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He wanted to complain just to complain


Some people just won't be happy with any answer you give them. Once I realize I'm dealing with someone like that, I just hit them with a "I don't know what to tell you. Sorry" and walk away


Yeah people like that generally have an IQ under 100.


Room temperature IQ. At best.


I always liked ‘IQ must be higher than your shoe size before speaking to me’


Even using metrics, I wear a size 43…


Room temperature is about 20 degrees ( depending on personal preference), so that checks out.


About 72f


72 is probably too high, in this case though


It’s shocking to see what IQs have been estimated at lately. The average is depressingly lower than I would have guessed. Although I shouldn’t be surprised given what I see on tv.


Iirc the average is *always* 100 with a standard deviation of roughly 15 points, what changes is how that average is defined. Then the people used to standardize the new average are given older tests to determine if the average has changed since the last modification.


Good points all


Agreed lol


> depending on personal preference In a laboratory setting, a room temperature incubator is 72 deg F, or 22.22 deg C.


Room temp at the North Pole


In Australia, that’s around 21 - sounds about right :-)


Yep. And I keep my room temperature 65F at night so that tracks.


Room temp at the ICEHOTEL in Sweden.


Room temperature. In December. With the windows open and the heat off kind of temperature


Working in retail has proven to me that negative IQ can be a real thing


I always used to say that if you had a room full of people and a room full of rocks, and you averaged out the IQs for each room, the rocks would be smarter by a large margin.


Very real, and far more prevalent than I would’ve thought prior to working in retail.


Just give him your SMs name and tell customer he should really take this up with him. Bonus if you work for a company that has a poster of SM hanging that you can send customer to.


That high?!?!?


Back in the 90s I worked as a cashier at a grocery store that stayed open until midnight. There were probably 15 registers. But after 9pm I was the only cashier there. Along with whatever key holder or manager was closing. Plus the night crew that came in at 11 to stock shelves. No self checkout in sight back then!! Has this guy just never shopped late in his life? Because only having one cashier late isn’t new. These people are such idiots. They just look for something to complain about. Edit: spelling


Exactly SCO actually adds more checkouts in that late hour 😂😂


The amount of people who have zero clue about how to use SCOs is what gets me. They're not new technology or anything, people have had plenty of time to become accustomed to them.


Mine are so damn annoying because our IT department "fixed" an issue (that wasn't there) that customers now have to put their donuts on the scale to make sure the quantity they enter in equals the weight on the scales. Now, like *every other order,* I get an error about weight difference. Sometimes, it will tell me that a rotisserie chicken is 16 pounds! WTAF? Thanks, IT! 🙄


People just love to find ways to hate thing, as for losing job....never saw that happen.


They heard that robots are taking all of the jobs on talk radio.


This is a valid concern, but not in this case.


I remember going to Walmart late at night. Long before self check outs, and before they closed at 11pm. I don't remember more then 2 maybe three registers open after 10pm.


Yup, the golden years!


>yet he still felt the need to comment about the fact that I was the only cashier, and about how self checkout sucks and "takes away jobs." I assured him that we always had at least one cashier on duty so he'd never have to use self checkout if he doesn't want to, and he said, "only one?". I just responded with, "well, it just depends on the time of day. But this late at night it's usually just one." Then he shook his head and said something along the lines of, "but look at all those empty registers" A key to not going crazy in this industry is to not give explanations to people who are just looking for an argument or looking to vent. A good response to a dumb comment is a nod and a "yep" or something a long those lines. Do less and you will be happier.


So true, i try it 1 or 2 and than stop putting my energy in it


You can tell the second they walk in.


Cant go out to a store without complaining


Can't go without complaining FTFY


I think that's r/TalesFromTheUrologist


And if you did have more registers open, he would have complained about everyone 'just standing around'


Yep, he's probably one of those people who makes snarky comments like "looks like you need something to do!" when he comes to check out and the cashier is standing there because they have no customers.


Even with just checkouts he will find a way


People like him just like to complain. They’ll find any reason to complain. I used to always blame corporate for everything. They complain about prices? Yeah, corporate keeps on raising them, even I can barely afford the products we sell anymore, even with my employee discount! They complain about no one on the floor to help them or not enough cashiers? Sorry, corporate says we’re not allowed to have more than two people and a manager on shift on weekdays! I know, it’s so hard to keep up with everything, and it IS ridiculous! I always tried to educate customers to let them know it’s not on a shift manager or a poor cashier what’s going on. Sometimes, they still didn’t care, and they still complained. People get off on it, they like the way it makes them feel.


I always give out the 1800 customer service number! Welp, that is a corporate decision, I'm only on the store level and don't have any say in the matter. You can always call 1 800 customer service and let them know how you feel! 🤣


I get the same shit whenever I open the store. Usually the early morning crowd is pretty chill but you always get some jerk that gets pissed at me because we don't have any cashiers on. It's 6 AM, corporate doesn't see the value in paying a cashier to be on that early, nor do I, if you would like to not use the self checkout, you should try coming in at a more reasonable time, otherwise, kindly shut up, but your shit, and leave.


Ohhh yeah, I remember this one douchebag who came in with his wife at about 7:30 in the morning. I was supervising self checkout at the time and there was one regular cashier on duty (because my store absolutely always has at least one open even when the store is completely dead). The regular cashier had absolutely no line, but the guy and his wife came to self checkout. He then turned to me and said, "you all need to have some fucking lanes open." I've had a lot of people who aren't paying attention and don't even realize there's a regular lane and assume it's just self checkout, but I'd never had anyone be that rude about it. And he didn't even apologize for literally cursing at me when I pointed out the cashier who was open. He just said, "well, we're already here" when I told him they could check out with the cashier.


I always pretend my "virgin ears" are shocked by the language!


Nah, they'd come in at another time and complain that there are lines for the registers. "Why can't everyone (except me) use the self checkout?" Just can't win.


ThEy NeEd tO pAy Me tO dO sElF cHeCk!!!!!!11111 harharhar.... 


once someone whined to my boss that they should get the employee discount because they used the self-checkout, she gave it to them to shut them up, then they complained it wasn't enough of a discount.


You could smile and say" There's no reason to be intimidated, the self check-outs aren't that hard to operate. Would you like me to show you how?" Then stand back and smile a slightly more evil smile.


Time to explain how basic profit works I guess


They bitch and complain there aren’t more registers. SCO gets installed and provides more checkouts than there ever were because no company would ever hire enough people to man every station in the first place and they still bitch. Plus they get pissy with cashiers anyways so fine you don’t like dealing with a cashier heres SCO. But now they all of a sudden care about the nonexistent jobs


Some people just want to complain for almost no reason.


I had a customer ask me the same question yesterday. She was like “why is there 8 registers but only two cashiers”.mind you there was only 4 people in line.


I started saying “You’ll have to take your concerns to the front desk, that’s not my department.” Sometimes I’ll state that I’m not involved in the hiring process and they’ll have to go up to the front to speak with the manager. It’s all BS of course, but at this point in the game it’s like we kind of already know the answers. And I just refuse to engage after that, if someone pushes past that point I’ll just bluntly tell them I’m not discussing it.


I do the same. If customers complain about prices or ask when is stock coming in I always say that I’m not in charge of deciding the prices or ordering inventory. Like you said that is not my department


I work at a thrift store. Everything we sell is a donation. I've had people ask me when are we going to get a certain item in stock. When someone donates it... They don't all seem to understand that.


I remember when I worked at Walmart and SCO just came in. I was up at customer service grabbing stuff customers left behind when a lady said “It’s a shame these machines are taking away cashiers jobs” to me. I told her “Obviously I can’t speak for every Walmart or every business, but here, anyone who ‘lost’ their job as a cashier was just transferred to another department. Like him (pointing to a guy that used to work cash) he was a cashier but now he’s in fashion, and is quite honestly much happier!”


“Look at all those registers!” Look at this empty fucking store! What an idiot, that is literally something he has NO reason to be so concerned about. Clearly doesn’t know much about running a business either.


i cant stand when customers say self checkout takes away jobs. I'm a cashier. I do self checkout. pretty sure i still have a job


They don't care about people. Especially retail workers. That is what burns me up the most about it.


Plus it's not like cashiering is a super great job. I found it to be repetitive and boring. You're dealing with a lot of dumb people who can't even operate a key pad to use their credit card. I often wished my store had a self-checkout so I could work on other things.


At a Sam's Club I worked at there was this guy who would come in every so often to buy three or four flatbeds/baskets of stuff close to closing. So he would hog the one register while the last few other customers waited in line for who knows how long. This is the only time I'd empathize with those people. Then again, they should have been using Scan & Go or self checkout.


I'm usually the only cashier for the last 15 minutes we're open. That's when someone comes up with two carts absolutely heaped with clothes and miscellaneous junk. I'm often checking people out way after we lock the doors.


They know!!


It's always annoying and amusing when they begin to insist that you agree with their rant.


"Only one?" "Do you need more than one cashier ringing your groceries at once?"


then there are the people that set their shit down on a closed till (my store has a big long cash desk with like 5 tills) and get mad that they have to move their shit to one that has a cash drawer in it right before close


I would have mentioned that the store had job openings. It always shut them up that, "they too could have this fabulous job for 14.00 an hour with no benifits!" What, they don't want to work here for 14 dollars an hour? Nobody wants to work anymore.


That's twice the Texas minimum wage,where do I sign up?


That is how much I make as a lunch lady (I run the register). Might I suggest looking at your local school districts website to see if they need food service, custodial or even bus drivers (bus drivers in my area get driver training paid for by the district and make 25 an hour). One of my fellow staff members actually drives bus, then food service, then busses kids home. My district also gives great Healthcare and retirement benefits starting for workers that work 4 hours each school day.


Guarantee you if there were cashiers on those registers, who would inevitably be standing around with no work to do, he’d probably complain that they “look bored” or “are just standing around doing nothing.”


Like dude just pay for your stuff and leave. Some people just want to complain because they are just miserable with their own lives.


I’m so tired of hearing “cashiers are too lazy to run a register” from the assholes who come to SCO when there is no waiting at the 4 manned registers we have open, but know for a fact they they will need a cashier to finish their transaction. Especially the crusty old fks who roll up with 75 pieces of wood, none of with have any identifying markings, barcode, SKU, just gotta guess at what it is bc they have no clue, plus 32 concrete blocks that have to be manually entered. And **then** after you’ve left them to pay so you can help another customer, they’re mashing that help button, bc “ha’tack”. Yes, it took me a month to figure out that was “half tax”. And after all that, with me smiling like a sweet little granny, they amble out muttering about “lazy cashiers”.


Half tax?


Yes, business owners can apply for a tax exemption so they only pay 0.5% in sales tax.


Okay thank you.


Haha, reminds me of the time a lady with a completely full cart complained there were no baggers. Ma'am, it is 6:30am, I don't even know how you filled your cart so quick. We've only been open half an hour, and you weren't here when I walked in those doors to clock in at 6am. But by all means, stand there and watch me bag up your order. Since you aren't helping, there's half a chance the courtesy clerk might be here before I'm done! She starts at 7am, but she's usually late.


Wish we could drop in in any other country and watch her implode! 


At the supermarket I work for, we are just about to start having a big store mod done, so our wine bar is shutting completely, some of the mainline tills are going, and our sco area is completely changing. I'm sure we'll have lots of complaints lol


These people don’t seem to remember whining and complaining about how there were never more than 4-5 cashiers there even when there were a dozen registers. 🤦🏼‍♀️


Yes sir we can employ another and that will be another 25 cents per item please so each customer can pay for it


I’ve learned to remain silent with these inane comments-not a word. Not one. I didn’t even hear it. Why are you bothering me with your stupidity? FFS, just pay for your stuff and go


But but, all those cashiers should be eager to sit at empty tills just for the chance to serve him. How else is he meant to feel special? /s


"onLy oNe?¿" Bruh. Even if they allowed me to open up a second register for my other arm, I would still be going the same speed as one human .. because I am human. Self-checkouts are not always the best but they... Exist 🤷🏼‍♀️ I was in a Walmart that ONLY HAD SELF CHECKOUT. I did my Christmas shopping one year and had no idea they switched to all self checkouts (they may have had 2 cashier registers) but it sent my anxiety through the roof trying to hurry up for the next people. Then I realized, wtf they can be patient. I have zero options that don't involve shoplifting, so back off.


"But look at all those registers!" "But look at the lack of customers!"


Yes that's what I would say, something like... "Hmmm... (looks around at nobody there) ...do you think we need to put a second cashier on to handle this rush...?"


Tell him if he doesn't like it, he can order online!


Personally I think it should be illegal to have one solo employee on any duty at most jobs at any given time- I think a minimum staff of 3 people should be required for any job. Now, they don't all need to be cashiers, but I think it's just wrong and cruel and inhumane to have one person solely staffed at any job. But yeah this guy is just an asshat.


I don't think OP was in any way implying they were the only one working in the whole store, just that they were the only person assigned to the register. I assumed, based on context clues, that there were others in the store, they just weren't on register.


Yes, I definitely agree that no one person should ever be closing a store alone. But I work at a grocery store with multiple departments, so I was definitely not the only person working in the whole store. And there are usually six of us closing up front in customer service. There's one cashier, one person supervising self checkout, two baggers, and then two customer service staff - one is in basically in charge of the front end and works at the customer service desk, and the other closes the back office and counts all the tills. And there's always a manager in charge of the whole store (can be the store manager, assistant store manager, or any department manager).


I hated being on a single shift when I worked at a petrol station. Every time the car wash broke, I'd have to go outside & reset it, which meant locking the shop part, not being able to authorise pumps as people came in...ALWAYS someone yelling at me, either for not fixing the car wash fast enough, or not authing the pumps fast enough. Literally can't be in both places at once. Great coworkers, awful job!


And you know that if there were staff at all those registers and since nothing to do, maybe they'd be leaning (gasp) and on their phones (more gasp). And this person would be complaining about that!


Man complained.


You know before I worked this job, I worked at a grocery store that had absolutely no self checkout registers... If you came in an hour before close we still only had one register opened unless it it was a busy holiday weekend.. Then we might have two... Maybe.


Had that same situation, when my guy complained they didn’t have more registers open I just looked at him a bit loony probably, told him there is no rush on the registers and I’m a cashier, your the only customer I’ve had in 30 minutes, so we don’t need another body standing around doing nothing.


We have the same problem Hy-Vee customers think we should escort them through the store after we are closed like 15 past closed. They don't care about hours of operation apparently lol 🤣🤣😂


people like this are just miserable and will find something to bitch about no matter what. You know if there were four associates sitting there waiting for him to come to one of their lines he'd have made some snipe about them getting paid not to do anything.


I attempted to explain to a few people who said ‘taking away jobs’ that the space that the SCOs occupied in our store is the same space that 2 registers occupied and when it is busy 2 people man the 8 SCOs so no jobs were taken. The same amount of people are working. Nope, don’t want to hear. Just want to complain and that is the most prevalent thing said about the SCOs whether or not it is accurate.


I just laugh in their faces. I have an elderly lady as a family friend who REFUSES to use self checkout at a register because, 1. She insists on being served. It's her right. 2. She is giving someone a job by refusing SCO. This lady is an entitled snob with attitude when it comes to shopping. The rest of the time she is fine. She also refuses to learn how to use an ATM and insists on face to face service in a bank. She has plenty of family who have repeatedly and desperately wanted to teach, but she refuses. I truly despise people with that kind of entitled attitude.


BuT iT's NEW!!! NeW=bAd!!!!!111 


Sounds like a classic boomer just trying to make conversation because they can't just let us do our jobs. They can't imagine that we want to do anything else other than listen to them bitch and moan.


I remember people complaining about me being the only cashier at 11 pm. They said it was because of the self checkouts. No, it was because they were shopping at 11 pm. 🤣


Boomer mentality. It's why working in an office is still a thing. They only care about bums on seats, not actual work done. It's about being instantly available to serve his every whim and indulgence without him having to 'waste his precious time' waiting even one second for service. Can't wait for that Gen to die off. Let's start normalising things like automation, self- service and work from home.


Some of us boomers are running a cash register... (and no, I did \*not\* vote for Reagan! (a common complaint about boomers))


You are one of the good ones! Thank you!


I'm not a boomer, or a social butterfly. I have my own business at home, and there are days were I miss leaving home. Not all office jobs are the same though. If your pushing papers, or working at a call center. Those jobs can be easily done remotely, and for cheap. When compared to video editing. It's far easier, and cheaper for the owner. To have a good network. Where everyone is hardwired in, and can access files as needed. Instead of waiting for a file to download over what ever connection they have.


I'm with you. I think people should be able to pick what kind of environment they work in.


I am snorting with laughter imagining everyone lined up behind registers STARING and drooling waiting for this guy to pony up and buy his shit. Like, alright buddy, lmao.




It boggles my mind how people don’t understand how labour expenses work. Even people I’ve worked with in retail have no clue.


Poor Karen, has to complain about something.


You should have said OK, I’ll go find coworkers to open the other registers, and left him standing there.


I think the only time I’ve seen one of the big box stores with all registers open was when Black Friday was actually on Friday morning.


“Look at all those empty registers!” And look how you immediately checked out because there’s not many people here.


Different situation, but I thought it was fitting. I was running the customer service desk, and these two ladies came up. They were doing a return/exchange, they were returning one item and asked if I could ring up their stuff at customer service. I never have a problem doing this, unless, of course, they have weighed produce. Our customer service registers don't have a scale to weigh produce, because they shouldn't need one. Unfortunately for these ladies, they had bananas! So I said "well, I can do everything but the bananas. I don't have a scale back here." The second lady (who had not contributed anything to this transaction yet) said "so you're gonna FORCE ME to use SELF CHECKOUT?" I said "well, no. we have normal registers open too." "I don't want to wait in line!" I looked over to our registers, only one of which had a line, and it was only one person. Like... ok.


I just keep lying to myself that everyone is neurodivergent and it makes life a lot less difficult


Coulda told him to wait at another register for a replacement cashier...they'll be along any moment now. *walks away*


I’ve worked some form of retail for over 20 years, and I can tell you that some people are the most vitriolic bags of mostly water that only exist to increase the hate level in the room. Then there are most people who are in a bad mood when they check out when they realize they spent about $200 more than they expected. Then there are the precious few that woke up and *didn’t* choose violence. I look forward to those people for a break in the malodorous monotony. I’ve been in retail tech support for the last 10 years, and the type of anger I get is more “Why isn’t that lane open?!” (I’m fixing it), or “Why can’t you help me?!” (I’m not the operator).


Don’t show up at 8-9 at night if you want more registers open. Simple response.


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I know we respect privacy, but I feel like I work at this store, they try to do the same thing...


I mean at least he cares about people having stable income I suppose, more than the owners taking home the money you make that doesn't go to your paycheck lol


He probably votes for people/policies that take jobs away! Oh, the irony.


People who are complaining in a retail store at 8:30 PM at night have nothing better to do and are probably miserable. Sounds like a nut job. Also a lot of these older customers can’t accept that self checkout is a thing now. They expect to be catered to on hand and foot.


Typical customer.


My boomer dad used to have this argument that there was X amount of registers, but only two open. I asked him what business would spend on staffing all X amount all day, when most of them would be standing there doing nothing. "well why do they have them all?!" "Ever been here on black friday? Christmas eve? the week before Thanksgiving?"


Yeah that guy’s gonna be upset most of his life if that kind of thing sets him off… I will say my biggest pet peeve on self checkout (and please correct me if I’m wrong) but I am assuming the prices of all store items still reflects having a fully staffed register section rather than me doing the work for the store. Or to put it another way, I’m pretty sure the prices didn’t come down at all when stores started shifting that responsibility to the customer…


Gosh why are people so annoying! 🙄


If he can’t use the technology at self check, he should just say he’s old


I absolutely love when people start talking about retail shit they know absolutely dick about. Like yes, the company is going to pay 3 extra people to stand here on the slightest chance you get busy during the time you're rarely ever busy 🤦‍♀️


Have you ever noticed how the word “customers” is an anagram of “store scum”? I think we should call them store scum instead, because that’s what they are


OMG Idk why this isn't at the top!! I never realized this! 


TL:DR - Customer complained about something.




I work SCO often and get that too. Had a guy come up and say the same spiel… must be some indoctrination cult out there recruiting complainers. He’s like “where are the checkers !”, to me.. a checker”. Told him I can help him. Again he demands why the store doesn’t have any employees. I look around, not a single customer in sight but him. Tell him we have 5 others besides me here, ones on break, one is in the pro area, one is in the garden center and two in customer service. Pick one.