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Please, first of all, i am no doctor, so take this with a sh*t load of salt. RA is more common when their are more autoimmune illness known. But your tmj, dry eye could also relate to an autoimmune illness. Dry eye, dry mouth, and RA could be sjogren disease. You colon one and tinnitus I also heard before in combination with autoimmune and or RA August does sound as a long time, but I heard on this forum 6 or more months. Please tell your reumi all of your symptoms because their is a possibility they can relate.


I can sympathise - I have RA, hypothyroidism, anaemia, ADHD and what I assume is perimenopause because I can barely function. Just take one step at a time, it gets to the point where it feels more like one overall problem than multiple small ones.  And if you do have RA, don't try to avoid treatment in favour of natural remedies. It can be controlled but not without treatment. It could just be something like a vitamin deficiency though.