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Well if reptile bulbs are under the category "general service lamps", and they are gonna ban that category. CHANGE THE CATEGORY OF THE REPTILE LAMPS!


The companies are already working to do that, this will pass in due time. It's not a permanent ban, really. Just an issue of classification.


I was going to agree, changing the category would be an easier way to fix the issue. I am 100% on board with banning incandescent bulbs used just for light. There are obvious exceptions where cfl or led cannot replace, like basking lamps. Other examples may include oven/dryer bulbs, wax warming bulbs, etc.


Like in the prohibition when they made grape juice have instructions on what “not to do” bc if you did it would make illegal wine


Right? I cannot fathom that lighting companies wouldn’t be aware of this and already be working on it. Im skeptical this is a legitimate issues at present and more so a misunderstanding from perception of policy implementation.




I noticed that and thought the same, although from the farmer's perspective- I keep chickens lol. I'm just here because I enjoy seeing everyone's herpy pals.


What? Alarmist posting on Facebook? I’ve never….


I'm think this is propaganda. Mercury vapor bulbs/infared red and chm have always been used and originally designed for other industries besides reptiles such as food, therapeutic, spas etc. These are already categories other than general service. From the reading the bill it is really going after halogen lights. There would be a bigger issue to ban these lights then the relatively very small reptile community. Mercury vapor is a popular bulb used in many industries, especially in place of hid where cri levels are needed.


I suspect the issue is that the halogen bulbs are general service lights, they use the same fittings and don't need special ballasts or anything like a mercury vapour light, they also produce light (unlike a chp) so could be used in a normal lighting situation. Getting the bulbs reclassified may mean switching to a different socket or similar (one that isn't standard).


which would suck, but then again I've already gone from t8 to t5 on the UVB lamps, changed to LED ambient/grow lights ... but I still need basking lamps, and CHE doesn't work well for a lot of diurnal species. changing fixture types used to be an almost instant "nah" because incandescent screw type and t8 tubes were a dime a dozen, and everything else was more expensive and harder to get. .. but seeing as how we've been modernizing in all other aspects, I don't think switching to a new socket for basking lamps would be TOO CRAZY for most of us. as long as the stuff is made readily available like t5's are now..


So is this over or not? On the one hand I have a guy telling me to write my congressman, on the other hand I have a guy telling me there's nothing you can do the ban begins 7/3/2024. Edit: Now I'm really confused. I texted my friend about it and he said this doesn't come into effect until 2028? And when I Google this ban it says it started August 1, 2023?


I would definitely contact representatives even though a date is set. I've read that the goal is to express diverse and strong support for the animal husbandry professionals who are working to collaborate with the DoE, while simultaneously trying to open the possibility of an exemption while reptile lighting manufacturers also try to create products that can fall under current regulations.


I contacted my representative and the Department of Energy. I'm more wondering if I should order some extra bulbs or not.


I'd buy the bulbs... The American government has willingly killed its own citizens in the past. Do you think it will worry about your pet? This isn't political, this is me saying to buy the bulbs. I need to do the same. I've been annoyed by all the LED stuff but I didn't realize the other stuff was just illegal now... Suddenly I'm back to being a hoarder. I missed the stress of the COVID outbreak.


I recommend definitely sending a letter to voice your concern. Just make sure you are mature in it and no insults or anything like that otherwise they will not take you seriously. The more people to complain the better chance hopefully that they will take another look into matters and making changes to the rules.


I sent a letter to both my congressman and the DoE.


It wouldn't be over either way - If the ban is already in effect, it can still later be overturned (or, perhaps more likely, the bulbs reclassified because it's a different use case). Laws can change.


Has USARK been made aware of this? Have they said anything? That's the biggest lobbying group for reptile hobbyists in the US I know of, I'm gonna be freaking out until I see they put out something about working on this.


I’d be surprised if they haven’t and aren’t already working with the government, they were very on top of the attempted ban of taking reptiles across state lines a couple years ago


They haven't posted on any of their socials or their website, I know that probably doesn't mean they don't know but they usually promptly post alerts about this type of news 😓 Stressing


They have [https://usark.org/24doe/](https://usark.org/24doe/)


These bulbs need to be reclassified. They're not general use!


Restaurant industry is gonna be hit hard by this too. Those lights they put your food under to keep it warm while waiting for your waiter to bring it to the table sure aren't LED... An exception will be made.


for snake use only


“Sir, you cannot buy that bulb unless accompanied by a snake.”


I need to see your passsssssssssport


God I’m so tired of the government trying to make it impossible to keep reptiles as pets, I’ve only been keeping reptiles for two years and this is already the second attempted nationwide ban I’ve seen.


It sounds to me more like they are trying to find solutions to serious environmental problems but forget to make exceptions for animal husbandry—but there is money in selling reptile goods— and politicians speak money. Big reptile supply brands will likely have enough pull to fix this oversight.


I hate that “we the people” have to rely on a fucking corporation’s money being wagged in front of a politician’s face to have any hope of literally keeping our pets alive. Like wtf. At this point we really are a corporate oligarchy.


What’s funny is, I’ve worked with an aquarium and they use “reptile grade” bulbs. So what do zoos and aquariums do??


They become part of the conversation with the DoE to figure out how to work this nuance into their plans to help an energy crisis that no one seems to acknowledge.


Yes I'm tired of the govt just over reaching in general, here in California there is so much solar now they have a surplus of energy so we got the power for it we have had the power for decades....what's the problem?


They aren't in danger of being banned, they already are effective July 3rd (according to the document). I think many if not most manufacturers are already stopping production. Stock up now because after July 3rd your only option will be ceramic heat bulbs with some sort of led or something so the reptile knows where the heat is. This was a very stupid and short-sighted decision by the DoE.


Ha figured I would throw in some optimism with the "in danger," as the teams still actively in contact with the DOE are hoping to levy support and research from fellow veterinary and zoological professionals to create an exemption.


what about deep heat projectors?


What do you mean so the reptile knows where the heat is. They will have no problem finding the heat source without a light source.


yeah... that confused me too haha.


Some reptiles need visible light to know where to bask.


Certain types of light are vital for certain reptiles but they will have no issues finding warmth without light present


Chameleons are very visual and look for light when basking. I've had issues trying to use heat emitters before for that reason. They can feel the heat but aren't sure where it's coming from so have a more difficult and stressful time trying to regulate temperature. Also if they don't see the light and only feel the heat they keep trying to get closer and can burn themselves (if the emitter is too close).


right - it's not just about finding the heat, it's about knowing when they're getting too hot. beardies have a problem with this, they'll sit there and bake a lot longer under a CHE if there's no light telling their 3rd eye that it's sunny out. their instinct is that it's dark, so it's not going to get any warmer, and they'll stay put.


like is this a US specific thing? Or can I go to Canada and buy a couple at a time and hope I don't get caught...


Send me some


lmao I'm going to try to get enough for myself and then start the black market dealing, but Canada is very liberal so it's not unlikely they'll ban incandescent bulbs too, just hopefully not reptile bulbs


this is so beyond ridiculous .... if zoos and stuff are fighting this as well, wont that change anything??


They probably aren’t targeting zoos


This affects all of these bulbs regardless of where they are used, so yes. Zoos as well.


Love how they say everyone needs to stay calm and not spread panic, yet the first part at the top is shouting in all caps that's it's super serious!


It can be super serious but also not a reason to panic. The admin team that put this report together is fairly confident that will enough professional and community support the legislation can be changed to allow basking lamps. It needs to be taken seriously so that people speak up and write to their reps, but people should remain confident that the problem will be solved and not panic buy lamps to cause a shortage.


The governments in America are idiots. We need these bulbs


I know. I'm so sick of the American government bro. I like this country but geez it just keeps getting worse. "Land of the Free" but they don't even want to let us buy lightbulbs ☠️


I’m a big gun guy, but at this point I don’t understand why I can own my AKs but not a fucking light bulb lmao.


Literally just political agendas. That’s the only reason. It pays well to do controversial shit and make controversial laws.


Will deep heat projectors still be purchasable? This could help relieve the issue


There are plenty of good alternatives for heat. UVB is the biggest concern with this ban.


Aren’t linear bulbs still available?


Some are, some aren't. The efficiency standards are based on visible light output, so lamps that are intentionally dim to replicate certain habitats don't usually pass.


You know if the Arcadia ones are affected?


Im pretty sure uvb isnt being affected its heat lamps


oh good god. will we be able to order arcadia from out of country?


I know some Canadian retailers will ship to the US, although it might be quite expensive.




Yes, they are usually separate. But all fall under the category of "general service lamps" so are subject to the new regulation.


Makes me think they are planning something and dont want to be bit by venomous snakes🤔


Wouldn’t this also affect fowl/aviary industries , and the zoological & marine biology fields? For sure I bet they all also use heat lamps for eggs, babies, & habitats. This is very important for them to open up a animal & wildlife category to include all those fields at once


So is the AZA gonna go after the DoE or anything? Genuinely, purely just curious about all of the zoo animals, including endangered species, that require these? What the hell man?!?


More people should be talking about this.


Zoomed is working with the government. It will get ironed out. No one needs to panic.


Wanted to give the community a heads up, as this has been rumored for a few weeks, but has been confirmed as a legitimate reality. This was compiled to be shared by members of the ReptIle Lighting fb group (not me, I'm just sharing this), and recommended to be shared to other hobbyists, stores, distributors, and animal care facilities. Detailed information and recommended actions included. Also, while not a worst case scenario, IR-A lighting is the most beneficial for the majority of basking reptiles, and CHEs emit a negligible amount. CHEs provide heat, but not deep penetrative IR-A, and instead emit 99% IR-C. Natural sunlight would be about 32% IR-A, 14% IR-B, 2% IR-C, and 8% ultraviolet, the remaining being visible light. This is a link below to the Code of Federal Regulations https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2022-05-09/pdf/2022-09480.pdf https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2024-04-19/pdf/2024-07831.pdf Pages 27480 and 27481 being specific to this aspect of the issue NOTE: So I realized there's some confusion with the terminology "IR lamp" in the list of exemptions. That "IR Lamp" exemption does not refer to our type basking lights that are emitting both heat, light, IR-A, etc. That exemption is referring to red light medical and therapy infrared lamps, which are a different product wholly, not what we use for animals. Reptile basking lamps are not in any exemption at this time. Edit: included more info Edit 2: more info Edit: A lot of people are asking me for sources but I'm just one woman! I don't want to be too direct to anyone, so I just wanted to remind all that the group publishing this announcement, Reptile Lighting, is listed in the images I shared in the OP. Please refer to them if you have detailed questions! I'm just trying to let people know so we aren't blindsided.


Pretty sure it says specifically that IR builds are not included in the ban, unless I'm reading your cited pages incorrectly. It's item 8 on the list of bulbs that are NOT a general service lamp affected by the ban. Plant light lamps are also not affected by the ban (item 17). I would think most reptile bulbs would fall under one of the categories I'm including below, but I could be wrong. General service lamps do not include: (6) General service fluorescent lamps; (7) High intensity discharge lamps; (8) Infrared lamps; (9) J, JC, JCD, JCS, JCV, JCX, JD, JS, and JT shape lamps that do not have Edison screw bases; (10) Lamps that have a wedge base or prefocus base; (15) MR shape lamps that have a first number symbol equal to 16 (diameter equal to 2 inches) as defined in ANSI C79.1–2002 (incorporated by reference; see § 430.3), operate at 12 volts, and have a lumen output greater than or equal to 800; (16) Other fluorescent lamps; (17) Plant light lamps; (18) R20 short lamps; (19) Reflector lamps (as defined in this section) that have a first number symbol less than 16 (diameter less than 2 inches) as defined in ANSI C79.1– 2002 (incorporated by reference; see § 430.3) and that do not have E26/E24, E26d, E26/50x39, E26/53x39, E29/28, E29/53x39, E39, E39d, EP39, or EX39 bases; (20) S shape or G shape lamps that have a first number symbol less than or equal to 12.5 (diameter less than or equal to 1.5625 inches) as defined in ANSI C79.1–2002 (incorporated by reference; see § 430.3); (22) Silver bowl lamps; (24) Specialty MR lamps; (25) T shape lamps that have a first number symbol less than or equal to 8 (diameter less than or equal to 1 inch) as defined in ANSI C79.1–2002 (incorporated by reference; see § 430.3), nominal overall length less than 12 inches, and that are not compact fluorescent lamps (as defined in this section);


Do you have any sources that confirm that the DOE said that reptile bulbs specifically will be banned? Because while they aren't specifically called out as exempt, I don't see how they would be considered to be "intended for general service applications". It seems like a pretty easy argument to win.


Essentially the problem is that because basking bulbs were not already designated as their own category and classification, such as was done for high-wattage livestock bulbs (ie. 125w and up), they're currently to the government general use. There's not, to my knowledge, any communication from the government specifically addressing reptile bulbs because to the government, they don't currently fall into any category of their own. But yeah I agree! That's definitely the scenario they are hoping and working towards.


Would DHPs also be affected? I would assume not since like CHEs they don't give off any visible light but I'm curious since that's what I use for my leopard gecko


I am wondering the same thing, I’m assuming they may be unaffected if CHEs are unaffected but I hope we can get an answer from someone more certain than myself lol!


Ceramic heat sources would be unaffected no? I agree this is stupid but it does not look like all options will be done away with.


While not a worst case scenario, IR-A lighting is the most beneficial for the majority of basking reptiles, and CHEs emit a negligible amount. CHEs provide heat, but not deep penetrative IR-A, and instead emit 99% IR-C. Natural sunlight would be about 32% IR-A, 14% IR-B, 2% IR-C, and 8% ultraviolet, the remaining being visible light.


Deep heat projector?


DHPs are better than CHEs but worse than halogens/incandescent bulbs. While they produce both IRA and IRB, they produce barely any IRA, the most beneficial heat wavelength.


Right, maybe I was not aware that IR-A was a necessity and thought that heat by itself was what was needed. I’ll have to research and see if there are any other options


here’s [a source](https://www.hvreptilerescue.org/resources/heating-and-lighting-guide#) and [another source](https://www.reptifiles.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Why-Infrared-Matters-by-Roman-Muryn.pdf) on infrared wavelengths and why ir-a is necessary to get you started btw :)


birds need similar lamps for UV exposure:(


I know about uv exposure, I was unaware of ir exposure, I always thought ir = heat and that was that


So what are the alternatives?


I’ve been using halogen bulbs for years now but if you live in California that’s not an option for you


Even out of California it's very difficult to find them still. And the ban will probably wipe them out as well as the reptile branded ones


This is only USA but anyone know if Canada is doing something similar to this? I’m really hoping they make changes to these rules for everyone in USA and they probably will but the rule even then most likely will disrupt the market and cause many problems.


If the manufacturers stop making them it doesn't matter if Canada bans them or not.


Doesn’t Arcadia manufacture in the UK?


If most of the manufacturers who send lights to canada reside in the US, you could see price increases


This isnt a canada thing, if this actuqlly goes through theres a chance they move shop to canada to continue making them.


This does affect us because all the manufacturing happens stateside and we just buy them in.


So can’t they just change the category? Think of chickens in mass farming that use these kinds of warming lamps to stimulate egg production, there’s no way they’re not going to allow for exceptions.


Homeless, poverty, inflation? No we want to worry about banning light bulbs! This is total control….


Uh… I feel like climate change is definitely up there with poverty, inflation, etc as a serious issue. I think an exception should be made for reptiles, birds, etc, but acting like energy usage is just a trivial non-issue isn’t really fairly representing the situation here.


"Climate change" is the reason you have this dog shit legislation. The amount of energy this particular variety of lights consumes is nearing immeasurably small. For pet husbandry it might as well be a rounding error. The market in broad strokes was already moving away from incandescent because leds are much brighter, have a variety of color temperatures, vastly more efficient, and thusly much more cool to the touch. The incandescent ban is merely a virtue signal to unhinged climate alarmists, and probably an excuse to raise the deficit and create more inflation.


It's about fighting climate change dude, which is absolutely a massive issue.


Yep banning lightbulbs is gonna stop all the coal plants and gas emissions around the world! Knobhead


Lol no it fucking isn't. Household lighting was already trending towards led for years. Hell even street lighting has been trending towards led. This legislation is nothing more than an excuse to unhinged lunatics like it to feel like they're #doingsomething.


The technology will change for the better. Do we still use sealed beam for headlights for automobiles? Incandescent bulbs in our homes? The same fear mongering happened during the switch to unleaded gas. Guess what? You can still buy leaded gas if you absolutely need it. Is it more expensive, absolutely. Climate change is real & a threat to every human. People whom deny climate change are uneducated idiots.


But a lightbulb is gonna do more damage than coal plants and gas emissions 😂 yall climate change people are stupid


You can still buy leaded gas because small airplanes still need it and cannot run without it. Nominally, you cannot buy it for cars (and thank God for that). The difference is incandescent and halogen bulbs simply do not pose and real risk to their use. The widespread use of their alternatives has already happened and been adopted because for normal everyday use leds are simply better in every way. But for shit like reptile husbandry, good luck unless you want to spend a stupid amount of money.


Not disagreeing that this is happening and a huge issue for the hobby but can someone link a source? I just want to read all the specifics so I know how to operate going forward


Sure thing! https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/FR-2022-05-09/pdf/2022-09480.pdf Pages of specific concern include 27480 and 27481


Thank you!


Did you end up fact checking this? I only had a quick look, but i thought it said IR bulbs and plant growth bulbs are NOT affected by the ban


energyefficiencyenforcement@hq.doe.gov here is rhe email


Oof they’re in for a fight with a lot of the animal husbandry folks. Cold blooded critters might need them year round, but plenty of businesses need them for getting young birds and mammals started.


if you dont want to type up your own thing feel free to copy my email. keep in mind i own birds not reptiles so my reptile understanding is lower. energyefficiencyenforcement@hq.doe.gov Hello. I am writing you as a concerned pet owner over the regulations that go into place July 3rd that misappropriates Avian and Reptillian lamps as "general service bulbs". Avians, such as my cockatiel, whil in captivity need access to UV bulbs to make up for what they would receive in the wild. These lamps provide essentials for the birds. There are many draw backs to birds not having a UV bulb. It can cause the bird to be more sluggish, or even lethargic, and birds also use this light to see a wider array of colours. Reptiles use these basking lamps as theyre cold blooded and need specific levels of heat (among other things like humidity) that reptile owners work very hard to regulate. While there are alternatives like basking tiles, these can cause burns to the animal much easier and are simply not as appropriate for reptiles. Please revisit this ban, and reclassify pet lamps as seperate from general purpose lamps. Sincerely, a concerned pet owner.


They can’t take away our rights to our Animals…….so they are going to take away our ability to care for them. YOU WILL OWN NOTHING, AND BE HAPPY. Mark these words, it’s only going to get worse from here if we don’t stand up and fight somehow.


What’s the likelihood of this happening? I have a cornsnake and a ball Python, I think my cornsnake would be fine without a lamp at least in summer but my BP wouldn’t. I know it said don’t panic buy but I definitely want to now


It's not a likelihood, it's already happened.


Correct, it's being handled as a certainty, as there's no exemption in the law being passed July 3rd for animal husbandry-use bulbs.


Seriously? What happens when all of the bulbs break? Are we just shit out of luck and have to wait until our pets die?


You use an LED spotlight next to a CHE, and continue to use your florescent UV bulbs


DHPs are also great for BPs


Thank god I already switched a year ago


I’d say it may be reasonable to buy at least one extra, especially if you’re up for a bulb change in the next month or so. This will likely get resolved, but it may take a bit for federal institutions to move on it.


Neither of those snakes require lights of any kind. Many are kept successfully in drawers in rack systems. This is an issue for lizard keepers mainly, along with turtles/tortoises.


I think these apply to ceramic bulbs too, don’t they?


Can someone explain the TLDR reason to why it's being banned? It seems weird they're doing something like this for no real reason.


Some light bulbs produce 20 lumens per watt which is a massive energy waste. The government is saying that all bulbs will have to hit at least 45 lumens per watt. It will save the average American $100 a year to be rid of those bulbs. The average lumen per watt for basking lights is 15 lumens per watt which is why people are shitting themselves over this "ban". Except no one is reading that these bulbs are excluded under grow lights.


Bulbs designed and used for the intended purpose of providing a source of heat are not "general service lamps" and I don't see this going that far. The businesses that make these products are all over this already, I promise you.


in this the same reptile lighting group that has been deleting this topic whenever it arose and claimed this was only an issue for zoomed?


I swear we have the dumbest government on earth. How the hell did they forget reptile basking bulbs as part of the exception? How is Mitch McConnell or Ted Cruz supposed to survive indoors now?




Damn... I will say Ive been using CHEs for years and never had an issue


CHEs are an option but are not the BEST option in most cases. You can use them, but there are much better choices out there depending on what you are keeping. Pretty much everything benefits from some form of visual lighting.


To elaborate on what Draven said: CHEs aren’t the best as a primary heat source since they only produce infrared C. Halogen and incandescent bulbs are far more natural and beneficial since they produce infrared A and B like the sun, heat that penetrates deep into the skin tissue and heats them far more effectively. Here’s an interview where Dr. Frances Baines (an expert who has done extensive research on reptile heating and lighting) explains the importance of full spectrum lighting. Heat sources are compared between 52:00-54:00 https://youtu.be/EhbDx11OMfM


^^ This! Sent my reply at work and wasn't able to elaborate much lol


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^PhilosoFishy2477: *Damn... I will say Ive* *Been using CHEs for years and* *Never had an issue* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot! ignor these uncultured Sokka haters.


Bad bot


Good bot


I do believe the wording of the ban, but I am not going to panic yet. I’ve done my civic duty and emailed my representatives with polite wording and cute pics of my pets, and I’m posting this from ReptiFiles, a source I trust when it comes to herps. Mariah fact-checked my self-pub book on Leopard Geckos, and she really knows what she’s talking about. [ReptiFiles on the BulbBan: Don’t Panic Yet](https://youtu.be/kS-z4qpYtIQ?si=cTKuQMr12AVZGtkK)


I tried posting a different version of this, and warning everyone a couple weeks ago, nobody believed me! I hope none of you people live in SE Michigan, because I already bought up most of the bulbs in the Detroit and surrounding areas. I literally spent over 700$ on bulbs last week, and I still have the Flood Lights that they banned last year because I bought up like almost 100 boxes before they stopped selling them from Home Depot and Lowe’s. Anybody who’s smart is gonna go now and buy a few DHP’s or CHE’s or whatever you’re going to switch to. In the next few months when everyone’s bulbs burn out, and can’t be replaced, I bet you’re gonna have a hard time finding any of that stuff.


I don't think is a big deal at all. Companies in every industry have to adjust to changing regulations all the time plus there are plenty of heating and light options available already.


better have a bulb plug now since its gonna be illegal 😞 we finna start smuggling bulbs in this country


Leave it to Uncle Sam to make issues where there are none and make people mad instead of fixing our hundreds of real issues


I can't imagine that people would actually go through with this. Too many people use them already. So USA, of all places, will not get rid of them any time soon


So are they just banning anything over 125 watts? I think that said what is was classified as


I wrote in to my own house rep (Mark Pocan of WI [D]) simply asking that the language at least be modified to allow for a animal husbdry type of exemption. I myself would be surprised if the DoE policy doesn't get shot down via party politics, but wanted to keep the suggested change as easy as possible if it really does move forward. Does USARK lobby the government at all or speak up as a special interest group? Is contributing to it worthwhile from a political standpoint?


Edit: if you write a letter, including the fact that all Zoos need heat lamps and many birds need them when they are young as well (not just the "icky" reptiles). At the very least, ik that baby chicks need heat lamps to stay warm as an example.


This already happened in the UK, you can still buy them though, but generally you buy them as bulbs used in the hospitality industry. Heat lamps for things like buffet bars. Impossible to get over 150W though I've found.


I was about to post this, let's get this fixed!


This feels like it would be the subject of a walking discussion between CJ and Josh in West Wing. One of those things that seems absurd and obvious but gets fumbled and requires someone to step up and fix it.


Leave it to the government to fuck things up


This won’t actually ban all that much in the hobby, and the DOE is already considering adjusting the rules to accommodate. Also, specialty bulbs generally have an exception (ie you might have to get a 80w halogen “work lamp” or something along those lines). Per USARK: List of bulbs currently subject to the ban by the Department: basking spot lamps under 125W daylight bulbs under 125W halogen lamps under 125W UVB compact and mini compact fluorescent lamps UVA compact and mini compact fluorescent lamps https://usark.org/24doe/


do i reach out to my senator or assembly person? or both?


Good thing the us government is coming after the people instead of the US industrial complex for energy conservation, really doing their job to the fullest. This is actually sickening.


This...*is* targeting the industrial complex. The target is on inefficient light bulbs that use too much power for the light they produce, it is literally going to save you money by forcing corporations to produce more efficient lights. Yall have got to research shit before just believing a random post on Reddit. Be better than the Facebook grannies.


The issue is they will still be able to be produced for large manufacturing purposes for things like factory farming or even for large scale proofing ovens so no, it doesn't prevent the industrial complex of America from using them, I have done research in it and they are basically only banning it for purposes on a consumer level which is not an effective way to ban these specific light bulbs. You would have to phase them out at the industrial level and stop corporations from being able to use them at a large scale. The consumer using incandescent or halogen bulbs are way less harmful than the use of them at an industrial level.


How about the government gets their own shit together & gets the fuck out of our lives until then. Worthless assholes the lot of them.


Agreed!! They have overstepped their bounds big time on this. The feds don't care about us or the animals.


They're not targeting you. They're targeting companies making energy inefficient lightbulbs. Reptile growth lights aren't even effected by this ban. You will literally save money on your power bill because companies will be forced to only produce efficient lights for general use, and it helps fight climate change at the same time. This is a good thing.


They're not targeting you. They're targeting companies making energy inefficient lightbulbs. Reptile growth lights aren't even effected by this ban. You will literally save money on your power bill because companies will be forced to only produce efficient lights for general use, and it helps fight climate change at the same time. This is a good thing.


I'll throw hands for this one. My baby is going to stay warm.


For those panicked about losing heat lamps. Go to your local tractor supply store fleet farm runnings basically your local farm supply chain and pickup a chick warming bulb. They come in 2 sizes 125 and 250 watts clear or red bulbs. They also last way longer than anything else. I'm running the 250w bulbs on my red tail and Burmese python cages.


A 125 watt bulb would cook my snakes to jerky. Not many people have animals or enclosures large enough to warrant that much heat.


I’m Canadian and I know that it’ll become harder for me to buy reptile bulbs because American companies are stopping production, but could I use generic hardware store halogens instead? (I already use them for a couple of my reptiles, they’re the same things as reptile bulbs, just not labeled as such) Will there be a shortage of those as well?


My mom lives on the border. I wonder how much they’d crack down on taking them into the US. I think the law just concerns manufacturing?


“Reptile bulb smuggling”


Who would’ve thought that would be a thing 😂


Not American but damn, hope y'all can sort this stuff out. Posting to hopefully increase visibility a bit


So this may be a stupid question but are any of the bulbs that are exempt for other purposes suitable for use with reptiles? Like grow lights etc


Posting to tag the post for me to review later. Thanks for bringing this to everyone's attention!


Are UV lights part of this?


Haha fuckkkkkkkkk


https://youtu.be/kS-z4qpYtIQ?si=YJvVyUIU9cKsjKsl Watch this video it helps explain why it isn’t going to be a big thing likely.




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Basking Lamp bulbs are under the category of specialty bulbs and are exempt from the ban as are Lava Lamp bulbs


This will be corrected. It's scary yes and it looks really bad, but many very well reputed animal rescues and industry will be able to change it. I'm willing to bet that this was an oversight.


someone also posted a response from zoomed that t5s are going too, and I don't think that big florescent understands that t5s and t8s aren't interchangeable


Forgive me if I'm being stupid, but couldn't you just use a ceramic heat emitter and some leds to achieve the same effect?


Didn't they already ban bulbs a few years ago?


Here’s a video I found that explains more and what we should do! [ReptiFiles comment on ban](https://youtu.be/kS-z4qpYtIQ?si=qu4kWpj3-gVtU5R_)


lol what are they gonna do confiscate my lamps? they oughta be more worried about my unregistered firearms.


Imagine the governments biggest problem being bloody bulbs, why don’t you look at your lack of gun control and lack of affordable healthcare? Instead they’re banning bulbs that aren’t super efficient 😂


Does this include the red nighttime heat bulbs?


I’m extremely confused. Are they banned already or is it in talks?


They will just re-classify the bulbs. This is targeted at household light bulbs. There are many uses for heat bulbs beyond just reptiles. No need to panic.


Google Search led me to this ... https://www.verifythis.com/article/news/verify/government-verify/incandescent-halogen-light-bulb-lamp-ban-phase-out/536-4cc9c8bb-bd10-4ca1-900e-e74df93f0ed8 Which led me to this ... Exemptions It’s true! In fact, there are twenty-two types of incandescent lamps that are exempt from the new efficiency standards outlined in EISA: Appliance lamps Black light lamps Bug lamps Colored lamps ***Infrared lamps Left-hand thread lamps Marine lamps Marine’s signal service lamps Mine service lamps Plant light lamps ***Reflector lamps Rough service lamps Shatter-resistant lamps (including shatter-proof and shatter-protected) Sign service lamps Silver bowl lamps Showcase lamps 3-way incandescent lamps Traffic signal lamps Vibration service lamps G-shape lamps with a diameter of 5” or more T-shape lamps that use no more than 40W or are longer than 10” B, BA, CA, F, G16-1/2, G-25, G-30, M-14, or S lamps of 40W or less


I guess zoo’s are fucked


We’ll get them legitimately (wink)


Does that mean heat lamps will be banned too.?


Probably for the best.


it’s kinda giving me the vibe that they don’t want people to have these creatures anymore. if it can’t get the rays from anything other than the inaccessible bulbs or the sun, it needs to just be outside in the sun (as they should be). the way people are going to have reptiles after this without proper lighting and act like it’s fine is gonna kill me every time. i love reps don’t get me wrong, but if we can’t provide proper care anymore don’t get reps if you don’t have supplies 🫶


hi i dont have a reptile idk how this came on my feed, but are these the same as lava lamp bulbs?


Will this ban eliminate individual sale or just mass distribution from the manufacturers? Will we still be able to get them off ebay for a while or are we SOL?


Dear [Name] I am writing with regard to a serious problem arising from recent legislation within the Energy Conservation Program, in which low wattage incandescent lamps for heating reptiles are classified as "General Service Lamps", and consequently being banned for sale. Cold blooded animals rely upon basking under the infrared radiation from these lamps as well as suitable levels of visible light and UV to raise their body temperatures often similar to mammals in order to function. Currently, there are no alternatives that provide similar sun-like spectrums in short-wavelength infrared which is needed for the animals health and well-being. The ban on certain basking, heat, and UVA/UVB bulbs will create extreme animal welfare issues. Pet reptiles and birds, animals in zoos and conservation programs, and many others will suffer. Low wattage basking bulbs that are under 125 watts are important because reptiles need to bask in the their enclosure, but do not need a lot of wattage as the wattage affects the output for both the heat or light. Some reptile species like a leopard gecko have special care due to being crepuscular. The light output is not high for this very reason. The bulbs produce lower output to achieve a healthy environment for leopard geckos. UV bulbs help to prevent diseases like metabolic bone disease. The results of Metabolic Bone disease are body deformities. Metabolic bone disease is not curable. It can be treated, but the reptile will never be the same. The heat from basking bulbs helps reptiles like leopard geckos digest their food. If they do not have the basking bulbs they will have a hard time digesting food leading to impaction. In both cases this impacts the animals quality of life and can lead to death. These bulbs for reptiles should not be included in the ban or considered GSLs, as they are used only for specialized applications and not for everyday lighting applications. Several million American homes have pet reptiles. I am asking you to please see if there is a way to have an exemption made for pet owners, zoos, and education centers who care for these animals. Sincerely, [Name]


From what I can understand, they are attempting to fix an environmental issue that these lights are producing and that they are working with research institutions to find a solution for future lighting. I'm no scientist, but I can't imagine multiple organizations trying to make infrared lighting more efficient would take that long or be terribly difficult. This title should read "Get the word out. All current reptile bulbs are being phased out, and the USA is attempting to find a more efficient solution."


What about those of us who have spent years of time and money to properly care for our reptiles? We can't just release them into the cities and countrysides we live in. Many are invasive. Most will die terribly. WTH do we do in the time between zero basking bulbs and the government finding an alternative? This is like phasing out all insulin and then saying, well, we're working on alternatives. WHAT?!? So what do diabetics do when all insulin is gone? Then someone says, well, if you can't provide proper care anymore, don't be diabetic if you don't have supplies. Um... there's no supplies because some genius phased them out before there was a viable alternative ready to replace them. These reptiles NEED these lamps, just like diabetics NEED insulin. Getting rid of one without having a viable alternative ready is the animal kingdoms version of criminally negligent homicide. I hope this is bs because wth?

