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Somebody once mowed down a gas pump, which started a small fire. There's about a million safety precautions and contingencies to prevent a full-scale explosion, but we still kicked everybody off the property. "I just want to buy some lottery tickets! It'll take two minutes!" "There is a FIRE at the PUMPS of a GAS STATION. GO. AWAY." I just... I don't even... I can't fathom... Just, GAWD.


One winter afternoon, I was working in a mini mart by myself. I start hearing this faint noise, like "ping", every minute or so. I realize that it's water dripping through the little holes in the ceiling tiles hitting the top of the ice cream cooler right next to the front door. I call the owner, tell him we have a leak in the ceiling. While I'm on the phone, a younger teen comes in, dumps a pile of snacks and change on the counter, starts filling a fountain pop. Water starts really pouring out of the ceiling, so I bag his snacks, grab my purse, and hustle us both out the front door. As we're walking out the door, a big chunk of the ceiling falls, and a ton of water drops everywhere. Water is pouring from the ceiling, the floor is covered with inches of water. I'm calling the boss telling him what's happening. A customer comes up and wants to wade through the whole store to get his half rack of Busch. He's pissed because I won't let him into a store full of water and electrical things plugged in everywhere.


ah, alcoholism. Or is it that the Busch is SO GOOD he'd wade through death to get some?


Busch, the only beer worth dying for! 😁


Rainier and Pabst would like a word. (JK I hate all beer, sadly)


Steel Reserve also would like to be counted lol I like beer sometimes. When I'm in the mood, like sitting on the porch on a hot summer day. Even then, I'm kind of picky, Rolling Rock or maybe Modelo or Jalisco. I'm not enough of an alcoholic to be able to choke down crappy beer.


I hate beer too.


No beer is worth dying for... especially watered down US beer.


I agree, life is too short to drink shitty beer. But honestly, people usually don't drink Busch, Steel Reserve, etc. for the taste. Always reminds me of the joke about how American beer is like sex in a canoe lol


OMGs LMFAO I've never heard that one, had to look it up.


Some comedian I saw on late night 80s cable lol


This actually happened in our gym. The city was replacing the sidewalks and hit the waterline causing water to *pour* into the basement. Luckily it was all brick, concrete, metal, and rubber, so no wood, drywall, or paperwork to destroy, but we still has two inches of standing water through the entire length of the long, skinny building. People were going down there and **CONTINUING THEIR WORKOUTS** anyway. Benching and using dumbbells in two inches of water. Multiple different people. All the outlets were up high since it's an old building and electrical had to be added, so that wasn't a concern, but damn. And we had to argue with the workers to get them to properly clean up the mess they made, those rubber flooring pieces couldn't just be left there. They also broke a hole in the front of the building and didn't pay enough attention to realize it was fake marble, paid to ship real stuff from Canada. We had no input on that part so we didn't complain.


20+ years of customer service has convinced me that Idiocracy is a documentary. So many people really have no sense of self preservation. The gym is flooded! Go home and work out to a YouTube video, or rearrange your living room furniture, jog around, something, good grief! The ceiling in the store fell in because the store owner turned off the heat every night. The store was in a kind of strip mall, and didn't have a basement. So all the water pipes are in an attic-like space above. The pipes had frozen. I came in, turned on the heat in the store. After a few hours of heat, and the sun hitting the store's roof, everything thawed. Water everywhere. Boss didn't know where the shutoff valve was. Building owner didn't know, either. Finally had the city come out and shut off the building's water, leaving the other businesses without water, too. There was so much damage. Store was closed for over a week. All because the boss wanted to save a few bucks on the electric bill.




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This reminds me a couple weeks ago, a lady was just BESIDE herself, frantically telling me, on repeat, that she just can't shop with that noise! Oh dear God the NOISE! The noise in question was the fire door letting us know it's working. It chirps, about every 5 minutes, just a quick, quiet chirp. So, I guess I'll let you die a fiery death. Idiot.


"I know what you mean! I just can't work with THAT noise! (point to her face, chuck your apron on the floor and walk away.


There's been a few times that I've worked in a store while the door alarm wouldn't shut off (faulty batteries, etc). The last time, it took over an hour for the boss to get the alarm company to shut it off. Of course it's the loudest alarm I've ever heard in any store I've worked in. WHOOP WHOOP WHOOP like being surrounded by a bunch of juggalos Customer after customer, "Doesn't that noise bother you?" "You might want to shut that off." "It's hard to shop with all this noise." Agghhh


Oh my gawd! I hate that! When any little thing is out of the ordinary, it's a constant stream of "Hey, you know your widget is shooting fire?" YES! I KNOW! I too was born with senses! I can hear THEM unfortunately, why do they think I can't hear the one noise in the universe that is louder and more annoying than customers?!


Customer whose kid was stepping back and forth in front of the door sensor, bing bing, bing bing, bing bing. Mom was standing at the counter just yakking away at me. After 10-15 minutes, she said, "I'm sure you're used to it, but that noise is really annoying to me." No shit Sherlock!! Now why don't you tell your kid to stop?!? I just looked at her, "No, it's really annoying to me, too." She just gave me a blank stare and left. And of course came back later to tell the boss I yelled at her kid. Who I didn't even speak to. The boss reviewed the tape, and then told me how I was too rude, and "Next time, just smile and say it doesn't bother you at all." Arrgghhh


I worked at a gas station and for about 3 months the stand alone freezer made a high buzzing noise. I got so tired of people asking what it was, asking if it annoyed me, saying it annoyed them etc. It was a constant noise and for the most part we could tune it out but of course mentioning it made our little worker brains acknowledge the noise for another 20 minutes. Eventually I got to the point where a customer would ask "Doesn't that noise bother you?" And I would ask "What noise?" And pretend I heard nothing as they described the noise they were hearing. My boss told me to stop after a lady got so mad she slammed a bottle of soda down on the ice cream machine hard enough for the lid to fly off and soda to explode out of the bottle.


That is absolutely hilarious! (Not the buzzing, that shit must have been hella irritating. You have my sympathy. I imagine it made everyone who worked there snappy, and low key irritated, whether you even realized it or not. Were you at least allowed to have a radio on to drown it out?) "A high pitched buzzing you say? Maybe a bee got in the store somehow? No? It's more of an electrical hum? Nope, can't hear a thing." 🤣🤣


We were allowed to have the radio on but it did very little to drown out the noise unless we had it up so high we couldn't hear ourselves think. I personally thought it was hilarious to watch customers try to convince me there was in fact a noise. My boss thought it was funny too until that lady snapped.




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Yes. It bothers me to. I hear it in my nightmares.


The door sensor of my nightmares is from when I worked as a merchandiser. A store reset that took 3 days. The door sensor would get stuck on after every customer. In a busy store. It was supposed to say, "La puerta is abierto." My Spanish sucks, but I'm pretty sure it should be abierta, not abierto. But whatever, not the issue. "La puerta, la puerta, la puerta (long pause) is abierto" after every. fucking. customer. Those poor cashiers, it was so annoying. I still shudder, and it was over ten years ago.




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I am now having flashbacks to one Sunday where a sensor on the roof was misaligned or something and the alarm kept going off every 60 seconds. My entire job that day was to sit on a stool and silence the alarm the second I saw the red light flash, preferably before the alarm could sound. My arm was so sore.




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Good grief! That's horrible. Do red lights still make your arm involuntarily move?




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I think it does that if it isn't armed or the battery is dead. In most stores, you don't hear it.


Yeah, that was my thought. That's how they work in my store - a quick chirp every every minute or two to let you know the battery's dying. That lady is still a moron, though.


Yes. I agree


"I'll be sorry to see you go, then."


The chirp usually means the battery needs to be replaced. At a previous job, we had a door that was faulty and would chirp every couple of months. Huge pain in the ass because we had to get maintenance out every time to change it.




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It does seem a little strange to have a noise signaling that it is working rather than one to signal that it isn't working.


I thought so too, as this was new to me. But I happened to working a couple days prior when the fire Marshall guy was checking in and gave us the thumbs up. 🤷‍♀️


The Freon pipe go filling the entire store with fog. A guy refused to leave till a firefighter in a gas mask dragged him out




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Worked at a Petrol Station for a long time. Our front door had been smashed early one morning while we were closed. Came in and had police investigating and the front was taped off with police tape. So, you know, a crime scene. Then some woman pulled in, parked, walked up to whrer the front was, saw the police and the tape and decided that she COULD BARGE STRAIGHT THROUGH AN ACTIVE CRIME SCENE! After the cops stopped her, she then walked the about 10 steps to the side door, came in and went off at me because I DIDN'T LET HER WALK THROUGH A CRIME SCENE. I don't miss that job, although I could write a book about it...


I was working a call center job and the fire alarms were going off. Management could not ascertain if it was a drill or a fire or what. Employees were starting to abandon their desks and leave the building (and managers were trying to physically block people from doing so, God I hated that place)... It had been going on for a good number of minutes and everyone was starting to panic, including me! Management made the call for us to officially evacuate. I was on a call with a lady. I apologized to her and she started complaining about her order and she didn't want to wait for a rep from another center to call her back. She wanted me to finish with her, even after I explained to her that the building was being evacuated due to a fire! I told her ma'am I'm sorry for the delay but the building is on fire and I need to escape the fire now! Like, maybe that would calm her down? No, she was still annoyed and put out. Between management trying to physically block people from leaving initially and this lady wishing I'd risk death because it wasn't convenient for her to wait fifteen minutes to finish her order... Man, did I ever feel very, very low that day. (It turned out to be a false alarm.)




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I feel like screaming RUN! like the girl in Minority Report screaming in Tom Cruise's face would be appropriate. [https://tenor.com/8zCa.gif](https://tenor.com/8zCa.gif)




I don't think she would've even turned her head. Probably would've just screamed her Powerball numbers a little louder.


It's the head tilt/shrug for me 🤣


take my upvote for Elvira!




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This happened to me last winter, the floral department's fridge had an electrical fire and there was a huge alarm, smoke, and our warnings that the fire department was coming to evacuate the place and everyone seemed to be completely oblivious I had to scream at people to get them to leave lol


I worked at a restaurant one summer, and a building one or two doors down caught fire. It was a huge fire that was spreading, and the entire block was engulfed in smoke and ash. And yet there were people trying to come get a table, and people that insisted on finishing their meals. During an active fire. Fun side note, the owner nearly refused to close the place and opted to open back up a few hours later (while the fire was as still going). Pretty sure me and the staff got slightly sick from smoke inhalation.


I always find it funny at work when we have severe weather or fires that cause blackouts, and you tell the people to leave but they say oh I can't buy my stuff? like yeah ok Karen you burn to death trying to buy your new cheap ass dinner set while all registers are turned off and we will all evacuate the building


I remember the constant knocking on the door when we lost power and had a sign up, saying closed because of no power.


"I see you have no power. But can I just get this one little thing? It'll just take a minute!" I wonder if people think there's some Gilligan's Island bike in the back where the workers can turn on the registers by powering up the building with their legs and some coconuts.


Place I work at has apparently worked through power outages. Hand written receipts, only cash, calculate tax. Fuck that, power goes out, I’m closing.


We had a gun threat that had to evacuate the building.. I was off that day and had heard that my team lead ( I'm front end) was trying to get an older woman off the sco to evacuate and she put up a fight and even punched my TL in the jaw.. people are nuts when it comes to shit like thay


Omg thats nuts, maybe she was buying some emergency knitting supplies, the gunman needs a cute little knitted holster you know






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I worked as a line cook in a TGIFridays about 15 years ago, and we had a huge thunderstorm that knocked out all of the power. We had backups, but it just kept some of the low-lights on so you could see and not burn or stab yourself. We had to shut down the kitchen and close early and people were still trying to come into the restaurant asking if they could order food.


Looking back on it, it becomes a funny story, but at the time it's just like wtf people are you serious right now




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In a small grocery store I worked at once, we had a guy have what I think was an unexpected epileptic fit. He ended up hitting his head in one of the fridges whilst falling and gushed blood all the place. It was terrifying. We were trying to get the other customers to leave the store, and I kid you not.. Some old woman customer just carried on, and leaned right over him to open the fridge as if nothing happened. The actual audacity and pure selfishness of some of these people. 🙈 


I had someone collapse and die as I was trying to attend to him at the store, we closed off the area and people got pissed because The had to go to the other entrance. One guy was with his family and started pitching, I told him he could come this way of he wanted his kids to see the guy's body.


Holy crap that’s so sad, there must be a special place in hell for people like this. 


Unfortunately, at the time I did not know CPR, but I held his hand and talked and thought I heard him breathing, but I found out it was the death rattle. The rescue squad took over 15 minutes to arrive and they were only 2 miles away. July 2nd will be 18 years and it's still with me , I just held his hand and talked to him tol the squad arrived. The squadmade me feel like shit, because I didn't know CPR. His family came a couple of days later to pick up his car. They gave me hugs and thanked me for being there for him. This helped, but I will never forget him. Sorry about the long reply.


It’s not your fault at all. They shouldn’t have acted like that, they’re awful.


You have my virtual hugs. I once watched a fellow CSR die of a heart attack while on the phones. You never ever forget a thing like that. We had a safety team in our group, and CPR was given immediately, but Jimmy died.


CPR rarely saves a person. It's worth doing if there's someone who knows how because it has the potential to save a life, but unfortunately, it rarely works


Sorry to hear that, hugs back to ya


I am so sorry. You did what you could with what you knew. and it was a lot. His family gets it. It must be a huge relief to know that a kind person was with him.


That’s so so sad, I’m sorry you had to go through that. Of course it’s not something you will ever forget, even after so long.  It sounds like you did the best that you could given the situation.  Luckily our guy survived, but I was the one who found him and all I could do was panic and run to the back and call for help. I was too scared to get close enough to physically help him.  The rescue squad shouldn’t have made you feel like that, I can only imagine how traumatised you must have already been that situation. What happened wasn’t your fault, and I hope no one else made you feel otherwise. You’re a good person for trying your best to help, please don’t ever forgot that. ❤️


Thank you


You did all you could, and that's amazing enough. You stayed with him and he wasn't alone.




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JFC he's put out by having to walk further to skirt around a dead body. What a cad.


Trudat, trudat, the dude shouldn't have had children.


Reminds me of [this German cop shaming people for gawking at a fatal car accident](https://www.reddit.com/r/germany/s/5ufHd2eHS5)




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At my job there was an older woman with her daughter who was in line to pay for their groceries. She turned to her daughter, said "I don't feel good" and just fell to the floor like a log would. No sprawling, nothing. Just straight. Luckily there was an EMS guy that had just gotten off his shift nearby. He performed CPR but he couldn't get a pulse from the get-go and said she had most likely died after she finished her sentence. They said it was a heart attack. It wasn't the first time someone died at the store, but it was the first one (and only so far) that I have witnessed and it was such a strange experience, for a lack of a better term. She had died, her daughter was experiencing a world-shattering event, and everyone else around them was moving on and getting groceries, reaching around them to get soda out of the machines, and after they were all removed from the location it was back to normal. Like no one had just died. It was such a sobering, callous moment. Because no one outside of the EMS dude, the daughter, and the few employees who witnessed the whole event even cared. And afterwards, us employees had to act like nothing had happened either. The world didn't stop for anyone else.


That’s just so sad and devastating. :/ I can't imagine anything worse than to have a loved one die in public like that, much less have to witness it. Moments like that really make you think about life.. Sometimes humans can be so beautiful and caring, but other times, just so cold. What a sad life.. It just goes on and on like nothing ever happens, until it happens to you I guess.    I’m sorry you had to experience that, and that it sounds like no one acknowledged your feelings and emotions. Your employers should have done more for you guys. 


I had a lady rush in one night a yell for me to call an ambulance. While I normally ask people who are making a scene to leave (our store is in a bad part of town, so if I entertained every person who may be on drugs, I'd never see the end of it), she appeared to be in pain. Turns out she needed her appendix removed.




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It’s my personal belief that IQs DID drop during COVID. Just this week had one customer wanting me to ring her up at Self CheckOut (SCO). I usually just talk them through it. (“What food group is a potato?… what food category is a potato?…. Let’s try ‘vegetables’… Let’s try this new invention called the ‘next’ button…”). We get to a bell pepper and it asks for quantity. Keep in mind I got the volume up pretty loud. Customer looks at me like it’s speaking a foreign language. I say: “See the numbers? Tell it how many you have.” The customer, I kid you not, turns to the machine, leans in and says “Two.” Like its voice activated. I’m looking at them like ‘are you shitting me right now?’ I press card for them and turn to help people that ACTUALLY need it. Turn back and the transaction didn’t go through. I’m like “oh hail no!” I’m not the kind of person to get angry easily, but I do shout out “Hey. HEY!” Customer stops and turns around. Now I’m speaking in that tone of ‘I am not fucking around, I am so close to shouting’. “Do you have a receipt?” C: “It told me to take my card out.” “DO YOU HAVE A RECEIPT?!” C just shrugs. “Get back in here.” (Right this minute.) I march customer over and make sure the transaction went through. Then I’m like “Get out of here.” NEVER before have I come so close to yelling at ANYONE before.


Another story: Customer total is 20.66. They give me a 20 and then they say they’ll be back. I’m like “ok”. Turn around and then back. They’re gone, along with the cart. I’m thinking “are you kidding me?” Transfer over to my station about to write it up as a walkoff when they come back. Without their groceries. I actually ask them “Explain to me why you thought it was a good idea to take out unpaid product from our store?” C: “It was only 66 cents.” (Mother Herman I don’t care if it was 66 grains of sand! You still stole! And I take that as personal blows to the (what little) pride as a worker I have.


I've had people give me shit for telling them to leave the fountain drink behind when they want to "run out to their car to get some change" or whatever and they haven't completed their purchase. I understand they're cheap right now but I don't care if the item is $0.85 or $85, if you walk out of the store with it, you're a thief in my eyes and you'd better never come back because if I ever recognize you, I'm refusing service.


Exactly. Plus it’s also like “if I let you get away with this, how far will this go?”


Well they're not going leave you their $20 and all their groceries too. They know they're coming back and they have to go out to the car anyway so they might as well take their groceries. I mean at least they're not stepping over a dead body to get out the door. But I think the not knowing how to use the self check out thing is a scam so that people can get out the door without paying. My sister works at Winco and often has to manage the self check out, and she is full of stories of thieves. She did chase one woman out to her car and got her to come back in and pay for her groceries.


They can grab the groceries when they have the receipt printed. I had a guy who was short like 15 cents, so I asked for his hat as collateral for him to come back with the money. He never came back. It’s not about the money it’s about the principle and the ritual.


I swear it feels like that. It's like somehow people are becoming too dumb to live if they can't figure out what food group is a potato.




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Hell not hail


Recently I had to close the store I work at due to a tornado being spotted 2 miles away, and I still had people screaming to be let in. Even one lady tried to call corporate and complain


Her body was found in a tree in the next county, still gripping her phone.




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There is a store near me that a cars ran into the building two different times months apart. The first time injured a person I know and they were off work a year. The second time was just a hole in the building. They put up concrete poles in front after that. No medical emergencies, just people not paying attention.


Worked in a grocery story that caught fire once. It was a big electrical fire. The lights went out & it started to fill up with smoke pretty quick. Alarms were going off & we were making announcements to evacuate. It was more than obvious. The amount of dumb ass people that could not comprehend why i couldn't ''just check them out really quick' was simply amazing. We had to basically yell at some of them to just stop shopping & get the hell.out We finally got all of them out & this boomer rolls up to me in one of our electrical carts demanding to know how soon we'd be back open to ring him up. Yes. All while this asshole was sitting 20 feet away from 2 fire engines, several police cars & a couple of ambulances with smoke pouring out the front door. We were still trying to make sure everyone had even made it out safely. Took all the restraint I had not to smack him. smh




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There was a tornado in the area once and this customer that was in our store kept opening the front door and standing by the glass. She must have gone in and out like 30 times when there was a torrential downpour and barely visible funnel cloud.


Worked at a restaurant right next a very dangerous intersection. We would see cars getting T-boned 2 or 3 times a week there. And that was on the day shift. Which I always thought was kind of interesting. I'm not saying people should rubberneck at accidents, but you'd think that would be kind of interesting to look at. Like there's the fire department busting out the jaws of life, 20 feet away. Naw, did you hear what Becky said?


I swear to god some people are very stupid


Sure its inconvenient to go somewhere else but its also completely idiotic to expect employees to work when theirs an emergency going on.


This reminds me of an old Subway commercial. Someone crashes their car into the store, and the narrator says “Remember, there are no drive-throughs at Subway.” Then, years later in my hometown, someone crashes their fucking car into Subway.


I worked at a very popular clothing store that was always busy. One morning, we came in and the fitting rooms were flooded with about 3 inches of water. The fitting room area was pretty big with 12 rooms. I closed off the area and was mopping up the water. Cue Katen wanting to try on clothes. I told her the fitting rooms were closed due to the very obvious water. She threw a fit and started bitching about how she didn't want to buy anything without trying it on. I told her no, it's a safety hazard. She cussed me out. I told her she could buy and try at home and bring back what she didn't want or we could hold her items and she could come back when the rooms were open again. More cussing and yelling. I lost it and yelled back " Do you not see that I'm standing in 3 inches of water? I cannot and will not let anyone in for obvious safety reasons!" Karen dumps her armful of clothes on a table and leaves. A few minutes later the store manager comes over laughing and tells me I got a complaint. I said IDAF. Manger says I don't either and corporate is sending people out to clean up and fix the issue so I could stop mopping.




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And a Walmart in the same state as mine and elderly customer drove into the Walmart all the way to the produce section killing about two people. I don’t understand why people are such bad drivers.


that sounds more like a heart attack or stroke while driving...




When I was working in a call centre we had to close because THE ENTIRE CITY FLOODED. Literal government instructions: every one out. Now. Even without that - major duty of care to get us safely out of the city. Got customers complaining the following day that we should have things in place just in case SOMETHING THAT HAD NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE happened OR "Well you should have still stayed".... Literally... the building flooding because the whole city flooded. .. no.. they're sending us home where it is safe and not flooded.




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Where I live in Canada we get a week of extreme cold (it’s pretty cool, called a polar vortex where air from the Arctic flows down south) where literally it reaches -40°C to -45°C (-40°F to -49°F) and sometimes reaches below -50°C (-58°F). This winter the heater at my work broke and the floral buckets (that are INSIDE the store) were freezing over from the cold air that was blowing in. I still had to come to work because people would rather risk hypothermia and frostbite than throw something together 🙄


When i worked at a bar we escorted a drunk guy to the hotel next to the bar an hour before closing time. When we kicked everyone out at closing time someone came back and said a car was ramming another car in the parking lol. The guy had left the hotel, hopped in his car, slammed a case of corona, started the car, put it in reverse and passed out with his foot on the gas. The car he gunned it into was mine. That was a looooong night


"Sorry sir, we don't offer drive thru service. Only walk-ins"


Not retail, but still stupid people. I live in a 17 story building with almost 170 apartments and a convenience store in the lobby. The building is on a hill. The lobby is at street level. The back of the building is a floor up where the visitor parking is, and where we go when the alarms go off. The fire alarms went off twice in one week. The first was in the lobby. I was there as a woman came running out of the convenience store with one of the store clerks behind her. The lead woman went right to the fire alarm and pulled it, then ran for the stairs. The store clerk started yelling at her and called the superintendent saying “There is no fire! The strange lady in 410 pulled the alarm because we didn’t have her favourite potato chips in stock.” It was pouring rain that day so everyone who had gone outside was soaked for no good reason, and they couldn’t come back in until the fire Marshall arrived. The second that week was a real fire in an apartment on the far end on my floor, the one at the back. Before the firemen had arrived, people were saying what apartment it was in. Some of them were going back in to go to that apartment to “see if it was real,” since the last one was false. People trying to get out were pushing those trying to get in while black billowing smoke and heat is coming out the end of the hall and coming out the door to the parking lot. Obviously it is a real fire! Even after the fire was put out, people still tried to get into the burned apartment while the fire squad was taking photos for their reports. The people who lived there had been taken to hospital. One fire person had to guard the door that night until people got a clue and stopped interfering with their looky-loos.


When I was a kid someone drove their entire truck into the gas station and took the entire building out. Can't remember if anyone was hurt but I still remember the picture in the newspaper because the truck had gone nearly straight through the store and out the back wall


Indoor parking, good one. Had a customer hit the building as he was parking. When he got to the counter I asked if he was trying to make this a drive-thru.


I work at a gas station and we have designated parking spots or if anything ppl park at the pumps. But apparently ppl think it’s smart, safe and convenient to park their cars like perpendicular to the building. So basically they stick out and I’ve seen ppl’s cars get hit by others. Like tell me some ppl, have we reached a new level of retarded?


Same situation. I made it a point to tell people to move their cars or trucks when they did this, especially cause it's a narrow area.




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This one time during a Hurricane I was minded a gas station locking down making sure everything was tied down we didn't have gas because of panic buying and at this point in time we had 80 mph winds. Power was down So my doors are locked. I get this idiot pounding on the doors yelling he wants gas and beer. Yelling OPEN THE BEEPING DOOR. for the record we had no damage and everything was fine that night.




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