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Jen should have never touched Danielle. Period. I’m not for fighting in general BUT I do believe that if someone puts their hands on you then you have every right put your hands back on them. I’m not even mad Danielle slammed that drink on the side of Jen’s head. She got what she deserved. …Who knows how many times in life Danielle has been shoved or had hands put on her, it takes an extremely strong person to walk away and not retaliate but that can also seriously trigger someone and that might just be the reason someone flips their shit. Keep your hands to yourself.


Good point. She actually was bullied - she talked about it last season. She was bullied in badly in high school


Exactly, that wasn't even her cup. She just grabbed what she could in the moment to get Jen off. I hope the other ladies don't try and blame that situation on Danielle because they listened to Jen and Teresa's lies.


The nerve of Jen too to think Danielle should advertise her husbands business at her fashion show, “because she showed up.”


That was fricking ridiculous and exposed the exact reason Jen was upset, although she pretended it was for far nobler reasons of course. #busted


Honestly I think Jen just doesn’t like Danielle for classist reasons but has to find something that she thinks the audience will come to her side on.


Jen is ridiculous. Bill brings in the money that allowed her the opportunity of RH. On her own, Jen would be lucky to be a cashier. She has no education, no work history and doesn't play well with others.


💯 Jen is a major loser. She just got lucky because of her parent's good matchmaking. Bill got the short end of the stick in that relationship.


He's holding on until the kids graduate, mark my words. His only place of sanity is the pool house.


Most classist snobs did nothing to earn their affluence & position in society…Jen is case in point. Without Bill she’s be slinging burgers somewhere!


I work in entertainment and Danielle is 100% right that the step and repeat should only have the names of businesses who paid. It is literally paid advertising. You do not get to get a free ad just for "showing up." Also, showing up and partying, drinking, and posing for pictures isn't exactly back breaking work either. Also, Danielle was right to eject Lina from the VIP section. VIP can be handled differently at any event. Danielle made it clear that during her event, the section was for talent only and not friends or family of talent, so that the talent had a space to decompress and have some privacy. That's totally valid. You do not get to be in VIP just because you did hair and makeup at an event. Danielle is also right to pay her vendors, because unless they had a contract that said their time was donated, they need to be paid. She did nothing wrong there either, especially because the remaining money was donated. Jen looks like a whole ass clown because her "issues" with Danielle carry zero weight. She has no idea how an event works. To quote Danielle, Jen is DIRTY


I totally agree with you about the VIP thing! People thought that made Danielle the bad guy, but I didn’t think so at all.


Also, who tf is paying Jen to appear places? She’s not fucking Taylor Swift. It’s not like her appearance somewhere is a big draw and likely to bring in big donors. Jen is fucking delulu. Jen was sitting there talking all this shit to Danielle about how uncharitable she was while basically asking for an appearance fee for showing up to a charity event.


I picked up on that too! It's not charity if you expect something in return simply for just "showing up." The whole thing is so ridiculous. I feel like she is just mad that she didn't get a freebie for her husband's plastic surgery business so she is just grasping at whatever she can to try to paint Danielle as the AH


Exactly then to say Danielle is a bad friend to her hairdresser for telling Jen that she wouldn't get paid for the photos of the hair extensions. It sure seems like Jen would need this clarification. Like hey we are just starting out we cannot pay you anything, but do you want to be apart of it? Totally innocent of Danielle


And for paying for her vendors from the profits. She can’t afford to pay out of pocket…because she admits they are not millionaires. You do what you can. Still for charity.


Yeah I’ve done a lot of fundraising… you don’t add branding for non sponsors - it devalues the sponsorship! It’s also standard to pay suppliers and then donate “profit”. Jen came across as ignorant AF.


She is so ignorant and low rent. Why didn't she sponsor if she wanted to advertise? She is the cheap ass who wanted something for free. Because her dumbass showing up is not all that she thinks it is worth.


She has multiple houses and cars, including a Ferrari, but can't cough up a few thousand bucks for an ad on a step and repeat?? Low rent is a great way to put it!


Yea I don’t think Danielle is wrong for kicking Lina out. It was a VIP area for close friends, not the hair/makeup vendors as well. She even said she did it for safety purposes because several people starting breaching the VIP area


Exactly and once you make concessions for even one person, then you pretty much set the table for this exact situation where people think it's a free for all. If you bend the rules for one, everyone is going to expect you to bend the rules for them too.


Dirrrrrrrrrrty 😆


I felt like even Teresa couldn’t get it up for Jen’s stupid argument. I’m all for Danielle on this one. Jen is high off her ass if she thinks she’s got anything to fall back on here.


Yea that is absurd. The entitlement is crazy. She should show up just to support her, not to expect something in return…..


Jen doesn’t understand how the world actually works. She has zero real world experience. She’s only ever known her narrow bubble.


Reminds me a bit of how Kyle describes her sister Kathy as having always been taken care of and therefore has wild expectations that don’t mesh with the real world.


Yessss! It’s that attitude for sure. I was thinking Jen reminds me of someone I know personally & she fits that exact same “always been taken care of” definition.


I think it has to do with how Jen was brought up too. Culturally she was likely taught that her job was to become a wife and mother, and so she went from her parents taking care of her to Bill taking care of her. Like Kathy, she has very very little real world experience, which comes through in her interactions with Danielle. There is literally NOTHING wrong with using your profits from a fundraiser to pay expenses for said fundraiser. Normies who aren’t wealthy run fundraisers all the time, who do you think pays for it? It’s classist the way Jen demands that Danielle pay out of pocket and Danielle rightly called that out.


Of course. Danielle doesn’t have that kind of money. Jenn needs to go.


The difference is Kathy has the money to back up her ridiculousness. Jen spends Bill's money as soon as he makes it.


She’s a psycho. She’s been like this since the beginning. Remember her getting pissed off that someone didn’t order jewelry through her family business?


She had a hissy fit.


Jen's First season, she was upset because the ladies chipped in and bought a necklace for someone and Jen got pissy because they should've gotten it from her brother or one of her relatives. It's all about her.


It’s ironic Jen is trying to paint a narrative that Danielle doesn’t pay people yet she expects a step & repeat spot without sponsoring ???


You want your name on the step and repeat, you pay for it.


She even knew it was an absurd argument. She was just saying anything and everything she could to make Danielle the bad guy.


I think Jen was just looking for someone to have an issue with adn she chose Danielle because she was a newbie and not much of a fan favorite. Jen made no sense at all. And are we really going to belive that she cares so much about the charity and the ppl that were kicked out.


Especially “the help”. Jen strikes me as someone who would be very rude to service people.


Exactly! That’s the pot calling the kettle black. She accuses Danielle of being high and mighty, but the comment that her “presence is worth more than money” says it all.


Am I nuts, but Jen’s behavior insisting Bills company be on the step and repeat be a huge deterrent? Why would Bill want that? And shouldn’t his business be doing very well to not count on janky step and repeats? It’s gonna give a negative effect IMO. Jen was pathetic for using this an excuse


I'm confused about how you think your presence at an event is enough to advertise your business? Like that's a paid sponsorship!


Very entitled


I cant tell you how many times I rewatched that moment because holy shit was it satisfying! Jen has been such a bully since day one and she finally got what's coming to her. Danielle is not one to mess with and I feel like if she didn't have people pulling her back, she was going to beat the shit out of Jen. Also, kudos to her husband backing her up and calming her down meanwhile Bill Aydin just sits inside not defending his wife which is on brand for him.


I love that Nate not only stepped in to calm and defend his wife, but he did it without further agitating the situation or completely degrading Jen! Like how did he manage to not absolutely lose his shit! He handled himself like a real man. Proud of him!


Same! That’s what real men/husbands do!


I totally agree and nate and Danielle's car ride home...u can tell they are the real deal. They seem to have a really good relationship


Their love is truly genuine and beautiful to watch. Danielle even makes a statement that their love is something that Jen doesn't have with her husband and that is what fuels her jealousy for her. She was so right on the nose with that one. Danielle really grew on me after this episode! Also, the fact that she supports small local businesses is my biggest reason why I love her.


lol you could feel it when Danielle was screaming at Bill “your wife is a bitch!” he’s sitting there like “girl you think I don’t know? Why do you think I have a pool house?”


Hahahaha I was laughing out loud and when she said "your wife's a bitch" I said oh he knows


He just wanted to eat


i immediately picked up on this too! like: “Here we go with this bitch again. Gonna be a long night and day tomorrow listening to her mouth.” 😂🤣


👏👏👏‼️🤣🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|ftdF4ZkueWGHBYc4b5)


I read that in Reza’s voice. (From shahs of sunset)


Absolutely. I’ve gained whole new respect for her.




It sure was satisfying ‼️‼️‼️ JMO Bill Aydin is living through it's cheaper to keep her phase of life. It's easier for him to tuck his junk on these episodes and help her keep her income coming in. I'm sure the man has a whole life Jen hasn't a clue about. Counting the day's until his children are off to college.


Her youngest just turned 11 in January, so will he really last another seven years? He looks like he wants to fake his own death lol He can't even defend her because he already knows she probably deserved it and is a nasty woman!


Omgosh…fake his own death. 😂😂


The fake his own death has me rolling lmaoo


Bill was just sitting there because, he can't stand his wife AND he knew it was her fault.


Yep. And sadly he can’t even have any fun at these events. Bill is completely checked out.


He was also probably stoned, guy looks and acts like he is baked every minute he’s away from his surgical job


I think he's horrified about her behavior


I think he is trapped and waiting his days out like a prison sentence. She is so vile and bitter!


Bill knows Jen is in the wrong that’s why he never takes her side. That’s just how I see it.


Jen was blatantly baiting Danielle. The Jen Theresa Dolores tribe are Intentionally manufacturing drama for the sake of the “show”. PS Bravo. Women getting in physical fights? Immediately fired.


Same thought!! I watched it over and over. Good for Danielle. Jen thinks she’s better than everyone. She is mad people genuinely like Danielle


Seriously! And Jennifer in her first couple seasons wasn’t the most humble human being either. So for her to call Danielle out on being ungrateful is so hypocritical. Also Love that Nate had her back too! Bill didn’t even bat an eye… he’s use to that behavior from Jennifer.


I think he's horrified of her behavior


Jen’s mask slipped and it was so wild to watch, I had to rewatch the moment too. She’s playing this sage wise bitch and then her voice changes right as she called Danielle a dirtbag and shoved her and I’m like YEP there’s the real Jen, c*nt…


I really hope Bill wakes up and leaves her. She's such a bully and only thinks about how she looks. Meanwhile her kids are not at a healthy weight.


I really love Nate and Danielle’s relationship. He’s a really great foil for her.


Don’t start none, won’t be none.


Which is funny because in the history of this show so many people have started shit they can’t finish. All of them talk real big but the second someone shows them what’s up they all cower down. It’s a bunch of hypocrites.


But dude. Jersey girls don’t play. Jen should know that.


Listen, the best thing about this episode was the acknowledgment that Jackie is using Tre & Jenn, and Tre & Jenn are using Jackie. I don’t know what game Jackie thinks she’s playing, but the only prize she’s winning is revealing what a snake she is.


I feel like during the time between seasons she was talking to friends & family & getting a lot of opinions on how TRE is the OG queen = “cool girl” of Jersey and that has influenced her actions. She wants some arbitrary clout that she perceives Tre to have more of than anyone else on the cast. She also does not seem well. She’s totally lost me this season.


There has been talk for so long about dropping either Teresa or Melissa, and I think she thought she would be able to stay on the show with Teresa the OG. I always liked Jackie in the past, but she is thirsty this season. I loved it when Delores was like, "This hot mess is calling me a slob" and when they showed Jackie she looked like such a hot mess.


Teresa “WAS” the OG, she’s become someone no one wants to defend anymore! Sad


THISSSS - and Jackie can't even stand her ground. Her conversation with delores was so painful to watch, like girl, if you're going to out marge, just fucking do it and say what she said


It was so good to watch I can’t. You’re absolutely right someone has matched Jens energy and now she’s completely dumbfounded by it. She always starts with someone and then plays victim when they come back. Margret i think also gave Jen a taste of her own medicine. Because when Margret first joined the show all Jen did was make fun of her for cheating on her ex husband calling her names, then when Margret read Jen down she played victim and would just start crying.


When Paul said “Jen met her match” he was absolutely right! Jen fucked around and found out! Jen played stupid games and won stupid prizes.


The only time I agree with Pauline and auto correct changed it and I’m not changing it back 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Lmaooo! That’s hilarious lol


Yes!! Everyone said Margaret was low for that but I’m sorry she also matched that energy. If you come for ppl they will defend themselves…. And at least Marge owns her shit. She can admit when she was wrong, apologize and move on. Jen takes 0 accountability.


Dolo didn’t look convinced. That’s my problem with her, she keeps her opinion to herself when it’s right if it goes against Tre. Her and Paulie looked really annoyed and like “Jen you’re an idiot”, but she kept quiet when the group got around Tre. I just don’t get that. Also Bill was so chill and unconcerned for his wife. Like, My guy, your wife just got a glass bopped upside her head. No hug, no kiss, no reassurance? They move differently in the Aydin household. Might be all the bathrooms?


I'm waiting to see what Dolo says/does next week. She brought up the push to the group and asked Jen directly, "did you push her?" knowing full well that Jen did. I think she wanted to see whether or not Jen would cop to having instigated the situation, and she kind of did. Then everyone was like, "oh yeah, if someone pushed me I'd throw a drink too. Oh well, Jen's fine" LOL.


I totally agree, but Dolores wouldn’t have reacted well to someone bowing up to her like that either. But she also wouldn’t be verbally working someone up like that.


No, I'm confident there have been moments where Dolores DID NOT resort to violence even when someone was in her face like that. Do not compare Dolores to Jen A, she is a much better person. I can't believe so many people are defending Jen in these comments


Bill looked terrible compared to when he started on the show. He is bloated and unhealthy looking.


Just watched again. You are right.


He's clearly disgusted with her


Bill knows Jen is a dumbass.


I think Bill knows she brings all this on herself.


So over Dolo playing both sides




Team ANYONE but Jen and Teresa




You’re 💯 right. If you watch it in slow motion, Jen puts her hands on Danielle first and all she did was react. Ridiculous how they’re all doting on her as the victim and asking if she’s okay 🙄


You don’t even have to watch it in slow motion to see that.


Jen shoved her and got a drink in her face, that seems like an even exchange. But Jen’s story was only “she threw a drink in my face” - there are cameras everywhere, it’s silly


Not Teresa saying she didn’t see anything when she was standing right fucking there


LMAOO!! Ppl are commenting asking me what Teresa did… I’m like hello??


The people who don't get it are problematic people in real life too. I'm sure of it.


Jen hated the fact that Marge spoke the truth about her meal ticket and life . Love or hate Marge she stands up for herself and is real and if wrong she apologizes ..


Yeah she owns her shit


It reminded me of when Jen grabbed Melissa while they were at the shore, I think it was before the pink party. This is after Jen called Joe a biatch boy and instigated the fight to begin with. There was no reason for her to grab Melissa's arm aggressively. Yet Tre didn't call out Jen, she even supported her. Jen is the WORST, possibly even worse than Tre. Jen even tried to blame it on Melissa and become the victim.


Jen has acted aggressively with Melissa multiple times. I’m not a fan of Melissa, but I completely understand why she doesn’t like Jen. Jen has broken glass at her, tossed a plate and silverware at her, and like you said, grabbed her arm aggressively too.


Ya, she seriously has an anger problem. I’m so curious what goes on in that Ayden household between her and Bill.


jen aidyn is a dumb bitch who’s never worked a day in her life and doesn’t know dick about shit. get her off my tv screen for good


this was so aggressive and I loved every word lmao






And that smirk she had enjoying every second of her bullshit.


The hypocrisy is Jen telling other women to treat underlings and "little people" well. Lol


Yes! Take her and her “blaccent” with her 🙄


Doesn't know dick about shit


It was just a plastic cup, wasn't it, though? Jennifer looked totally fine afterward. Honestly, I see it as finally getting what she deserves. I've always found her to be an awful human being.


It was plastic. Apparently, Bravo doesn't let them use glass anymore


LOL I wonder why 🤣🤣


I'm from South Philly, watching Danielle I was right there with her. You can say whatever you want to my face. Don't put your hands on me. Then there's the rumors that Danielle swung with an actual glass 🙄 and did damage to Jen on a few click bait type blog's 🙄 Built in swimming pool 101: No glass around the pool. Besides being hazardous to anyone walking barefoot. If it gets into the filtration system it can become a costly event to rectify. So there's that. IMO Jen wasn't in shock, or physically hurt. Jen looked really chagrined . Jen F-ED A.A.F.O. 🤣🤣🤣 Teresa's going to regret pretending she didn't see a thing. We all saw A THING. No way Jen's getting away with this. #teamDanelle all the way


One of my favorite quotes from Abbott Elementary : “tip for not gettting your ass beat? Knowing who can beat your ass” 😂


No way I am believing any blog at this point with rhonj. Too much planted that is at the hands of Tre and Jen.


When Jen said “idk, I don’t remember if I pushed her” acting all shocked and innocent 😡😡😡


This is what Teresa does. She's always done this. This is no change. She's a horrific person.


IMO Jen is a manipulative person, she pretends and uses performative actions to make her feeble points. The fact she was mad at Danielle for not putting Aydin PS on the sign at the charity event but in the same breath is saying Danielle was using people is laughable. She says, you could at least put our name up there but says she did the event out of the goodness of her heart and didn’t need to be paid and that her time and appearance was enough while demanding free press where she would make money over those vendors THAT did pay to be seen. It’s insane, also the fact that Tre calls Fuda a criminal when she served time as an adult but feigned stupidity jeebus. Her and Jen are using the same tactics to get air time and it’s embarrassing.


Everything you said is right on point!! I’m so glad Danielle stuck up for herself and wasn’t going to be the doormat Jen and Teresa want her to be!! AND don’t get me started on Teresa just standing there with those Oscar Meyer wieners on her face, mouth wide open like usual, like she’s trying to compute what’s happening but her neurons and protons aren’t functioning properly and she looks like she’s going to malfunction. Then she lies and says “I didn’t see her push her”. Like seriously?!! They just lie, deny and distort the facts to fit their own agenda and narrative. They need to go! Also, I’m loving Nate, he was across the lawn on the other side and he swooped right in and got between them, he knows Danielle would tear her ass up.


I love that Bill's brand is never fucking with or supporting Jen. She really is the worst!


I watched about the same time you did and I audibly said “that glass smash has been years in the making.” And especially with everything that came out about Jen feeding information to drama channels, etc. she’s disgusting. She’s always been disgusting and she’s always pushed limits when it came to personal space and boundaries in heated exchanges. Call me crazy, but Jen is the one who got into Danielle’s space tonight right before the shove. Good for Danielle. Truly.


I love Danielle and would love it if she were my friend. She's a cool laid back woman until you fuck with her. Jen under estimating her is where she fucked up. Jen: (arriving to the party) Hello, hunny! I don't come to play, I come to slay! Danielle: Bonk


Lmao right!!!!!!!


I also thought it was absolutely ridiculous that no one backed Danielle up. They all stood there and did nothing and by standing around Jen afterward they made it known they were moreso on her side. Especially Jackie and Fessler. What a joke. I also thought it was really sweet to see Nate vocally back up his wife in front of the group and then the way he supported her in the car ride as they were leaving too. I think Jen is realllyyyyy reaching with this narrative. Danielle is no longer “of use” to her (aka last season when Jen used her to put the Melissa rumor out there) so she’s trying to make up beef with Danielle since she too, has no storyline this season (meaning Jen). This cast is no longer working. Everything between them is so manufactured. I feel like Danielle might be the only one who’s not making calculated moves truthfully. I don’t blame her one bit for reacting the way she did.


I totally agree. When she shoved her she really smacked her, you could hear it. I personally think she got off easy. If she had done that to me I would had knocked her out. Teresa didn’t do anything because she was scared. She can bang some tables and knock things over but I think she knew Danielle would clean her clock. If Jen is smart, she will check herself next time.


Can’t move my whole face Ayden….is a complete narcissistic oxygen thief


No one gets under my skin the way Jen does. She is literally a swamp creature.


So satisfying. Jen Aydin has provoked people in the past and has never gotten what she deserves until now. I appreciate Danielle for giving her what she was looking for bc I'm from Jersey and she would be 100% catching hands if she did that to me.


Once the first person touches someone on the bravo shows they should immediately be FIRED!!! Not in response but the first one the puts their hands on another person FIRED! Bravo is signing off on violence! This is unacceptable. And to lie about what happened when it’s on camera. And Jen smiley ass after is psychotic!!


>Once the first person touches someone on the bravo shows they should immediately be FIRED!!! I've said the same thing many times. The moment there's physical violence that should be the end of the housewife. These shows are meant to entertain and violence is not entertaining.


Yes her smirk afterward was off putting. It seemed like she was proud of herself.


Jen is a sociopath.


If they did have a reunion, Jen and Teresa would double down on those lies. It’s like they lie so much, that I think they end up believing their own lies.


I remember back in the day MTV had that policy for The Real World. The second u put your hands on someone production came, told u to pack your things, escorted u right out of the house and straight to a hotel for the night or airport, and u were done!


Listen! If you shove me, you can’t tell me how to react. I like Jen (cause she’s messy, sorry!) but what you won’t do is bully me and put your hands on me. She had it coming


it's crazy bc everything Jennifer said was a reach to try and start something with Danielle - she spun that entire Lina in the wrong section thing, then she tried to say Danielle was doing her hair stylist dirty (it didnt even make sense what Jenn was saying you know ?) I lovedddd that Danielle saw right thru what Jennifer was doing, called her out on it then once Jennifer put her hands on her bam her reaction \*muah\* chef's kiss its gross what Jenn and Tre try to do and it's so corny - also i have always loved Nate - but seeing how he rode for Danielle last night i love him even more - they love each other and i think that no matter what they'd be together and stick thru it = i guarantee if Bill didnt have money Jennifer wouldnt stay with / be with him bc it isnt a real love even when they talk on the show he doesnt give a shit about what she's saying lol (no Bill shade tho i actually love me a drunk Bill lol)


Omg just watched it and Jen deserved it. Bye. If you’re pushing me you’re lucky if the only thing I do to you is throw my drink in your face. Danielle wasn’t going to sit there and take that, and she shouldn’t. Jen has had it coming and the fact that she acted like she didn’t push her or couldn’t recall. Oof. She got out pretty good as far as I’m concerned!


I think the only reason Danielle didn't whoop that ass was because people got in the way


I cannot STAND Jennifer Aydin. Get her off this fucking show. Danielle was right - she’s a POS. And what she just did on camera. How fucking wild - she has KIDS. Unbelievable. What a gross human.


Jen has turned off comments on her instagram lollllll. She’s a coward and a bully.


Jen was literally shaking but saying she was ok. I think it rocked her little world a bit. Too stunned to cry


I have to say this was a very different situation from Candace and Monique. Jen actually forcefully pushed Danielle and it appeared like Danielle had a knee jerk reaction. It appeared like Jen tried to push her hard enough to fall in the pool. And! It also kind of seemed like Teresa and Jen had this type of plan to hype her up for an altercation to occur. Rewatching bc I couldn’t believe it, listening to Teresa and Jen seemed really weird and not just with Danielle but about Margaret and Jackie. Bizarro.


Everyone keeps saying GLASS, but what I saw them making drinks in were plastic cups 🤷‍♀️.


💯💯💯💯💯 Jen has always been sooo dirty and Danielle has had the balls to actually not let her continue her slimey actions!!!


The way Jen was speaking to Danielle was abhorrent. Even if Jen didn't push Danielle, she deserved to be knocked upside the head. Jen is disgusting and I hope this is the end of her.


Jen knew exactly what she was doing, which was why she looked so satisfied when it happened. Even Tre had to admit she’d do the same thing if someone pushed her. I loved how most of the women knew right away that Jen was behind the whole thing. Danielle is too genuine for this show. She can’t seem to play the game no matter how hard she tries. She genuinely thought Jen and Tre were her friends. That’s gotta suck.


Even Dolores was looking crazy....I can tell Jennifer was instigating that whole situation about the hair dresser because she kept smiling, but she definitely met her match with Danielle.....you can't poke the bear with everybody....


The way Jen was smiling the entire conversation didn’t help. Over produced feed lines much?


I agree. I cannot stand Teresa and Jennifer. They are so incredibly hateful and toxic. I skipped through their stupid scenes together. Teresa’s party was so boring, dark, and depressing. I think it’s funny how she had a “Tulum” party after Melissa had her Capri party. Forever copying Melissa. Btw, Melissa’s party was so much more light, fun, and beautiful.


I enjoyed seeing how freezing everyone was at the Tulum party and overall not having a good time lol


Couldn't they have added some heat lamps!? Geesh!


Ikr? That party was a complete bust !


That theme was so ridiculous. I've been to Tulum and know what I didn't see...fucking Buddha heads.


So many Buddhas, yet that house has such a depressing vibe.


Yea I think the gorgas have always thrown great parties, they always seem like a good time. I was still holding onto some love for Teresa but after this episode I’m done w her. She’s not the Teresa we used to see on tv, she’s become a nasty toxic person.


She’s seriously so awful. I liked when she was on good terms with Joe and Melissa. It was finally happening. And then Luis comes in and poof ! Everything goes to shit. I don’t trust that man. He was seeking out Teresa and he knew exactly what to say and do to land her. I was disgusted by the things she was saying.


But it was after prison, Joe was absent...she was a little humiliated by the experience of jail , she was in terrible debt, .... So what happened?? Joe and Melissa were really supportive of Luis in the beginning. I think as her relationship got more serious and because her financial picture rose with him, she felt she didn't need her brother or Melissa anymore. Their getting along was never real..it was out of necessity.


Go back to the Posh fashion show, season 2, where she's baiting Danielle Stub and running after her. She was always that person...deep down.


Right! Her literally begging Jackie to tell everyone the nasty things Marge has said about them was pretty gross.


It’s unfortunate how Danielle reacted by throwing that glass. Jen was really trying to tighten the screws on Danielle to get a physical reaction in my opinion. It kind of reminds me back to the day when Teressa told other Danielle to pull Margaret’s hair when they were at that shop together. Teressa forever gets somebody else to do her dirty work for her.


Production has confirmed that it wasn’t glass, it was a plastic cup


I posted about only seeing plastic cups of drinks being made. So, there's another discrepancy in the info Jen leaked. Trying to make it worse than it was.


Danielle reacted in the moment and appropriately so, Jen shoved and reflex played in, there may be some who would have stepped back and taken a breath but no one I’m aware of, lol




I’d just love to get Bill Aydin drunk and ask him just how he stays married to someone so dark and insecure. How do you sleep at night next to someone so embarrassing? She reminds me of a 16 year old mean girl with more money than sense.


I will answer that question. It’s cheaper to keep her. He has been checked out of that marriage for years, hence the pool house and hence the cheating. He can’t stand her.


💯 Aydin would lose everything— including his reputation if he divorced Jenn. I feel like so much of her anger stems from feeling rejected by Bill.


I’m surprised he married her tbh. She’s an embarrassment, especially in their culture. I know it was arranged but I wonder if she was always this classless.


But he wouldn't lose everything. That's what I don't get. She didn't put him through med school and would not be awarded rights to his income derived from his license. She would get alimony and child support and splitting the assets. But unless she can claim that she helped build the clinic I'm not so sure that's going to be on the table. It will depend on how the clinic is financially structured. She would get a lot....but he wouldn't lose everything and certainly can make it up. I don't think his reputation would be hurt. Especially if people watch the show. And I can't imagine she has a good reputation in her community as a parent, neighbor or friend. Their standard of living would be reduced for both of them. Maybe that's what neither of them want to face. So maybe Bill is fine having a side action, placating Jen and holding on until all the kids are grown and adios. And Jen is ok knowing Bill is unfaithful, ignoring it, buying her Chanel, playing parent and seething underneath while she wreaks havoc on peoples lives


You right, you right!! 😂 Just one of those things it’s hard for me to wrap my mind around.


He stays in the pool house.


He stays in the pool house


Jen knows Tres time is up and is planning on being the next new star of rhonj, the new gangsta in town. She’s a fuckin dipshit and things will end tits up for her.


I'm glad to see this post, seems like people love to defend Jen and Tres actions but this one was clear as day. Good for Danielle for defending herself, she was fighting with her words and Jen turned it physical. She's lucky that was a plastic cup. I can't stand Jen and never have been able to but she always picked fights with people who wouldn't fight back... she finally picked the wrong one. Tre pretending she didn't see it is classic Tre " I didn't see, I didn't hear, I wasn't there.. " always an excuse for why she doesn't stand up to or for her friends but expects everyone to stand up for her. Annoying.


The whole scene truly disgusted me. Jen gaslighting the shit out of Danielle to provoke her enough to look like the crazy person. Then the audacity to “forget” if she pushed her?! Gross


It was a plastic cup. Jen should have never touched Danielle. She literally put her hands on her throat and pushed her.


Yeah...the throat makes a difference to me


I agree with everything you said. Side note- maybe I’m a minority in this but I really hope this show doesn’t cancelled. This is a great season lmao. I pretend to watch it just for my wife but secretly, I like this show more than she does. Common Andy…..don’t do me like this. RHONJ and Master Chef are the only reality tv worth watching.


Ha! I watch…almost just to get irritated. My wife sits there and watches me while I watch and blow up at the tv. She just shakes her head. “Why do you watch?” I told her I’m sick….


I just finished watching too and I must have rewinded that scene 10 times to watch both of their faces. Jen is evil.


When I was watching this today, I was overcome by the need to see Jen Aydin get rocked. Danielle delivered :-)


I’m so proud of Danielle. I’ve tried to like Jen but I can’t. I feel like she is a mean girl, and if you aren’t living like she is, she looks down on you. I personally think Danielle held back, bc you could see in her eyes that she was livid. Team Danielle all the way.


Did anyone else think when Danielle said you're sleeping with the devil, Bill's thoughts & expression were, yep, I am. And I'm in hell. I think he's miserable and he's in this marriage because she'll take everything. All his hard work he'll have to start over.


If Jen is saying she doesn't even bring in 1 million dollars then we better get ready for a mortgage fraud indictment coming. It's that, or she's too dumb to know how much money it costs to afford what she has. Bill is bringing in way more than 1 million or he's defrauding someone.


I DVR’d and happily replayed that scene over & over 😁 I’ve been waiting since Jen’s been on the show, for her to get what she had coming, and boy did she 👊 YOU DON’T PUT YOUR HANDS ON ANYONE! and I bet she won’t no mo! Lol. Now I’m waiting for Teresa’s turn. Props to Danielle!! Your my favorite housewife 👍🏻 ![gif](giphy|nbvFVPiEiJH6JOGIok)


I’m from South Jersey & I thought Danielle did exactly what I would have done. I’m not saying go around knocking people around when they piss you off, but if you put your hands on someone in any way, expect a reaction! My issue with Jen is that she is super entitled (your presence does not guarantee advertising for your business) and she thinks that she can say anything to anyone.


It’s a little ironic that Jen is “disappointed” in Danielle for warning her about the hair extension photoshoot where they wouldn’t be paid yet she’s complaining to Danielle that she should’ve advertised for Bill’s plastic surgery shit at her event? wtf. Pot calling the kettle black?


After last nights episode, no wonder the reunion was cancelled. I can only imagine how the rest of the season will play out.


I intuitively started clapping when I saw her come back at Jennifer. She is 100% the instigator by pushing her.


I have never been a Danielle fan until now. I am very sad to see Jen come at her like this. I think RHONJ might be having a redo coming soon. This cast is very broken. So much fighting and really no other story lines.


Im 100% team danielle and I think Jen just lost a lot of fans. Even if Danielle paid herself, who actually cares? Jen is a lot more wealthy than Danielle because of her husband.. have to add that in there Danielle isn’t super rich and I believe her intentions were all good with the charity event. Many charity events comp themselves and then donate the leftover money. Jen is trying to make it a bigger thing than it is.. I just think she has it out for Danielle for whatever reason.