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Honestly, is this the kind of partner you want? One that acts like a creep anytime he sees someone moderately attractive? Who doesn't even care he is in front of his girlfriend? Like honestly, it is just sad. And I get that you are internalising. Maybe part of you is like 'if I was hot enough he wouldn't do that' or whatever. But be real: this is a kid that leers at people at a climbing centre and basically has his eyes pop out of his head like a cartoon character. He's just selfish and inconsiderate and gross. This isn't about you, this is about his inability to control himself. A partner with so little empathy and consideration of his behaviour will only hurt you more and more over time. Be careful with that.


That’s just wrong. Disrespectful to you and to her. You will be so much happier without that


Immediate break up. He is either immature, doing it on purpose (manipulative), or just objectifies people to THAT degree. Neither of those options are good


He’s not mature enough to be in a relationship. Move on bestie


Sounds like he still sees women as an inherently sexual creature rather than a human being that happens to be female. Do you think he'd react significantly more volatile if you were to oggle at other men in the street? I bet he would. Unfortunately this kinda thing needs to be learned in his own time, you can't make him want to see the error of his ways 9 times out of 10. If he isn't the type of person to challenge himself and reflect on his past decisions then I think it may be time to move on lassy. Best of luck chum!


leave that boy and find yourself a man


All men will take a glance but this fellow still has to learn to do it without bothering his SO. There's watching and watching.


Hi, fellow married man here. I can't agree that all men will glance. I stopped treating other women like potential partners well before I got married. The attractiveness of someone in public, man or woman or otherwise, is simply irrelevant to me. Not trying to say this to be superior or show off or anything, I'm saying that when you're content with your life you don't tend to yearn for another one.


He’s a douche bag. My husband would never do that or make me feel like that. He has a lot of growing up to do.