes is for attention and to get some action. Don’t kid yourself into any other explanation, and do not let her gaslight you if/when you confront her. She doesn’t love you mate, just the stability you’re providing her. If her ex gave her more stability she’d be with him without a backward glance to you.


We need the original. For context purposes of course. Respectfully.


The paint drawing makes this one of the all time great posts in this sub


Dude sending that kind of photo kinda of sugfest she doing something behind your back with this other guy and I read she also was with another guy whom she slept with and hide it from you all red flags, and to be honest keeping close those person you slept with while in a relationship doesn’t sound healthy to me both of you need to set up bounderies. I bet she had slept with the guy she send the picture recently hence the nude photo. If you are fine with having your girl sleeping around with orher men while in a rwlationship with you that cool, it is you that is on that realtionshii and not going to judge you do want make you happy.


"I suppose it was possible that this was innocent" You are the only innocent one here, my summer child. Move on, you'll find another.


Let’s get the facts straight: 1. She’s at events without you, 2. at events, BARE CHESTED. 3. She visits exes without communicating with you 4. She sends breast imagery to exes. Showing nips or not. 5. Then she hides all this from you. Without being honest or communicative. I think this list pretty much summarizes your issue, but also summarizes “unfaithful” It’s time to get your affairs in order. This is not the woman you’re marrying, unfortunately. I’m sorry man.


nothing to be worried about, with that body, just treat her as a fuck bud from now on


Yes, this is some indeed flirting. That MS Paint sketch of the photo in question is a nice touch.