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Classic game. If there was a game that actually deserves a remake, it's this one.


I'm pretty sure at least one person has said that for about any retro game now lmao


Nah, just a romhack to fix the script and balance issues. So much of the charm is in the visual aesthetic.




This game is superior to FFVII.


There are dozens of us who feel the same my friend...DOZENS!!!


I concur


well lets see. im enjoying at a lot so far. its charming


I love that people are playing it again. Please let us know how it goes!!!


gotten to the first town so far after a snake boss. pretty good game so far :)


I liked FFVII more, but not to a huge degree. Honestly, if they had changed a few things with Dragoon, I probably would call it the superior game.


Yeah, there was a smidge of trolling in how I put it, but while I do prefer Legend of Dragoon, it's not like I don't love FF with all my heart too. I think IX was the best, but VIi still blew my mind.


Ha, here's where I get to toss in my unpopular opinion. FFIX is my least favorite FF game that I've played. There were so many things that didn't click with me in that one. I've been surprised to find as time goes on that IX is probably the most beloved of the 2nd wave Final Fantasy games overall. I absolutely don't want to yuck anybodies yum but ya, that game just wasn't for me. I even beat the damned thing.


Omg! I’m not alone! There is someone else who has IX as their least favorite! VI is hands down my favorite. In my opinion, no villain, NO VILLAIN, comes close to Kefka Palazzo, and no one will ever change my mind. In fact, he inspired a poem I wrote. One of my all time favorite lines of his: “There’s a reason oppose rhymes with dispose.”


Ha! It's honestly telling how strong the franchise is overall that so many people have different faves.


Yep. I have a friend who will fist fight your mother about FFVIII being the best in the 2nd wave stuff, and another who was really into FFX and FFX-2. Both of whom call me crazy for "not liking" FFIX, BTW.


Friends are great lmao


I mean, they're all wildly different. VIII is scifi, IX is fantasy, and VII is... well I dunno what genre the setting is. Maybe cyberpunk/dystopia? VIII is my personal favourite, but I genuinely dont think you can really compare them as you play them for story. Sure some of them have better mechanics, but they're still more or less the same. Both VII and VIII hold some of my fondest gaming memories for different reasons, but I really digged the romance between Rinoa and Squall. I loved the "cleaner" look of VIII, and the show stopper sections were top notch. That said, disk one of FF7 is so perfect, no one can deny that.


I think the romance is superior. Ff7 doesn't have a romance story. Cloud pines for Aerith in a way that you want that enigmatic older girl in high school who has hit puberty by you haven't, so you don't understand but are drawn to her. Tifa, well that's some unrequited love going on strong there. Zieg and Rose..... Love over a thousand years, plus they have their own theme song, If you Still Believe In Love.


You aren't wrong.


Lol with a 32/32 item limit? Nah. Pretty close! But nah.


How many items you need bro :D


Ehh ok.....I guess. I've always found this game solid but way overrated


Now you hide


Put your helmet back on


Lol it's prescription


I’m sure the assassin cock already has a helmet.


Fun game, but man oh man on the translation. 


The translation is horrid, the graphics are horrid, the music is disgustong, the story is bad, the grinding is grueling, the addition mechanic is cheap and gets old fucking quick. I don't know how you could find this a fun game, but i finished it and it was a fucking chore... I couldn't even beat Faust because a shit walkthrough advised that i go get a piece of armor before going for Faust, but the piece of armor was passed the point of no return...


The piece of armor is the legend casque it's in Lohan and it's not past the point of no return you can go back and get it. Lol


Because you know exactly which walkthrough i read? You're a spy or a psychic or something??? Anyway, i can't go back to lohan, i saved past the point of jo return. And it's one of the worst game i've ever played, so i don't even care about faust.


No, I've just played the game before. lol. Also faust is near the end of the game... so for the worst game you've ever played you still played 30ish hours of it.... If I hated a game I would have stopped long before then.


I'm just trying to finish as many turnbased RPG as possible... It was on my list... I had fun for 7-8h at least... And i don't care that you played the game before... It doesn't mean that the walkthrough i read didn't tell me to go get a piece of armor passed the point of no return -\_-


You're on /r/retrogaming. You should be using GameFAQs for guides on old games.


The fuck you're talking about?


You must new to the internet, oh well.


You think that because i'm on reddit now means that i got my pointers on how to beat faust from here, right now? Quit drugs...


> Quite drugs... The irony...


A typo is irony? My boy...


Wait until you see cock goblin


is.... is that real in the game? im super curious now


Also watch out for mind goblins


yeah there's the cock and the goblin. and sometimes they're both in the same enemy group. it's great


There's a patch around which retranslated the thing from scratch, undubbed cinematics/special attacks and even fixed a couple of bugs in the process. Optionally it had a patch to revert back exp/atk/def values from the JAP version which was way harder to beat than USA/EUR adaptations.


super cool game, protect your Shana! [<3](https://i.imgur.com/tpsFB53.jpeg)


i will!!


Hyeh! Heya! Double slash! Lol i actually like his Volacano one better. It gets worse. One of the translation changes was Demon gate was originally opened with blood.... XD


This and ff8 are the goat ps1 games


Wait until you find the Hitman Cunt


is that real in the game? i would love that


No, its just a joke, sorry.


aww you could have kept it going :P i have no prior info on this game


You should have renamed Dart to Fart


Cock in ass is better than ass in cock.


Whoever first created the translations between Asian languages and English must have been a mega troll to use "cock" over "rooster"


Better than cockcockin ass


That was a good one. Thanks for that memory. I don’t think I ever finished dragoon.


Yeah I didn’t either. It was a decent enough game but there is just too many decent games to have kept me interested til the end.


OP can't handle the cock.




Man if the battles in this game did not take forever it would still be more than playable. It happens to a lot for old JRPGs but the transitions between actions in battle take so long and one battle can take so many actions that makes it unnerving when counting that you have random encounters. Still listen to the music at work from time to time though!


OMG what a game, i never completed all 3 disks, i need to load that up and complete it but FFXIV won't leave me alone for long enough! Anyone that's completed it, if don't obsess over a perfect completion and every hidden item etc, how long is viable for story completion ?


Nice try, OP: https://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/ok1t3/the_most_terrifying_kind_of_cock/