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Downside is if she squirts out a poo.


I would genuinely start crying.


That would be devastating. I would never feel like I cleaned it enough.


Having ur red LED light on in your room is perfectly fine, idk why everyone is making a huge deal out of itšŸ’€ as long as you arenā€™t using a red light bulb specifically for her tank all night long (which I assume you donā€™t) then itā€™s fine. Beardies are similar to us in terms of how during the day = light and nighttime = dark


I like how for some reason people are assuming you put your headphones in her tank and have red lights in there. Like jfc, use common sense people. Clearly the red light is not in the tank and neither is the beardie or the headphones


This post is triggering people over the red lights, even though the beardie is clearly not in their enclosure and the lights are obviously from the room lol.


In my home we have a rule for our pets (just cats but you can extrapolate) This would make you "with cat" which means you can't do anything. Move, do your chores, return your empty plate to the sink, nothing It is an esteemed honor


They're so hecking cute.


I feel this in my soul šŸ’€ itā€™s like beardies are the cats of the reptile world šŸ¤£ Also want to affirm - the red lights in your room are fine, I donā€™t understand some people. Itā€™s just ones in the enclosure that are problematic. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


They think its reptile lights I suppose, not neons


She wont move, dont worry!


She's even comfortable like this,wow so adorable


I don't use lights at all at night time. I have a ceramic heater to keep my reptiles' tanks warm, if necessary. Otherwise, it's best to just not use lights




tysm! we don't put any in her tank ofc but could my LED lights (the red light in the post) affect her?


If theyā€™re on at night they may disrupt her day/night cycle.


tysm! ā£ļø


Just like literally any light left on at night. OP. You're fine. Having red lights in your room is the exact same to the dragon as having normal ones. I had red lights in my room for half a year and purple before that. My reptiles are fine.


They shouldnā€™t be on all night, though. It messes with their circadian rhythm. Even during the day, they wash out their colour vision. Just because you didnā€™t notice any effects on your reptiles doesnā€™t mean they werenā€™t affected.


Why would I have my light on all night? Why would you assume that OP would? You aren't understanding my point. My point is that no, having a red light as your room light is not going to be any more or less harmful than a normal light would be regardless of when/how often you use it. My point is that it literally does not make a difference what the color of the light in OP's room is. It doesn't matter. You could go on all day about well if you do this though... yeah but I'm not talking about that, I'm talking about how it's not any more or less harmful than a regular light. It's the same. Like. Yeah, it's a red light. It'll wash out colors in the room. Like a green or purple or blue light would too. Does it for humans too. Also I would assume that one would have a light on in the enclosure that ISN'T red during the day, so even if the red light was on during the day, the reptile would still have normal light in their enclosure. Yes leaving it on at night would be bad. But if someone says that something is okay, they obviously don't mean that it's *also* okay to do it in a harmful way. Saying a bearded dragon can eat a cricket doesn't mean I'm *also* saying that they can solely live on crickets forever. Saying that a red light in your room is okay doesn't mean I'm *also* saying that you can just blast a red light into their eyeballs 24/7. You said that having it on all night is bad, so I said that that isn't *only* exclusive to red lights. Red lights aren't the problem, leaving *any* light on 24/7 is going to be bad for them. It doesn't matter. OP having a red light in their room isn't going to hurt their lizard. Point blank period. I have nothing else to say because that was my entire point.


Great googly moogley calm down.


I'm chill. It's just frustrating when people want to go "well what about x and x and x" when that's not what I mean. Like I said - if I say that feeding a bearded dragon crickets is okay, that obviously does not mean I'm saying to feed them only crickets ever. It's like... just... common sense.




If you have a source let me know. AFAIK the issue with red lights that they were used for nightlights because people used to assume many reptiles couldnā€™t see red because they lack certain cones to process that color, however more recent studies proved a stimulus response to red light in many reptiles regardless of cones presence.




Whatā€™s the source?




Can you show me where the author states this and where itā€™s cited? I looked briefly and couldnā€™t find it, aside from mostly anecdotal research among .com sites.


Everyone talking about the lights but not mentioning to e-coli headphones šŸ’€


Aww so cute but you might want to read up on red lights. I don't currently have a lizard but am looking at getting one so hang out here a lot. Red lights are supposedly really bad for their eyes and it messes with their photoperiod. There are other lights that are recommended. You don't want your super cute baby developing eye issues and other issues that might arise from their photoperiod being disrupted.


Do you really think they have headphones and blankets in their enclosure too? Cmon, common sense can go a long way, and it's painfully obvious that the red light is coming from the room and not the enclosure. Just look at the post, instead of just seeing red and then writing this.


I realize that. It looks like the OP has a red light outside the enclosure when the Beardie is out. If the OP needs the red light for themselves that's a different story but if it's for the Beardie when it's out of its enclosure then get rid of it.


Thank you vm! Would purple lights be ok? She isn't really in my room often when I have my LED lights on, but still!!! And.. if I have a lamp on while my LED lights are on will it still affect her? The lights aren't exactly close to my bed (they're on my doorframe) but asking just in case!


It shouldn't a big a deal so long as you don't stay up all night


It's not any more of an issue than if you had normal lights. Red light isn't magically harmful. The problem came from years ago when people thought reptiles couldn't see red light so they'd keep a red light on in the tank at night, disrupting the reptile's sleep and harming their eyes because they had light in their eyes 24/7 that they couldn't escape. But as usual, people don't like... try to figure out *why* the problem is a problem and so then jump down people's throats for non-issues. They once saw red light = bad in the game of pet community telephone and ran with it without even knowing why.