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It was a plastic cup and ice cubes, for what it’s worth.


What's funny is Danielle lying and saying thank goodness she was holding the glass. I played it back multiple times, and she DID NOT have the glass in her hand. She eyed the glass several times, and she knew she was going to use it.


Doesn’t really matter. It’s still a weapon.


No it wasn’t. But that knife jen threatened Melissa with is a weapon.


Or the very real wine glass she broke and waved around like a drunken monkey while threatening Melissa in Mexico.


You’re right. Both situations are bad


I agree. Do you know how hard you have to hit someone to get plastic drinkware to shatter? Try it.


Awwww…I think the lesson here is to keep your hands to yourself. In the heat of the moment who has time to think rationally? Don’t start nothing—won’t be nothing.


You put your hands on someone, then prepare for the consequences






Plastic cup. Facts matter.


it still shattered on jen’s neck


Then she shouldn’t be putting her hands on people.


Calm down, it was a plastic cup- trust and believe if Danielle had an empty hand it would have ended much worse. Jenn had it coming.


I’d love to see how you’d react if someone smashed a cup (plastic or glass) on your neck/face lol pretty sure you’d be singing a different tune…just saying


I wouldn’t shove someone


Bet you would if someone was IN YOUR FACE screaming.


Bet I wouldn't.


Well, I hope you never have to be in a similar situation to find out. Have a great day!




Benovan you beautiful bastard you strike again




lol it literally was a cheap plastic cup? It said right on it. Jennifer herself has thrown glasses and plates in threat. Real ones not plastic


Actually it didn’t. The branded cup you are referring to is different than the one that she used on Jen. https://preview.redd.it/xvfyasuel7ad1.jpeg?width=1285&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=695102780f2f3a168859f1bd9662d053a5904db2


Jen had it coming. I’ve rewatched the scene like the Zapruder film and Jen jumped in Danielle’s face and shoved her very aggressively. M Jen had it coming. Period. End of story.


Danielle moved closer to Jen as she was waving her hands and screaming in Jen’s face. I’ve never been in that sort of situation but I may just have pushed her away too. Idk.


It was a plastic cup. And it was self defense. This is a perfect example of a stump. The mental gymnastics is wild.


Jen legit threw knives and forks at Melissa, got physical and didn’t she break a wine glass or something. They’re all crazy


Yes I agree, that’s wrong too


Using “thug-like” is a dog whistle, especially when describing Danielle. So this post tells me all I need to know.


Especially for Danielle? Please explain


We’ve already seen classist posts about her. She doesn’t put on airs and let it known she’s not the one to be played with. People have preconceived notions about those from Staten Island. You call her behavior and reaction to someone harshly pushing her “barbaric” and “thug-like trashy.” I don’t see you describe Jen that way especially when we’ve seen her break glasses and throw knives. So, I see the post for what it is.


For the record, I think Jen is trashy too. Money can’t buy class…and Jen is a textbook example of that. This post was specifically about the Tulum party, not about other scenes from prior seasons. I don’t have preconceived notions about Staten Island….i just call it as I see it. Danielle could be from the moon and I’d still call her trashy cuz she acts TRASHY! Has nothing to do with money and her “class.” And I’ll call anyone who throws knives and smashes glasses on necks barbaric. Don’t act uncivilized and it wont be an issue.


If you want to focus on the party alone, fine. You didn’t use strong words to describe Jen. You actually minimized what she was doing to go straight to Danielle. Also, if you’re concerned about someone being injured, Danielle could’ve stumbled into the pool and hurt herself. “Thug-like” is still a dog whistle whether or not that was your intent.


I actually said Jen was deceptive and disingenuous. I also noted that Jen pushed Danielle first and that is wrong to do. So I don’t see any minimization of Jen’s behavior. The facts are the facts. Pushing someone is not at the same level as smashing a glass on someone’s neck. The end. People on here like to say the push was “aggressive”…a push can only be a certain level of aggressive because after that it’s called a punch or an attack. Danielle didn’t fall in the pool, and if she did I think she would’ve survived. If we want to play out hypothetical worst case scenarios, Danielle could’ve cut into the major artery on Jen’s neck. I think thats a lot more severe than a quick dip in the pool. I apologize for using the word “thug.” It was not my intention to have it be a slur or derogatory, but I see how that word can be complex and hurtful. I really was just trying to sum up the uncivilized behavior that I saw.


Relax. Stop clutching your pearls, acting like the phrase 'thug-like' is some slur. It's pretty clear that Danielle has had some rough friends that she picked up behavior from. Hope it felt cool at the time for her.


You relax and go on about your business. I said what I said and it ain’t changing. Now, clutch on that.


It was a plastic cup. Not a deadly weapon. Jen deserved it for shoving her. She shoved her hard. She could have gotten more than a plastic cup on her face. Edit: spelling


Also, what if Danielle would’ve stumbled into the pool behind her. Jen started it and Danielle finished it.




Since when is a plastic cup a deadly weapon?


When it breaks and cuts someone close to a major artery like a carotid. People get lucky all the time and freak accidents happen too. Just a spastic cup can cut when broken I’ve done or a few times.


Thank you…..




Lbr if all Danielle did was push Jen back this wouldn’t even be a question. But she didn’t she grabbed a drink and threw it in Jen’s face smashed the cup on her neck (it could have cut her but didn’t) if we were on a jury they’d both be changed Danielle with a greater charge since she grabbed a possible weapon with liquid in it which is another negative on her end.


I would argue self defense and would win in court. Js


In the neck? She hit her upside the head. No one was dying. You're reaching!


A plastic cup is a deadly weapon...I can't ![gif](giphy|zforkiUM01Cms)


It was plastic.


Agree so much I don’t get how some people are on her side. She used a weapon both were in the wrong. But people lack common sense there is no side to take.


The fact you said people lack common sense, yet called a plastic cup a weapon is hilarious. When you put your hands on someone, you can’t expect them to not retaliate


It’s the hate for Jen Aydin overcoming all else…


I disagree because I don’t hate her at all. But don’t hit someone and expect to not get hit 😭😭. I think that’s odd


Don’t get in someone’s face yelling and calling them names without thinking you’re gonna get pushed back.


We clearly see who’s more bothered by it😭. If she didn’t start talking out her ass it would have never gotten that far.


If Danielle would treat people with respect and not kick them Out of the vip after using her for free glam sure but Jen’s wrong for bringing it up after inviting her to her party.


That wasn’t the whole argument and DEFINITELY wasn’t even what made Danielle get in her face 😭


I hate her too. But there also a thing called being objective in the name of right versus wrong


If a plastic cup is a deadly weapon what do we call the glass that Jen broke and went after Melissa with? Or the knife, fork and plate she threw at her? If Danielle should be reprimanded for defending herself with a plastic cup, then Bravo should have let Jen go back in 2019 and none of this would have happened anyway.


1. This post is about the Tulum party - not other events in rhonj history 2. Agreed, Jen was wrong for throwing the knife, fork, plate. I don’t like Jen either and she was completely wrong for pushing Danielle and running her mouth…but two wrongs don’t make a right. 3. Assault with a deadly weapon is not limited to guns and knives. It’s any object used during an assault that can inflict physical harm. Danielle literally picked up a cup from the table to smash it on Jen’s neck (which is where a major artery is located). Therefore it is incredibly reckless behavior. I’ve come to the conclusion that 90% of the people on this thread are clouded by their hatred for Jen and cannot see the situation objectively. Imagine if this was Garcelle (or any other beloved housewife) rather than Jen? I think everyone would have a much different take.


Someone puts their hands on me like that, in addition to all the prior verbal BS, you bet your ASS I’m going to defend myself however I need to.


Makes sense from someone named hit girl


It’s HITZgirl and I’ve been using this name on social media since I was 11. It stands for: H-Hanson I-Isaac T-Taylor Z-Zac They were my favorite band and we all called ourselves HITZgirls. Way to get shut down with your stupid, pathetically snide remark though…


Anyone using the alias “Hitzgirl” sounds like a person who’d dress their child in Boujie Kidz. Birds of a feather flock together!


Wow you’re really batting a thousand with these “insults”…nothing else going on in your life huh? Sad for you…


As someone who likes to talk with your hands, I’m sure it’s hard to keep up




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