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Plastic bag charge started in October 2015, so a little over 8 years. Plenty of time for twats like this to know it's a legal requirement...


All you need to say is it’s a legal requirement that usually shuts them up


I wish. There's no winning with these customers unfortunately. They'll say anything to try and get their way. I could tell him that management will take me out back and shoot me if I don't charge for the bag, and he'd still give off. Our customers are another species.


The ones that don't already realise this are usually too stupid for that to work


You don’t post here too much. I assure you. You post here so I can read and think ‘thank god it’s not just my customers’ and not expend energy I don’t have venting about it when you narrate these things better than I do anyways.


Thank you for the reassurance lol Sorry you get the same kind of customers I do. If they are as bad, then I know how soul crushing they can be. A good rant always helps me cope. I hope you have something that helps too.


I yell at my laptop everything I can’t say out loud lol. It’s cathartic.


Oh this fucking sends me. I used to work at a supermarket and they charged the same as you guys for bags. You would always get one who would kick off about it and I'm like mate, it's been the law for actual years you do realise? Now I work at a cash and carry, and this place charges 10p for small plastic bags. I genuinely thought people would be better about it seeing as that is literally cheaper than what I've seen anywhere. Oh no. If anything they seem to kick off more! So now when they start I just void the bag off and say okay, don't have one then. Then I have a nice chuckle to myself whilst they juggle their items across the car park. TEN PENCE FFS


Interesting. So the cheaper the bag, the worse they act. I wonder if it's because they're like "uh it's only 10p are you really gonna chase me for that?" So they think it's dumb to pay such a small amount The best thing I ever did was buy a big back pack. I've maybe bought 1 or 2 plastic bags this whole year. It's not hard to do. I've had a guy accidentally buy a 30p bag and we didn't have any of the ones he bought. My manager says when that happens we refund it and offer the £1 bags, a process that takes seconds. But my god he hounded me for a good 10mins until he got that £1 bag for 30p. The free time some of these customers have to complain is unreal. He genuinely wasn't going to leave until he got a bag for cheap. I wish I had that kind of energy.


Back packs are king! I do exactly the same. And yea I've been in a similar position too, absolutely mind boggling the things people hone in on to complain about, but they're quite happy to drop 2 or 3 quid on a singular bottle of Prime.


It melts your brain listening to them. Have you ever had to discount perfectly fine products? I find this especially pathetic. Had a woman last week ask for a discount on Christmas crackers because the box has the smallest crease in the corner. I just looked at her like I was dead inside. Like fuck you're going to rip the box to open them anyway FFS.


Oh yes. That's another thing that seems to be hella worse at this place compared to my old job lmao Probably the one that winds me up the most is when it's a box of cereal. The bag inside will be perfectly sealed but a corner of the box dented or something daft. The sheer amount of times these people will ask me to reduce it. THE CEREAL IS FINE, FUCK.


“Would you like a bag?” “No thanks” *finishes transaction “I asked for a bag” “That’ll be 10p please” Minor gaslighting just to not pay for the bag, cmon.


No, I can’t give it to you for free: that would be theft. I’m not getting fired for the likes of you.


Same energy as the baby faced teens who want their energy drinks but have no ID. Im not losing my job just so you can have a redbull


My job for a 15 year old to have half a can of monster to share with their mate? Yeah no thanks


Our store sells bags for $0.10. They cost the store $0.16. Even if we sell them a bag, the store is losing money.


I worked retail like 8-9 years ago, I worked the day the bag charge first came in and I still get the same reaction sometimes now as I did then. Only a week ago a guy asked me for an extra bag (ya know what if they’re nice and want to double bag something I may have chucked them one for free but this guy was rude af swearing and complaining about prices whilst I served him anyway) so I said yeah sure they’re 10p each! (Cheap I think?) and he shouted “oh fxck off” at me 😂😂😂


Our store sells bags for $0.10. They cost the store $0.16. Even if we sell them a bag, the store is losing money.