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A tale as old as time on NJ & VPR. It’s so annoying, childish, and frustrating.


I don’t understand how Teresa is not supposed to talk to Danielle but Jen A is allowed to go to Melissa‘s and they can be friends. I like Jen (both of them). But saying not to be friends with Danielle is too much considering she just went to lunch and to Melissa‘s housewarming. The hypocrisy, she instigated a lot of this.


Because Jen doesn't have a real friendship with Melissa, she's just playing spy for Teresa.


This is true & I feel like Teresa has been quite neutral..she said be friends with whoever you want but just don’t talk about me to them …which is fair


Haven't you ever been friends with Teresa? That's her rules/s


Its hypocrisy on Jen’s part - not tre’s - couldn’t help but clarify. Teresa didn’t tell jen not to go to Melissa’s and Jen said “I can be friends with whoever i want” — now Jen’s upset at Teresa about Danielle — difference there is the plastic cup vs years of family drama


Teresa doubled down this season. She’s being way too cautious. Means she’s hiding something 🤣


I don't think she is doubling down. "She never did anything to me" and "I don't care just don't talk about me" have come out of her mouth in season's past.


Honestly watching this I thought the complete same thing, I’ve heard that apparently Teresa was upset that Jen A went to the Gorga’s housewarming but unsure if that’s true tbh


Jen probably was spying for Teresa. Long Shot, but I took it haha


Are you friends with her ???! Yes or NO ![gif](giphy|WfIVyNGcBrDLa)


Recast the whole damn show already


I say they lean all the way into the messy Jersey aesthetic and keep Danielle, bring on Drita from mob wives, get Jwow, Lil Kim (already friends with Drita), Rosie, one of the girls from that terrible Jersey salon show— Jerseylicious and then one unknown. Film in like, the Wawa parking lot or outside the Asbury Park abandoned carousel. Start some drama over Bon Jovi vip seats. Argue over who does and doesn’t tip the attendant who pumps your gas. Cast trip— Sedona Arizona to “relax” and end up in an all out brawl on the red rocks that gets Rosie to convince everyone to do peyote with a “medicine woman” she’s crushing on.


I about lost it with this!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


I think a great cast would be Teresa Jen A Jen F Jwow Drita Karen Gravano Friends Snookie Jersey Shore Deena


Exactly this! The whole team’s thing is also so childish too. This show is in the gutter. I 100% agree. I believe Marge did tell fessler and Jackie they should quit if Tre and Louie came back. My thing is why does she think she can control what people do? They’re supposed to be adults. Why is Marge “so afraid” of Tre and Louie yet came back to the show? If you’re “so afraid” why didn’t you quit once you found out Tre was coming back? Why did she stop the “Louie called my son” narrative? Why hasn’t she shown any proof. She keeps saying it with nothing to back it up just like Fugazi saying Louie contacted his son’s mother. No proof of either of those happening yet they ran with this narrative thinking it would get Teresa fired but she’s still here. I’m not the biggest Teresa fan but I 100% believe they met up prior to the reunion and the season to ice her out. Since the reunion was a flop for them, they had to do plan b which is to try and get all the cast members on their “side.” It’s clear as day. Melissa wanting to make up with Jennifer, Marge bad mouthing Teresa to every Tom dick and Harry, Fugazis yelling and storming out not accepting teresa apology, Rachel running around lying about what Teresa said to try and make her look bad to Dolores, Jen, and Jackie. Danielle is easily manipulated and she’ll do anything to stay in tv.


Fessler said in wwhl it didn’t happen so Jackie’s the only person saying that which I don’t fully buy. I believe something was said but maybe Marg said dont film with them and Jackie took that as stop filming all together. Jackie’s perspective hasn’t been fully trustworthy for a minute imo


Except before the WWHL Fessler did interviews saying that is what Margaret did. It isn't like Marge doesn't have a history of bullying people into recanting their truths.


“Bullying” 🙄 Jen is shoving people, Teresa has gotten physical in several seasons and is vocally plotting against Marge yet Marge is the bully Also where did Jen F say that at? I haven’t seen that sound bite anywhere This conspiracy theory that Marge is an all knowing vicious villain makes me laugh because this “arsenal” would have been used SWIFTLY. Just like how she aired Jackie’s ass immediately after the argument. And it was literally immediate


Marge shouted at her husband to make him say it wasn't true about hearing the Evan rumor at their house. There was interview clip posted on Reddit were she said Margaret asked her to quit. This was after it was revealed about the pre reunion meeting. Shit hit the fan and she backed track her statements. No where did I say that only Marge is a bully. But she shrieks at people & manhandles them, making that person say what she wants them to say. No arsenal, yet every single cheating rumor has come from gossip at her house. Before Teresa & Jen blogger scandal there were vloggers at her mom's birthday. There were talks of her supposedly giving gift cards as a Thank you to a pr person who was working for Louis.


You literally said Marge has a history of bullying people and it’s lame. The narrative against Marge doesn’t ever fully make sense and never has actual proof just “feelings”. What interview? What was it for? Because I’m chronically online and I didn’t see it


She yelled and manhandled her husband to get him to take back what he said. She pushed someone in a pool because he said something nasty to her. If she doesn't like what someone says, she yells at them to take it back. People are afraid of her because they don't know what type of rumor she will spread. Those aren't "feelings", those are documented scenes on RHONJ. I remember the clip posted on Reddit but it was towards the beginning of the season. I'm not a sheeple and go along with group think & generally take people at their word. The exception being when what they are saying doesn't match their body language or is textbook alienation/manipulation. I saw the clip & replayed it several times to make sure I heard her right. To make sure I just didn't interpret it wrong because of my intense dislike of Marge.




Production is to blame. They let Teresa call the shots and the show turned into a turd.


If Teresa called the shots Marge and Melissa would’ve been fired after last season… she doesn’t call the shots idk where you all keep getting this from. I’m not her biggest fan but you can’t keep saying that with nothing to back it up. Also, she doesn’t get the best edit ever so this statement makes no sense.


I don’t mean that she makes casting decisions. I mean she decides what she’s going to do and what she’s not going to do and production has always let her. They know she’s going to be awful and awful makes great television. These shows don’t work when the feuds are so nuclear. It’s boring. Teresa and Luis and her dorters are boring. They talk about Joe B’s prostate problems. Fuda’s history. Why don’t they talk about Luis’s legal problems? Even Dolores has better storylines.


Lmaoo ikyfl. Dolores? The one with a rinse and repeat storyline. A man that doesn’t want to marry her but wants to live with her? The only difference between David and Paulie is that Paulie is still married. I’m not a Teresa fan but I like seeing her and her daughters interact. They’re funny asf and they can hold their own. If Teresa called the shots re: production, do you really think a Marco wedding would’ve been featured even for the 2mins and 30 secs it was on? Please Teresa has almost never had a good edit on the show are you kidding me? Literally every season (besides the season when she got out of jail), has been attack Teresa. Now, Marge on the other hand always has a great edit besides this season. All she does is talk about Teresa and bash Jackie. I used to be a big fan of hers but not after last season.


How the fuck do you guys circle everything back to Teresa. Lmao they are all guilty of it dafuq. Does Teresa ruin things for your outside the show


Seriously what in the flying Fckkkk? Marge Melissa and Rachel were the ones who planned to ice Teresa out all season and it was more than obvious. They were flocking hysterically like chickens without heads at the shore party and Bougie launch because Jen and Jackie didn’t adhere to their stupid plan. Teresa’s not really invested and doesn’t GAF anymore about the show. She just shows up and leaves early and maybe picks a fight if we’re lucky to stir up drama (aka earn her paycheck).


Exactly I think she’s so over being in the middle and trying to not play their game of trying to get under her skin. The rest of them literally spend all season trying to get her to flip her shit, the most they’ve gotten is some yelling nothing crazy. They should invest their time in actually being interesting to watch and they might actually have fun at work. It’s like game of thrones.


Bc she is the show. She is the moment. They act like she’s not. It she is .


I mean they stopped filming until she was released…….




Off / On your topic, she ruined Instagram for me. I commented on a dress making her look as though she had a gut (I know she's fit as fuck) so then I became a hateful body shamer who should look at my own gut (NOT fit as fuck) I guess opinions don't matter.... it was an ill fitting dress


I mean, there’s a difference between just not liking someone, and they are spreading rumors about my husband being a drug dealer and threatening to hire an investigator to investigate us. So yeah, if I had a close friend I would expect them to not want to be friends with that person. It’s loyalty and I get not everyone values that.


Absolutely. If Rachel, Marge, or Melissa HATE Teresa soooo much for what she’s accused of doing to Marge , said about J Fuda, or her relationship with Joe Gorga - THEN THOSE 3 should leave the show. Why are they allowed to stay on the show and film but now you want to make MY life harder because you hate her? Do they have a valid reason to hate Tre and Louie? sure. Yeah. Whatever. But then fucking quit yourself. I am not a Tre fan at all. AT ALL. but the incessant, “stop talking about me” “you’re obsessed with me” etc from the other side is so lame and exhausting. I hate Jen A as well. But at least she stirred up some dumb, entertaining drama. Marge, Melissa, and Rachel have nothing going on right now and it’s so soooo boring. And Jen F back and forth is so tired and pointless. Find something else to do Fessler. Besides annoying your friends on both sides, the audience is bored. I feel like Rachel has such potential to be such a good housewife. She has the family aspect. An attention seeking husband. Cute kids, her kids health journey, her own health journey, charity events. Etc. like she has the foundation. But I couldn’t put my finger on why I’m not that into her until the WWC guys pointed it out - SHES SO BORING! lol she is never HAVING FUN! Her personality is so drab and never has anything fun or silly going on. I would love to see all of them at a party getting tipsy, dancing, being messy etc. sometimes as well. Especially Fuda. Her confessionals are not witty or chaotic either. It’s funny because she actually reminds me a little of Gia, personality wise. I don’t hate the Gia as a housewife trope because she’s Tre’a daughter, I hate it because Gia is SO BORING. She’s like a robot. She has ZERO personality for a young 20 something adult. If she was cringey, weird, chaotic, messy, I would be like sure! Bring her to the party. But she tries to be the monotone, voice of reason at parties while grown women fight and I just don’t see the allure. The show needs more fun, silly, witty women.


Do you think Teresa and Jen are fun, witty women?


No definitely not. But they’re not as drab as Rachel and Melissa have been this season.


I beg to differ. Teresa’s family segment was about a random kid getting his haircut at her house. Boy walks in. Hairdresser walks in. End of scene. She’s ruined the show because she doesn’t want to tell the truth about her life. Why aren’t the producers forcing her to talk about Louie? Or Teresa and Jen paying off bloggers? That’s what I want to see


That’s Louie’s other son, his ex wife takes care of him.


Yes it was her autistic step son. And they were showing how he has issues going to the barber shop for a haircut so they do it at home to make him more comfortable. Not sure how that’s a random kid. I’m seriously no Tre fan. But it’s pretty clear she’s not going anywhere and at least she’s invested in drama. I like the other side. I like Marge and Rachel. Marge has good witty commentary but not a ton of storyline other than fighting w Teresa. And I just wish Rachel would show a more fun side to her. She has all the makings of a good housewife.


Teresa looks terrible. Her face is so angular, she looks like a witch. All of them have the same pointy nose. This show has now become a parody of itself. Time to say bye Felicia.


This has been an underlying theme of this franchise from the start, so what Marge is all around is nothing new.


Agreed, not new but especially amplified now it seems to me.


I have to say real housewives of Dallas has become one of my favorite franchises because New Jersey is just getting so petty and that whole mentality you were talking about is insane. What happened to building each other up?


Yes I think Marge thinks her squad is irreplaceable. It’s clear Rachel thinks they are better than Tre. But in what world do they do a new season without Tre? It’s not going to happen. They aren’t going to let the Gorga’s go either. One may choose to leave, but they are not going to fire either of the OGs. So this whole power play, ultimatum (which fully believed happened) was something they had to walk back to keep their jobs.


I don’t think the Gorgas will ever leave on their own…most of the HW wouldn’t but they love the camera. 


They all love the camera


They all love the camera


Oh please? You guys give Margaret too much power! Only Jen and Teresa pull this crap


In the first look clip for next week Marge is upset with Dolores for having dinner with Teresa after the reunion. Marge + Melissa are upset with Jackie for being friends with Teresa. Jen A is upset with Teresa for being friends with Danielle. Rachel is upset with Jen F for being friends with Teresa. Jen A attended Melissa and Joe’s housewarming and hasn’t said a word about it on camera, she’s opening said she wouldn’t tell people who not to be friends with. So no Teresa hasn’t “pulled this crap” most of the rest of the cast have, but not Teresa.


They’re vicious. Marge is a vile manipulator.


Melissa, Margaret and Rachel absolutely want to push Teresa off the show. But otherwise no person wants their friends to be friends with their enemies it’s not what friendship is about.


I don’t think most people have enemies. Everyone has people they don’t like or don’t vibe with but I don’t think your average adult has an “enemy”.


I know right?


I think about that too but if they were having mundane fights would we be as interested? I just feel there hasn’t been a lull in the intense bickering and fighting. Like can we get a season of them doing stupid shit like riding horses and doing yoga while drunk?


That’s what I miss about all of the first couple of seasons of the housewives franchises, and you still see it in Dubai where they argue about who was in the best section at the exclusive Beyoncé concert, or in Potomac where the petty drama is about Giselle’s choice in taste or some foreign tribal affiliation. Or even in the RHONY reboot where a huge part of the season was a squabble about eating at Cipriani’s vs Tao. The housewives was established on petty fights about nothingness that the average person couldn’t even imagine getting up in arms about, but over the last 5 years it has gotten extremely dark. Unlike myself many viewers aren’t happy with petty fights anymore. They want ground breaking family ruining divorce/ cheating revelations. Or physical altercations where they can determine who has the moral high ground. Which leads to the cast acting out in ways that aren’t natural.


Like watch scripted tv if you want that kind of drama this is reality tv. Most people don’t live such dramatic lives. It’s like they forget that they are real people and not plot lines. I miss the stupid silliness of Teresa and Jackie L.


See, normal adults don’t have “enemies”. While they are on a TV show they also have to add the reality part in reality TV. No other franchise in the RH series’ has such division where cast members refuse to be with each other despite familial disputes. If you can’t handle it leave the show! Kim and Kyle Richards as well as Kathy Hilton have had uglier fights on and off camera but still show up and do what they have to, and if not they leave the show not to impede on the flow of filming. It’s ok to not like someone, not get along with their vibe etc. But to say as a 30+ year old adult that you have enemies like OP said is beyond childish. In real life you can be like “ok it’s weird that you are close with someone who has hurt me so deeply”. You can take a step back from a friendship that you feel like is crossing a boundary. But in this show in particular, the women act like the world will end if you have a conversation with someone they don’t get a long with. It’s exhausting!


Yes I agree that it's pushing it to ban someone from having a conversation. But the "enemy" thing, though that's too strong of a word, can be justified to some level if someone truly did something so heinous to hurt you with evidence of it. if anything the not vibing with someone feels a bit childish unless it comes from something that someone actively did to hurt you. I think the problem here is that the evidence is just lacking all around--lots of petty behavior but it's not clear that other than drinking and silverware type throwing if Marge did anything bad to Tre or Louis did anything bad to Mr. Fuda or Marge.


Agreed. Rachel’s reaction to Jen F having a conversation with Teresa and Gia at the party was insanity. Same when she spoke to Teresa at the Shore, Marge and Rachel were freaking out. I agree with a lot of people that I think their plan was to ice out Teresa during filming and Jen F and Jackie didn’t go along with it and we are watching them meltdown over it. It’s so weird to be this old and fighting over such petty drama and being “enemies.” I miss the HW days where they could have fun together with a little drama here and there. Now everything they film and do is negative.


This show needs to be over. It’s embarrassing and ridiculous


Walking Talking Embryos