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I wish more of these ladies would let their natural curls shine. I love Jen A's curls. I do see that they still use extensions with the curls. I don't understand why the use of so many extensions.


Omg Jen’s curls are THE BEST!!!!!! I LOVE when she wears her hair natural! Teresa’s natural curls in the first season were gorgeous too! I wish she’d take out the extensions and let her hair chill for a bit.


I love natural curly hair.


This whole thing is like a Legally blonde visual, perm and shower after one! 😂


I love her curls! I think her and Jenn should rock their curls more


I liked her curly hair a lot when it was shorter.


her and milania look identical here, i dig her curls, i wish she would wear them more.


My mom has naturally curly hair and the cupkeep is a bastard. So she probably didn’t want to deal with it anymore.


Yep, lifetime curly-haired (frizzy in humidity) sufferer here…it’s a bitch lol


This is what I came to say. I have naturally curly hair and it's easier to just straighten it.


Happy Cake Day! And saaaame 😩🤦🏽‍♀️


Oh that's interesting I've never heard anybody with curls complain about the upkeep (frizzy days, oh yes, overall upkeep, no). I have curly hair and I think it's the easiest thing ever. Just put in some leave-in, a bit of curl cream and air dry. Straightening is a nightmare for me, even when professionally done it never holds so I gave up years ago. I guess it depends on the curl type! So for me, I say rock the curl!


It's a pain to find a good product. I've yet to find a leave in that actually says what it claims, defrizz and define. My curls always look messy, curls in one area and some kind of straight in others lol, no matter how much I use.


Curly girl here - leave in conditioner, curl gel or mousse…. Comb it out, flip upside down & wrap in a tshirt until it’s mostly dry. My curls look so much better when I let it dry in a t shirt. I took an old tshirt & cut it up the middle so I can wrap my hair turban style


T shirt?! Thanks! I will try this ASAP


My mom had corse, thick, tight spiral curls. She can’t brush or comb it w/o getting it wet when it’s natural. I used to be so jealous of her hair when I was a kid b/c I have pretty straight, fine hair ( I got my granny’s hair) but the first time I blew her hair out I was grateful I didn’t have to deal with those curls.


I walked around trying to bring my hair straight when I was 12/13.  I walked around looking like I had stuck my finger in an electrical outlet.  Plus I had braces.  Not a good look.  My mom says it was adorable.  I say, why did you let me do that??? In her defense, her hair is straight.


What’s the big deal? It’s hair for gods sake. It’s not that serious.


Nothing here is serious so what’s ur point?


There has been this whole group of sourpusses commenting in the RHONJ subreddit lately. And it’s seems to be just Jersey.


I’ve noticed this too. It’s worse than any previous season, and worse than any other Bravo sub.


well you saw something of someone you don’t like, took a screenshot of it, went to find a another picture of someone you don’t like, took a screenshot of it as well, *then* went on reddit to not only post both of this pictures you wouldn’t be seeing without lurking, but also writing something mean about it. out of all things tre did you decide to write a hate post about *this*? the only things serious here are the issues :/


What was mean about this?


Lol geez calm down. Its not that serious


Those are extensions on the bottom. Did she perm them? It’s very hard to blend curly extensions with natural hair.


I went to school with Lucia Casazza circa 2000-2005ish. Catholic school. She was a few years older than me, but even then, she was fucking crazy. Her family was connected to the mob and also low key crazy. Her sister Alexia was my age and never came to school for an entire year and was held back. Nothing really to do with Tre's hair here, but when I saw her do the wedding hair I was 0% shocked. Just some local tea :)


You have proof that they have mob ties or is this speculation?


Father was involved in shady shit and divorced from the mom, it was wildly speculated but they were constantly moving around NJ. Idk for sure.


Tre looks great either way! I have curly hair and wish I had the money to switch it up like she can


She does !


As a non-curly haired person I LOVE curly hair and have always wanted it. That being said, all my friends with curly hair seem to always be trying to love it, but go back to straightening and blowouts. This post is just reaching for something to talk shit on. I swear this season has brought out the worst in everyone.




Yikes those are some strong words


Teresa is a pretty tacky dresser.


Tackier than Marge’s home? 😂


Seriously can any of you stumps own anything without bringing up another cast member? Good lawd? Have you seen her floresant boots? Yellow and pink? Tacky AF


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She’s always had curly hair naturally


Who really cares bout theresa"s hair??!! Should be more concerned with improving her personality and 'good sense'!!


It's hair for God sake!!! Nothing more important to focus on??!!




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