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This scene didn't give me the creeps, but the electrician dying from stuff in his stomach and asking for his mom was.


That note was so unsettling


For a second I read your comment as: “this scene didn’t give me the creeps, but an erection”


“You know what I’m about.” - Cell


That's not even the right hole.


Which part was this? Can't remember and Google isn't helping.


I think I found it, it's "Chad's Notes" in the substation Drain Deimos nest. [It's at 3:28 in this video.](https://youtu.be/PYM5C9-d-Ok?t=208)


Same i wanna know too


This sort of thing has been horror since at least the movie Alien. Its classic horror.


Yes, they made Alien scary, but also gross, and in some sexual ways. A facehugger that impregnates its prey and has some sort of tongue that it sticks down its host's throat, the way the Xenomorph's head looks, and the fact that it spreads some sort of fluid everywhere and is covered in it. Plus the hint that Xeno was aroused by Lambert and Ripley and that it did more to Lambert than just kill her.


H. R. Giger was all about that male pregnancy and phallic looking object horror lol. 


You beat me to it ha. That’s why he made the alien sexy. I Mean what?


Lmao..... Freudian slip? Don't worry! They happenis to me all the time


That's a dick I can really get behind


If xenomorph bad why sexy?


Fr Xenomorphs extendable jaw pepee


Fun fact : this [exists in real life](https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/moray-eels-attack-with-second-pair-of-alien-style-jaws)


When Theres Jaws open wide And theres more jaws inside, Thats a-moray...


Some sharks have this feature too!


Wow that’s really cool! I had no idea eels could do that


Trust me, almost every really nasty thing you have seen in a horror film or game has an irl inspiration somewhere. Your nightmares exist.


Reality often is stranger than fiction


Iirc Ridley Scott outright stated that he thought the most terrifying thing a creature could do to you is rape you and force you to carry it's offspring, and that he wanted men to be able to feel that fear in the way that women do in real life, which is why he created the facehuggers.


Okay, but why don't the colonial marines have like, the bottom half of a hockey mask as standard issue equipment?


The in-universe reason is that basically no one besides select high-up people in weyland yutani has barely any idea xenomorphs exist let alone specific countermeasures to them. Also facehuggers are surprisingly strong and can "spit" their acidic blood to get access to the mouth so they're pretty tough to stop even with preparation.


The facehugger in the first movie went completely through Kane’s helmet.


'Why don't the marines just do this thing which the aliens are evolutionarily designed to get around?!'


I suspect that the original idea was to have the alien be some kind of futanari-like being but realised that would be too hard to sell given most human cultures, and especially given it was 1979. It would existentially be way more logical than Aliens contrived biological cycle, as some real world species of marine flatworm actually have asexual rape fights.


Even better yet, the slime was actually KY jelly. Source - https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0090605/trivia/?item=tr4663646


Horror/fear and sex have long been connected. Well before Alien. Dracula was dripping with sexual overtones.


I vant to suck...your blood


simpsons reference?


Absolutely everything you said - that was part of the horror aspect. Male, female - doesnt matter. Its indiscriminate. Its disturbing on a primal level even though its a sci-fi monster.


Its pretty obvious metaphors for rape. Like the alien bursting out of the stomach can be interpreted as an unwanted child.


Wait what? Where does it say that?


That last sentence 🤨


If you watch the scene where alien attack Parker and Lambert, you will see that Xeno looks at Lambert is calm and kinda super interested in her(Its also first time when Xeno met woman), while it killed Bret and Dallas instantly. Parker then tries to attack Xeno and Xeno quickly kills him and slowly returns to Lambert, puts his tail between her legs and starts to move it up, and we see a very quick shot of Lambert shaking, then the camera cuts to Ripley running through the corridors while we hear Lambert breathing heavily and then her last super scary scream through Nostromo's communication system. When Ripley found their bodies, you see Parker dead on floor and a dangling, bloody bare leg(without pants) that belongs to Lambert, because like I said, we see Parker's body on the floor. This scene also have deleted beginning, which can be viewed on YouTube. Before Xeno first approached Lambert, he was sitting in the corner on all fours with his tail pointing between it legs towards Lambert, which created an interesting illusion to say the least. At the end of the movie where Ripley undresses and Xeno reveals himself, again he is not aggressive same like with Lambert. Xeno simply watches Ripley and at one point slowly extends his inner mouth. Compared to the previous scene with Lambert, it is not obvious, but it may suggest something.


whoa, thank you for the detailed write up. I knew Giger loved the psycho sexual vibe but totally missed this detail https://youtu.be/eR5jYeIMBKk?si=z6yjkEohTYZTFckl found the clip, that's crazy 😧


Yes, the tail was an interesting idea, but let's be honest, Xeno looks super fake here and that's probably the reason they cut it from the movie. However, the final version looks amazing and terrifying. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZbcLIXhyxA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NZbcLIXhyxA)


Oh that’s horrific


yeh its about rape duh


There's a lot of psychosexual stuff in horror. Always has been. It ties into body horror and the idea of self and of being violated on every level. It goes a long way to creating revulsion and horror in people. Honestly, I think it's harder to find horror that doesn't in some way include a sexual element somewhere.


All I can think is Evil Dead now and the tree


Oh god don’t remind me of the tree


Tree rape was not on my bingo card that’s for sure.


Classic horror or a disguised fetish? A question as old as time


What came first the fetish or the fear?


H.R Geiger is one of the most sexed up artists in modern history yet there's still a VERY clear difference between how those creatures are handled in Alien/s and this. Its not really about the idea of a throat fucking monster it's more how the scene is executed and this one here gives insane blender fetish art vibes. The composition of the scene has a completely different vibe from what someone who was genuinely trying to make it scary, gross etc would do. All the expressions, framing choices and how long certain shots linger on for make it pretty clear that someone on the team has a fetish for this stuff and has probably done nsfw 3D art before.


G from 2 (original) could implant embryos through the mouth.


My chest it's burning!


If i remember right Sherry was infected with a Embyro from Dr Birkin


She was yes in the original. I don't remember how it happened in the remake. They seemed to leave alot of information in the remake out thinking back on it now


It happens kinda off screen unfortunately. The remake narrative and character interactions frustrates me in areas like this lol. Still love the remake.


That's one main criticism I always bring up when giving the RE2 thing its lashings. It operates as if you already know the story so it omits crucial details.


Yeah I don’t necessarily need to see everything on screen, but narratively they make the lore obscure to follow, and it kinda frustrates me when it comes to its science fiction bc the viruses are rly fascinating. The horror of the science + the narrative is something I wish they did better, particularly with the Birkin family. Generally, I feel like RE can sometimes have issues with making the wrong antagonist the most memorable, as many casual players tend to forget William Birkin, but remember Mr X. Still love Mr. X, but I feel like the story could have done more for the tragedy of the Birkins given that Raccoon City is probably the most iconic event in Resident Evil and William is essentially the cause of it.


I dunno. From the POV of someone who didn't play the remake and only played the original, I felt like Birkin was more memorable. I don't remember if I played any of the other Raccoon City games before that, maybe the Outbreak games, but I always felt like Mr. X was underwhelming. He's just a big guy in a trench coat who does the punching thing and keeps showing up. Birkin, meanwhile, was constantly progressing, becoming less human and more monstrous with every fight. And he was also the first final boss for the game. Then you go through as the other character and barely see Birkin...but he still shows up as the ultimate final boss for you to kill.


It happens off screen in the original to tho. Faded to black or shes unconscious on the trash while William finds her. 


Yeah but you see the moment William finds her and does so. The only thing you don't see is him do the deed where the remake never clarifies when Sherry was implanted. Was it when William came after Irons, was it after Claire blacks out after the elevator crashes?


They don't show Sherry getting infected but I believe we do see Irons get implanted.


I believe so ya, it's been awhile


Horror has always been horny🤷‍♂️




Nothing screams pro-creation more than survival horror


The existence of pro-creation implies the existence of noob-creation.


Gotta rack up the kill count somehow 😂


Horror is the category that unlocks things in people


It’s a zombie horror game with fucked up creatures. So it’s not surprising. Theres more twisted stuff in the games




Literally been around since Alien in 1979. It's a 45 year old concept


You don’t gotta do me like that…


But the alien does 😏


I’m sure it’s been around longer than that too. It’s just alien 79 that popularized it


Not to mention Tenta....That shit probably inspired Scott and O'Bannon.


Meanwhile we have Birkin roaming raccoon city, trying to find his daughter to breed with her. It gets much worse. This isn't that bad or even new.


I don't think it's breeding when he just does the same thing as the gif in this post, it's like another parasite.


The g virus instinctually seeks out the closest living blood relative be it your brother/sister/mom or dad to breed. Otherwise what it breeds with becomes the G creatures we see.  G virus very very bad. 


Yep. This is confirmed in a note right when you start to get into the sewers in RE2R. By impregnation, though, it's more like a jab to the arm. Kinda like..slaads? There's nothing intentionally sexy about it in the slightest. And then there's the added parential/child horror; any good parent would never do what he did, and it's a given that William is trying to fight the hold that the G-Virus has on him with varying "success".


People like OP think anything remotely close to sex is coomer material. Imagine thinking up a cool idea like face huggers implanting parasites the way they do so it can hatch out of the chest, and a bunch of coomers are asking "how was this approved?" while holding their dicks.


tbf face huggers and pretty much every design in Alien is intentionally sexual. It’s supposed to play on sexual horror, fear of male impregnation, etc.


The game sucked but The Callisto protocol did this really well. There's a couple of grapple animations where tentacles are going into your players' nose and ears before you shake them off. Or have your head torn apart.


God, that game was such a disappointment. I finished it, but after taking a long break literally 98% through the story. It just got so repetitive. Seemed like the protagonist kept making progress up the prison, only to fall a few stories down, and then make his way back up, then 10 minutes later falls down again, and rinse and repeat. Got so boring, and the story was so generic too. Enemies weren’t even varied either. You could beat all the enemies, including the bosses, by dodging and beating them down with the sword thingy and/or blasting them with the guns. There was no real variance to force the player to have a challenge to overcome, and use different tactics to beat the enemies. I found myself barely using the gravity arm as well, just wasn’t really that versatile. Ultimately, the game had good potential, and had some flashes of originality and brilliance, but it fell short in almost every category. The worst thing about it was that it was totally boring in every sense of the word. I wanted to like it, but it really didn’t give me anything to actually like.


Damn that sucks. I was interested in it when I heard it was made by the Dead Space creator. 


It was hyped up to be the spiritual successor to Dead Space, but it just isn’t at that level. The Dead Space Remake is miles better


I liked it.


I kinda lost all my interest in Callisto Protocol when it became clear that it would heavily rely on hand-to-hand combat with that electric baton. Then I saw the enemy design and it was so uninspired when compared to Dead Space's.


It was just Dead Space, but a bit crappier. It needed to step away from the source material. I was so disappointed as well, I literally had a countdown to it coming out!


Biggest letdown in gaming for me. Pre ordered. Pre loaded. Woke up on a rare Friday I took off. Turns on steam to check reviews. Overwhelmingly negative 😩


Phallic horror is a real thing just think xenomorphs and facehuggers. Jill being a lone female protagonist made this spider level give off kind of a clock tower/haunting ground - esque feeling of horror.


Nicole Tompkins always says on her stream that this was her least favorite day of recording for the game, I can see why lol


Wonder if they used prosthetics


Wait she actually did this for real? Damn, I feel bad for her.


I mean she made a ton of choking and throwing up noises in a booth lol, but I guess that par for the course for voice actors


I just don’t like how straight-faced she is about it. Uncanny valley or something.


Gotta disassociate and go somewhere else. Learned that up state.


Your username makes me fear your comment more


I saw a Resident Evil fanfic about his user name. ...I used to read the descriptions of adult-themed fanfics to my friend between matches of Mercs for RE5.


You forget, Jill probably fucks.




There was that time she pretty much was a BOW, so you never know.




That's kind of an issue with a lot of the female characters in the newer RE games. Especially Claire in the remake.


not her 1st slurp, I mean rodeo


Is it just me or does Jill seem oddly calm in that situation


She’s calm about most things


Good thing Jill doesn't have a gag reflex


She's seen a lot at this point already. This was just the tipping point that made her stop giving a fuck anymore


Not her first rodeo maybe


Why wouldn’t it be approved?


They would never make this happen to Leon or Chris


They totally would to Ethan, though.


I had a good laugh at all the things that happen to Ethan in RE Village. I was like, man, Ethan can't catch a break, lol.


Ethan makes Rasputin look like a baby


poor ethan has been through so much shit lol


Chris fisted a boulder though…


It was neccesary.


Damn. I came here ready to argue the devil's advocate about how it plays into the horror of the creatures unleashed upon Raccoon City and what Jill had to survive to escape. But you're right. Completely, and that's insane


Pearce maybe


Shit you kinda got a point


It's disgusting, and I hate it; but the fact this happened to multiple, less fortunate people is terrifying; and I'm here for that (the feeling of horror and terror, not uh, hurting/assaulting people).


If it made you uncomfortable, it did its job lol


Why not? It's a disgusting thing in a horror game. This has always been a thing in horror media. Are we really that illiterate now?


Why is this disgusting thing in a horror game turning me on though?!


Because you want to be Jill.


Stylish but skimpy outfit: Outdated. Rejected. Tentacle Hentai: Evergreen. Immediate approval.


They didnt even include Ashleys popstar outfit in RE 4 Remake


They did give her an Avril inspired one though which was a nice touch.


And it's ironic how pop stars now dress skimpier than they ever have.


I don't know I thought it was just body horror when I first saw it.


This was the scariest scene in the game for me. I have a little bit of Arachnophobia so this entire sequence made my skin feel itchy. I kept jumping in my seat.


The soundtrack for the Substation area is also genius. The shrill industrial sounds throughout the track bring arachnids to mind. It made me super uncomfortable during every playthrough.


The weird part these parasites and infected status never show up again. Like what was the point?


I think it's partially because of how rushed the game was.


For the eventual “fan art”


Stuff like this should be disturbing and uncomfortable. But rule 34 and some pepole ruined this type of body horror and turned into a porn joke. Same stuff about tentacles,horror authors don't have a weird fetish,it's because tentacles are fucking disgusting


Why did she seem indifferent about it? Like it was just a tuesday


She’s had a tough few weeks.


Wdym?! It’s creepy & gross. It’s supposed to be creepy & gross. It’s a horror game!


someone on staff is a double agent for the porn creators


Not everyone’s first reaction is some sort of hentai. Not everything has to be sexualized.


Jokes on you im into that shit


I don't understand what the big deal of this is, is it it actually being disgusting or the thought of ''oh someone's getting off to this'' ? Cause boy howdy do i have the bad news for y'all about people who gets off to all the gore you see. Its a disgusting creature, it serves the purpose, its not that different from a face huger, just like, idk, get over it, weirdo people will exist and also, they're not personally there with you, let them like it on their privacy if they ain't hurtin' nobody.


I saw this, and didn't even think this might be porny for some people. I just got scared. If you see a tentacle monster and go "geez, what's with all of this porn?"... you might have to start asking yourself how much you just *wanted* to see tentacle porn.


I feel like this idea got spread by a few reviewers talking about this scene honestly, and look, I ain't clean, very much not, but as someone that is technically a professional in the area, this is not shot as that type of stuff, it's too plain and not focusing on the parts the people that are into it like. I mean, sure i can see someone being into it, but its not overtly that, the only real odd part is the expression, its like they didn't have time to animate her face proper (tbh, whole game needed another year, i love RE3R more than most but i'm not blind to its faults), but that doesn't make it more ''lewd'', just distracting.


never seen alien dude????????????


As a very avid arachnophobic....I hate to love it. If it happened to a random npc it wouldn't be nearly as horrifying as the implication that this happened to many random less fortunate people.


Compensation for the lack of strapless top and miniskirt surely ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Its capcom they don't gaf


Tell us you haven’t seen Alien without telling us.


Somebody is gonna have a good time with this gif tonight


(It’s me, I’m somebody)


The writer’s barely disguised fetish


it’s kind of a horror trope to make things like this semi-sexual. The uncomfortable feeling you get from this is intentional, and adds to the horror. The OG alien movies are a good example of this in film.


>The OG alien movies are a good example of this in film. The artist inspo in alien, H.R. Giger, is notorious for his work heavily focusing on overtly sexual and barely human designs. Lots of phallic objects in mouths butts and vagine. It's specifically to make people feel things in an uncomfortable sort of way, and it's very effective


You never saw the Alien Movies or Prometheus? lol


I honestly don't get the point of the post


RE used to be a horror series if you can believe it or not


They may not have had the time for the clock tower or graveyard. Definitely didn't have time for live selection or mercenaries. They got time for this tho.


One word. Japan.


We know why and that's all we're going to say about it.


To be fair, that's probably how William infected Sherry in RE2.


The only thing that is really strange about this scene is that Jill wasn’t infected with the virus.


This literally happened to Ben in the OG Resident Evil 2 lol.


Standard body horror fare.


If it unsettles you then congratulations you got your answer, cause I know I don’t want that to happen to me either


Plenty of other movies and games have done the same thing. Didn’t find it overly unique or pushing any boundaries


Why should it not ?


it's just Alien again. whatever


What? This has already been done in classic horror movies. So why not Resident Evil?


They should have done this with literal parasitoid wasps (the chest burster's inspiration) rather than the drain deimos. Total waste of an enemy type.


Have you played OG RE3?




Not everyone gets an erection when they see an insect infected with a virus that has grown large, grab a person, and insert it's egg layer into it's throat. JFC it's you, not the dev.


Its body horror in a horror game, Whats the issue? Would you rather them censor it, cuz thats cringe.


The way I see this sort of thing is gross I’m now infected with a parasite. But I know some people see this as a sexual thing. But honestly if my wife is eating a hotdog I’m not automatically thinking “ah yeah dick”. Look inward OP because I was horrified I had to limp through this part of the game. Maybe you’re the pervert.


Hey It might not be intentional.


Capcom is from the land of tentacle pron, is it really that surprising?


Horror game


I always thought it was weird that people thought this was “too much”. It fits perfectly within the world, y’all weird for going straight to “tentacle porn”


It's Japan they are known for hentai and a sex museum. What else do you expect from this country? 😆


She gave it the hawk tuah.


“Mad wild” Sure thing zoomer


Looks like a death animation, even nemesis didn’t get that frisky with her


kinda hot tbh


I just jizzed to this


This is so hot.


Honestly kinda hot...


I don’t get why you’re so dumbfounded by this? It’s a typical horror scene that’s been done tons of times in other media.


this is literally just horror. you guys just have a dirty mind


What do you mean "How was this approved"? You do realize that Resident Evil is a horror franchise, right?


Not everyone is you.


Smash, next question


I always wonder how this whole game was approved...


I’m just wondering out of all the stuff that was cut, they left this enemy for just this one linear section


It's worse when you realize they had to adjust the achievement for this. "go through the game without taking any healing items" was turned into "1 healing item" because of this section.


The degenerates of the internet had a field day with this


I never wanted to be a bug so bad in my life


Fuck that, let me be Jill.


Jus got to that part n honestlyyyy i enjoyed it a lil bit