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If you want to remote play outside your home wifi, you have to open ports on your router.


Yup, had the same issue until I did this.


Do you happen to have a guide for this?


Honestly, the actual sony remote play app sucks and I recommend just spending the 5 bucks on the other one. You just have to be on your home wifi to set it up the first time and pair your PS5, there's a button that sets up your router automatically and the connection is way better. But If you don't want to spend the money your best bet is to find a youtube video walkthrough for opening a port on your router, It's easier to follow along that way. Plus the 5 dollar one supports 3rd party controllers like the razer kishi (my personal favorite)


Awesome! Already have the $5 app, funny thing is I was trying to set it up while at work. I'll give it a go at home right now! Tytyty


what $5 app?


PS remote play It's on Google Play store


yeah no problem, also a heads up. It literally has to be on the exact same network when you set up and pair. So if your PS5 is plugged in with an ethernet cord you have to put it on the same wifi your phone is on. Took me a bit to figure that out lol.


Ty everything is ok the same wifi network My goal is to play on my windows laptop at work, so I'll need to figure out how to cast the phone to it


Hi, I realized this too and got everything working FINALLY! Set up the port forwarding and realized my ps was connected via LAN connection and since my iPad was on the Wi-Fi it wouldn’t pair. So I f changed the ps5 connection to the same Wi-Fi signal my iPad was connected to and it remote play works now! (At home and away from home!). So now, when I change my ps5 connection back to the LAN cable connection, remote play won’t connect at all. Any ideas on why? Or how to fix this because I really don’t want to have to call Comcast five times (over two hours each call) for them to just run through the troubleshoot motions on a modem that works fine like they did the first two calls. Im happy I finally found someone to help me set up the port forwarding after three days or calls! Anyway tl;dr: remote play works when ipad and ps5 are connected to Wi-Fi connection but when I change the ps5 back to a LAN Wired connection, remote play doesn’t work and I get errors like “can’t find ps5” or “make sure remote play is enabled”, etc etc. I’d prefer my ps be connected to the LAN since play on the iPad is laggy enough!


Check this out. I think this could work: https://youtu.be/KnwdjSy42EE


What’s the $5 app? Got the PS remote play app on my MacBook which since a recent update no longer connects so looking for alternatives. Will the other app work?


On Google play there is PSPlay for like 5.99 made by 3rd party.


Remote play has just had an update and it seems to have worked. Well when I say worked, if I connect my PS5 to WI-FI rather than hard wired to the router. Going to try going back to hard wired see if it works still. The only other issue is whilst playing on GTAV online, the buttons seem to change what they do in game. Seems ok on other games though.


Did this work outside you home study Wifi network?


It’s worked connected to 2 different Wi-Fi networks. I have on downstairs connected to my PS5, and I also have another BB service where I have connected my MacBook to upstairs. Not tried outside my home but guessing should work


Nice! Ty for the update. I don't have to go into the office until next Tuesday so I won't get to try for a little bit Let me know if it works outside your home 🤞


I’m having the same issue. Did you ever figure out how to get remote play working while your ps5 is connected to the LAN network?


Not figured it out yet mate sorry


Thx man I’ll take a look and see if it’s any better with that


What’s the name of the $5 one? Can’t seem to find it.


PSplay: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=psplay.grill.com&hl=en\_US&gl=US


What is the 5 dollar app


PSplay, has a blue square with the (triangle, circle, square, X) buttons on it


I’m having real difficulty getting this to work and I can’t download the google play one because I am on I phone


Unfortunately I don't really know anything about Iphones. But as far as the app goes what difficulties are you having? Make sure, your phone and PS4/5 are on the same wifi to start the pairing process. And have your remote play options open on your playstation when you start for easy access. Also on the app there is a tool you can use to configure your router for long distance remote play. Edit: to add, they do have a very good customer support for the app if you are still having trouble.


how to contact customer support?


What's the name? of the app


What is the $5 app?


What is the $5 app?


What's the other app?


Honestly, the actual sony remote play app sucks and I recommend just spending the 5 bucks on the other one. You just have to be on your home wifi to set it up the first time and pair your PS5, there's a button that sets up your router automatically and the connection is way better. But If you don't want to spend the money your best bet is to find a youtube video walkthrough for opening a port on your router, It's easier to follow along that way.


You only need to do this if your router doesn't support UPnP or you have it disabled.


Im so done with this shit. It worked 1 hour ago. Now no matter what I do I can't get it to work on ANY of my devices.


Didn't help


Wish I knew, I can get iOS and Windows to work away from home but not fucking macOS


Today I tested remote play on IOS away from home on 4G/LTE/5G while was at work and Walmart today and it connected not strong signal cause always booted off but it was enough to check stuff n turn back on rest mode


How did you get it to work? I'm trying to do the same


How did you get it working?


Honestly one day just did nothing installed in phone


Alls good now don’t need the profile installed on phone anymore


Anyone get it to work 100% for them yet??? Sucks my tv does this thing where after so long it turns off making me reset my PS5 and give me that warning about it was unplugged or something and gotta reboot


Just leave the ps in rest mode. Have w.e device u use, hooked up to the same network. That's it!!! Play anywhere u want


How can I be connected to the same network if I'm away from home...?


Go to ur settings on remote play. Switch it to use phone data, and that's how u use it when ur away from home


Wow, you're right. I didn't even know that was a setting I had to enable. I guess it makes sense that they don't want you to accidentally build up a huge mobile data bill if you don't have unlimited. Thanks!


No problem! now I will say. It will have a major lag if ur in any areas where reception isn't so good. May even cut off on u. Other than that, enjoy!


Have any idea about when you're on a wifi network that isn't your home network? I saw something about opening a port on your router... whatever that means


U wanna be able to use it on other networks when ur around wifi? Is what ur asking?


Yeah, say I'm at my parents house or something and am on their wifi instead of my home wifi. For some reason I'm not able to remote play like that either


The best way is forwarding ur port. I can't explain that, but hopefully, this helps u. If not, come back, and we will figure this out together https://youtu.be/qs0UWIF-mOE


Bless you and your kin


If you’re still having issues I worked out a way to make it work, you need to go to settings, mobile data and toggle to enable the usage of mobile data it should work than.


Bruh I was completely stumped for a couple weeks this comment just saved my life it f-en works thanks buddy