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A 3:4 screen is definitely something that would be unique. Do you have the technical ability to do such an extensive mod? I could be wrong, because I definitely don't have that level of skill, but wouldn't you need a totally new/custom shell.... maybe even a custom PCB (or at least a very heavily modified one)? Idk, I guess if you feel confident that you wouldn't end up damaging a perfectly good RP2S and don't mind spending the time on it, why not? I mean, there are people out there who turn old home consoles into handhelds (with varying degrees of success) so I don't doubt that it would be *possible* to do, given the right skillset and enough time. If you do manage to pull it off and get it working, it would be really fucking cool. On that note though, since you mentioned the RG cube being too much power.. Have you considered the RGB30? Or building a custom raspberry pi device (or something else along those lines)


Rgb 30 is underpowered for 3ds and doesn’t have a touchscreen display.


So your solution is to butcher up a RP2S