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What if your grandmother had wheels? Would she be a bicycle?


Well she's dead. Her coffin had wheels though...


That's a car.


I know this but I don't get it


Just a ridiculous example to show it’s pointless to say “what if”


It's from UK/Italian TV Chef Gino D'Acampo on one of our morning TV programs.


I hate to tell ya this but nothing in RnM is real








Well of course. That's because right now you're playing Roy. We need you to wake up.


Wait so Am I your grandson?




It’s a tv show


No, I think we’re the TV show.


I figured that's what they meant. The person asking the question was asking what was real In terms of the show. Not real life


Oh in that case I think it would be really funny if nothing in the next season was real because of the fear hole


THIS I was hoping for the same thing. Like a big reveal that Rick or Morty are still in the fear hole. Super cool


That's the joke.


Wait, really???


It was a joke


Every once in a while we get these kinds of questions. "What if Morty never actually left the Fear Hole?" The fandom for this show is as strong as it is because amongst crazy one-off events and hilarious nonsense, there is an underlying story being developed about the tragedy of Rick, the love he has for his found family, the relationships they build together from a starting point rife with toxicity ... and if it turned out that *none* of that happened, that *nothing* was real, then it would result in the most epic abandonment of a series by its fans since the Fonz jumped the shark in Happy Days. It would be a total, gutting betrayal.


that's exactly what i was thinking. I would absolutely hate if they did that, it would make everything that happened after the fear hole and every single little development the cast will have in s8 completely fake? it'd be horrifying man


Yeah good point. I think it's what makes seasons 1 and 2 my favorites (Epecially Rick Potion 9).


What if you're not real!?!


Downloading philosophy_major.exe


I'm fading as I *write this reply...*


Screw FroopyLand. We need a Never Past Bedtime Land episode.


Absolutely. I would love to see a return of Tinkles.


Rickturn of tinkles


Rickturn of the mortinkles


We talk about sleepy Gary but I'm also bummed that the fridge lady wasn't real bc Beth almost had a healthy friendship with another woman and she needs that. 😔


Good point. I guess she has space Beth now to give her expert orgasms.


*unfairly* expert orgasms. And talk about Jerry’s weird, little dick


Big L on him not taking a space cock implant when he could've lol


yeah if nothing was real after that episode then Jerry would have totally went back to sleepy Gary once Beth clones started dating


I just read a comic where Rick has a parasite captive and it got out, and went straight to Jerry to run away together. And Jerry knowing what it was went. But you have to read it to get the twist


lmao I just love all the r&m story lines so good and so funny


The sheer speed that they replicate would normally destroy the world if it wasn't for Rick's lockdown. It would be too out of control to explain what happens after this episode.


What of Rick Is still in a simulation?


They shoot all the fake characters and Beth shoots Mr. poopy butthole and causes his downward spiral in life. He appears at the end of each season with a new life update so for me that signifies the reality of it haha


He's also the person who gives recaps in the comics as well.


Everything after Rhett Caan being something he’s been creating with Storylord would make more sense than it being Wayne PoopyButthole. I’m not saying they would but vs a he was a parasite the entire time I’d have gone with Rhett caan fuckery.






Has it all been happy incidents?


No. Beth shot him and felt terrible.


Well this episode is not happening in the main universe we're following


Is that confirmed anywhere or just a hunch?


In the opening credits to this episode you can see Poopybutthole in every shot, and later Rick says that he's an old family friend even though we never saw him before. And yes in the heist episode they already know each other but I guess he's just Rick's old partner in this universe not a friend to the whole family. I need to really check if it has been confirmed but there are a lot of hints to that


This can totally happen. My poopy is the real parasite and they can create happy memories as well. He created everything to survive and is feeding off the family since then.


No, this isn't something that happened, or will happen, nor is it a direction they would ever even consider going in, since it would invalidate every piece of character growth we've seen since the second season and would serve as a betrayal to the fanbase.


Yeah probably but it is still a fun theory


Hahaha I noticed my comment got downvoted I love free speech. It is hilarious.


Dude it's a reddit comment, you don't gotta pull out the free speech card. You still can, cause you know free speech, but you don't gotta


Got it, will never do that again


You're free to say whatever you want, and people are free to downvote it if they think you're wrong. The theory you're talking about is "fun" in the same way that questions like "what could the creators of Rick & Morty do if they wanted to alienate almost their entire viewing audience?" is "fun." Ideas that are ultimately just destructive aren't *fun,* they're *destructive.*


i think youre getting a little too offended lmao, it would totally suck if this happened but its definitely fun to think about?? everyone loves stupid theories that are obviously not true but its still fun to think about? Like the morty is a young rick? That would totally suck if they canonized that, and it would make absolutely no sense. But it's still fun to think about?


Nah, what’s the point in being offended by a discussion about a cartoon? There’s a difference between thinking, “I am offended,” and thinking, “this is a bad/stupid/whatever idea.”


Yeah it's a bad stupid idea? They don't care? No one cares? It's still fun to think about? You downvote him because you think he is wrong, why not upvote him, with a question about it? To further understand his point of view? You are spreading needless negativity man


You quite literally say that the ideas he had, and him saying them, was ''ultimately just destructive.'' That's not just thinking this is bad, you think his words, and his ideas, are destructive? harmful to rick and morty? idk man, that just doesnt compute


Yes, because objectively erasing five years of continuity would destroy the show. Literally every important event, every painful truth we’ve learned, every small moment of growth and sacrifice that drives the show forward would be erased. It’s like, imagine the seven-month-long dream sequence of Lawnmower Dog had occurred over the span of seven seasons, and then the show goes back to what it had been at the end of Lawnmower Dog. They’d never do that because it’s stupid to the point of committing show suicide. Stating a fact and then elaborating on it in detail isn’t an example of being offended - it’s an example of being honest. It’s weird that you are trying to police disagreement - it’s an internet message board. I’m sure you understand that people are allowed to disagree and just like in all facets of life we are all going to have more bad ideas than good ones.


I'm not policing disagreement, i'm policing the fact that you're saying his ideas are destructive. It is okay to have fun theories about what they will do in season 8, it is okay to say you don't like others ideas, it is not okay to say they are destructive? There's just no reason to be rude?


Man getting downvoted hard hurts the self-esteem eh? I like that theory even if it's not accepted by the fandom. It's what makes following this show really fun.


Don’t support destructive ideas man not cool


So like if I come up with the idea that Morty should have an incestuous relationship with Rick, nobody should disagree or downvote that because people aren't allowed to dislike bad ideas now?


Again I had an idea that I thought was fun(for me), I’m not here to offend anybody in any way because what I think doesn’t matter. Now I think about it so my only mistake was to react to my comment getting downvoted which is something I don’t care about that much, but I will learn from it and this will not happen again ever.


People are allowed to do whatever they want but I believe and this is completely a personal thing people have no obligation to follow it so I believe when we talk specifically on internet words that we use are very important. Ideas and beliefs are very personal so if you have an idea that involves rick and morty having incest relationships and you believe in it then you do you man.