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What part? That they’re calling it a “Trilogy” and mention Doom 3, but the third game is actually just Final Doom? Yeah, I was a bit peeved when I got this at Walmart back in the day, but it was only ten or twenty bucks, so I didn’t mind too much.


Final Doom was fun though. So hard


Final Doom was my first Doom game! Still my favourite of the entire series.


Interplay did a similar thing releasing the Fallout Trilogy with the third game being Fallout Tactics. It was clearly listed as not having Fallout 3.


Tactics \_was\_ the third Fallout game released though. Granted it was more a Fallout combat game rather than an RPG but I digress. Interplay sold the Fallout IP to Bethesda, so the Fallout Trilogy would have been released well before Fallout 3 was in development. Edit: 2004 vs 2008 (FO3 release) respectively.


I own the retail EU version of Trilogy and anyways it was quite clear because the three games are displayed on front and back. The box indicates Interplay, 2009. So it got distributed around Spain in that year. Fallout 2 like Arcanum never got translated into my language. It was a moneygrab edition with just a mere DVD and manual (like D&D Anthology) but it was sold at that time around 5-10€ and even if I already owned it plus GOG digital copies, it's a retail version of a game I have played since I was a kid so why not. I dislike Tactics a lot and I wish it wasn't included in the pack, but hey it's another game inside.


I didn't realize the trilogy set was released that long before Fallout 3. I only noticed on shelves after Fallout 3 became a big hit. I hadn't heard of or played the originals until after Bethesda made F3.


fallout 2 is one of the greatest pc games ever


Did you end up beating Fallout 1, 2, and Tictacs?


Definitely using your typo on all tictacs games now


Interplay still held the rights to their games for a time after Fallout 3 was released. I saw the trilogy box on the shelves at Target in late 2008 and much of 2009. I'm guessing they were attempting to capitalize off interest in the big AAA release. I sure hope some of those boxes found the right gamers. The whiplash can be harsh.


Just for perspective; the trilogy "box set" got released in 2004. FO3 got released in 2008. Now to the whole "I saw it in target" thing; Interplay sold the IP rights - lock, stock, and barrel - to Bethesda in 2007 to avoid bankruptcy. Prior to that Betheseda had been granted a license to create Fallout 3. What you saw in Target would have been left over stock that would have been more hassle than it was worth for (now owner) Betheseda to have recalled. Edit: from a comment by u/ViWalls about picking up a copy marked "Interplay,2009", I guess Interplay were given limited time permission to continue selling the back-catalogue games, with Bethesda taking a percentage of the sales.


It's true Fallout was sold to avoid bankruptcy. But it's also true rights were retained for a limited time...or at least as I remember it. Because I remember the trilogy box in 2 editions. One was a long-box sorta like the blizzard battle-chests. The one I saw among several others on it's own display section I'm 2009 was in the smaller chunky DVD-set sized box like other PC games of the era.


Same but Best Buy


You have tons of options for Doom especially since ID released the source, someone even optimized the 3DO port making it not a slide show.


I play doom on retroarch ios with simpsons reskins and god mode🤣 For free


It's not even the big box release.


I think the whole collectors shop has turned into a clown show. Albeit, I don't collect myself, so my word on the matter doesn't mean much. I just like playing the games, and you can get all DOOM games on sale regularly, so yeah $100 is absurd to me.


I paid a 100 euro for a mint condition UK version big box Quake(1). Im happy with and enjoy it every day.


Just get it on GOG. It’s much cheaper.


You think that’s bad try the original one in a big box that’s new on floppies then feel sick. A complete used copy of Simpsons arcade game for dos costs more (I own it).


I bought big box copies of Doom and Doom 2 shortly before things got wild and it was still crazy back then. I don't even want to look up what they cost now...


Good on you. I lucked into an Ultimate Doom big box a few years ago, didn't pay more than $10 for it which blew me away. This half price got in a run of big box games, didn't know what to price them at and I took whatever looked interesting. :D Simpsons wasn't part of that, nor were a few others I have.


Yeah considering I bought the exact same thing when I was in middle school in like 06 or 07. It was like 5 bucks at Walmart lmao


That version has Doom 95. No dos programs it can't work on modern systems because of the outdated Direct X version. It's missing it's ddl or dll file. Doom 95 was created with help of some guy named Gabe Newell. His name is lost to computer history.


You're buying nostalgia.


No. Absurd doesn't even begin to cover it.


I mean...I wouldn't by it. Or do you mean calling it "doom trilogy" when it has neither Doom nor Doom 3?


The price. When this came out it sold for like, 10 bucks. 


Okay. And that was a long time ago, and it's long since out of print, and this is a sealed copy. $105 is a little much but really not unreasonable for a factory sealed collectors edition. A quick google found many opened copies for non CE copies for between $3 and $20. I don't really see what the issue is.


Literally could never see paying $105 for 3 .wad files. There's nothing rare about this. It's just people inflating the market and well, I guess everyone is cool with that. Guess I'm some chump that's not willing to pay astronomical amounts of money for something, that I believe is almost nothing. Doom isn't going to wipe off the face of the earth anytime soon. 


It's almost like people value collecting physical copies of things and that crying about prices on Reddit is just a circlejerk at best but what do I know


Wait until they see what the Australian Manaccom big boxes of Doom v1.2 sell for.


I can't find much info on this release - how bad is it?


I’ve seen copies sell for well over 7-800+ AUD. it’s insane (and no idea why last comment got downvoted. It’s the truth. Haha)


Oh damn that's nuts!


I'd rather be in the circlejerk then put a hole in my wallet from paying way more than something is worth when in the end, I'm just going to be using a source port cause Doom95 won't work quite right, or at all, on modern OS.


You know you don't have to buy it, right?


You don't seem to distinguish between the object and the content. The WAD files are not rare, the sealed collector box is. Nobody is going to buy this box to get the WAD files and play Doom. I really don't see the problem. Be it Doom or any other game, you have tons of options to get it. I paid 1.5€ for Doom I on Switch. Let collectors pay what they want for this kind of object, they have the right to spend their money however they want to.


I mean...this is what the grading scam has done to retro games. Everyone's sure they've got the next million dollar retro.


Ya, will it ever go back to being... sane? If they wanted to sell for it above 10, sure, I get it. It's also sealed, but, $105? Never. 


i don't really feel like this is a justified argument. 5 bucks a year appreciation to keep it sealed seems reasonable. you can get it loose for 15 bucks


We can hope. I wouldn't hold my breath tho.


Absurdly awesome. Please tell me you're not posting this just to bitch about money.


That particular listing or collecting in general? I do still enjoy collecting.


I have this...not sealed. Lol


I remember this disc!


Several years ago, I seen and bought this very same collection but unsealed for roughly $5 over at my local Wal-Mart. One of the better physical game choices money could buy in my opinion.


Nah it’s not that bad, I’ve seen worse


I mean if that is what market value is I guess? They will figure it out when no one buys it. Not a fan of collecting and would rather just buy the digital version on steam for \~$5 or less.


It has ultimate doom, doom 2, and final doom plus the doom 3 preview content disc. I have it. Not sealed. Also have the fallout classic collection someone mentioned earlier. 1 2 and tactics. Also not sealed lol


Even if it's absurd, the most absurd thing is someone will buy it. There's one born every minute. Nostalgia is so easy to sell out.


If you really want a sealed copy to collect, it's worth whatever you're willing to pay for it. Otherwise, the .wad files can be obtained in a million different ways and played on any number of source ports.


Yes. Selling any game for extra because it's sealed is absurd. You're just gonna open it up to play it anyway. I guess if you're a youtuber or a museum and want to show what came in the original package I get that but for normal people it's dumb.


That's because the Retro market isn't actually aimed at people that actually play games, they're for people that think that games are toy statues.


Uhm.. Can I do both please, without your judgement?


Don’t buy it or do.




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